Theme customization lost when rendering to string on client - css

I'm using material-ui-next and have customized the theme to use my color styles and a custom font. eg. Typography subheading
I'm now attempting to render a component to string for use in a google maps info window. The default material-ui theme is available in the callback styles object passed to withStyles, but none of my customizations are available on the theme argument in the styles callback nor are they applied. The rendered string renders otherwise correctly (albeit w/o events which I sorta expected).
More concisely, when rendering normally, customizations apply. When rendering to string, they do not.
A simple example would be a component that runs withStyles correctly, but return the div instead of the target component ala:
let output = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(component);
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: output}} />
Any tips how I can get my theme customizations to be passed into the withStyles callback theme argument?

The solution was to make a parent component that renders the target component as a child of the ThemeProvider. There are still no event handlers (as expected), but the theme customizations apply.
Here's the solution:
MyThemeProvider.js (component can also easily be reused for SSR)
export default function MyThemeProvider({children}) {
const muiTheme = createMuiTheme({
typography: {
fontFamily: '"Bryant", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif',
palette: {
primary: customBluePalette,
// ...
return (<MuiThemeProvider theme={muiTheme}>{ children }</MuiThemeProvider>);
MapInfoWindowContent.js (here, this only really exists to wrap VenueRenderer with our theme provider)
import MyThemeProvider from '../MyThemeProvider';
import VenueRenderer from '../VenueRenderer';
export default function MapInfoWindowContent({resource}) {
return (<MyThemeProvider><VenueRenderer resource={resource} /></MyThemeProvider>);
VenueRenderer (the styled class - can be used independently of MapInfoWindowContent too)
const styles = (theme) => {
// theme.palette.primary['500'] comes from customBluePalette so the injection worked.
// ...
export default withStyles(styles, { withTheme: true })(VenueRenderer);
In some other component that needs the HTML str
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'
import MapInfoWindowContent from '../MapInfoWindowContent';
let infoWindowComponent = (<MapInfoWindowContent resource={ ... }/>);
let output = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(infoWindowComponent);
// output will have correctly injected classNames that contain customizations


Tailwind colors from API call

I've had a look around and there doesn't really seem to be an answer to this.
I have an CMS API that provides things like branding colors etc... for a React app that can "reskin" it's self using a mix of colors and images etc...
I'm working on a V2 of this app and want to switch from sass/scss to tailwind. With sass and scss we kind of just overwrote colors with CSS in JS and it worked pretty well.
In tailwind if you want to add a custom color pallet you need to create a config file etc... This will not work for my indented use as the colors will be changing on the fly.
Imagine a component:
import { FC } from 'react';
const MyComponent: FC = () => {
return <div className='bg-blue-500'></div>;
This works great however if I want to change the color as a one off I could use a classname like bg-[#f1f1f1] and this also works great!
However the issue seems to come if I get React to put this color as a template string, like so:
import { FC } from 'react';
import { useBranding } from '../some_path';
const MyComponent: FC = () => {
const [branding] = useBranding(); // custom hook, all you need to know is it has colours that it spits out colors
return <div className={`bg-[${branding.colours.primary}]`}></div>;
At this point if I inspect the page I can see the color code goes in and should work. However I'm assuming that Tailwind has some preprocessing that get skipped if I do this?
Any ideas on how I can use colors in this way with tailwind?
Tailwind doesn't detect classes after build.
I might be wrong as you're not showing how your hook works, but I'd say you can use style tag instead:
import { FC } from 'react';
import { useBranding } from '../some_path';
const MyComponent: FC = () => {
const [branding] = useBranding(); // custom hook, all you need to know is it has colours that it spits out colors
return <div style={{backgroundColor: branding.colours.primary}}></div>;

Material-UI - why different css is shown on prod environment then development env

