Variable FOR LOOP in R [duplicate] - r

I have a question about creating vectors. If I do a <- 1:10, "a" has the values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
My question is how do you create a vector with specific intervals between its elements. For example, I would like to create a vector that has the values from 1 to 100 but only count in intervals of 5 so that I get a vector that has the values 5,10,15,20,...,95,100
I think that in Matlab we can do 1:5:100, how do we do this using R?
I could try doing 5*(1:20) but is there a shorter way? (since in this case I would need to know the whole length (100) and then divide by the size of the interval (5) to get the 20)

In R the equivalent function is seq and you can use it with the option by:
seq(from = 5, to = 100, by = 5)
# [1] 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
In addition to by you can also have other options such as length.out and along.with.
length.out: If you want to get a total of 10 numbers between 0 and 1, for example:
seq(0, 1, length.out = 10)
# gives 10 equally spaced numbers from 0 to 1
along.with: It takes the length of the vector you supply as input and provides a vector from 1:length(input).
# [1] 1 2 3
Although, instead of using the along.with option, it is recommended to use seq_along in this case. From the documentation for ?seq
seq is generic, and only the default method is described here. Note that it dispatches on the class of the first argument irrespective of argument names. This can have unintended consequences if it is called with just one argument intending this to be taken as along.with: it is much better to use seq_along in that case.
seq_along: Instead of seq(along.with(.))
# [1] 1 2 3

Use the code
x = seq(0,100,5) #this means (starting number, ending number, interval)
the output will be
[1] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
[17] 80 85 90 95 100

Usually, we want to divide our vector into a number of intervals.
In this case, you can use a function where (a) is a vector and
(b) is the number of intervals. (Let's suppose you want 4 intervals)
a <- 1:10
b <- 4
FunctionIntervalM <- function(a,b) {
seq(from=min(a), to = max(a), by = (max(a)-min(a))/b)
# 1.00 3.25 5.50 7.75 10.00
Therefore you have 4 intervals:
1.00 - 3.25
3.25 - 5.50
5.50 - 7.75
7.75 - 10.00
You can also use a cut function
cut(a, 4)
# (0.991,3.25] (0.991,3.25] (0.991,3.25] (3.25,5.5] (3.25,5.5] (5.5,7.75]
# (5.5,7.75] (7.75,10] (7.75,10] (7.75,10]
#Levels: (0.991,3.25] (3.25,5.5] (5.5,7.75] (7.75,10]


