What models can utilize multi-seasonal time-series using 'msts' class objects? - r

'msts' is a class from the R forecast package developed by Rob Hyndman. I don't see an explicit list of models that can utilize multi seasonal time series in the help file or through searching SO. Does anyone know where I can find a list?
I understand that you can feed msts objects to any of the other models in the forecast package, but I specifically want to know which models will consider all seasonal patterns (for instance, ets/auto.arima will accept it, but will only consider one seasonal specification and ignore others).


R: Finding help for classes created by packages

It often seems to be the case that R packages contain multiple functions that create an object of some class, specified by the package, with generic or non-generic methods that apply to all objects of that class. Although it is generally easy to find out about the functions in a package, I have not found any equally straightforward way to find a precise description of the class itself for S3 classes. I think this is at least partly intentional. Class definitions may be regarded as the sort of internal workings that, on one hand, the user should not have to think about, and on the other, may be changeable by the package creator, who wants people not to rely on them.
However, I find that I sometimes want to create additional objects of the same class that work with the package functions that are methods for that class. And it is not always easy to deduce what features an object must have in order to be usable by package functions that do various things to objects of that class, especially as instances created by different functions may or may not all have exactly the same structure.
The example with which I am currently wrestling are forecast objects created by various functions of the forecast package. The forecast package provides a large number of functions that take forecast objects as inputs. This blog post by Rob Hyndman describes a function to do cross validation and requires an object of class forecast as an argument The tsCV function documentation says it takes a "forecastFunction" as an argument, which must return an object of class forecast and have a univariate time series as its first object (of forecasts, one assumes) and have an argument h giving the horizon. Well, that sounds easy enough. But then in Hyndman’s associated textbook, section 3.6, we are told that forecast objects contain information about the forecasting method, the data, the point forecasts, prediction intervals, residuals, and fitted values. That’s a lot of things, and I am not sure if they are all mandatory or if some are optional, or required only if you intend to use certain methods. And I don’t know anything about mandatory internal structure of the class.
Finally, I particularly want to know if the new fable package, intended as a forecast package replacement, uses the same forecast class mechanism and require the same internal structure., or if not, how they are different. I have not been able to find, in fpp3 or elsewhere, anything that either describes a change or contains a comparable description of objects of class forecast.
I’m going to be embarrassed if there is some simple function,
you_should_know_this_dummy(package = “forecast”, class = “forecast”),
that returns a detailed description of the class. But I have looked for such a function every way I could think of and not found it.
O.K., my bad. I was trying so hard to find a way of locating the help file for the class description (which I don't think exists) that I overlooked the existence of a pretty good description of the class forecast under the function forecast() in the manual for the package forecast. Here it is:
An object of class "forecast" is a list usually containing at least the following elements:
model A list containing information about the fitted model
method The name of the forecasting method as a character string
mean Point forecasts as a time series
lower Lower limits for prediction intervals
upper Upper limits for prediction intervals
level The confidence values associated with the prediction intervals
x The original time series (either object itself or the time series used to create the model stored as object).
residuals Residuals from the fitted model. For models with additive errors, the residuals will be x minus the fitted values.
fitted Fitted values (one-step forecasts)
This still leaves some questions unanswered, like the format for the model information argument model, and for the x argument with multivariate models. But I am hoping that these are similar to those handed to or returned by, e.g., lm(). I think this gives me enough to get started and to hope for informative errors.
I still don't know if the fable package also uses objects of class forecast. The forecast package documents the forecast() function as a generic. The fable package does not document the generic, though it has a very similar list of functions that look like methods, e.g., forecast.whatever. If I figure out the answer, I'll post it here.
I am also looking for a number of other package that provide time series forecast of particular types. I'm hoping that they provide output similar enough that I can use the forecast/fable functions for display, cross-validation, and so forth. We'll see.

Fable functions - theoretical questions

My master thesis is in health forecasting and I'm using R (fable, fabletools, fasster) to implement the methods.
For the theoretical part of the thesis, I need to know the heuristics and the theoretical basis of each function I use.
I have been using Forecasting: Principles and Practice by Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos and I have already read R documentation on these functions but I still have some doubts.
I need information like what theoretical method they follow (ARIMA, Moving Averages, ANN, etc), the mathematical expression they use and how it is decided which is the best fit (for automatic methods):
I use the following methods and gathered some information about each one.
I'm new in this field and I need some help.
Is this correct? Can anyone add anything else about any of the functions?
ARIMA() - MSARIMA model (meaning an ARIMA model that is sensible to seasonality and can take into account several external regressors:
SNAIVE()- Linear regression with seasonality;
NNETAR() - ANN model;
Thank you in advance!
The book you cite contains information on how SNAIVE, NNETAR, ETS, and ARIMA forecasts are calculated. It explains that for model classes such as ETS and ARIMA, the AICc is used to select a particular model. It gives equations for all these methods. Please read it.
fasster() is a new method that is not fully documented yet. The readme file (https://github.com/tidyverts/fasster) provides some information, and there is a talk by the author (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YlboftSalY) explaining the state space modelling framework behind it.

What is proper way of forecasting grouped time series specified via hts-package in R?

