firebase realtime database query - firebase

I have the following structure:
"Campaign" : {
"-KtghP_NMOFrjN_RrI6f" : {
"Projects" : {
"-Kz5g4j8dKgxtqQsPfN1" : {
"createByName" : "Michal",
"profileId" : "-KtlDwI3Bq4Bi7R23kya"
"-KzGCaLblTxzu4Nje15Z" : {
"createByName" : "Roy",
"profileId" : "-Kxx_egu9h4GOrxqM1nB"
"-KyjE0HPNSg27Kpurq8l" : {
"Projects" : {
"-KzBUZBsI947HckV296O" : {
"createByName" : "Roy",
"profileId" : "-Kxx_egu9h4GOrxqM1nB"
"UserProfile" : {
"-Kxx_egu9h4GOrxqM1nB" : {
"MyProjects" : {
"-KzGC3Yn4bAAorcwDhUT" : {
"CampaignId" : "-KyjE0HPNSg27Kpurq8l",
"projectId" : "-KzBUZBsI947HckV296O"
"-KzGCaeTqMm_g1Jq6u6i" : {
"CampaignId" : "-KtghP_NMOFrjN_RrI6f",
"projectId" : "-KzGCaLblTxzu4Nje15Z"
"firstName" : "roy"
i have the profile id.
I need to get the different projects of the user, under the different Campaigns..
I want to get the list of MyProjects by the userid, and then iterate (with the keys i got from MyProjects) over the campaigns -(key)-> projects -(key)-> profileId and compare them...
(hope it was clear enough...)
Ok, after some more research, i went a different way.
it seems like i don't need "MyProjects".
var userId = "-Kxx_egu9h4GOrxqM1nB";
var campaignRef ='Campaign'); //root
var projectsRef = campaignRef.child('Projects');
projectsRef.orderByChild('profileId').equalTo(userId).once("value", (snap) => {
but still i get NULL..
(tried "child_added" and .on in different combinations - nothing...)

After logging in, and pulling the Campaign object, you can try running the following code:
// user is an object from the userProfile. You can also just directly access the object and get what you need. Really, it's up to you. I'll assume that you also stored the user ID (uid) here too.
var user = {},
campaigns = {},
uid = {},
myProjects = [];
function getProjects() {
for (var i in campaigns) {
for (var k in campaigns[i]) {
// Make sure that the profileId of the project and the uid match, then push object into myProjects array
campaigns[i][k].profileId === uid ? myProjects.push(campaigns[i][k]) : 'nada';
In the myProjects array will you find your projects.


Query in list of objects, looking for some attributes of different objects (CosmosDB SQL API)

I have problems to make a query (CosmosDB SQL API), when I try to select an array of objects.
I want to know if all the arguments of my search are in different objects.
The next document should be found:
"_id" : "97e9272d-cd7e-4a26-3245-o4e67h29beqw",
"_type" : "Document",
"categories" : [
"_name" : "PruebaCategoria", (searching by this)
"Type" : "omega",
"Policy number" : "1234567890",
"date" : 1553081146391,
"boolean" : true
"_name" : "CategoryDemoTest",
"Type" : "free",
"Policy number" : "0987654321"
"_name" : "CategoryDemoTestDates",
"dateInitial" : 1553081146592, (and by this in range)
"dateEnd" : 1553081146594,
"Type" : "omega"
"partitionNumber" : 1,
"serial" : 1
I want to replicate the next query used with mongodb API:
{ "categories" : { "$all" : [{ "$elemMatch" : { "dateInitial" : { "$gt" : { "$numberLong" : "1553081146591" }, "$lt" : { "$numberLong" : "1553081146593" } } } }, { "$elemMatch" : { "_name" : "PruebaCategoria" } }] } }
I tried the following query, but it seems that they only match if only one object has all the elements I'm looking for:
"SELECT VALUE c FROM c JOIN cat in c.categories WHERE cat._name=\"PruebaCategoria\" AND cat.dateInitial > 1553081146591 AND cat.dateInitial < 1553081146593"
Exist a method for do this type of search (with CosmosDB SQL API)?
According to all Array Functions in cosmos db sql api, there is no such direct way to implement similar functions to "$all" plus "$elemMatch" in mongo db.
Provide stored procedure workaround here.
function sample() {
var collection = getContext().getCollection();
var isAccepted = collection.queryDocuments(
function (err, feed, options) {
if (err) throw err;
if (!feed || !feed.length) {
var response = getContext().getResponse();
response.setBody('no docs found');
else {
var returnArray = [];
for(var i =0;i<feed.length;i++){
var nameFlag = false;
var dateInitialFlag = false;
for(var j = 0;j<feed[i].categories.length;j++){
if(nameFlag == false) {
if(feed[i].categories[j]._name == 'PruebaCategoria'){
nameFlag= true;
if(dateInitialFlag == false){
if(feed[i].categories[j].dateInitial <1553081146593 || feed[i].categories[j].dateInitial > 1553081146590){
dateInitialFlag= true;
if (nameFlag == true && dateInitialFlag == true) {
var response = getContext().getResponse();
if (!isAccepted) throw new Error('The query was not accepted by the server.');
You also could pass arguments to SP so that you could filter the data dynamically.

