Python Tkinter: Placing buttons in frame - button

I'm trying to create different frames and switch/destroy them so that you can move between windows like you would in a normal iOS app.
To do so, I need to place the widgets (components) in frames (containers).
However, when I try to add a button to the frame it doesn't pack it to the right side.
Here is my code:
from tkinter import *
root.title('Good morning :)')

You need to expand the Frame to fill the entire top-level window, and you need to tell the Button to pack on side='right' instead of side='bottom'.
And you need to run root.mainloop() at the end.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
root.title('Good morning :)')
frame1 = Frame(root, bg='green')
frame1.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH)
button1 = Button(frame1, text='Hello')
Also, you don't need the dimensions in the Frame statement, since it will expand to the full 500x500 stated in the geometry with the extra keyword arguments passed to the pack() function. By default, the Frame is only going to be big enough to hold the widgets inside it, so it will only be as big as the Button, unless you tell it to expand to the full size of the top-level root widget.


Animating a frame to pop out of the bottom of the app without shrinking the height of other elements

I'm working on a desktop application for windows using PyQt and Qt creator.
What I want
I want to display messages to the user only when the user gave an input. I also wanted the message to draw the eye, so I'm going for the following animated solution:
A frame that's hidden when not required (with height = 0 and width = the app's width), 'grows' from the bottom of the app when needed, stays visible for 5-6 seconds, then retracts back to the bottom.
The app kind of looks like this without the message:
And kind of like this when the message IS displayed (note how the bottom gray element is 'covered' by the message):
What I tried
So the way I did this was to create what I called "footer frame", which contains another frame that I call "message frame". The message frame contains a label that will hold, in time, the message for the user. Everything has pre-determined height, so to hide the whole thing I set the message frame to have a maximum height of 0.
So for the 'growing' animation I animated the message frame's maximumHeight property.
The current problem
THING IS - since I wanted the app to be responsive I put everything in layouts... and because of that, whenever the message is displayed, the rest of the components are 'compressed' in height.
kind of like this (note how the bottom gray element is not covered by the message, but all the elements' heights shrink a little):
Instead, I wanted the messsage to 'cover' whatever is located under the message's coordinates.
I tried to animate the geometry of the message frame, but nothing really happened - probably because the minimum height is still 0. So I tried to change the minimum height right before the animation begins; But that led to that compression again.
Tried to do the same with the footer frame, with the same results.
My question is : What is the best / preferred way of achieving the result I intend with Qt?
Layout managers always try to show all widgets they're managing. If you want a widget to overlap others, you cannot put it inside a layout, you just create the widget with a parent, and that parent will probably be the widget containing the layout above or the top level window.
This cannot be done in Designer/Creator, as it's assumed that once a layout has been set for a parent widget, all child widgets will be managed by that layout. The only solution is to do this programmatically.
In the following example I'm assuming a QMainWindow is used, so the reference parent widget is actually the central widget, not the QMainWindow: that's because the alert should not cover other widgets that are part of a main window's layout, like the status bar or a bottom placed tool bar or dock).
The animation is actually a QSequentialAnimationGroup that shows the rectangle, waits a few seconds, and hides it again. Since the window could be resized while the animation is running, a helper function is used to properly update the start and end values of the warning and eventually update the geometry when in the "paused" state (which is actually a QPauseAnimation); in order to do so, an event filter is installed on the central widget.
from random import randrange
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets, uic
class MyWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
uic.loadUi('overlay.ui', self)
self.alerts = []
QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(2000, self.showAlert)
def showAlert(self, message=None, timeout=250):
# create an alert that is a child of the central widget
alert = QtWidgets.QLabel(message or 'Some message to the user',
self.centralWidget(), wordWrap=True,
styleSheet='background: rgb({}, {}, {});'.format(
randrange(192, 255), randrange(192, 255), randrange(192, 255)))
alert.animation = QtCore.QSequentialAnimationGroup(alert)
alert, b'geometry', duration=timeout))
alert, b'geometry', duration=timeout))
# delete the alert when the animation finishes
def deleteLater():
# update all animations, including the new one; this is not very
# performant, as it also updates all existing alerts; it is
# just done for simplicity;
# set the start geometry of the alert, show it, and start
# the new animation
def updateAnimations(self):
width = self.centralWidget().width() - 20
y = self.centralWidget().height()
margin = self.fontMetrics().height() * 2
for alert in self.alerts:
height = alert.heightForWidth(width) + margin
startRect = QtCore.QRect(10, y, width, height)
endRect = startRect.translated(0, -height)
def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
if obj == self.centralWidget() and event.type() == event.Resize and self.alerts:
for alert in self.alerts:
ani = alert.animation
# if the animation is "paused", update the geometry
if isinstance(ani.currentAnimation(), QtCore.QPauseAnimation):
return super().eventFilter(obj, event)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
w = MyWindow()

