New xamarin.forms project creation gives NU11002 Unable to find package Xamarin.Forms with version (>= 250121934.0.0) - xamarin.forms

Recently i updated my visual studio 2017 enterprise to 15.5.0. I am trying to create xamarin forms project as Blank App, platfom Android + ios, UI Technology Xamarin.Forms, code sharing strategy .net standart. When i try to build the default created project i got the following error;
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error NU1102 Unable to find package Xamarin.Forms with version (>=
- Found 163 version(s) in [ Nearest version: ]
- Found 0 version(s) in Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages
I can not also remove and install xamarin.forms nuget. Any ideas?

Install xamarin.forms on all projects, in my case I was missing in the iOS project, it was enough to install the xamarin.forms nuget and everything worked normally. I hope it helps.

i finally found the solution. I opened android sdk manager and install Android 7.1 Nougat SDK (previously android 6.0 was installed). Then i right clicked solution and opened nuget manager. I selected Xamarin.forms package and choose the latest version of package and click install. I refreshed the package in all projects. Now everything works well.


Framework not found GoogleAppMeasurement

after updating VS for MacOS to the latest updates (version 8.8.5 (build 18)), I'm now facing the "framework not found GoogleAppMeasurement".
Can be reproduced in new Xamarin.Forms solution which will contain Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Auth, Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.CloudFirestore or Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.CloudMessaging Nuget packages in the iOS project.
The same thing happened to me, and the problem was that the package was undownloaded. I fixed it by going to the project folder, then the Pods folder, GoogleAppMeasurement folder, Frameworks folder where you will see GooogleAppMeasurement.framework, right click on that and press "Download Now" and that should do the trick.

Xamarin iOS build error - Native linking failed (Link Framework SDKs Only)

Not able to run Xamarin iOS project after Visual studio update.
Because updated IDE requires the latest Xcode (iOS 13.4 SDK shipped with Xcode 11.4)
Environment Details
OS Version : macOS Mojave, OS X 10.14.6
IDE : Visual Studio Community 2019 for Mac Version 8.5.1 (build 42)
Xamarin.iOS Version: (Visual Studio Community)
Xamarin.Mac Version: (Visual Studio Community)
Xcode Version 13.2
What I tried.
Instead of updating the Xcode, I simply changed the Linker Behaviour to Link Framework SDKs Only.
No luck, I got the following errors.
Error MT5210: Native linking failed, undefined symbol: ___darwin_check_fd_set_overflow.
Please verify that all the necessary frameworks have been referenced and native libraries are properly linked in. (MT5210)
Error MT5202: Native linking failed. Please review the build log. (MT5202)
Error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Linker Behaviour
mtouch arguments
Is there any other option to resolve the issue without update the Xcode and macOS?
Any help will be really appreciated.
Thank you
Cause : Latest visual studio requires latest Xcode (iOS 13.4 SDK
shipped with Xcode 11.4)
To solve the issue install the latest Xcode or use a lower
Xamarin.iOS Version
if you are on a mac, you might be able to find the previous installer here:
~/Library/Caches/VisualStudio/[Replace with Visual Studio Version]/TempDownload
or, if you know the version of the previous version of ios, you can download it from here (change the version number to suite your needs:
Xamarin/xamarin-macios Releases, which contains every version
if you are on windows, this post might give you some clues on where to find the local cache instead:
For more details: Ans-1 | Ans-2
The latest version of Visual-Studio use the latest version of Xamarin.iOS which may not work with the lower version of Xcode .
So use a lower Xamarin.iOS Version would solve this problem.
It looks like Apple have broken usage of -no_weak_imports with a recent XCode (see and ). Upstream Mono appears to have worked around the issue with ) but one wonders why Apple introduced a hard dependency on a weak symbol in their system libraries while still providing the option to disable weak symbols...

How to know what version of VisualStudio is integrated with vcpkg

I need to use PCL(Point Cloud Library) with PCAP.
I heard that I can use PCL without any modification of configuration after installation of PCL using vcpkg.
But, In the new project in VS2017 and VS2019, IDE cannot find source.
My environment and installation steps are blow.
VS2017 and VS2019 are installed
I added below code in triplets file "x64-windows.cmake"
I installed packages following below steps, in PowerShell.
.\vcpkg install pcl[pcap]:x64-windows --featurepackages
.\vcpkg integrate install
VS2017 cannot found PCL source, So I Checked project properties.
There are not any directory values about pcl.
And, I entered values.
"%VCPKG_ROOT%\installed\x64-windows\lib" and files(*.lib)
But, PCL is still not working
I also checked "%VCPKG_ROOT%\installed\x64-windows\lib".
"boost_atomic-vc140-mt.lib" is in this folder.
vc140 is for VS2015. Isn`t it?
How to install PCL for VS2017, and integrate with VS2017?
BlueGo has support for PCL (right now only Visual Studio 2015 is supported), but it should be not that hard to modify it to support VS 2017.

The project was restored using Microsoft.NETCore.App version 2.1.3, but with current settings, version 2.1.3-servicing-26724-03 would be used instead

Got this error today after upgrading VS2017 to v15.8.2 and trying to build my dotnet core project (target framework .NET Core 2.1):
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error NETSDK1061: The project was restored using
Microsoft.NETCore.App version 2.1.3, but with current settings,
version 2.1.3-servicing-26724-03 would be used instead. To resolve
this issue, make sure the same settings are used for restore and for
subsequent operations such as build or publish. Typically this issue
can occur if the RuntimeIdentifier property is set during build or
publish but not during restore. For more information, see
What to do?
Found out solution:
Uninstall .NET Core SDK 2.1.401, that came with vs2017 v15.8.2 and install it again using an installer from the .NET Downloads page.
Source: #joshuadavidson
Also quote #peterhuene:
"It's come to my attention that VS 15.8.2 did not include the correct,
final build of the 2.1.401 SDK. We are working on resolving this
issue. In the meantime, uninstalling the 2.1.401 SDK installed by
Visual Studio and installing the SDK from the .NET Downloads site
should correct the issue."
Update, September 7th 2018:
or simply upgrade to VS2017 v15.8.3, where the problem is resolved:
"Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8.2 contained a pre-release build of
.NET Core SDK 2.1.401 that is incompatible with Visual Studio. We have
corrected this issue with Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8.3."

Nuget Reference error while installing googleanalyticssdk in UWP app

I have ported my windows 8.1 app to UWP app and now when I try to install googleanalyticssdk into my app in visual studio 15 from nuget package manager I get the following error
Failed to add reference to GoogleAnalytics.Core
I have tried many solutions such as uninstalling other versions etc etc but none of them seem to work for me. What might be the reasons please suggest.
Please follow these steps to install packages:
Right click the solution
Choose "Manage Nuget Packages..."
Search "GoogleAnalyticsSDK"
Install version 1.3.0
If you still see such exception, please show us the Output from Package Manager, for example:
As karann mentioned, please also try the result of a blank UWP app, if it works, we need to focus on your existing project.
