APPIUM ANDROID TESTING- using webdriver - webdriver

In appium if we are using Android driver, we can use swipe to scroll the screen.
But,iam using webdriver, how to scroll the screen in android if webdriver is used?

You can perform swipe by using following code to swipe / scroll up:
Dimension size = this.driver.manage ()
.window ()
.getSize ();
int startX = size.getWidth () / 2;
int startY = size.getHeight () / 2;
int endX = 0;
int endY = (int) (startY * -1 * 0.5);
TouchAction action = new TouchAction (this.driver); (startX, startY)
.moveTo (endX, endY)
.release ()
.perform ();
Even if you use AndroidDriver, in latest release of Appium Java client or any other client, they have removed swipe, zoom and similar other methods. So you need to do it yourself like in the example above.


Unity 3D script player shoot bad direction

I'm using Unity 3d version 4 because I have a MacOS X and I'm making a FPS 3D
I have a script to make the player shoot but this script only shoots up and does not consider where I point the mouse
Below the code in CS
Could someone please correct my script because I have been blocked for 3 days and I have not found any solution on the Internet. Thanks
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ShootDemo : MonoBehaviour {
public Rigidbody projectile;
public float speed = 100;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
Rigidbody instantiatedProjectile = Instantiate(projectile,
as Rigidbody;
instantiatedProjectile.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(new Vector3(0, 0,speed));
The way you set the velocity is not right, you should get the mouse position like this:
Rigidbody instantiatedProjectile = Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation);
var input = Input.mousePosition;
input.z = 10;
Vector2 touchPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(input);
Vector2 dir = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y) - touchPos;
instantiatedProjectile.velocity = dir * speed;
I found this script in JavaSript working but the bullet speed is too slow and then the bullet stays in the scene for 2 seconds instead of making it disappear completely. How can I then add strength to the bullet?
var Effect : Transform;
var TheDamage = 100;
function Update ()
var hit : RaycastHit;
var ray : Ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Vector3(Screen.width*0.5, Screen.height*0.5, 0));
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
if (Physics.Raycast (ray, hit, 100))
var particleClone = Instantiate(Effect, hit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(hit.normal));
Destroy(particleClone.gameObject, 2);
hit.transform.SendMessage("ApplyDamage", TheDamage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

How to generate QR Code or Bar Code by using Gluon mobile in order to support multi-platorm?

Now I would like to generate QR Code dynamically from the UUID from the device. I am wonder how to do it in order to support multi-platform in gluon? Please also recommended me If I simplfy using normall java library or special lib which developed by gluon Team.
You can use the Zxing library to generate the QR on your device. This is the same library that is used by the Charm Down BarcodeScan service on Android.
First of all, add this dependency to your build:
compile ''
Now you can combine the Device service to retrieve the UUID with the QR generator.
Once you have the QR in zxing format, you will need to either generate an image or a file.
Given that you can't use Swing on Android/iOS, you have to avoid MatrixToImageWriter, and do it manually, based on the generated pixels.
Something like this:
public Image generateQR(int width, int height) {
String uuid = Services.get(DeviceService.class)
.orElse("123456789"); // <--- for testing on desktop
QRCodeWriter qrCodeWriter = new QRCodeWriter();
try {
BitMatrix bitMatrix = qrCodeWriter.encode(uuid, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, width, height);
WritablePixelFormat<IntBuffer> wf = PixelFormat.getIntArgbInstance();
WritableImage writableImage = new WritableImage(width, height);
PixelWriter pixelWriter = writableImage.getPixelWriter();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
pixelWriter.setColor(x, y, bitMatrix.get(x, y) ?
Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE);
return writableImage;
} catch (WriterException e) {
return null;
Now you can call this method from your view, adding an ImageView to render the generated image:
ImageView imageView = new ImageView();
imageView.setImage(service.generateQR(256, 256));
If you want to generate either a QR code or a barcode, you can replace the above code in generateQR with this:
MultiFormatWriter codeWriter = new MultiFormatWriter();
BitMatrix bitMatrix = codeWriter.encode(uuid, format, width, height);
and set an argument with the format to:
For QR code: BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, and use square size like 256x 256
For Barcode: BarcodeFormat.CODE_128, and use rectangular size like 256 x 64