I use material UI (verison: ^4.12.3) Select, with custom input.
For some reason the prod env Select input has a black background and :before element with white background.
I don't know from where it comes from.
this is image of the prod:
this is image of the dev Select:
when comparing the 2 css & html of the envs Select element, it's is shown that there is a ::before element added in prod that is not presented in dev
also, the background color is different. in prod there is another class added to the InputBase element, which doesn't exist in dev. this class adds a background-color black:
Edit 1
it seems like MUI inject <style>. in the prod html i see the background-color: black and the ::before. ill try adding the index solution, but my problem is not precedence (the style that i do use override the injected style). also, it wont help the ::before element. how to disable the injected styles ? or work around it ?
the injected bad css:
Please refer to this question. As answered by user Mordechai.
It seems like webpack could mess with MUI's rules on JSS precedence... This could be solved by adding an index of one to MUI's methods.
const useStyles = makeStyles({
// your styles here
}, {index: 1})
// HOC
MyComponent = withStyles({
// your styles here
}, {index: 1})(MyComponent)
adding <StylesProvider /> wrapper to the app fixed it. we use micro-frontend infrastructure. and one of the frontends app also had makeStyles. this is causing classNames conflicts in MUI.
in the root component <App/>:
import {
} from '#material-ui/core/styles';
const generateClassName = createGenerateClassName({
seed: 'app1'
const App = () => {
return (
<StylesProvider generateClassName={generateClassName}>
<OtherAppComponents />
if you have more then 2 add a provider and a generator to each, with different seed