How to make an existing frame responsive in Openedge,progress 4gl

I've an old desktop application developed in progress 4gl.There is a frame contained in a progress window now my task is to make the frame responsive ie based on the size of its container window the frame should resize dynamically.Is it possible in Progress any workaround will be appreciated.Thanks
Once the frame has been "realized" you cannot change its height or width.
Prior to that you can manipulate the geometry via the frame handle.
To change things after the frame has been displayed you will basically need to build a new frame to replace the old one.
I'll assume you don't own the source code. If your window hasn't been set as RESIZE, then there's really no luck.
Otherwise, I created this simple program, which should make it possible to manipulate the window and the frame inside it. Now remember: All fields will have to be manually repositioned inside the frame. You also might want to set session:suppress-warnings to YES before you get this running, because every time a widget doesn't fit the frame, OpenEdge will let you know about it. You might need to cycle all objects inside the frame's field-group, to make it happen. And remember to get fill-ins side-label-handle to move them too, otherwise the fill-in itself moves, but the text stays. It's a lot of work.
So without further ado, the code:
run <ProgramNameGoesHere> persistent set hProgram.
run enable_UI in hProgram.
assign hWindow = hProgram:current-window
hFrame = hWindow:first-child.
/* Resize Variables */
/* /Resize Variables */
/* Defining a minimum size here */
if hWindow:width-chars < 74 or
hWindow:HEIGHT-CHARS < 22 then return no-apply.
run piResize.
procedure piResize:
/**--------------------------------- Screen Size ----------------------------**/
assign dXC = dWinXC - hWindow:width-chars
dYC = dWinYC - hWindow:height-chars
dWinXC = hWindow:width-chars
/**-------------------------- Objects on Screen -----------------------------**/
hFrame:width = hWindow :WIDTH
hFrame:height = hWindow :HEIGHT no-error.
/**-------------------------------- Frame Sizes -----------------------------**/
ASSIGN hFrame:width = hWindow:width
hFrame:height = hWindow:HEIGHT no-error.
end procedure.
wait-for 'close' of hProgram.
Now, I don't know if this does you any good, since you can't probably interfere with behavior at will. Notice the inclusion of a trigger overrides whatever was there before (since your window did not resize, I don't think it will harm it. But doing that for a widget that already has an event procedure will cause it to stop doing what it currently does (unless you can code it, but again I don't think you have the code).
I apologize for the code not being just the genius patch that Stack Overflow loves so much, but it's a complex issue. Hope it helps.
Oh, and this was made using Progress 10.2B. I imagine if your code is previous to v8, you might be out of luck.

How to close a window when you click a button to open another window

I am working on a program that will allow someone to enter details in order to write a CV. I am using the Tkinter module (as extra practice) but am already stuck on the menu!
At the moment I have three different options the user can choose: Write CV, Review CV and Exit. I have created a button for each option and when the user presses the button it'll open, however the menu window remains open (there is a different subroutine for each option).
I understand that you need to do something like window.destroy(), however I'm not sure how to give a button two commands without doing something too fiddly like create more subroutines etc.?
The other option I think I'd prefer is is I could clear the menu screen?
Here is the programming I have at the moment:
def Main_Menu():
import tkinter
main_menu = tkinter.Tk()
main_menu.title("CV Writer")
title = tkinter.Label(main_menu, text = "Main Menu", font=("Helvetica",25))
gap = tkinter.Label(main_menu, text = "")
write_cv = tkinter.Button(main_menu, text = "1) Write CV", font=("Helvetica"), command=Write_CV)
review_cv = tkinter.Button(main_menu, text = "2) Review CV", font=("Helvetica"), command=Review_CV)
leave = tkinter.Button(main_menu, text = "3) Exit", font=("Helvetica"), command=Exit)
def Write_CV():
import tkinter
write_cv = tkinter.Tk()
write_cv.title("Write CV")
def Review_CV():
import tkinter
review_cv = tkinter.Tk()
review_cv.title("Review CV")
def Exit():
import tkinter
leave = tkinter.Tk()
Running the program should help make this question make more sense!
I am so sorry for the wordy question, but any kind of help would be appreciated! Please bear in mind I am only a GCSE student so simple language would also be so nice! Thank you!
I don't know why are you importing tkinter under each method, it's completely useless. Simply import it once at the beginning of your file with a syntax like this:
import tkinter as tk
So that you can refer to the widgets simply with the duo tk:
btn = tk.Button(None, text='I can simply refer to a widget with tk')
Apart from this, the structure of your program is really bad. In my opinion, you should not instantiate Tk inside your function Main_Menu, because it will only be visible inside it. If you want to refer to the master or root or whatever you want to call the instance of Tk, you can't, because it's a local instance, as I said above.
I usually instantiate Tk in the main function of my program, or in the following if __name__ == '__main__': construct:
if __name__ == '__main__':
master = tk.Tk() # note I am using "tk"
# create your objects or call your functions here
Your are creating an instance of Tkin each of your function, that is really a bad practice, never do that. You should only create one instance of Tk for each Tkinter application.
You should use the object-oriented paradigm or make all your widgets global to structure your application.
Except these details, you can simply call master.destroy() when you want to destroy your main window and all its children widgets, where master is the Tk instance.
In general, you have a lot of errors and bad practices. My advice is:
Read a tutorial on Python first and then on Tkinter, before

How to test drag and drop behavior in PyQt?

