Plone: (Archetypes) Make News Item and Event to be folderish - plone

I see I can use collective.folderishtypes to add new types (folderish) to be used instead of default news item and event. But I want to convert existing news items and events to folderish content types and keep it as simple as possible. Is it possible to override (monkey-patching?) the default types in a simple way (as result to have existing objects with folderish behavior)?
Or what is the good way of solving this issue? I just need existing objects to be solved, too and to have not confusing duplicate content types like: Add new News Item, News Item Folderish... etc. Also, if possible to keep existing listings (like latest events) working.

I have no experience with collective.folderish, the description sounds promising though, too bad it seems not to work for you.
If I needed to solve this and it's not a requirement to keep the histories (workflow- & content-history), I'd go create a new folderish type with the same fields, create for each event and news an instance of the new type and copy the field-values over.
That would change the modification-date, yet could be overcome by copying the mod-date to the publication-date-field (if not used already) and do the 'Latest news/events'-listings with collections sorted by pub-date.
But if you wanted to keep histories and leave mod-date untouched, you could create a folder for each news/event-item, put the item into the folder, set the item as default-view of the folder and rename the folder to the same id as the item. That will make the folder and item appear as one item in the UI and links to the item will not break because the folder is at the destination.
I tested this with a browser-view-script. Alas, adding a folder and moving the item within one script-run does not work for reasons I couldn't track down in short time. So one needs to call the browser-view three times:
from Acquisition import aq_parent, aq_inner
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
class View(BrowserView):
report = ''
def __call__(self):
portal = self.context
catalog = portal.portal_catalog
news_items = catalog.searchResults(portal_type='News Item')
event_items = catalog.searchResults(portal_type='Event')
items = news_items + event_items
for i, item in enumerate(items):
self.processItem(item, i, len(items))
def processItem(self, item, i, itemsAmount):
item = item.getObject()
item_id =
parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(item))
folder = None
folder_id = item_id + '-container'
if item_id ==
if i == itemsAmount-1: += '\
Nothing to do, all ' + str(itemsAmount) + ' items have the same id as their parent.'
if == folder_id:
parent = getParent(parent)
folder = parent[folder_id]
parent.manage_renameObject(, item_id)
if i == itemsAmount-1: += '\
Step 3/3: Renamed ' + str(itemsAmount) + ' folder-ids.'
folder = addFolder(parent, folder_id)
if i == itemsAmount-1: += '\
Step 1/3: Added ' + str(itemsAmount) + ' folders.'
folder.setTitle(item_id) # set same title as item has
folder = parent[folder_id]
cutAndPaste(item, folder)
if i == itemsAmount-1: += '\
Step 2/3: Moved ' + str(itemsAmount) + ' items into folders.'
def addFolder(parent, folder_id):
parent.invokeFactory('Folder', folder_id)
folder = parent[folder_id]
return folder
def cutAndPaste(item, folder):
""" Move item into folder. """
parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(item))
clipboard = parent.manage_cutObjects([])
def getParent(item):
return aq_parent(aq_inner(item))
You need to do this procedure also every time a new event/news-item is created, with an event-listener.
It would be better to create new event-listeners for each step of the process and start the next one when the preceding step has ended.
The temporary-id for the folder (composed of item-id and the arbitrary suffix "-container") is assumed to not exist already within the parent of an item. Although it is very unlikely to happen, you might want to grab that exception in the script, too.

I have not tested this, but based on the collective.folderishtypes documentation ("How to migrate non-folderishtypes to folderish ones") you should be able to call the ##migrate-btrees view on your Plone site root to migrate non-folderish content types to folderish.
Warning: do a backup of the database before attempting the migration, and test in development environment first before applying this on production data.