I'm trying to understand accurate way of forecasting grouped time series specified as in example posted here. I wanted to use all hierarchical forecasting methods available in hts package with base model - ARIMA. I get an error with some of them (methods: 'mo', 'tdfp', 'tdgsa', 'tdgsf') and as I found on GitHub these methods are not available for gts class object.
I've huge problem with understanding why. As I know both of grouped time series are like 2 hierarchies, so my thought was that we can use for e.g. top-down methods for each hierarchy independently (and the same with middle-out method).
Maybe somebody more familiar with construction of these methods could describe the problem of usage these methods on grouped time series?
Any kind of help would be appreciated.
[ Edit ]
My goal is to analyse forecast accuracy of grouped time series.
To be more detailed I've 2 variables used for disaggregation: car owner (A, B) and car type(X, Y). And as I understood from this paper this data can be describe as groped time series. Am I wrong?
It's really hard for me to find clear definition of grouped time series and examples of forecasting such data. So I would be happy to get links/reference to further literature.
Many thanks for replay!
Two hierarchies is not a hierarchy. If you want to use methods designed for purely hierarchical data, then specify the hierarchy. Do it for the two hierarchies and average the results.

"auto.arima" in SAS?

I used to run arima model in R using "auto.arima" to identify the best arima model that fits the data. Even without it, it's easy in R to write a function to perform similar task. However, I have googled for the past few days, and I can't find a similar procedure in SAS. Does anyone know if there is a "auto.arima" in SAS? Or do I have to write one by myself? Thank you!
After days of searching online, the closest one that I can find is Automatic Model Selection in time series forecasting package. However, that function is the one using GUI, and still one has to manually select all the different models to test. Does anyone know a command line procedure or package to do this? Thank you.
SAS has proc arima which is part of the SAS/ETS module (licensed seperately). You can use either the Enterprise Guide proc arima node for a GUI interface to it, or you can use Solutions->Analysis->Time Series Analysis for a base SAS interface. The base sas interface is what I usually use, it has the advantage of comparing many models other than just arima for a fit.
To check to see if you have the correct license run the following code:
proc setinit;
You should see something like this in the results if you have it licensed:
---SAS/ETS (01 JAN 2020)
SAS HpF for high performance forecasting is the best in market for time series forecasting nothing can beat its accuracy when u are trying to generate forecast for multiple products ...
Proc hpfdiagnose followed by proc hpfengine you will hate auto.arima after using this
You might want to give PROC FORECAST a try.
I'm working on a similar problem where I have about 6,000 separate time series to forecast so modeling each one individually is out of the question. You can specify a BY variable in PROC FORECAST that lets you forecast many series at once pretty quickly (it ran my moderately large dataset in less than 3 seconds). And if you choose the STEPAR method, it will fit the best autoregressive model it can find to your data.
Here's a good overview of the FORECAST procedure: http://www.okstate.edu/sas/v8/saspdf/ets/chap12.pdf
Still not as awesome as auto.arima in R, but gets the job done.
Good luck!
SAS has high performance forecasting procedures (PROC HPFDIAGNOSE+PROC HPFENGINE), which not only selects the best ARIMA model, but can also select the best among ARIMA, ESM, UCM, IDM, combination models, and external models, etc. You can either let it automatically picks the best based on default selection criterion, or customize the selection criterion. There is a procedure family to customize everything: PROC HPFDIAGNOSE, PROC HPFENGINE, PROC ARIMASPEC, etc. If you want to do more flexible time series analysis plus coding, you can also use PROC TIMEDATA with all the built-in time series packages, which allows you to program whatever you want and also do all the automatic modeling.
Like being mentioned above, it is the best in market for time series forecasting, and nothing can beat its accuracy when you are trying to generate forecasts for multiple series. However, it usually licensed with SAS Forecast Server or SAS Forecast Studio, which are enterprised forecasting solutions with GUI. It's understandable since other forecasting solutions built on R and Python which can handle automatic
parallelization and automatic forecasting also charge money.
For the cloud computing version, there is also PROC TSMODEL and Visual Forecasting version, which has both forecast accuracy and computation performance advantages. However, it is also for enterprise use and pricey. Afterall, it is targeted to markets that require forecasting for thousands or millions of time series.
For free versions, maybe the closest one would be PROC FORECAST.

On the issue of automatic time series fitting using R

we have to fit about 2000 or odd time series every month,
they have very idiosyncratic behavior in particular, some are arma/arima, some are ewma, some are arch/garch with or without seasonality and/or trend (only thing in common is the time series aspect).
one can in theory build ensemble model with aic or bic criterion to choose the best fit model but is the community aware of any library which attempts to solve this problem?
Google made me aware of the below one by Rob J Hyndman
but are they any other alternatives?
There are two automatic methods in the forecast package: auto.arima() which will handle automatic modelling using ARIMA models, and ets() which will automatically select the best model from the exponential smoothing family (including trend and seasonality where appropriate). The AIC is used in both cases for model selection. Neither handles ARCH/GARCH models though. The package is described in some detail in this JSS article: http://www.jstatsoft.org/v27/i03
Further to your question:
When will it be possible to use
forecast package functions, especially
ets function, with high dimensional
data(weekly data, for example)?
Probably early next year. The paper is written (see robjhyndman.com/working-papers/complex-seasonality) and we are working on the code now.
Thanks useRs, I have tried the forecast package, that too as a composite of arima and ets, but not to much acclaim from aic or bic(sbc), so i am now tempted to treat each of the time series to its own svm(support vector machine) because of its better genralization adaptability and also being able to add other variables apart from lags and non linear kernel functions
Any premonitions?