I want to unittest drag and drop for our widgets. At the moment, I instantiate a QDragEnterEvent, but this is discouraged with a big warning on the Qt documentation, because it relies on the Qt library internal state. In fact, I get segfaults that appear to be due to a violation of this Warning.
Given this premise, how can one test drag and drop behavior?
If using Unix we can use QTest, however to get a cross-platform solution, we can implement a solution where we circumvent Qt.
Using QTest
Although the Qt documentation for drag and drop says that it will not block the main event loop, a closer look at QDrag.exec will reveal that this is not true for Windows.
The call to QTest.mousePress causes the test to block until the mouse is physically moved by the user.
I got around this in Linux by using a timer to schedule the mouse move and release:
def testDragAndDrop(self):
QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(100, self.dropIt)
QtTest.QTest.mousePress(dragFromWidget, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton)
# check for desired behaviour after drop
assert something
def dropIt(self):
QtTest.QTest.mouseRelease(dropToWidget, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, delay=15)
For this solution, it is necessary to include a delay in the mouseRelease call, and to have called show on your widget.
Note that I have verified this works using pyqt4 and Python 2.7 on Fedora 20
You can use the mouse manipulation methods from the PyUserInput package. Put the mouse interaction in separate thread to avoid the locking up of the Qt main event loop. We can do this since we are not using Qt at all in our mouse control. Make sure that you have called show on the widgets you are dragging to/from.
from __future__ import division
import sys, time, threading
import numpy as np
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtTest
from pymouse import PyMouse
def mouseDrag(source, dest, rate=1000):
"""Simulate a mouse visible mouse drag from source to dest, rate is pixels/second"""
mouse = PyMouse()*source)
# smooth move from source to dest
npoints = int(np.sqrt((dest[0]-source[0])**2 + (dest[1]-source[1])**2 ) / (rate/1000))
for i in range(npoints):
x = int(source[0] + ((dest[0]-source[0])/npoints)*i)
y = int(source[1] + ((dest[1]-source[1])/npoints)*i)
def center(widget):
midpoint = QtCore.QPoint(widget.width()/2, widget.height()/2)
return widget.mapToGlobal(midpoint)
def testDragAndDrop(self):
# grab the center of the widgets
fromPos = center(dragFromWidget)
toPos = center(dropToWidget)
dragThread = threading.Thread(target=mouseDrag, args=((fromPos.x(),fromPos.y()), (toPos.x(), toPos.y())))
# cannot join, use non-blocking wait
while dragThread.is_alive():
# check that the drop had the desired effect
assert dropToWidget.hasItemCount() > 0
Note I have tested this using PyQt4 and Python 2.7 on Fedora and Windows 7
Haven't tried, but if your drag & drop process is Qt internal (meaning, you're dragging from and to a Qt widget), QTest might help.
Basically by doing something along the lines:
QTest.mousePress(drag_widget, Qt.LeftButton) # simulate mouse press on whatever you want to drag
QTest.mouseMove(drop_widget) # move the mouse to the target - maybe this can be skipped
QTest.mouseRelease(drop_widget, Qt.LeftButton) # simulate mouse release where you want to drop
All functions may be supplied with further positional information (e.g. to click a list item within a widget) and with optional delays to emulate a human user.
Not a copy-pasteable answer, but maybe it serves as a starter...

In Tkinter how do def work?

I made a Tkinter book on a grid, the navergation buttons scroll down the left row and the photos are displayed on the right column spaning many rows so buttons display as they should. When making this Tkinter book.
I made a button on a grid
left1 = Button(win, text=" Captian Scarlet ")# win, is root master
left1.configure(command=but1)# but1 is my first def
left1.grid(row=1, column=0)# all the buttons are on the left list
This displays and works like a button without a def
Then I made a def
def but1():
img ="captain_scarlett.gif")# loads the gif file
intro = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)# loads image drivers I belevie
right1 = Label(win, image=intro)# I think Lable is used the same as html <span>
right1.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=13)# image formatting to display correctly with buttons
Because I had a lack of education at the time, I could only get the image to displaplay outside a def. So in frustration I posted
"this code works purfect when not put into a def".
When I settled down I needed knowledge that I couldn't find online so I asked the question:
So How do I get this code to work inside a def ?
What makes you think it doesn't work? There's nothing special about Tkinter in this regard; anything that works outside a def definitely works inside a def. The only caveats are the same for all python code. For example, any variables you create inside the def are local unless declared otherwise, and objects (but not widgets) may get garbage collected after the def executes.
Probably what is happening is that you're creating the image and storing a reference to it in a local variable. When the def stops executing the image object is garbage collected. You'll need to keep a reference to the image that can persist. One simple solution might be to do right1.image=intro.
This code works purfecty. Now my production can go full steam ahead
Here is the finished code
def but1():
img ="captain_scarlett.gif")
intro = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
right = Label(win, image=intro)
right.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=14)