Vectorizing a for loop that changes columns of a matrix

Say I have a vector of ages of 100 trees. Then I age those trees up for 5, 10, 15, and 20 years into the future to create a matrix of tree ages for this year and four 5-year planning periods in the future.
But then, I decide to cut some of those trees (only 10 per planning period), documented in a matrix of T/F values where T is harvested and F is not (trees can't be harvested twice).
age.vec <- sample(x = 1:150, size = 100, replace = T) # create our trees
age.mat <- cbind(age.vec, age.vec+5, age.vec + 10, age.vec + 15, age.vec + 20) # grow them up
x.mat <- matrix(data = F, nrow = 100, ncol = 5) # create the empty harvest matrix
x.mat[cbind(sample(1:100, size = 50), rep(1:5, each = 10))] <- T # 10 trees/year harvested
So then, the ages of trees that are harvested become zero in that year:
age.mat[x.mat] <- 0
I then would like to age the harvested trees up again for the following periods. E.g. if a tree were harvested in the first planning period, in the second planning period (5 years later), I want the age of the tree to be 5, then in the third planning period (10 years later), I want the age of the tree to be 10. I have successfully implemented this in the following for loop:
for (i in 2:5){ # we don't need to calculate over the first year
age.mat[,i]<-age.mat[,i-1]+5L # add 5 to previous year
age.mat[x.mat[,i],i] <- 0L # reset age of harvested trees to zero
This works, however, it is clunky and slow. Is there a way to implement this faster (i.e. without the for loop)? It also is implemented within a function, which means that using "apply" actually slows things down, so it needs to be vectorized directly. This is something I'm iterating over thousands of times so speed is of the essence!
Thank you!
An alternative to the t(apply in #Jon Spring's answer is matrixStats::rowCumsums.
n <- 1e4L
n10 <- n/10L
age.mat <- outer(sample(150, n, TRUE), seq(0, 20, 5), "+")
x.mat <- matrix(FALSE, n, 5) # create the empty harvest matrix
# sample harvests so that no tree is harvested twice
x.mat[matrix(c(sample(n, n/2L), sample(n10:(6L*n10 - 1L)) %/% n10), n/2L)] <- TRUE
f1 <- function(age, x) {
age[x[,1],] <- 0
for (i in 2:5){ # we don't need to calculate over the first year
age[,i] <- age[,i - 1] + 5L # add 5 to previous year
age[x[,i], i] <- 0L # reset age of harvested trees to zero
f2 <- function(age, x) {
age - rowCumsums(x*age)
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(f1 = f1(age.mat, x.mat),
f2 = f2(age.mat, x.mat),
check = "equal")
#> Unit: microseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> f1 294.4 530.2 1023.450 566.6 629.35 33222.8 100
#> f2 135.2 263.6 334.622 284.2 307.15 4343.6 100
This looks to be about 12x faster, based on testing with rbenchmark.
Here's an approach relying on the fact that harvesting a tree doesn't stop the passage of time, it just resets the clock. So we can think of a harvest as subtracting the harvest age from all future ages.
x.die <- x.mat * age.mat
x.dif <- t(apply(x.die, 1, cumsum))
age.mat2 <- age.mat - x.dif
x.die, by multiplying the harvests by the ages, we get the age at each harvest. The next line calculates the cumulative sum of these across each row, and finally we subtract those from the original ages.
I assume your "trees can't be harvested twice" means we won't ever see two TRUEs in one row of x.mat? My code won't work right if there were more than one harvest per tree location.
I found a way to do it! I implemented the idea of going backwards from #john-spring, where I created a matrix with the age of the stand at the harvested year filled in for the harvested year and all subsequent years, then subtracted that from my pre-made aged-up matrix. I built a function similar to what "fill" from tidyr or "na.locf" from zoo did (because they were too slow).
First I used arrayInd to determine the positions in the matrix of trees that were changed. I then used that to make another matrix that combined a repeat of each index row a number of times equal to the number of periods minus the period the tree was harvested in plus one, and a sequence vector of the same length that sequences from the period of the index number to the number of periods.
x.ind <- arrayInd(which(x.mat), dim(x.mat)) # gets index of row that was changed <- cbind(rep(x.ind[,1], times = nper-x.ind[,2]+1), sequence(nvec = nper-x.ind[,2]+1, from = x.ind[,2]))
For example, if there was a tree harvested at position [4, 2], meaning the fourth tree was harvested in the second period, and we had 5 periods total, it would create a matrix:
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 4 2
[2,] 4 3
[3,] 4 4
[4,] 4 5
Then I made a vector with the ages of the trees that were harvested in the correct positions, and zeros in the rest of the positions (e.g. for our example, if the tree harvested was 100 years old, we would have a vector of 0 0 0 100 0 (if we had 5 trees)).
ages.vec <- vector(mode = "integer", length = nrow(age.mat))
ages.vec[x.ind[,1]]<- age.mat[x.ind]
I then multiplied this vector by a logical matrix with "T" at the row, column positions in the matrix above.
Continuing with the above example, we get:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 0 0 0 0 0
[2,] 0 0 0 0 0
[3,] 0 0 0 0 0
[4,] 0 100 100 100 100
[5,] 0 0 0 0 0
I then subtracted it from our current (already aged-up) ages matrix. So tree four was 95 100 105 110 115 and now it is 95 0 5 10 15.
new.ages.mat<- age.mat - replace(x.mat,, TRUE)*ages.vec
Though this might not be the most elegant solution, using microbenchmark, it is 90x faster than our for loop, and 3x faster than the lovely apply function that John created. I would put in the microbenchmark calls and results, but this post is long enough already! I know there's a better way to create the ages.vec and incorporate it, and am going to continue working on that, and will update this answer with my results!
This approach builds on the use of which used with arr.ind=TRUE to create a two column matrix the encodes the starting locations (in first column) and times (in second column) for new tree planting. It does violate the functional programming paradigm by using <<- to assign new values to age.mat` "in place".
fiveseq <- seq(0,20, by=5) # this way one only needs to call `seq` once
apply(which(x.mat, arr.ind=TRUE) , 1,
function(r) {age.mat[ r[1], r[2]:5] <<- fiveseq[ 1:(6-r[2])] } )
In summary, it locates the new locations and intervals and replaces the rest of that row with the right number of items from the sequence {0, 5, 10, 15, 20}
(I would be interested in seeing how this compares with the benchmarking framework that you have already established.)
You can use apply to work on each vector rowwise, then use some logic within the function to adjust the values.
Should be about 4 times faster
age.mat |>
apply(1, \(x) {
if(any(x == 0 & (which(x == 0) != length(x)))) {
x[which(x == 0):length(x)] <- (0:(length(x) - which(x == 0))) * 5
} else x
}) |> t()
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 101 0 5 10 15
[2,] 55 60 65 70 75
[3,] 23 28 33 0 5
[4,] 0 5 10 15 20
[5,] 23 28 33 0 5
[6,] 84 0 5 10 15
[7,] 52 57 62 0 5
[8,] 26 31 36 41 0
[9,] 114 119 124 129 0
[10,] 33 38 43 48 53
[11,] 144 149 154 159 164
[12,] 19 24 29 34 39
[13,] 43 48 53 58 63
[14,] 69 74 79 84 89
[15,] 98 103 108 113 118
[16,] 110 115 120 125 130
[17,] 8 13 18 23 28
[18,] 16 21 26 31 36
[19,] 1 6 11 16 21
[20,] 60 65 0 5 10

