this is my R code:
output$heatmap_viewed_ads <- renderPlotly({
plot_ly( x = c(1,2,3,4,5), y = casted_viewed_ads$FEED, z = as.matrix(casted_viewed_ads[2:15]), type = "heatmap",colors = "Greens" )%>%
layout(title = "#Views", xaxis=list(title="Position of Display"))})
I am plotting right here this data. I do now want to just show the matrix that is generated by
Can someone help me please? I'm new to R. I'm using Shiny and Plotly.
You can use renderTable to display your matrix in the Shiny app.
output$matrix <- renderTable({
yourmatrix <- as.matrix(casted_viewed_ads[2:15])
plotOutput("heatmap_viewed_ads"), #you can eliminate this line if you just want to show the table
I'm aware of and have been using it as a guide. But the ggplot element I'm converting to plotly is the output from the fviz_dend function of the factoextra package. Here's a minimum shiny app example I'm working with:
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## ggplot output
fviz <- fviz_dend(
x = hclust(dist(mtcars)),
k = 5,
show_labels = TRUE,
type = "phylogenic",
phylo_layout = "layout_as_tree",
color_labels_by_k = TRUE,
palette = "igv"
## convert to ggplotly
ggfviz <- ggplotly(fviz)
## add keys
for (i in seq(7, 11)) {
ggfviz[["x"]][["data"]][[i-5]][["key"]] <-
output$ggp <- renderPlotly({
output$selected_points <- renderPrint({
output$filtered_table <- DT::renderDataTable(
mtcars[which(rownames(mtcars) == event_data("plotly_selected")[5]), ],
shinyApp(ui, server)
So I'm trying to use the key accessed with event_data("plotly_selected")[5] in order to filter the data table, and while event_data("plotly_selected")[5] does show the key per output$selected_points, it is somehow not passed to the datatable filter.
It looks like event_data will return a data frame with multiple rows. Instead of filtering with == you will need %in% instead to see which multiple cars are contained within the multiple possible selections from plotly_selected. In addition, even though you subset by column 5, you still have a data frame, and need to include the column key only for filtering (containing a vector of cars). This should work:
mtcars[which(rownames(mtcars) %in% event_data("plotly_selected")$key), ]
mtcars[which(rownames(mtcars) %in% event_data("plotly_selected")[["key"]]), ]
I have a chart in Shiny generated with the HighCharter package. I would like to surpress the "No data to display" message which is shown when the series to be plotted is empty. In my case, the actual content of the plot is shown as a plotLines (variable age below). However, in order for HighCharter to display the plotLines, it needs data. This is the reason, why I add the line (remove that line to see what I mean):
%>% hc_series(list(data=c(), visible=FALSE, id="dummy"))
Can this be done?
Here is a sample using reprex(venue="r"): I would like that the background gradient and the plotLines are showed but the message "No data to display" should be hidden.
#> Highcharts ( is a Highsoft software product which is
#> not free for commercial and Governmental use
# layout
ui <- fluidPage(highchartOutput("highchart_slider", height = "200px"))
server <- function(input, output) {
# This value comes from the backend and is variable. It is in [-100, 100]
age <- 20
output$highchart_slider <- renderHighchart({
hcSlider <- highchart() %>%
hc_chart(renderTo= "container",
defaultSeriesType = 'bar',
linearGradient = list(x1=0, x2=1, y1=0, y2=0),
stops=list(list(0, '#bf0000'),list(0.45, '#e1e218'),
list(0.55, '#e1e218'),list(1, 'darkgreen')))) %>%
hc_yAxis(tickInterval=100, min=-100, max=100,
label = list(text = "title", align = 'center', verticalAlign = 'top'),
color = "black", width = 4, value = age, y = -2))
) %>%
hc_series(list(data=c(), visible=FALSE, id="dummy"))
# display plot
# start the app
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
#' <!--html_preserve-->
#' Shiny applications not supported in static R Markdown documents
#' <!--/html_preserve-->
Your question has no reproducible example, but as I understand, you want to prevent a plot to be plotted, whenever no data is available?