How to limit Django-CMS template_choices based on Page parent

This question could probably be solved with a more broad Q: "How to replace a python 2.7 attribute with a property from outside", but maybe there's a Django-CMS way of accomplishing this, so I ask:
I'm trying to limit the template choices of Django-CMS' (v3.4.x) pages based on their parents, so for this I thought of overriding it's template_choices with a function, but I see that in Django-CMS' Page model it's loaded on creation, like this:
class Page(...):
TEMPLATE_DEFAULT = get_cms_setting('TEMPLATES')[0][0]
template_choices = [(x, _(y)) for x, y in get_cms_setting('TEMPLATES')]
Modifying get_cms_settins is out of the question, but I do need to alter TEMPLATE_DEFAULT and template_choices so that they have the proper values I wish for. Since I'm still fairly new to Django and Python, my question is where and how do I do this?
My first attempt was to do something like this on my
def template_choices(self):
from cms.utils import get_cms_setting
templates = [(x, _(y)) for x, y in get_cms_setting('TEMPLATES')]
if self.parent:
if self.parent.template == 'parent_a.html':
templates = [('child_A.html', _('Child A'))]
elif self.parent.template == 'parent_b.html':
templates = [('child_b.html', _('Child B'))]
templates = [('fullwidth.html', _('Fullwidth'))]
templates = [('home_page.html', _('Homepage')),
('parent_a.html', _('Parent A')),
('parent_b.html', _('Parent B'))]
return templates
def template_default(self):
return self.template_choices[0][0]
Page.template_choices = template_choices
Page.TEMPLATE_DEFAULT = template_default
And this is setting those fields correctly if I try to inspect any instance of Page, however when I try to edit any page and I click on the Page>Templates menu, all templates are up for selection, so it seems the template_choices and TEMPLATE_DEFAULT attributes are being ignored. Inspecting seems to confirm this, since the get_template and get_template_name methods use get_cms_setting('TEMPLATES') instead of those fields. Also in for the # templates menu section get_cms_setting('TEMPLATES') rather than which seems to be the main culprit. So, this question has turned into a bug ticket:

How to solve a tkinter memory leak?