r - lapply divides a column by an integer value from different dataset, unexpected result

I have two data.frames, one with genotype counts and one with a number that I need to normalize my counts from the first dataset.
coldata = data.frame(Group =c('genotype1', 'genotype2', 'genotype3', 'genotype4'),
Treatment = rep(c("control","treated"),each = 2),
I made sure my variables don't have factors
factorsCharacter <- function(d) modifyList(d, lapply(d[, sapply(d, is.factor)],
Then I see that lapply loops through my counts, one column at the time and through my coldata that contains the normalization value (Norm). All is looking good, until I combined the two action in the same step
> lapply(coldata['Group'],function(group_i){group_i})
[1] "genotype1" "genotype2" "genotype3" "genotype4"
> lapply(coldata['Group'],function(group_i){countsdata[,group_i]})
genotype1 genotype2 genotype3 genotype4
1 10 100 40 40
2 20 200 50 50
3 30 300 60 60
4 40 400 70 70
> lapply(coldata['Group'],function(group_i){as.integer(coldata[coldata$Group==group_i,'Norm'])})
[1] 1 2 5 5
> lapply(coldata['Group'],function(group_i){
+ countsdata[,group_i]/as.integer(coldata[coldata$Group==group_i,'Norm'])
+ })
genotype1 genotype2 genotype3 genotype4
1 10 100 40 40
2 10 100 25 25
3 6 60 12 12
4 8 80 14 14
Here the result is not what I was expecting (dividing each column by its normalization number). After further inspection I noticed it's normalizing by rows, in other words it's normalizing across different columns, which shouldn't be the case as I am looping through one column at the time. I am probably missing a basic concept but looking through other SO posts didn't find anything I could use. My goal is to fix the code to make the right calculation but I also would like to understand why this code above is not working. Thanks so much.
The problem is in using [ and not [[. So, instead of looping through each of the elements in 'Group' column, we have a list of length 1 with all the elements. So, either use coldata[, 'Group'] or coldata[['Group']] or coldata$Group for looping.
countsdataNew <- countsdata
countsdataNew[] <- lapply(coldata[['Group']],function(group_i)
# genotype1 genotype2 genotype3 genotype4
#1 10 50 8 8
#2 20 100 10 10
#3 30 150 12 12
#4 40 200 14 14
If the column name in 'countsdata' and 'Group' column from 'countsdata' are in the same order, we can do this easily with Map
Map(`/`, countsdata, coldata$Norm)
Or just replicate the 'Norm' and do a simple division
Or with sweep
sweep(countsdata, 2, coldata$Norm, "/")

How to calculate a vector of midpoints or medians from a vector of cut points?