Material UI 5 class name styles

I migrated from Mui 4 to 5 and wonder how to use class names. If I want to apply certain styles to just one component there is the SX property. However, I'm struggling with using the same class for multiple components. In v4 my code looked like this:
export const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) =>
root: {
padding: theme.spacing(1),
margin: 'auto',
I could import this useStyles hook in any component and use it like this:
const classes = useStyles()
<div className={classes.root}>...</div>
This docs say, that I can 'override styles with class names', but they don't tell how to do it:
Do I have to put these styles in an external CSS file?
.Button {
color: black;
I would rather define the styles in my ts file.
I also found this migration guide:
I don't like approach one, because using this Root wrapper, it is inconvenient to apply a class conditionally. (Especially for typescript there is some overhead) Approach two comes with an external dependency and some boilerplate code.
Ideally I would use styles like this, perhaps with one rapper function around the styles object:
export const root = {
padding: theme.spacing(1),
margin: 'auto',
<div className={root}>...</div>
Of course, the last approach doesn't work, because className wants a string as input. Does anybody know an alternative with little boilerplate code?
I suggest you take a look at emotion's documentations for details. The sx prop is actually passed to emotion.
You can do something like this:
const sx = {
"& .MuiDrawer-paper": {
width: drawerWidth
<Drawer sx={sx}/>
Equivalent to MUI v4
const useStyles = makeStyles({
drawerPaper: {
width: drawerWidth,
const classes = useStyles();
paper: classes.drawerPaper,
Answering your exact question, there are use cases (I think yours is not one of them and you should use styled components) however for those like me who stumble upon it and want a "exact answer to this question" and not a "do this instead", this is how you achieve to retrieve the class names.
This is so far undocumented.
For functional components, using emotion, here an use case where you have a 3rd party component that expects, not one, but many class names, or where the className property is not where you are meant to pass the property.
import { css, Theme, useTheme } from "#mui/material/styles";
import { css as emotionCss } from "#emotion/css";
const myStyles = {
basicClass: {
marginLeft: "1rem",
marginRight: "1rem",
paddingLeft: "1rem",
paddingRight: "1rem",
optionClass: (theme: Theme) => ({
[theme.breakpoints.down(]: {
display: "none",
function MyComponent() {
cons theme = useTheme();
// first we need to convert to something emotion can understand
const basicClass = css(myStyles.basicClass);
const optionClass = css(myStyles.optionClass(theme));
// now we can pass to emotion
const basicClassName = emotionCss(basicClass.styles);
const optionClassName = emotionCss(optionClass.styles);
return (
<ThirdPartyComponent basicClassName={basicClassName} optionClassName={optionClassName} />
When you have a Class Component, you need to use the also undocumented withTheme from #mui/material/styles and wrap your class, if you use the theme.
When your component uses a single className property just use styled components.
import { styled } from "#mui/material/styles";
const ThrirdPartyStyled = styled(ThirdPartyComponent)(({theme}) => ({
color: theme.palette.success.contrastText
Even if you have dynamic styles
import { styled } from "#mui/material/styles";
interface IThrirdPartyStyledExtraProps {
fullWidth?: boolean;
const ThrirdPartyStyled = styled(ThirdPartyComponent, {
shouldForwardProp: (prop) => prop !== "fullWidth"
})<IThrirdPartyStyledExtraProps>(({theme, fullWidth}) => ({
color: theme.palette.success.contrastText,
width: fullWidth ? "100%" : "auto",
Even if each one has some form of custom color, you just would use "sx" on your new ThrirdPartyStyled.
When you are just trying to reuse a style around (your use case)
const myReusableStyle = {
color: "red",
// better
const MyStyledDiv = styled("div")(myReusableStyle);
// questionable
const MySpanWithoutStyles = styled("span")();
// better
const MyDrawerStyled = styled(Drawer)(myReusableStyle);
function MyComponent() {
return (
questionable usage because it is less clean:
<MySpanWithoutStyles sx={myReusableStyle}>hello</MySpanWithoutStyles>
<MySpanWithoutStyles sx={myReusableStyle}>world</MySpanWithoutStyles>
these two are equivalent:
<MyDrawerStyled />
<Drawer sx={myReusableStyle} />
Now what is "presumably" cool about this is that your style, is just an object now, and you can just import it and use it everywhere without makeStyles or withStyles, supposedly an advantage, even when to be honest, I have never used that of exporting/importing around; the code seems a bit cleaner nevertheless.
You seem to want to use it so all you do is.
export const myStyles {
// your styles here
because this object is equivalent in memory, and it is always the same object, something that is easier to mess up with styles, it should be as effective or even more than your hook, theoretically (if it re-renders often even when setup may be longer), which stores the same function in memory but returns a new object every time.
Now you can use those myStyles everywhere you deem reasonable, either with styled components or by assigning to sx.
You can further optimize, say if it's always a div that you use that is styled the same way, then the styled component MyStyledDiv should be faster, because it is the same and done each time. How much faster is this? According to some sources 55% faster, to me, it is taking 4 weeks of refactor and the JSS compatibility with emotion is bad, all mixed with SSR is making everything unusable and slow and broken, so let's see until then when the whole is refactored.
Here is a pattern that I've found useful in MUI 5. It allows you to keep style definitions in the same file but isolated, & avoids repeated function calls for every CSS property where you need to access your theme (e.g. width: ({ spacing }) => spacing(12))). It also feels similar to MUI's native CSS API.
Create a function that takes your theme as an argument & returns an object of named style groups. Then reference those groups directly in your sx props. This also allows for the use of classNames in a way similar to Material-UI 4.
import { useTheme } from '#mui/material';
import clsx from 'clsx';
export const NavItem = (props) => {
// Bring in style groups
const sx = styles(useTheme());
// Define classNames
const classNames = clsx({
isActive: props.isActive
return (
{/* Use classNames and style groups */}
<ListItemButton className={classNames} sx={sx.button}>
<ListItemAvatar sx={sx.avatar}>{props.icon}</ListItemAvatar>
// Define style groups
function styles(theme) => {
return {
button: {
paddingX: 6,
'&.isActive': {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.light
avatar: {
'.isActive &': {
border: '2px solid green'
I'm in the same boat, about six months behind, i.e., starting to make the transition to v5 from v4 now... Just when I thought I had a handle on it all!
Having read this post and trying a few things out, I was able to replicate the ability to re-use a chunk of css. I'm a big fan of what used to be the overrides prop; that feature hasn't gone away, it's just under a different prop (loosely speaking). Regardless, I mention it because it provides access to what I like a lot about css: selectors.
To hit all MUI-Drawers my pref is for whatever the new overrides is. For targeted reuse of css I like the following:
import { reuseThisCss } from 'sharedCss';
export default styled(Drawer)(({ theme, ownerState }) => {
return {
'& .MuiDrawer-paper': {
boxShadow: xxl,
border: 'none',
'& .MuiListItemText-root': reuseThisCss,
export default ThisSpecificDrawerVariant;
Note: The focus is not on using styled (It's not my goto approach).
The css in the return value is the equivalent to the following css: .MuiDrawer-paper .MuiListItemText-root {...}.
This says, "select all .MuiListItemText-root under the .MuiDrawer-paper parent. If I want to optimize the render, while increasing the dependency on a specific hierarchy, I'll specify/expand on the selector that much more with whatever lies between the .MuiDrawer-paper and MuiListItemText-root. For instance, in my case:
return {
'& .MuiDrawer-paper': {
boxShadow: xxl,
border: 'none',
'& > a > li > div > .MuiListItemText-root': reuseThisCss,
Finally, per a question in the comments, generally this will not prevent a nested application of the style. In my experience, marking each level with a className is useful. I only "mark" the element that signals the start of a new level. So, if it were Drawer in the above example, I would start the css selector with .MUI-Drawer.level-3. The rest of css remains the same.
I still have not figured out if whether setting the className dynamically remains a performant and sufficiently flexible goto... TBD.
If you are using makeStyles or withStyles to provide CSS class, you can follow the instruction below.
CSS overrides created by makeStyles

