issues using Spatial autocorrelation in R at specific lags (in m) - r

Since a few days I am struggling with a new challenging spatial analysis which include spatial autocorrelation in R: Specifically, I am interested in verifying the autocorrelation between points set in a grid of 50 m (more or less). My aim is to test the autocorrelation between these points (the locations where I collected the data) and to verify if the autocorrelation decreases increasing the distance among them (this is expected). My idea is to generate different radius of specific meters around each point (50 m, 100 m, 150 m and so on...) and to test the Moran's I Autocorrelation Index. Finally I would like to use ggplot to display the MI at each specific distance results (but this is easy to get once I have the MI outputs...).
My starting dataframe contains 4 coloumns: the ID of the point where data where collected, the values measured at that specific points (z) a coloumn with longitude (x) and a coloumn with latitude(y),data are displayed as follows:
#install libraries
ID<- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
x<-c(20.99984,20.99889, 20.99806,20.99800,20.99700,20.99732)
data <- data.frame(ID,x,y,z)
I read many things online and found this tutorial
which actually shows what I'm interested in: however, it doesn't really work from the real beginning and, starting from my coordinates, I think there is a problem and I don't know how to tranform them in a proper format for R. this is the error message I get:
data <- data.frame(dataPOL$Long , dataPOL$Lat, dataPOL$Human_presence)
coordinates(data) <- c('x','y')`
proj4string(data) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
S.dist <- dnearneigh(coordinates, 0, 50) #radius of 50 meters
Error in dnearneigh(coordinates, 0, 50) : Data non-numeric

I did not receive any answer, but I ended up finding a solution:
I have found that the most used packages to work with spatial autocorrelation in R (in my case, Moran I) are spdep and ape.
I tried both: spdep didn't work yet but ape did. Here is the tutorial I followed for my specific case:
before calculate the Moran index, you should generate a distance matrix, I did it with the ‘’ from the package 'fields'.
This function measures the distance between each set of data points based on their coordinates. This function recognizes that the world is not flat, and as such calculates what are known as great-circle distances. I specified the distance in Km for my specific case.
to calculate Moran I, I ran this:
pop.dists.1 <- (popdists > 0 & popdists <= .06) # radius of 60m (remember
that field package works in km or miles)
Moran.I(mydataframe$myzvariable, pop.dists.1)
This is the output I got at this specific radius:
pop.dists.1 <- (popdists > 0 & popdists <= .06) #60m
Moran.I(dataPOL$Human_presence, pop.dists.1)
[1] 0.3841241 #Moran index: between -1 and 1, in here points within 60 m are
[1] -0.009615385
[1] 0.08767598
[1] 7.094019e-06
I repeated the formulas for the distances I am interested in: it works really well and increasing the distance, the Moran I index approximate 0 (which is what I expected).
I am going to plot the single outputs by using ggplot as always, in order to follow the trend of spatial autocorrelation for my z variable.
Hope this will help if needed!


Different results between fpc::dbscan and dbscan::dbscan

I want to implement DBSCAN in R on some GPS coordinates. I have a distance matrix (dist_matrix) that I fed into the following functions:
dbscan::dbscan(dis_matrix, eps=50, minPts = 5,borderPoints=TRUE)
fpc::dbscan(dis_matrix,eps = 50,MinPts = 5,method = "dist")
and Im getting very different results from both functions in terms of number of clusters and if a point is a noise point or belongs to a cluster. Basically, the results are inconsistent between two algorithms. I have no clue why they generate these very different results although here
we see for iris data, both functions did the same.
my distance matrix [is coming from a function (geosphere::distm) which calculates the spatial distance between more than 2000 coordinates.
Furthermore, I coded dbscan according to this psuedo-code
My results are equal to what I obtained from fpc package.
Can anyone notice why they are different. I already looked into both functions and haven't found anything.
The documentation of geosphere::distm says that it does not return a dist object but a matrix. dbscan::dbscan assumes that you have a data matrix and not distances. Convert your matrix into a dist object with as.dist first. THis should resolve the problem.