I have a dynamic table with a fixed row number (like a FIFO Queue), which updates continuously through tkinter's after() function. Inside the table is a Button, which text is editable.
To make the Button's text editable I used the solution of BrenBarn and reference a loop variable into a function call at the command-attribute.
When the function update_content_items() is cycled, I found, that the memory usage is increasing MB by MB per second. I can confirm that after commenting out the lambda expression, the memory leak was gone. (as seen live running 'top' in the terminal)
It seems I have to use the lambda, otherwise the Button will have a wrong index and the user edits the wrong row, when I just used self.list_items[i], though the user clicked the right one.
Is there a way to solve the problem? How can the user click the right button and edit it while having the right index and getting rid of the leak?
The corresponding code:
def update_content_items(self):
Continuously fills and updates the Table with rows and content.
The size of the table rows is initially fixed by an external value at config.ini
:return: nothing
if len(self.list_items) > self.queueMaxlen:
self.queueMaxlen = len(self.list_items)
for i in range(len(self.list_items)):
item = self.list_items[i]
self.barcodeImgList[i].image = item.plateimage
orig_image =
ein_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(orig_image)
# keeps a reference, because somehow tkinter forgets it...??? Bug of my implementation???
self.barcodeImgList[i].image = ein_image
orig_image = None
ein_image = None
command=lambda K=i: self.edit_barcode(self.list_items[K]))
self.search_hitlist[i].config(bg='white', cursor="xterm")
if item.queryresult is not None:
if item.queryresult.gesamtstatus != 'Gruen':
self.search_hitlist[i].insert(tk.END, item.queryresult.barcode +
'\n' + item.queryresult.permitlevel)
self.search_hitlist[i].configure(bg='red', cursor="hand2")
self.search_hitlist[i].bind("<Button-1>", item.url_callback)
self.search_hitlist[i].configure(bg='green', cursor="xterm")
self.canvas.after(10, self.update_content_items)
except IndexError as ie:
for number, thing in enumerate(self.list_items):
print(number, thing)
raise ie
def edit_barcode(self, item=None):
Opens the number plate edit dialogue and updates the corresponding list item.
:param item: as Hit DAO
:return: nothing
if item is not None:
new_item_number = EditBarcodeEntry(self.master.master, item)
if new_item_number.mynumber != 0:
item.number = new_item_number.mynumber
self.list_items.request_work(item, 'update')
print("You shouldn't get here at all. Please see edit_barcode function.")
EDIT: It seems there is indeed a deeper memory leak (python itself). The images won't get garbage collected. Memory is slowly leaking in Python 3.x and I do use PIL. Also here: Image loading by file name memory leak is not properly fixed
What can I do, because I have to cycle through a list with records and update Labels with images? Is there a workaround? PhotoImage has no explicit close() function, and if I call del, the reference is gc'ed and no configuring of the Label possible.
an example of my proposed changes, with indentation fixed:
def update_content_items(self):
Continuously fills and updates the Table with rows and content.
The size of the table rows is initially fixed by an external value at config.ini
:return: nothing
if len(self.list_items) > self.queueMaxlen:
self.queueMaxlen = len(self.list_items)
for i in range(len(self.list_items)):
item = self.list_items[i]
self.barcodeImgList[i].image = item.plateimage
orig_image =
ein_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(orig_image)
# keeps a reference, because somehow tkinter forgets it...??? Bug of my implementation???
self.barcodeImgList[i].image = ein_image
orig_image = None
ein_image = None
self.numberList[i].configure(text=item.number) # removed lambda
self.numberList[i].bind("<Button-1>", self.edit_barcode_binding) # added binding
self.search_hitlist[i].config(bg='white', cursor="xterm")
if item.queryresult is not None:
if item.queryresult.gesamtstatus != 'Gruen':
self.search_hitlist[i].insert(tk.END, item.queryresult.barcode +
'\n' + item.queryresult.permitlevel)
self.search_hitlist[i].configure(bg='red', cursor="hand2")
self.search_hitlist[i].bind("<Button-1>", item.url_callback)
self.search_hitlist[i].configure(bg='green', cursor="xterm")
self.canvas.after(10, self.update_content_items)
except IndexError as ie:
for number, thing in enumerate(self.list_items):
print(number, thing)
raise ie
def edit_barcode_binding(self, event): # new wrapper for binding
K = self.numberList.index(event.widget) # get index from list
self.edit_barcode(self.list_items[K]) # call the original function
def edit_barcode(self, item=None):
Opens the number plate edit dialogue and updates the corresponding list item.
:param item: as Hit DAO
:return: nothing
if item is not None:
new_item_number = EditBarcodeEntry(self.master.master, item)
if new_item_number.mynumber != 0:
item.number = new_item_number.mynumber
self.list_items.request_work(item, 'update')
print("You shouldn't get here at all. Please see edit_barcode function.")