Circle mask acts like rectangle

I'm trying to draw an object masked with a circle, but the mask applied is more like a circle's bounding rectangle
I tried using circle drawn with drawCircle method:
private function squareToRound(ability:MovieClip):MovieClip
var container:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var newAbility:MovieClip = ability;
var newMask:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
newAbility.width = 43;
newAbility.height = 43;
newMask.x = newAbility.x + newAbility.width / 2;
newMask.y = newAbility.y + newAbility.height / 2;
container.addChild(newAbility);;, 0, 8);;
newAbility.mask = newMask;
return container;
... and as an asset from SWF:
private function squareToRound(ability:MovieClip):MovieClip
var container:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var newAbility:MovieClip = ability;
var newMask:MovieClip = new CircleAbilityMask();
newAbility.width = 43;
newAbility.height = 43;
newMask.x = newAbility.x + newAbility.width / 2;
newMask.y = newAbility.y + newAbility.height / 2;
newAbility.mask = newMask;
return container;
The results are equal.
I checked what the mask looks like by commenting "newAbility.mask = newMask;" line
This should be resolved in the current OpenFL release:
You can also use Cairo (on native platforms) or Canvas (on HTML5) for smoother/better masking support:
openfl test html5 -Dcanvas
openfl test windows -Dcairo
These are also used when you bitmapData.draw, sprite.cacheAsBitmap = true or other APIs that trigger a software render rather than GL.

Can I Implement Slide Bar Mark

Hi I am fairly new to HTML5 development. I am currently doing a school project using video-js. The project asks for dynamic marks in the video player slide bar to indicate specific position so that video viewer would know where to jump at. I am not sure about the following questions:
Is there a way to implement this?
Could I achieve that via changing skins simply of the videojs player (video-js.css)?
If I must modify source files to have this function, where should I start from?
Is it possible of adding additional elements (say buttons, images) on to the videoJS player or to its slide bar?
Thanks for the help.
Yes - video js has a great plugin framework that can modify the player's look and functionality.
You can't simply change skins to get what you're asking for, since the those marks don't exist without you creating them explicitly.
Yes - take a look at the example below (which uses the latest 4.1 videojs api)
Definitely! See an example in an answer posted here: VideoJS 4.0 Plugin: How to properly add items to the controlBar?
Example plugin for creating marks in the control bar:
* Utility function to find the percent a given time represents in
* the overall duration.
var getPercent = function(value, total) {
var raw = value * 1.0 / total;
var bounded = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, raw));
return Math.round(bounded * 100, 2);
* Draws a single highlighted section on the control bar. Assumes all
* sections require a start value, but not an end value (defaults to a
* 1 second duration).
var drawSection = function(player, section, duration) {
if (!section.start) return;
if (!section.end) section.end = section.start + 1;
var seekBar = vid.controlBar.progressControl.seekBar;
var sectionDiv = seekBar.createEl('div');
// You'd probably want to have a css class for these styles. = 'yellow'; = 'absolute'; = '100%';
var startPercent = getPercent(section.start, duration);
var endPercent = getPercent(section.end, duration); = startPercent + '%'; = (endPercent - startPercent) + '%';
var seekHandle = seekBar.seekHandle;
seekBar.el().insertBefore(sectionDiv, seekHandle.el());
var drawSections = function(player, sections) {
var duration = player.duration();
if (duration === undefined || isNaN(duration)) return;
for (var i = 0, l = sections.length; i < l; i++) {
drawSection(player, sections[i], duration);
var highlightedSectionsPlugin = function(options) {
var player = this;
function() { drawSections(player, options.sections); });
videojs.plugin('highlightedSectionsPlugin', highlightedSectionsPlugin);
var vid = videojs("video", {
plugins : {
highlightedSectionsPlugin : {
sections : [ {start:10, end:20}, {start:25, end:30}, {start: 40} ]

Flex 4.5 mobile Resize textarea with animation on soft keyboard activate event?