Suppose I have a vector of cut points, for the purposes of this question, generated as follows:
> seq(0,50,10)
[1] 0 10 20 30 40 50
This is a numeric vector of length 6. I would like to generate a numeric vector of midpoints, to get either of the following (both of which meet my requirements), of length one less of the cuts (in this case, 5).
# midpoints, exactly
5 15 25 35 45
# medians excluding right
4.5 14.5 24.5 34.5 44.5
Not finding a pre-rolled function, I developed a procedure that takes a numeric vector as an argument (the cut points) and returns a vector (the midpoints). It works by taking the median of index 1 and index 2 and appending it to a vector, then the median of index 2 and index 3, and so on until the last index is NULL.
Surely, I can't be the first one to have this need. Is there a package with such a procedure? I don't mind rolling by own, but honestly I'd rather use a package that's been subject to the rigors of public scrutiny.
Split the difference?
a <- seq(0,50,10)
a[-length(a)] + diff(a)/2
Another attempt using filter, which would allow you to weight a mid-point right in the middle, or some degree to the left or right:
x <- seq(0,50,10)
head(filter(x, c(0.5,0.5)), -1)
#[1] 5 15 25 35 45
head(filter(x, c(0.75,0.25)), -1)
#[1] 7.5 17.5 27.5 37.5 47.5
head(filter(x, c(0.25,0.75)), -1)
#[1] 2.5 12.5 22.5 32.5 42.5

use one variable conditioned on another

I am new to R so not very apt in it. I am trying to use the values of one variable, conditioned on the corresponding value in the other variable. For example,
x 1 2 3 10 20 30
y 45 60 20 78 65 27
I need to calculate a variable, say m, where
m= 5 * (value of y, given value of x)
So, given x=3, corresponding y=20 then m = 5*(20|x=3) = 100
and, if x=30, corresponding y=27, then m = 5*(27|x=30) = 135
Could you please tell me how to define m in this case?
Try this
5*y[x == 3]
## [1] 100
5*y[x == 30]
## [1] 135
Edit: based on you new explanation, it looks like you are looking for match, i.e.,
m <- c(0, 1, 15, 20, 3)
y[match(m, x)]*5
## [1] NA 225 NA 325 100

R:Calculating percentage values across a matrix based on the values in another matrix

I have two matrices, one is a 10x1 double matrix, that can be expanded to any user preset number, eg. 100.
1 27
2 46
3 30
4 59
5 46
6 45
7 34
8 31
9 52
10 46
The other matrix looks like this, there are more rows not shown:
row.names sum_value
s17 45
s7469 213
s20984 24
s17309 214
s7432369 43
s221320984 12
s17556 34
s741269 11
s20132984 35
For each row name in main_matrx I want to count the number of times that a value more than the sum_value in main_matrx appears in min_matrx. Then I want to divide that by the number of rows in min_matrx and add that value as a new column in main_matrx.
For example, in row 1 of main_matrx for s17, the number of times a value appears that is more than 45 in min_matrx =5 times.
Now divide that 5 by 10 rows of min_matrx=> 5/10 =0.5 would be the value I'd like to have as a new column in main_matrx for s17. Then the same formula for all the s_ids in the row names.
So far I have fiddled with:
for(s in 1:length(main_matrx)) {
and I tried using apply() but I'm still not getting results.
apply(main_matrx,1:length(main_matrx), function(x) sum(main_matrx>min_CPRS_set)/length(min_matrx)))
Now, I'm just stuck because it's not working. I'm still new to R so my code isn't particularly efficient. Any suggestions?
Lots of ways to approach this. Here's one that came to my head (I think I understand what you're after; again it's much easier to understand an example than with words alone. In the future I'd suggest an example to accompany the text question.)
Where x is an element, y is a vector
FUN <- function(x, y = min_matrix[, 1]) {
sum(y > x)/length(y)
main_matrx$new <- sapply(main_matrx[, 2], FUN)
## > main_matrx
## row.names sum_value new
## 1 s17 45 0.5
## 2 s7469 213 0.0
## 3 s20984 24 1.0
## 4 s17309 214 0.0
## 5 s7432369 43 0.6
## 6 s221320984 12 1.0
## 7 s17556 34 0.6
## 8 s741269 11 1.0
## 9 s20132984 35 0.6