I would advice looking into req()
If you want a plot to be only plotted when let's say data is available,
output$plot <- renderPlot({
req will not only stop the plot when the data is NULL or FALSE, but also when the user has no data selected
I would like to create a cloud which shows information about the point using tooltip in ggiraph packages. I can create a cloud with only one information (from one column), but I would like to add information from three columns. Below I added a picture what I want to achieve and code. The code is correct but on the plot is information from only one column.
Picture shows what I want to achieve
#create data frame
col_C=as.character(c("food_1", "food_2", "food_3", "food_4", "food_5"))
df=data.frame(col_A, col_B, col_C)
df$col_C <- as.character(df$col_C)
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output) {
gg <- ggplot(data = df ,aes(x = col_A, y = col_B)) +
# I would like to plot like this: geom_point_interactive(tooltip=c(df$col_A, df$col_B, df$col_C))
# but i causes error: Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (5): tooltip
output$plot1 <- renderggiraph({
ggiraph(code= print(gg))})
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
You can use paste0 to get the tooltip with all the values as follows:
df$tooltip <- c(paste0("Name = ", df$col_C, "\n Column A = ", df$col_A, "\n Column B = ", df$col_B))
Then instead of geom_point_interactive(tooltip=df$col_C) you can use geom_point_interactive(tooltip=df$tooltip)
Hope it helps!
I want to draw a Plotly graph in the Shiny App in R. I want the the functionality in such a way that I want to plot a certain number of points (say 20) in a loop.
This is my code for the Server.R :-
xAxis = vector("numeric", as.numeric(input$Generations))
yAxis = vector("numeric", as.numeric(input$Generations))
graphDF = data.frame(cbind(xAxis, yAxis))
for(i in 1 : 5)
{ output$GA = renderPlotly({
print(graphDF) # Testing
graphDF$yAxis[i] = i
graphDF$xAxis[i] = i
print(graphDF) # Testing
# Plotly functionality
p <- plot_ly(graphDF, x = graphDF$xAxis, y = graphDF$yAxis)
Any help would be most appreciated.
Kind Regards
This was more complicated than it looked. It looks like you want to iterate and create a series of plotly graphs, changing the data values as you go along.
Because the Generations slider re-initializes the vector to a new length,
and each iteration changes the state of the data being plotted, you can't just cascade reactive functions. Storing the state in a reactiveValues is a good way to handle this.
The major changes were as follows:
Added a reactiveValues to store xAxis and yAxis
Added an observeEvent to reinitialize those values when its value change
Added an "Iteration range" slider to drive the iteration (easier than a reactive timer). Note that it has an animate parameter that (probably) creates a reactive timer on its own.
Modified the plotly call to make it more conventional and avoid warnings.
The code:
u <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Iterations of a plotly graph"),
sliderInput("Generations","Number of Generations:",
min = 1, max = 50, value = 20),
sliderInput("iter", "Iteration range:",
value = 1, min = 1, max = 1000, step = 1,
animate=animationOptions(interval=800, loop=T)),
p("To start click on the blue arrowhead")
s <- shinyServer(function(input,output){
rv <- reactiveValues(xAxis=NULL,yAxis=NULL)
rv$xAxis=vector("numeric", as.numeric(input$Generations))
rv$yAxis=vector("numeric", as.numeric(input$Generations))
output$GA = renderPlotly({
rv$yAxis[input$iter] <- input$iter
rv$xAxis[input$iter] <- input$iter
gdf <- data.frame(xAxis=rv$xAxis, yAxis=rv$yAxis)
plot_ly(gdf, x = ~xAxis, y = ~yAxis, type="scatter",mode="markers")
Because it is dynamic, you have to run it to see how it really works, but here is a screen shot after several iterations:
I came across a problem while using rCharts in my Shiny application. I generate dynamically 1-3 tabPanels (depending on the user selection) and in each of them one plot is rendered. Plot may be of two types: simple (with graphics libary) or rCharts (with morris library). The whole tabsetPanel is rendered within the uiOutput component, each time an user changes his input. The type of the ui output (plotOutput for simple plot or showOutput for rCharts) is defined when a tabPanel is rendered, so the plot does have a proper environment.
