Unable to remote debug gdbserver over serial port - serial-port

I'm trying to remote debug using gdbserver.
I connect my target device to my PC through USB port using this command to open terminal controlling my device :
minicom -D "/dev/ttyUSB0".
Now on my target device, I need to run gdbserver with this cmd:
gdbserver /dev/my_USB_serial_port my_Program.
However, I can't find ttyUSB0, all I got ís a bunch of ttyx(with x is a number) as below:
~ # /dev/tty
tty tty14 tty20 tty27 tty33 tty4 tty46 tty52 tty59 tty8
tty0 tty15 tty21 tty28 tty34 tty40 tty47 tty53 tty6 tty9
tty1 tty16 tty22 tty29 tty35 tty41 tty48 tty54 tty60 ttyS0
tty10 tty17 tty23 tty3 tty36 tty42 tty49 tty55 tty61 ttyS1
tty11 tty18 tty24 tty30 tty37 tty43 tty5 tty56 tty62
tty12 tty19 tty25 tty31 tty38 tty44 tty50 tty57 tty63
tty13 tty2 tty26 tty32 tty39 tty45 tty51 tty58 tty7
How could I find which one is the correct serial port of my USB port ?
Update 1: As Employed Russian mentioned in the answer, I got confused about the USB port but I still couldn't connect to gdbserver using his command.

However, I can't find ttyUSB0
You are confused -- of course you will not find ttyUSB0 on the target -- the target doesn't have anything plugged into its USB port.
On the target, you want to run gdbserver - my_Program &, then disconnect minicom, and finally use gdb and target remote /dev/ttyUSB0 on the host.

Make sure getty isn't running on the same serial port as gdbserver on the target.
If you've got an interactive shell with minicom, check the serial port (usually ttyS0) on the target that's connected to it. If it's ttyS0, you start gdbserver on some other port, and connect another FTDI cable from that port to a second USB port on your host.


Unable to upload code to Arduino Mega in Ubuntu VM (computer is Win10)

I'm trying to upload code to an Arduino-Mega in Ubuntu 18.04. I'm using Oracle Virtual Machine to run Ubuntu and my computer is Win10.
From Win10, the port the Arduino is using is COM3. In the VM settings, I have these settings for Serial Port 1:
In Ubuntu, I run 'sudo arduino' in the terminal and compile my code.
In the Arduino IDE, the only Serial Port I can connect to is ttyS2:
When I try to upload the code, I get these error messages:
Before, I kept having the error message "Native Serial Port, can't obtain info", but now I just get these error messages.
Any help is appreciated, thank you everyone!
The issue was simple, I forgot to select the Arduino in the Ubuntu environment (Devices > USB > Arduino)

Unable to communicate with SIM800 board on raspberry pi 4

I have connected a new Itead sim800 board to a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and trying to handle incoming SMS.
I have disabled the serial login shell using the link and tried gammu and minicom(with /dev/ttyAMA0, /dev/serial0 & /dev/serial1 on baud rate 9600).
But the board doesn't seem to be responding.
Following is the result of gammu.
pi#tpk:~ $ sudo gammu getallsms
No response in specified timeout. Probably the phone is not connected.
pi#tpk:~ $
Following is the result of minicom:
pi#tpk:~ $ sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyAMA0 -b 9600
Welcome to minicom 2.7.1
Compiled on Aug 13 2017, 15:25:34.
Port /dev/ttyAMA0, 04:46:20
Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys
and the console hangs without accepting any characters. The status line at the bottom shows that it's offline.
Following is the snap of the boards connected.
sim800 board on raspberry pi 4

How to send boot files over uart

I have a beaglebone black board. A host with 64 bit ubuntu14.04
I wanted to transfer uImage file over uart to beaglebone.
So I stopped at u-boot and type
U-Boot# loadb
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x80200000 at 115200 bps...
Now it is waiting for the file. What I have to do in order to send the uImage from pc to board.
After the loadb command prints "Ready for binary download", exit from the terminal(minicom, putty etc). Note down the serial device (eg: /dev/ttyUSB0). Install kermit or its variants (eg: gkermit and ckermit are available in Ubuntu).
Assuming that /dev/ttyUSB0 is your serial device, baudrate is 115200, and no flow control is used, provide the following parameters to kermit
kermit> set port /dev/ttyUSB0
kermit> set speed 115200
kermit> set carrier-watch off
kermit> set flow-control none
Now issue the command send , to send the file over serial line:
kermit> send filename
After the file transfer is successful, exit from kermit (use exit command), and re-open minicom. Now you can issue further commands.
NOTE : You can explicitly specify a load address to loadb. If not specified, U-boot takes load address from environment variables.
NOTE-2 : Some terminal programs have built-in facility to send files over serial line using protocols like xmodem or kermit.

