How to get multiple query parameters in Caveman - common-lisp

My code works well in REPL, but it does not get the second value in my web application.
eg (?vehicle=bike&vehicle=car)
what I tried
when I do
CL-USER> (setf |vehicle| '(a b c)
(let ((|vehicle| (multival-plist:getf-all `(:|vehicle| ,|vehicle|) :|vehicle|)))
(print (alexandria:flatten (list :vehicle |vehicle|))))
which result the desired output (:VEHICLE A B C)
but when I submit my form
<form action="/checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="bike"> I have a bike<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="car"> I have a car<br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
to my route
#route GET "/checkbox"
(lambda (&key |vehicle|)
(let ((|vehicle| (multival-plist:getf-all `(:|vehicle| ,|vehicle|) :|vehicle|)))
(format nil "~a" (list :vehicle (alexandria:flatten |vehicle|)))))
actually I render the result to djula template, but for testing I use format instead.
{% for a in vehicle %}
<li>{{ a }}</li>
{% endfor %}
it resulted only (VEHICLE (bike)) even two of them checked, resulting in
what I expect to happen
the output should
I will use 16 checkboxes in my app, this will result to very long link, any suggestion to make the link short.
PS: I use Hunchentoot server and Caveman2 web framework.

change name=vehicle to name=vehicle[] in the html and caveman2 will parse this as a list of values giving the list ("bike" "car") when both checked as the value of vehicle.


Reset button using google events library

Hi I'm trying to create a reset button for this temperature widget. I want to click the button and have the input box be cleared. Right now, when I click, no matter what I do, the input in the text box doesn't go away.
Here is my code:
(ns learn-cljs.temp-converter
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[ :as gevents]))
(defn f->c [deg-f]
(/ (- deg-f 32) 1.8))
(defn c->f [deg-c]
(+ (* deg-c 1.8) 32))
(def celsius-radio (gdom/getElement "unit-c"))
(def fahrenheit-radio (gdom/getElement "unit-f"))
(def temp-input (gdom/getElement "temp"))
(def output-target (gdom/getElement "temp-out"))
(def output-unit-target (gdom/getElement "unit-out"))
(def reset-button (gdom/getElement "reset-button"))
(defn get-input-unit []
(if (.-checked celsius-radio)
(defn get-input-temp []
(js/parseInt (.-value temp-input)))
(defn set-output-temp [temp]
(gdom/setTextContent output-target
(.toFixed temp 2)))
;; 5 event handling callback
(defn update-output [_]
(if (= :celsius (get-input-unit))
(do (set-output-temp (c->f (get-input-temp)))
(gdom/setTextContent output-unit-target "F"))
(do (set-output-temp (f->c (get-input-temp)))
(gdom/setTextContent output-unit-target "C"))))
(defn reset-temp [_]
(gdom/setTextContent temp-input ""))
;; 6 attach event handlers
(gevents/listen temp-input "keyup" update-output)
(gevents/listen celsius-radio "click" update-output)
(gevents/listen fahrenheit-radio "click" update-output)
(gevents/listen reset-button "click" reset-temp)
In my index.html file I have:
<input type="reset" id="reset-button">
I can't for the life of me get this button to work? What do I do?
This is based on an exercise in the learn-clojurescript book, but I don't know where to find any answers for this.
I figured it out. In my index.html I changed it to this:
<div class="temp-control"> <!-- 2 -->
<label for="temp">Temperature:</label>
<input type="number" id="temp" name="temp" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset">

How to render a checkbox group with fields from an Entity with Symfony2

I have a material table that is related to items_budget. The form for items_budget needs to list all the registered material as a checkbox group, and beside each checkbox, two input fields, for quantity and price. Below is the code block I wrote for rendering this piece:
{% for material in materials %}
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" class="itemsbudget_material" name="cdg_itemsbudget_type[material]" value="{{ }}"> {{ }} -
<input type="hidden" class="itemsbudget_price_hidden" value="{{ material.price }}"/>
<input type="text" class="itemsbudget_quantity" name="cdg_itemsbudget_type[quantity]" placeholder="Qtd" size="3"/>x - R$
<input type="text" class="itemsbudget_price" name="cdg_itemsbudget_type[price]" value="0" size="3" readonly/>
{% endfor %}
The problem I am facing can be seen in the image. Looking at the top-left image, you see I have marked "Material C", filled the quantity, and after submitting the form, as shown in the second image, everything is fine.
But if I do the same with another Material, as it can be seen in the last image of my table, the quantity field is NULL.
What happens here is that only the first register in the material form is, let's say, "seen". When I say "first register" I mean the lowest id in the material form, literally the FIRST. If I had deleted the "Material C", then "Material D" would be the first and the quantity field would be seen for it only.
I have tried to put at the end of each name attribute a pair of brackets, but by doing it the page is refreshed and nothing is persisted, nothing happens.
I have tried many different ways to render this. Also, I have tried to create my material field as a collection, but I really think this is not the solution because I must get the id, quantity and price entered in the fields. I would need to be able to render something exactly like this with a collection form.
Please I need guidance. If you need any more code I will be happy to update my question. Thank you.
The value of quantity field is null, because the name of field is cdg_itemsbudget_type[quantity], the value override by last quantity field which is empty, the name of your field must be array with unique index something like this:
<input type="text" class="itemsbudget_quantity" name="cdg_itemsbudget_type[quantity][{{ }}]" placeholder="Qtd" size="3"/>x - R$
And then you have array of quantity for each material.