Firebase database transactional search and update

I have a collection in firebase real time database that is a pool of codes that can be used once per 'store'. I need to search for an unused code, then mark it reserved by a store in an atomic fashion. The problem is I can't figure out how to do a transactional search and update in firebase, and the unused code is being 'used' multiple times until it gets updated.
const getUnusedCode = (storeID) => {
const codeRef = rtdb.ref('codes');
return codeRef
.then(snap => {
//setting the map {[storeID]:true} reserves the code
return snap.ref.update({ [storeID]: true }).then(() => {
return snap.key;
Edit: Here is the structure of the 'codes' collection:
"-LQl9FFD39PAeN5DnrGE" : {
"code" : 689343821901,
"i" : 0,
"-LQl9FOxT4eq6EbwrwOx" : {
"code" : 689343821918,
"i" : 1,
"-LQl9FPaUV33fvkiFtv-" : {
"code" : 689343821925,
"i" : 2
"-LQl9FQEwKKO9T0z4LIP" : {
"code" : 689343821932,
"i" : 3,
"-LQl9FQsEVSNZyhgdHmI" : {
"code" : 689343821949,
"i" : 4,
In this data, "5s6EgdItKW7pBIawgulg" is a store id, and true means this code has been used for this store
When new items are being imported, this function may get called hundres of times a minute, and is returning duplicates since it's not an atomic search-then-update. Is this possible in Firebase?
From what I understand you have a structure like this
codes: {
"code1": {
storeid: "store1"
"code2": {
storeid: "store2"
And you're trying to transactionally update it per store.
If this is the only update you're trying to do, I'd highly recommend inverting your data structure:
codes: {
"store1": "code1",
"store2": "code2"
On this structure the transaction for a store is quite simple, since the path is known:
var storeRef = firebase.database().ref("codes").child("store1");
storeRef.transation(function(current) {
if (current) {
// remove the code from the database
return null;
else {
// abort the transaction, since the code no longer exists
return undefined;
If you can't change the data structure, I'd probably user your current code to find the DatabaseReference to the code, and then use a transaction within the callback to update:
.then(snap => {
//setting the map {[storeID]:true} reserves the code
return snap.ref.transaction(function(current) {
if (!current || current[storeId]) {
// the node no longer exists, or it already was claimed for this store
return undefined; // abort the transaction
else {
current[storeId] = true;
return current;

How to do filter by keyword in Firebase?