When dragging multiple items from QListWidget, non-draggable items get removed

I have two QListWidgets. The user can select multiple items from one list and drag them to the other list. But within each list, some items are draggable and some are not. If the selection contains both draggable and non-draggable items, a problem happens. Only the draggable items appear in the second list, which is correct. But all the items disappear from the first list.
In the animated image above, items 00, 01, and 02 are selected. Only items 00 and 02 are drag enabled. After the drag-and-drop, all three items are gone from the first list. How can I fix this?
Here is some code to reproduce the problem:
import random
import sys
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui
class TestMultiDragDrop(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(TestMultiDragDrop, self).__init__(parent)
centralWidget = QtGui.QWidget()
layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(centralWidget)
self.list1 = QtGui.QListWidget()
self.list2 = QtGui.QListWidget()
self.fillListWidget(self.list1, 8, 'someItem')
self.fillListWidget(self.list2, 4, 'anotherItem')
def fillListWidget(self, listWidget, numItems, txt):
for i in range(numItems):
item = QtGui.QListWidgetItem()
newTxt = '{0}{1:02d}'.format(txt, i)
if random.randint(0, 1):
item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled)
# If the item is draggable, indicate it with a *
newTxt += ' *'
item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled)
def openMultiDragDrop():
global multiDragDropUI
multiDragDropUI = TestMultiDragDrop()
return multiDragDropUI
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
Here I have some suspicion on setDefaultDropAction(QtCore.Qt.MoveAction)
Read below para from documentation: Specially the bold line
In the simplest case, the target of a drag and drop action receives a copy of the data being dragged, and the source decides whether to delete the original. This is described by the CopyAction action. The target may also choose to handle other actions, specifically the MoveAction and LinkAction actions. If the source calls QDrag::exec(), and it returns MoveAction, the source is responsible for deleting any original data if it chooses to do so. The QMimeData and QDrag objects created by the source widget should not be deleted - they will be destroyed by Qt.
First give a try with QtCore.Qt.CopyAction
Second, if MoveAction is mandatory, try creating QMimeData and QDrag objects in your source list widget's mouseMoveEvent.
Here in below link, you can find some help for creating QMimeData and QDrag objects in your source list widget's mouseMoveEvent. (code is in C++, My intention is to get conceptual idea).
I think Kuba Ober is right that this is a Qt bug. In the C++ source code, there is a function void QAbstractItemViewPrivate::clearOrRemove(). It deletes all selected rows, but it does not look at whether each item is drag-enabled or not.
That being the case, I came up with a few workarounds:
Method 1: Make all non-draggable items non-selectable as well
This is the easiest method. Just remove the QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled flag from all non-draggable items. Of course if you want all of your items to be selectable, this won't work.
Method 2: Recreate the "startDrag" function
Since the clearOrRemove function belongs to a private class, I cannot override it. But that function is called by the startDrag function, which can be overridden. So I essentially duplicated the function in Python and replaced the call to clearOrRemove with my own function removeSelectedDraggableItems.
The problem with this method is that startDrag contains calls to a few other functions belonging to a private class. And those functions call other private class functions. Specifically, these functions are responsible for controlling how the items are drawn during the drag event. Since I didn't want to recreate all the functions, I just ignored those. The result is that this method results in the correct functionality, but it loses the graphical indication of which items are being dragged.
class DragListWidget(QtGui.QListWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(DragListWidget, self).__init__()
def startDrag(self, supportedDragActions):
indexes = self.getSelectedDraggableIndexes()
if not indexes:
mimeData = self.model().mimeData(indexes)
if not mimeData:
drag = QtGui.QDrag(self)
rect = QtCore.QRect()
# "renderToPixmap" is from a private class in the C++ code, so I can't use it.
#pixmap = renderToPixmap(indexes, rect)
# "pressedPosition" is from a private class in the C++ code, so I can't use it.
#drag.setHotSpot(pressedPostion() - rect.topLeft())
defaultDropAction = self.defaultDropAction()
dropAction = QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAction
if ((defaultDropAction != QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAction) and
(supportedDragActions & defaultDropAction)):
dropAction = defaultDropAction
elif ((supportedDragActions & QtCore.Qt.CopyAction) and
(self.dragDropMode() != self.InternalMove)):
dropAction = QtCore.Qt.CopyAction
dragResult = drag.exec_(supportedDragActions, dropAction)
if dragResult == QtCore.Qt.MoveAction:
def getSelectedDraggableIndexes(self):
""" Get a list of indexes for selected items that are drag-enabled. """
indexes = []
for index in self.selectedIndexes():
item = self.itemFromIndex(index)
if item.flags() & QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled:
return indexes
def removeSelectedDraggableItems(self):
selectedDraggableIndexes = self.getSelectedDraggableIndexes()
# Use persistent indices so we don't lose track of the correct rows as
# we are deleting things.
root = self.rootIndex()
model = self.model()
persistentIndices = [QtCore.QPersistentModelIndex(i) for i in selectedDraggableIndexes]
for pIndex in persistentIndices:
model.removeRows(pIndex.row(), 1, root)
Method 3: Hack "startDrag"
This method changes the drop action from "MoveAction" to "CopyAction" before calling the built-in "startDrag" method. Then it calls a custom function for deleting the selected drag-enabled items. This solves the problem of losing the graphical dragging animation.
This is a pretty easy hack, but it comes with its own problem. Say the user installs an event filter that changes the drop action from "MoveAction" to "IgnoreAction" in certain cases. This hack code doesn't get the updated value. It will still delete the items as though the action is "MoveAction". (Method 2 does not have this problem.) There are workarounds for this problem, but I won't go into them here.
class DragListWidget2(QtGui.QListWidget):
def startDrag(self, supportedDragActions):
dropAction = self.defaultDropAction()
if dropAction == QtCore.Qt.MoveAction:
super(DragListWidget2, self).startDrag(supportedDragActions)
if dropAction == QtCore.Qt.MoveAction:
def removeSelectedDraggableItems(self):
# Same code from Method 2. Removed here for brevity.