Form is not created inside while loop

I am newbie to . I learned that only one server side form could be used on a page. So.. due to functional requirement I have to create multiple forms . I did it with normal forms (without runat="server" tag . I used while loop to create form. Counter is initialized to zero & incremented to a particular length. But after running page I found by viewing source on browser that first form tag was not there (that is made on counter value 0) and other forms were there (counter value greater than zero). For reference I am including my code
int length = 0;
while (postListLength > length)
{ %>
<div class="View-Posts">
<div class="View-Post-Content">
<%=postList[length].PostContent %><br />
<form method="post" action="CompletePost.aspx">
<input type="hidden" name="RequestedId" value="<%=postList[length].PostId.ToString()%>" />
<input type="submit" value="See More" />
Then I made another asp page without loop only one form there also I got the same problem.
But the inner content of form is there like textbox etc. only form tag is not there for first form
Any help will be appreciable

RactiveJS dynamic variable name

I'm curious if I can somehow use dynamic variable names in templates. For example, I'm having a loop, though a type of units in my game:
{{# config.units:unit }}
<input type="text" id="unit_{{unit}}" class="toTrain selectable" value="" placeholder="0" />
{{/ config }}
Where the value of the input should return the value of {{units_1}} for example, which represents the amount of units (type 1).
I could easily do some external object and store the amount of units for each of them but, I was wondering if I can keep the data binded because somewhere in the template there will be a total needed resources which is calculated whith these values.
The only "solution" which came into my head was to get rid of the loop and manually write the units in the template. But, when units change, I also need to change the template, and.. the real template structure for one unit is a bit bigger than this snippet.
<input value="{{units_1}}" />
<input value="{{units_2}}" />
And I was looking for something like:
<input value="{{'units_'+unit}}" />
Which is obviously not working and not even supposed to work this way. But, thats why I'm here right ? To raise questions.
Regards !
Try to use write getUnit function:
{{# config.units:unit }}
<input type="text" id="{{ getUnit(unit) }}" class="toTrain selectable" value="" placeholder="0" />
{{/ config }}
self.set("getUnit", function (id) {
return self.get("config.units.unit_"+id);

Add a css class to a field in wtform

I'm generating a dynamic form using wtforms (and flask). I'd like to add some custom css classes to the fields I'm generating, but so far I've been unable to do so. Using the answer I found here, I've attempted to use a custom widget to add this functionality. It is implemented in almost the exact same way as the answer on that question:
class ClassedWidgetMixin(object):
"""Adds the field's name as a class.
(when subclassed with any WTForms Field type).
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print 'got to classed widget'
super(ClassedWidgetMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, field, **kwargs):
print 'got to call'
c = kwargs.pop('class', '') or kwargs.pop('class_', '')
# kwargs['class'] = u'%s %s' % (, c)
kwargs['class'] = u'%s %s' % ('testclass', c)
return super(ClassedWidgetMixin, self).__call__(field, **kwargs)
class ClassedTextField(TextField, ClassedWidgetMixin):
print 'got to classed text field'
In the View, I do this to create the field (ClassedTextField is imported from forms, and f is an instance of the base form):
f.test_field = forms.ClassedTextField('Test Name')
The rest of the form is created correctly, but this jinja:
produces this output (no class):
<input id="test_field" name="test_field" type="text" value="">
Any tips would be great, thanks.
You actually don't need to go to the widget level to attach an HTML class attribute to the rendering of the field. You can simply specify it using the class_ parameter in the jinja template.
{{"form-control") }}
will result in the following HTML::
<input class="form-control" id="email" name="email" type="text" value="">
to do this dynamically, say, using the name of the form as the value of the HTML class attribute, you can do the following:
{{"form-style-" }}
<input class="form-style-email" id="email" name="email" type="text" value="">
For more information about injecting HTML attributes, check out the official documentation.
If you would like to programatically include the css class (or indeed, any other attributes) to the form field, then you can use the render_kw argument.
r_field = RadioField(
will render as:
<ul class="myclass" id="r_field" style="font-size:150%">
<li><input id="r_field-0" name="r_field" type="radio" value="1"> <label for="r_field-0">Enabled</label></li>
<li><input id="r_field-1" name="r_field" type="radio" value="0"> <label for="r_field-1">Disabled</label></li>
In WTForms 2.1 I using extra_classes, like the line bellow:
1. The first way
{{ f.render_form_field(, extra_classes='ourClasses') }}
We can also use #John Go-Soco answers to use render_kw attribute on our form field, like this way.
2. The second way
style={'class': 'ourClasses', 'style': 'width:50%;'}
email = EmailField('Email',
validators=[InputRequired(), Length(1, 64), Email()],
But I would like more prefer to use the first way.
Pretty late though, but here is what I found. While rendering a template you can pass any key-value pairs inside the parenthesis, and it just puts those key values while rendering.
For example, if you had to put a class along with some placeholder text you can do it like below:
{{'custom-class' placeholder='email here') }}
will actually render like below:
<input class="custom-class" id="email" name="email" placeholder="email here" type="text" value="">
Basically, you can even try experimenting by adding some non-existent HTML attribute with some value and it gets rendered.
To make it a less of pain its good to have helper functions as macros and render them instead of actual fields directly.
Let's say you have common classes and error-classes.
You can have a helper macro like this:
{% macro render_field(field,cls,errcls) %}
{% if field.errors %}
<div class="form-group">
<label for="{{}}">{{ field.label.text }}</label>
{{ field(class = cls + " " + errcls,**kwargs) | safe}}
<div class="invalid-feedback">
{% for error in field.errors %}
<span> {{error}}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<div class="form-group">
<label for="{{}}">{{ field.label.text }}</label>
{{ field(class = cls,**kwargs) | safe}}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Now while rendering a field you can call like this with additional attributes like this in the template:
{{render_field(,cls="formcontrol",errcls="isinvalid",placeholder="Your Email") }}
Here I have used bootstrap classes, just modify the helper function to your needs!
Hope that helps! Happy coding!