I have a Firebase database structure like this
"5ZhJG1NACDdG9WoNZWrBoYGkIpD3" : {
"Company" : {
"5ZhJG1NACDdG9WoNZWrBoYGkIpD3" : {
"authTime" : 1532061957,
"companyName" : "Scopic Software",
"contactName" : "Hoang Scopic",
"email" : "",
"firebaseID" : "5ZhJG1NACDdG9WoNZWrBoYGkIpD3",
"isFirstLogin" : false,
"phoneNumber" : "1234567890",
"schoolName" : "MIT",
"teachers" : {
"aOpjnzHpDiZ7uwQQqJoinGvM9ZD3" : "0"
"AhZc9B02goOtZ6qBNhz9W0K6Esg2" : {
"Subscription" : {
"-LHlQ4OhijzzFY5HZOT4" : {
"firebaseID" : "-LHlQ4OhijzzFY5HZOT4",
"period" : {
"endAt" : "1533194625",
"startAt" : "1531985025"
"status" : "trial"
"Teacher" : {
"AhZc9B02goOtZ6qBNhz9W0K6Esg2" : {
"authTime" : 1532061932,
"email" : "",
"firebaseID" : "AhZc9B02goOtZ6qBNhz9W0K6Esg2",
"isFirstLogin" : false,
"name" : "Hoang Trinh",
"schoolName" : "HUST",
"subscriptions" : {
"-LHlQ4OhijzzFY5HZOT4" : "0"
"aOpjnzHpDiZ7uwQQqJoinGvM9ZD3" : {
"Subscription" : {
"-LHlWnpNZazBC5lpXLi0" : {
"firebaseID" : "-LHlWnpNZazBC5lpXLi0",
"period" : {
"endAt" : "1533196388",
"startAt" : "1531986788"
"status" : "trial"
"Teacher" : {
"aOpjnzHpDiZ7uwQQqJoinGvM9ZD3" : {
"Company" : {
"5ZhJG1NACDdG9WoNZWrBoYGkIpD3" : "0"
"authTime" : 1532060884,
"email" : "",
"firebaseID" : "aOpjnzHpDiZ7uwQQqJoinGvM9ZD3",
"isFirstLogin" : false,
"subscriptions" : {
"-LHlWnpNZazBC5lpXLi0" : "0"
"ooR32SjABdOYEkWX6dzy4fE5Kym1" : {
"Admin" : {
"email" : "",
"firstName" : "Hoang",
"lastName" : "Trinh",
"password" : "123456xx"
"isAdmin" : true
This is data in an existing system, so I can't change its structure.
Now I need to write an API to list these records filtered by "email" attribute there (it's nested inside a key).
How can I do a search for this email?
There is one solution that I thought about. It's just getting the whole json back and process data in code (not using Firebase database query functions).
But I can't do that, because AFTER filtering, I need to do paging also.
In order to make the pagination, I need to use query functions like "sortByChild" or "limitToLast", so I have to use these query functions with filtering.
Thank you.
My current implementation for pagination:
getUsers: async (page, perPage, searchTerm) => {
const db = fbAdmin.db();
let dbRef = await db.ref();
if (searchTerm) {
// TODO: Add filter logic here
let totalItems = await dbRef.once('value');
let totalItemsNumber = await Object.keys(totalItems.toJSON()).length;
// Calculate for pagination
let lastItemId;
if ((page - 1) * perPage + 1 > totalItemsNumber) {
lastItemId = null;
} else {
let lastItems = await dbRef.orderByKey().limitToLast((page - 1) * perPage + 1).once('value');
lastItemId = Object.keys(lastItems.toJSON())[0];
// Do the pagination
let snap;
let data;
if (lastItemId) {
snap = await dbRef.orderByKey().endAt(lastItemId).limitToLast(perPage).once('value');
data = snap.toJSON();
} else {
data = {};
let users = Object.keys(data).map(key => {
if (data[key][KEY]) { // Check if it's an admin
return {
email: data[key][KEY].email,
name: data[key][KEY].firstName + " " + data[key][KEY].lastName
} else if (data[key][Company.KEY]) { // Check if it's a company member
return {
email: data[key][Company.KEY][key].email,
name: data[key][Company.KEY][key].name,
schoolName: data[key][Company.KEY][key].schoolName
} else if (data[key][Teacher.KEY]) { // Check if it's a teacher
if (data[key][Teacher.KEY][key][Company.KEY]) { // Check if it's a company teacher
return {
email: data[key][Teacher.KEY][key].email,
name: data[key][Teacher.KEY][key].name,
schoolName: data[key][Teacher.KEY][key].schoolName,
subscription: data[key][Subscription.KEY]
} else { // Check if it's an individual teacher
return {
email: data[key][Teacher.KEY][key].email,
name: data[key][Teacher.KEY][key].name,
schoolName: data[key][Teacher.KEY][key].schoolName,
subscription: data[key][Subscription.KEY]
} else {
return null;
return users || null;