And the problem: simple plots (with graphics, ggplot2 etc.) do work OK - they are displayed correctly in a tabPanel. However, when I work with application and have 2 or 3 rCharts to be displayed, it happens that one chart is not displaying - almost at all (see the images below). Of course, such a problem does not appear with simple plots.
I tried to have the output size fixed, size flexible, but the problem still exists. I have varsions of R and the libraries as follows:
> R.Version()$version.string
[1] "R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)"
> packageVersion("Shiny")
[1] ‘0.7.0’
> packageVersion("rCharts")
[1] ‘0.3.51’
Thank you a lot for any suggestions.
rCharts working OK:
rCharts FAIL to be dispkayed ok:
EDIT: my code below:
checkboxInput(inputId = "checkboxInputx", label = "function: x", value = TRUE),
checkboxInput(inputId = "checkboxInputxpower2", label = "function: x^2", value = FALSE),
checkboxInput(inputId = "checkboxInput2x", label = "function: 2x", value = FALSE),
radioButtons("plottypechoice", "Choose plot type", c("simple", "rCharts")),
# build data frame
x <- 1:100
df <- data.frame(x, x^2, 2*x)
names(df) <- c("x", "xpower2", "2productx")
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# generate tabsetPanel with tabPlots with plot of selected type
output$plotpanelcontent <- renderUI({
if(input$gobutton != 0){
# collect tab names
tab.names <- vector()
if(input$checkboxInputx) tab.names <- c(tab.names, "x")
if(input$checkboxInputxpower2) tab.names <- c(tab.names, "xpower2")
if(input$checkboxInput2x) tab.names <- c(tab.names, "2productx")
# render tabs
tabs <- lapply(tab.names, function({
# define tabPanel content depending on plot type selection
if(input$plottypechoice == "simple")
tab <- tabPanel(, plotOutput(paste0("simpleplot",
tab <- tabPanel(, showOutput(paste0("rchartplot",, "morris"))
return(, tabs))
# Render simple plots
output$simpleplotx <- renderPlot({
print(plot(df[,1], df[,1]))
plot(df[,1], df[,1])
output$simpleplotxpower2 <- renderPlot({
print(plot(df[,1], df[,2]))
plot(df[,1], df[,2])
output$simpleplot2productx <- renderPlot({
print(plot(df[,1], df[,3]))
plot(df[,1], df[,3])
# Render rCharts
output$rchartplotx <- renderChart({
plot <- mPlot(x="x", y="x", type = "Line", data = df)
plot$set(dom = "rchartplotx")
output$rchartplotxpower2 <- renderChart({
plot <- mPlot(x="x", y="xpower2", type = "Line", data = df)
plot$set(dom = "rchartplotxpower2")
output$rchartplot2productx <- renderChart({
plot <- mPlot(x="x", y="2productx", type = "Line", data = df)
plot$set(dom = "rchartplot2productx")
I have asked Olly Smith, an author of morris.js library, to suggest a solution and I received a following response:
Morris can't correctly draw charts when they're not displayed on screen. When using Morris in tabbed applications, you need to redraw the active chart whenever the tab selection changes. There's a redraw() method on the chart objects that each of the Morris.Line/Bar/Donut constructors return that you can use to do this. Unfortunately, it's currently undocumented, but it's a stable part of the API now so it's safe to use.
I followed the Ramnath suggestions and update both Shiny and rCharts libraries version:
> packageVersion("Shiny")
[1] ‘0.8.0’
> packageVersion("rCharts")
[1] ‘0.3.53’
and run the code just after restarting the R session. Unfortunately, plots seem to behave in even stranger way now. After doing actions in the following order:
set: "function: x", "rCharts", GO [OK],
add: "function: x^2" [see "not_ok_1" image attached below in the post],
add: "function: 2x" [see "not_ok_2" image attached below in the post].
I received the plot visualizations as follows:
"not_ok_1" image
"not_ok_2" image