Serial communication between QEMU host and guest

I'm trying to set up a pair of serial ports between my QEMU host (Debian Jessie x86_64) and guest (also Debian Jessie, but on ARM). Everything except the serial port part works.
I'm really new to QEMU so there might be a better way but I've tested the following flags when running QEMU:
-chardev tty,id=mytty,path=/dev/pts/2 (/dev/pts/2 & 3 are up with socat)
-chardev pty,id=mypty QEMU opens a PTY but when I try to read or write from host get permission denied.
In either case I can't find the ports in my guest. /dev/pts is empty and in /dev there are only tty and ttyAMA3. So, my problem is setting up communication in general and I'm especially curious on where the ports are on my guest.
I found a solution to my own question. First the device tree was incomplete so I needed to add 3 additional uart ports. That's the reason I could not find my ports in the guest.
Second, I needed to tell QEMU to use on of the ports as stdio: -append ... console=ttyAMA3 and -serial mon:stdio. Then I'm able to, with -serial pty, link QEMUs ttyAMA* to pts/* on the host.

Unable to program NodeMCU

This question is related to this, Cannot program ESP8266, but different settings.
I have a NodeMCU devkit v1, its comercial name is NodeMCU v2. I tried different setting to connect the devkit.
First the devkit has a usb-serial bridge (CP2102) and voltage adapter from 5v (USB) to 3.3v. So I connect the devkit with the machine via USB. The driver is installed correctly, and I can see the com, it is COM3.
After turning on the NodeMCU I can see a Wifi AI-THINKER-adfe21.
Then I tried with the nodemcu-flasher - WINDOWS.
Without any button or pin to ground. I press Flash in the flasher and stay Waiting MAC and the log says Begin Find ESP8266 as the question I told in the begin and the ESP's led (blue led) blinks.
Holding FLASH, press RESET, release FLASH. Still the same like 1.
Wire D3 (GPIO0) to GND. Same result
With ESPtool - LINUX - Trying these commands
python2 esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 read_mac
python2 esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash 0x00000 firmware.bin
Without any button or pin to ground. The output for the commands was Connecting... A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP8266
Holding FLASH, press RESET, release FLASH. Same
Wire D3 (GPIO0) to GND. Same result.
Via Arduino IDE, I installed the ESP8266 board and selected NodeMCU 1.0. The result to try upload some code -> warning: espcomm_sync failed error: espcomm_open failed
I tryed to connect the NodeMCU without the USB. Using an Arduino UNO, connecting like following... And I'm getting the same errors.
5v -> Vin
Rx -> Tx
Tx -> Rx
The last test I made, it is with Putty or Arduino SerialMonitor connect to the COM3 or /dev/ttyUSB0 and turning on the NodeMCU. I should see some characters or garbage if it in different baud rate. But I got nothing, the terminal is blank. I restart the NodeMCU, put it in Flash mode. No response.
Are there some solution, tip or trick to make it programmable?
PS: I know the NodeMCU is in Flash mode because its wifi disappear.
I discovered something.
I just connected the NodeMcu with a mobile charger and connect the D0 to Serial ground and D3 to Serial Rx. On the putty with 115200 Baudrate, I'm able to get the following code on reset.
node : sta(mac address) + softAP(mac address)
add if0
add if1
dhcp server start:(ip:, mask:,gw:
bcn 100
I have been working with both the node-mcu flasher and the esptool.
First in the esptool yo should use more parameter in the call. Use something like this
python esptool.py -p SERIAL_PORT_NAME --baud 9600 write_flash --flash_size=8m 0 firmware-combined.bin
Be careful with the baudrate, i always use 9600.
If you prefer using the windows program you should only connect the ESP8266 through usb and dont connect any other pin. If it still gives you problems you should check that u have installed the com ports.
Good Luck
if you are using esptool (either in Linux or windows), you should include -fm and -fs inside the esptool command. There will be no response if you did not include those 2 parameter even though it show successfully upload. you can refer the detail in this youtube tutorial or its description for flashing firmware in nodemcu V2 or v1.0.
esptool.py --port [serial-port-of-ESP8266] write_flash -fm [mode] -fs [size] 0x00000 [nodemcu-firmware].bin
Tutorial on how to flash firmware using esptool(windows):
Maybe you can try this setting.
$sudo esptool.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 write_flash -fs 16m -fm qio -ff 0x00000 firmware.bin