Group users in Firebase RTDB

I am using Firebase in my Qt app for Authentication and Realtime Database features, when users register they need to be assigned into the selected groups then departments of that group. Each group will have admin(s), who can access the entire group database, but the users will only access their department.
Below is my code for my registration form which assigns certain user values, how would i go about grouping the users in the database with additional options on my registration form?
onUserRegistered: {
console.debug("User login " + success + " - " + message)
if(success) {
loginDialog.title = "Success!"
firebaseDb.setUserValue("Firstname", firstname.text)
firebaseDb.setUserValue("Surname", surname.text)
} else {
loginDialog.title = "An Issue occured!"
loginDialog.text = message
loginbutton.visible = true
registerCheckbox.visible = true
I would like my database to be laid out as below, if this is appropriate for use? Multiple location groups with users within to access thier part of the database!
"groups" : {
"Colchester" : {
"Ipswich" : {
"CanaryWharf" : {
"Departments" : {
"Admin" : {
"members" : {
"user1" : true
"Assistant" : {
"members" : {
"user2" : true
"Reception" : {
"members" : {
"user3" : true,
"user1" : true
"Stylist" : {
"members" : {
"user4" : true
"Technician" : {
"members" : {
"user5" : true
Without access to the Firebase Cloud Firestore collections, detailed in the link;
Google Firebase Cloud Firestore Collections
I achieved the result of grouping of my users by the following code, if anyone still wants to add an improved version please do, but for now this works as intended for me:
App {
id: app
property var groupName
property var subGroupName
//these values are assigned when my user logs in from user values
//set in firebase on registration
firebaseDb.getUserValue("group", {
}, function(success, key, value) {
groupName = value
console.log("GROUPNAME LOG: " + groupName)}})
//I then use these values across my app when storing data in the database
//an example of which is an AppButton elsewhere in my app
AppButton {
id: saveButton
onClicked: {
userData = ({"date": calendar.selectedDate, "name": userName +" "+ userSurname, "details": dayCycle.text, "status": "pending"})
var time = new Date().getTime()
firebaseDb.setValue("groups" + "/" + groupName + "/" + subGroupName + "/" + time, userData)

Fetching denormalized data with firebase, angularFire

I'm trying to fetch all flowers data which belongs to a certain user, in this case simplelogin:69.
I'm starting with fetching all flower keys from the user, like this:
var ref = new Firebase(""+uid+"/flowers");
var sync = $firebase(ref);
Now im stuck figuring out a clean way to fetch all the flower data by looping thrue every flower key from simplelogin:69 without looping thrue EVERY key in /flowers/ (in example below i only have three flower keys but in production i might have 10k).
I tried FirebaseIndex and firebase-util, but can't get it to work properly. Do anyone have any tips or anything? I've read previous posts here on stack but most seems out of date or not really suited for what im going for. Would really appriciate anything that can be solved with AngularFire.
Kind regards,
"flowers" : {
"-JiU57sFAfQwYtIq-LCl" : {
"image" : "test",
"name" : "test",
"type" : "Roses",
"uid" : "simplelogin:69"
"-JiU9-3ajlnFLpyUmBvL" : {
"image" : "dasdasd",
"name" : "sadasdas",
"type" : "Roses",
"uid" : "simplelogin:69"
"-JiUF-mioK3jQCYy6ZiG" : {
"image" : "ss",
"name" : "ss",
"type" : "Lilies",
"uid" : "simplelogin:69"
"users" : {
"simplelogin:69" : {
"flowers" : {
"-JiU57sFAfQwYtIq-LCl" : true,
"-JiU9-3ajlnFLpyUmBvL" : true,
"-JiUF-mioK3jQCYy6ZiG" : true
"simplelogin:70" : {
"simplelogin:71" : {
Got it to work now, thanks to #Kato 's answer on thread:
Firebase data normalized. How should I fetch a collection based on this structure? (tried it before creating this thread but didnt get it to work, so made som small changes and now it works).
Posting the solution for anyone stubling upon the same situation:
$ = {};
var flowerRef = new Firebase('');
var keyRef = new Firebase(''+checkAuth.auth.uid+'/flowers');
keyRef.on('child_added', function(snap) {
var flowerId = snap.key();
flowerRef.child(flowerId).on('value', function(snap) {
$timeout(function() {
if( snap.val() === null ) {
delete $[flowerId];
else {
$[flowerId] = snap.val();
keyRef.on('child_removed', function(snap) {
var flowerId = snap.key();
$timeout(function(snap) {
delete $[flowerId];
This really is a tough issue with Firebase. If you implement a custom factory object for the user's flower list, you could dynamically request new flower data as the list changes.
