I've just tried to carry out an adonis2 test using the following code
adonis2(abundance.data~Site, data=df, method="bray") as in a previous post How can I fix an error with adonis2 test?
However I keep getting this error message
Error in if (any(lhs < -TOL)) stop("dissimilarities must be non-negative") :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In vegdist(as.matrix(lhs), method = method, ...) :
you have empty rows: their dissimilarities may be
meaningless in method “bray”
2: In vegdist(as.matrix(lhs), method = method, ...) :
missing values in results
Just wondering why this may be and how I can fix this issue
I am trying to use glmmLasso to run a multilevel logistic regression model, as I believe I am getting some wonky results due to sparse data bias. My outcome variable is a binary (0, 1) variable and my grouping variable is ID. Here is my code:
m1 <- glmmLasso(outcome ~ c.AGE + c.BSS + c.negative.emotion +
c.PSI_Total + c.MEPS_Ratio + c.OTT_Ratio + c.AAQ_Total +
c.BHS_Total, rnd=list(ID=~1 + c.negative.emotion),
lambda=100, data=data.set.3, family=binomial(link="logit"))
This is the error I am receiving:
Error in grad.lasso[b.is.0] <- score.beta[b.is.0] - lambda.b * sign(score.beta[b.is.0]) :
NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments
In addition: Warning message:
In Ops.factor(y, Mu) : ‘-’ not meaningful for factors
I am unsure why I am getting this error. I did see another post about this error on StackOverflow but I was unable to use the fix for my data. There are no NAs in the dataset. I've attached the dataset in CSV format here.
I'm doing a mixed model with the function lme:
The code is:
modelomixto1<-lme(fixed= LargoCorola~Tratamiento*Rango, random = ~1|Rango/Poblacion/Codigo.FG,
na.action=na.exclude, data = df1)
I think the code is correct, but the result gives me a warnning message:
Warning message:
In pt(-abs(tVal), fDF) : NaNs produced
I'm not any expert in R, so I can't understand what is wrong.
Thanks in advance
I'm trying to run a factor analysis on a set of 80 dichotomous variables (1440 cases) using the hector function from the polycor package and the instructions I found here: http://researchsupport.unt.edu/class/Jon/Benchmarks/BinaryFA_L_JDS_Sep2014.pdf
Sadly, after I select just the variables interest from the rest of my dataset and run the factor analysis on them, I seem to consistently get the following error and warnings
Error in optim(0, f, control = control, hessian = TRUE, method = "BFGS") :
non-finite finite-difference value [1]
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In log(P) : NaNs produced
2: In log(P) : NaNs produced
This is with the command/when I hit the step described in the above PDF:
testMat <- hetcor(data)$cor
No idea what this means or how to proceed... Your thoughts are appreciated. Thank you!
I'm trying to reproduce the following example from David Ruppert's "Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering", which fits Students t-distribution to historical risk free rate:
data(Capm, package = "Ecdat")
x <- Capm$rf
fitt <- fitdistr(x,"t", start = list(m=mean(x),s=sd(x)), df=3)
0.437310595161651 0.152205764779349
The output is accompanied by the following Warnings message:
Warning message:
In log(s): NaNs producedWarning message:
In log(s): NaNs producedWarning message:
In log(s): NaNs producedWarning message:
In log(s): NaNs producedWarning message:
In log(s): NaNs producedWarning message:
In log(s): NaNs producedWarning message:
In log(s): NaNs producedWarning message:
In log(s): NaNs producedWarning message:
In log(s): NaNs produced
It appears from the R's help file that MASS::fitdistr uses maximum-likelihood for finding optimal parameters. However, when I do optimization manually (same book), all goes smoothly and there is no warnings:
loglik_t <- function(beta) {sum( - dt((x - beta[1]) / beta[2],
beta[3], log = TRUE) + log(beta[2]) )}
start <- c(mean(x), sd(x), 5)
lower <- c(-1, 0.001, 1)
fit_t <- optim(start, loglik_t, hessian = T, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lower)
0.44232633269102 0.163306955396773 4.12343777572566
The fitted parameters are within acceptable standard errors, and, in addition to mean and sd I have gotten df.
Can somebody advise me please:
Why MASS::fitdistr produces warnings whereas optimization via fGarch::optim succeeds without a warning?
Why there is no df in MASS::fitdistr output?
Is there a way to run MASS:fitdistr on this data without a warning and get df?
a similar question was asked couple of times without an answer here and here
You are not passing the lower argument to the function fitdistr which leads it to make a search in positive and negative domain. By passing the lower argument to function
fitt <- fitdistr(x,"t", start = list(m=mean(x),s=sd(x)), df=3, lower=c(-1, 0.001))
you get no NaNs -as you did in your manual optimisation.
fitt <- fitdistr(x,"t", start = list(m=mean(x),s=sd(x),df=3),lower=c(-1, 0.001,1))
returns non-integer degrees of freedom result. However, I guess, the rounded value of it, which is round(fitt$estimate['df'],0) can be used for fitted degrees of freedom parameter.