How to move wordpress website from hosting account to localhost - wordpress

I'm getting 404 error while accessing relative paths on
Wordpress website copied from hosting and deployed locally as Apache vhost.
Local website is basically git clone of the existing remote website.
The following steps were performed to make it work:
DB urls were searched and replaced using wp-cli to be
VHost configured according to apache documentation.
/etc/hosts modified.
So website can be accessed successfully via
Media in can be viewed successfully.
Though, accessing a Wordrpess page identified by /relative path (relative to current domain/site) causes "The requested URL /relative/ was not found on this server" error.
I'm using the same .htaccess from the remote public_html folder.
How to achive equivalent to hosting behaviour for local vhost website?
Is .htaccess, apache2 configuration, vhost configurations should be changed?

You can use the WP Migrate DB plugin to fix URLs and PHP paths, and them you need to fix the .htaccess file (PHP path) and maybe wp-config.php.

The solution was to allow using .htaccess in /etc/apache/apache2.conf by changing from AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All.
More about it here
So that section related to my local website now looks like:
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Allow from

Please take a backup through Wordpress Duplicator/All in one migration plugin
For Duplicator plugin kindly follow that
For All in one migration plugin please follow that
After backup simply you can create a folder in htdocs folder in xampp then create the database in localhost phymyadmin with same name that you have assign to folder
Then further implementation of the backup you can follow the above links please

You can easily move your WordPress website from any hosting to your local host such xampp or wamp server, etc. Follow these simple steps:
Open your WordPress website dashboard.
Install the duplicator backup plugin.
Once it is installed. Take a backup of all of your database files, themes, plugins, and everything.
Open your localhost Cpanel and upload the backup zip file into public.html folder.
Congrats. You have successfully moved your website.
I hope this information will help you. Thanks


How do I get access to my .htaccess files on Google Cloud for my Wordpress Website?

I migrated a website from one web host to another (which is Google Cloud), but I'm having problems changing my permalinks from plain to post name. I want to have the website show the name of the page on the url, but I can't figure out how to get access to my .htaccess files on Google Cloud to see if this is the cause of it.
The error on the website pages are 404 Not Found. But the pages are found if the permalinks are on plain and not on %postname%.
I'm working on a wordpress file.
I tried to change permalinks to %postname% in the wordpress dashboard, but I received an error. I also tried to see if plugins were an issue but its the permalinks needed to be on "plain" setting.
Access SSH: Go to edit your apache .conf
sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride ALL <----(edit from none)
Require all granted
Then restart apache2 using:
sudo service apache2 restart
I had the same issue, I hired someone to move a client site ( to GCP, and when it is time to adjust some little stuffs. I decided to do it myself only to find out that it is not the traditional cpanel I am used to. What you are going to do is download filezilla ( and PuTTY, there are tutorial online to follow. You will be able to set it up instantly.

Hosted the website in godaddy. How to create wordpress web-site?

We have a domain hosted in godaddy. The web-site works fine without any issues.
Now we would like to use wordpress and wordpress themes and plugin to build the web-site
How do install or deploy wordpress in godaddy?
In godaddy, there is an option for one click install wordpress.
If you want to install wordpress manually follow the below steps :
Download and unzip the WordPress package if you haven't already.
Create a database for WordPress on your web server, as well as a MySQL (or MariaDB) user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.
(Optional) Find and rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php, then edit the file (see Editing wp-config.php) and add your database information.
Upload the WordPress files to the desired location on your web server:
Run the WordPress installation script by accessing the URL in a web browser. This should be the URL where you uploaded the WordPress files.
For more details see this link click here

Parallels Plesk shows Default Page

I uploaded Wordpress files from the old server to Parallels Plesk in the httpdocs directory and deleted the index.html but when I open the site it still shows the default page of the parallels plesk panel.
How can I solve that?
Best Regards
First of all make sure that domain name is resolvable to correct IP address.
Try rebuilding the Apache configuration files for the domain:
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng --reconfigure-domain
Check possible redirection in .htaccess file.

Bitnami wordpress htaccess.conf setup

I am using xampp to develop a wordpress site using bitnami application installer all is fine at the moment except that there is no .htaccess file but instead they are using a htaccess.conf file. would i be able to create a .htaccess file in order to allow .svg mime type? or is there a way to do that with the htaccess.conf file?
I appreciate the help :)
Bitnami developer here:
One of our main goals is to configure Bitnami applications in the most secure way. For this reason, we moved the configuration in the ".htaccess" files to the main application configuration files and set the "AllowOverride" option to "None" by default.
In this case, you have two options:
Set the AllowOverride directive to All in xampp_dir/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-app.conf and use the .htaccess files.
Use xampp_dir/apps/wordpress/conf/htaccess.conf with the content of the .htaccess files that you have.
I hope it helps.

Issue moving wordpress site to plesk

I have recently been importing a localhost wordpress site into plesk. I have used ftp to move all of my wordpress files from htdocs on localhost to httpdocs in plesk.Ihave also imported my wp content to a new database on the server which I have set up the correct details for in config.php of wordpress. However, when I then try to view the website it at first showed a plesk default page and when I removed that index file from httpdocs, an apache default page that says 'You may now add content to the directory /var/www/html/ . Note that until you do so, people visiting your website will see this page and not your content. To prevent this page from ever being used, follow the instructions in the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf'.
Sorry if i'm being dense but I thought that all web files should be moved to httpdocs if there isn't a public_html? Also, where would I find var/www/html/? as I cannot see this directory anywhere while using ftp.
Sorry again if this is a silly question but I am new to plesk!
You need to activate php for your plesk site.
Did you have any domain in Plesk?
Http root of domain's created by plesk is placed to
/var/www/vhosts/<domain name>/httpdocs/
You can check current apache's virtual hosts by command:
apachectl -S
apache2ctl -S