How slow is too slow when kriging with gstat in R

I am trying to use the krige function in the gstat package of R to interpolate some spatial ocean depth data in R. I am finding for more than about ~1000 points, the function starts taking unreasonable amounts of time to finish (i.e., hours to days to hasn't ever finished). Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? I am particularly concerned because my eventual goal is to do spatio-temporal kriging of a very large dataset (>30,000 data points) and I am worried that it just won't be feasible given these run times.
I am running gstat-1.1-3 and R-3.3.2. Below is the code I am running:
library(sp); library(raster); library(gstat)
v.utm # SpatialPointsDataFrame with >30,000 points
# Remove points with identical positons
zd = zerodist(v.utm)
nzd = v.utm[-zd[,1],] # Layer with no identical positions
# Make a raster layer covering point layer
e = extent(as.matrix(v.utm#coords))+resolution
r = raster(e,resolution=resolution)
proj4string(r) = proj4string(v.utm)
# r is a 181x157 raster
# Fit variogram
fv = fit.variogram(variogram(AVGDEPTH~1, nzd),model=vgm(6000,"Exp",1,5e5,1))
# Krige on random sample of 500 points - works fine
depth.krig = krige(AVGDEPTH~1,ss,as(r,"SpatialPixelsDataFrame"),
# Krige on random sample of 5000 points - never seems to end
depth.krig = krige(AVGDEPTH~1,ss,as(r,"SpatialPixelsDataFrame"),
The complexity of the choleski decomposition (or similar) is O(n^3), meaning that if you multiply the number of points by 10, the time it will take increases with a factor 1000. There are two ways out of this problem, at least for as far as gstat is concerned:
install an optimized version of BLAS (eg OpenBLAS, or MKL) - this does not solve the O(n^3) problem, but may speed up maximally a factor n with n the number of cores available
Avoid decomposing the full covariance matrix by choosing local neighbourhoods (arguments maxdist and/or nmax)
A much faster alternative to kriging for large datasets is griddify in the marmap package. It took me a while to find this, but it works well. It uses bilinear interpolation and although it is designed for bathymetric maps, it works with any xyz data.

Cross-correlation of 5 time series (distance) and interpretation

I would appreciate some input in this a lot!
I have data for 5 time series (an example of 1 step in the series is in the plot below), where each step in the series is a vertical profile of species sightings in the ocean which were investigated 6h apart. All 5 steps are spaced vertically by 0.1m (and the 6h in time).
What I want to do is calculate the multivariate cross-correlation between all series in order to find out at which lag the profiles are most correlated and stable over time.
Profile example:
I find the documentation in R on that not so great, so what I did so far is use the package MTS with the ccm function to create cross correlation matrices. However, the interpretation of the figures is rather difficult with sparse documentation. I would appreciate some help with that a lot.
Data example:
Save in file cross_correlation_stack.csv or change as you wish.
d1 <- file.path('cross_correlation_stack.csv')
d2 = read.csv(d1)
# USING package MTS
#USING base R
# MQ plot also from MTS package
Which produces this (the ccm command):
and this:
In parallel, the acf command from above produces this:
My question now is if somebody can give some input in whether I am going in the right direction or are there better suited packages and commands?
Since the default figures don't get any titles etc. What am I looking at, specifically in the ccm figures?
The ACF command was proposed somewhere, but can I use it here? In it's documentation it says ... calculates autocovariance or autocorrelation... I assume this is not what I want. But then again it's the only command that seems to work multivariate. I am confused.
The plot with the significance values shows that after a lag of 150 (15 meters) the p values increase. How would you interpret that regarding my data? 0.1 intervals of species sightings and many lags up to 100-150 are significant? Would that mean something like that peaks in sightings are stable over the 5 time-steps on a scale of 150 lags aka 15 meters?
In either way it would be nice if somebody who worked with this before can explain what I am looking at! Any input is highly appreciated!
You can use the base R function ccf(), which will estimate the cross-correlation function between any two variables x and y. However, it only works on vectors, so you'll have to loop over the columns in d1. Something like:
cc <- vector("list",choose(dim(d1)[2],2))
cnt <- 1
for(i in 1:(dim(d1)[2]-1)) {
for(j in (i+1):dim(d1)[2]) {
cc[[cnt]] <- ccf(d1[,i],d1[,j],main=paste0("Cross-correlation of ",colnames(d1)[i]," with ",colnames(d1)[j]))
cnt <- cnt + 1
This will plot each of the estimated CCF's and store the estimates in the list cc. It is important to remember that the lag-k value returned by ccf(x,y) is an estimate of the correlation between x[t+k] and y[t].
All of that said, however, the ccf is only defined for data that are more-or-less normally distributed, but your data are clearly overdispersed with all of those zeroes. Therefore, lacking some adequate transformation, you should really look into other metrics of "association" such as the mutual information as estimated from entropy. I suggest checking out the R packages entropy and infotheo.