I'm using Flex 4.5.1 with AIR 2.7 (and Flash Builder 4.5.1) to build an app for the Blackberry Playbook.
The app has a large textarea that needs to be resized when the soft keyboard shows up. I am able to hook into the soft keyboard events and do things there.
Now, I want to resize the textarea to fit the remaining part of the screen when the keyboard shows up. I know the current and destination size and want to use a smooth animation to show the textarea resizing. (I can't already set the height and can see the textarea being correctly resized in the keyboard_activating event - but I want to do it through an animation). I've tried using the Animate class, the spark.effects.Move class and none of them seem to work in this case. They seem to run the animation but the screen does not get refreshed!
I don't want to use the built-in resizeAppForKeyboard property on the ViewNavigatorApplication. I have set to 'none' in the app descriptor so that part of it is fine.
Any ideas / thoughts? Is my approach correct at all? How would one go about resizing the textarea using an animation in the keyboard activating event? My code looks like:
In the main view (onCreationComplete event): (txNote is the textarea in question)
txNote.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE, function(e:SoftKeyboardEvent):void {
txNote.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEACTIVATE, function(e:SoftKeyboardEvent):void {
private function toggleEditMode(keyboardActivated:Boolean):void {
trace("toggle edit: " + editMode + ", kb activating: " + keyboardActivated + ", txNote height = " + txNote.height);
editMode = keyboardActivated;
//we handle resize manually, because we want a nice animation happening and we want to resize only the text area - nothing else.
var y:Number = editMode ? -38 : 0;
var height:Number = editMode ? 218 : 455;
txNote.moveAndSize(y, height);
The code in txNote.moveAndSize:
public function moveAndSize(newY:Number, newHeight:Number):void {
//parent group uses BasicLayout
//(this.parent as Group).autoLayout = false;
//resizePath.valueFrom = this.height;
//resizePath.valueTo = newHeight;
//movePath.valueFrom = this.y;
//movePath.valueTo = newY;
//resizeEffect.heightFrom = this.height;
//resizeEffect.heightTo = height; = newY;
moveEffect.xFrom = this.x;
moveEffect.xTo = this.x;
moveEffect.yFrom = this.y;
moveEffect.yTo = newY;
moveEffect.end();[ this ]);
//this.move(x, newY);
//[ this ]);
//this.height = height;
//this.y = y;
//setLayoutBoundsSize(width, height);
//setLayoutBoundsPosition(x, y);
The moveEffect / movePath / animate various things I tried are set up in the txNote constructor as follows:
public class NotesArea extends TextArea {
// private var animate:Animate;
// private var movePath:SimpleMotionPath;
// private var resizePath:SimpleMotionPath;
private var moveEffect:Move;
// private var resizeEffect:Resize;
public function NotesArea() {
// animate = new Animate();
// var paths:Vector.<MotionPath> = new Vector.<MotionPath>();
// movePath = new SimpleMotionPath("top");
// resizePath = new SimpleMotionPath("height");
// paths.push(movePath);
// animate.duration = 300;
// animate.motionPaths = paths;
// animate.addEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_UPDATE, function(e:EffectEvent):void {
// trace("y = " + y);
// invalidateDisplayList();
// });
// animate.addEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_END, function(e:EffectEvent):void {
// trace("EFFECT ended: y = " + y);
// });
moveEffect = new Move();
moveEffect.duration = 250;
moveEffect.repeatCount = 1;
moveEffect.addEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_END, function (e:EffectEvent):void {
//(this.parent as Group).autoLayout = true;
trace("move effect ran. y = " + y + ", top = " + top);
//this.setStyle("moveEffect", moveEffect);
// resizeEffect = new Resize();
// resizeEffect.duration = 250;
// this.setStyle("resizeEffect", resizeEffect);
yourTextField.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEACTIVATE, onActivating);
yourTextField.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING, onActivating);
yourTextField.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE, onActivating);
// in the event listener to the textField IE :
private function onActivating(event:SoftKeyboardEvent):void
//listen to the event; make your move here.