Import TransferOrder lines (InventTransferLine)

I am trying to import a transfer order line with this code from Transfer Orders Import:
InventDim inventDim;
InventTransferLine inventTransferLine;
//Order line
inventDim.InventSiteId = "GENERAL";
inventDim.InventLocationId = "103";
inventTransferLine.ItemId = "A01103472";
inventTransferLine.InventDimId = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim).inventDimId;
inventTransferLine.QtyTransfer = 2;
inventTransferLine.QtyRemainReceive = inventTransferLine.QtyTransfer;
inventTransferLine.QtyRemainShip = inventTransferLine.QtyTransfer;
inventTransferLine.ShipDate = str2Date(#ShipDate, 213);
inventTransferLine.ReceiveDate = str2Date(#ReceiveDate, 213);
inventTransferLine.initFromInventTransferTable(inventTransferTable, false);
inventTransferLine.LineNum = InventTransferLine::lastLineNum(inventTransferLine.TransferId) + 1.0;
if (inventTransferLine.validateWrite())
throw error("Order line");
Is this the correct or the preferred way to do it?
What's the use of inventDim here? I am transferring this product from warehouse A to warehouse B and those are specified in the selected header, meaning the InventTransferTable record.
And i am not sure about these two lines:
1. inventTransferLine.QtyRemainReceive = inventTransferLine.QtyTransfer;
2. inventTransferLine.QtyRemainShip = inventTransferLine.QtyTransfer;
RemainReceive from where? i can't figure out what are they referring to.
You are more or less good to go.
You seems to have copied what others have done, which is good.
There are other ways to it, one using AxInventTransferTable and ...Line classes, another using the TransferOrderCreateService service. None will give you much competitive advantage, if working from within AX.
The InventDim (see white paper) contains the inventory, storage, and tracking dimensions of the item. You will need to set more fields if the item requires it as specified on the item and product.
Product dimensions. Item dimensions, color, size and configuration.
Storage dimensions. These are Site, Warehouse, Location, and Pallet.
Tracking dimensions. These are Batch number and Serial number.
A shipment is a two-step thing. First you ship the item from the source site/warehouse. Later you receive the item at the target site/warehouse.
The QtyRemainShipand QtyRemainReceive fields represents the quantity remaining for each step.

Losing some z3c relation data on restart

I have the following code which is meant to programmatically assign relation values to a custom content type.
publications = # some data
catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
for pub in publications:
if pub['custom_id']:
results = catalog(custom_id=pub['custom_id'])
if len(results) == 1:
obj = results[0].getObject()
measures = []
for m in pub['measure']:
if m in context.objectIds():
m_id = intids.getId(context[m])
relation = RelationValue(m_id)
obj.measures = measures
Snippet of schema for custom content type
measures = RelationList(
When I run my script everything looks good. The problem is when my template for the custom content tries to call "pub/from_object/absolute_url" the value is blank - only after a restart. Interestingly, I can get other attributes of pub/from_object after a restart, just not it's URL.
from_object retrieves the referencing object from the relation catalog, but doesn't put the object back in its proper Acquisition chain. See for a way to do it that should work.