Time taken to krige in gstat package in R

The following R program creates an interpolated surface using 470 data points using walker Lake data in gstat package.
source("D:/kriging/allfunctions.r") # Reads in all functions.
source("D:/kriging/panel.gamma0.r") # Reads in panel function for xyplot.
library(lattice) # Needed for "xyplot" function.
library(geoR) # Needed for "polygrid" function.
walk470 <- read.table("D:/kriging/walk470.txt",header=T)
coordinates(walk470) = ~x+y
walk.var1 <- variogram(v ~ x+y,data=walk470,width=10) #the width has to be tuned resulting different point pairs
plot(walk.var1,xlab="Distance",ylab="Semivariance",main="Variogram for V, Lag Spacing = 5")
model1.out <- fit.variogram(walk.var1,vgm(70000,"Sph",40,20000))
plot(walk.var1, model=model1.out,xlab="Distance",ylab="Semivariance",main="Variogram for V, Lag Spacing = 10")
poly <- chull(coordinates(walk470))
plot(coordinates(walk470),type="n",xlab="X",ylab="Y",cex.lab=1.6,main="Plot of Sample and Prediction Sites",cex.axis=1.5,cex.main=1.6)
lines(coordinates(walk470)[poly,]) <- polygrid(seq(2.5,247.5,5),seq(2.5,297.5,5),coordinates(walk470)[poly,])
coordinates( <- ~ x+y
krige.out <- krige(v ~ 1, walk470,, model=model1.out)
This program calculates the following for each point of 2688 points
(470x470) matrix inversion
(470x470) and (470x1) matrix multiplication
Is gstat package is using some smart way for calculation. I knew from previous stackoverflow query that it uses cholesky decomposition for matrix inversion. Is it normal speed for one machine to calculate it so quickly.
It uses LDL' decomposition, which is similar to Choleski. As you are using global kriging, the covariance matrix needs to be decomposed only once; then, for each prediction point, a system is solved, which is O(n). No 470x470 matrix gets ever inverted, neither are solutions obtained by multiplying it. Inverses are notational devices, but avoided as computational strategy when possible. In R, for instance, compare runtime of solve(A,b) with solve(A) %*% b.
Use the source, Luke!

Mahalanobis distance based classifier leads to seemingly wrong scores for points identical to training data

I have been using the mahal classifier function (Dismo package in r) in several of my analyses and recently I have discovered that it seems to give apparently wrong distance results for points that are identical to points used in training of the classifier. For background, from what I understand of mahalanobis-based classifiers, is that they use Mahalanobis distance to describe the similarity of a unclassified point by measuring the point's distance from the center of mass of the training set (while accounting for differences in scale and covariance, etc.). The mahalanobis distance score varies from –inf to 1, where one indicates no distance between the unclassified point and the centroid defined by the training set. However, I found that, for all points with identical predictor values than the training points, I still get a score of 1, as if the routine is working as a nearest neighbor classifier. This is a very troubling behavior because it has the potential to artificially increase the confidence of my overall classification.
Has anyone encountered this behavior? Any ideas on how to fix/ avoid this behavior?
I have written a small script below that showcases the odd behavior clearly:
rm(list = ls()) #remove all past worksheet variables
logo <- stack(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster"))
#presence data (points that fall within the 'r' in the R logo)
pts <- matrix(c(48.243420, 48.243420, 47.985820, 52.880230, 49.531423, 46.182616,
54.168232, 69.624263, 83.792291, 85.337894, 74.261072, 83.792291, 95.126713,
84.565092, 66.275456, 41.803408, 25.832176, 3.936132, 18.876962, 17.331359,
7.048974, 13.648543, 26.093446, 28.544714, 39.104026, 44.572240, 51.171810,
56.262906, 46.269272, 38.161230, 30.618865, 21.945145, 34.390047, 59.656971,
69.839163, 73.233228, 63.239594, 45.892154, 43.252326, 28.356155), ncol=2)
# fit model
m <- mahal(logo, pts)
#using model, predict train data
training_vals=extract(logo, pts)
x <- predict(m, training_vals)
x #results show a perfect 1 prediction, which is highly unlikely
Now, I try to make predictions for values that are an average for directly adjacent point pairs
I do this because given that:
(1) each point for each pair used to train the model have a perfect suitability and
(2) that at least some of these average points are likely to be as close to the center of the mahalanobis centroid than the original pairs
(3) I would expect at least a few of the average points to have a perfect suitability as well.
#pick two adjacent points and fit model
adjacent_training_vals=extract(logo, adjacent_pts)
new_pts=rbind(pts, adjacent_pts)
plot(logo[[1]]) #plot predictor raster and response point pairs
#use model to predict mahalanobis score for new training data (point pairs)
m <- mahal(logo, new_pts)
new_training_vals=extract(logo, new_pts)
x <- predict(m, new_training_vals)
As expected from the odd behavior described, all training points have a distance score of 1. However, lets try to predict points that are an average of each pair:
x <- predict(m, mid_vals)
This for me is further indication that the Mahal routine will give a perfect score for any data point that has equal values to any of the points used to train the model
This below is uncessessary, but just another way to prove the point:
Here I predict the same original train data with a near insignificant 'budge' of values for only one of the predictors and show that the resulting scores change quite significantly.
x <- predict(m, mod_training_vals)
x #predictions suddenly are far from perfect predictions