conditional css in create-react-app

I have default css file and separate css file that should be applied (to owerride default) only when certain conditions are met.
I am using create-react-app wit default import 'file.css' syntax.
What is the best way forward to decide whether to load or not load particular css file dynamically?
The require method only worked in development (as all the CSS is bundled upon build), and the import method did not work at all (using CRA version 3.3).
In our case, we have multiple themes, which cannot be bundled - so we solved this using React.lazy and React.Suspense.
We have the ThemeSelector, which loads the correct css conditionally.
import React from 'react';
* The theme components only imports it's theme CSS-file. These components are lazy
* loaded, to enable "code splitting" (in order to avoid the themes being bundled together)
const Theme1 = React.lazy(() => import('./Theme1'));
const Theme2 = React.lazy(() => import('./Theme2'));
const ThemeSelector: React.FC = ({ children }) => (
{/* Conditionally render theme, based on the current client context */}
<React.Suspense fallback={() => null}>
{shouldRenderTheme1 && <Theme1 />}
{shouldRenderTheme2 && <Theme2 />}
{/* Render children immediately! */}
export default ThemeSelector;
The Theme component's only job, is to import the correct css file:
import * as React from 'react';
// 👇 Only important line - as this component should be lazy-loaded,
// to enable code - splitting for this CSS.
import 'theme1.css';
const Theme1: React.FC = () => <></>;
export default Theme1;
The ThemeSelector should wrap the App component, in the src/index.tsx:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import ThemeSelector from 'themes/ThemeSelector';
<App />
As I understand, this forces each Theme to be split into separate bundles (effectively also splitting CSS).
As mentioned in the comments, this solution does not present an easy way of switching themes runtime. This solution focuses on splitting themes into separate bundles.
If you already got themes split into separate CSS files, and you want to swap themes runtime, you might want to look at a solution using ReactHelmet (illustrated by #Alexander Ladonin's answer below)
You can use require('file.css') syntax instead. This will allow you to put it inside of a conditional.
if(someCondition) {
Use React Helmet. It adds links, meta tags etc into document header dynamically.
Add it into any render method.
import {Component} from 'react';
import ReactHelmet from 'react-helmet';
class Example extends Component{
<ReactHelmet link={
[{"rel": "stylesheet", type:"text/css", "href": "/style.css"}]
You can rewrite it on next <ReactHelmet/> rendering.
One simple solution that I found that works in production is to use vercel's styled-jsx. First, install styled-jsx:
npm install --save styled-jsx
Or if you use Yarn:
yarn add styled-jsx
Now create strings from your css file, so for instance:
const style1 = `
div {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
const style2 = `
div {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
And then in your React Component, you can do something like this:
const MyComponent = () => {
return (
<div className='my-component'>
<style jsx>
conditionA ? style1: style2
Simply add <style jsx>{your_css_string}</style> to the component which you wish to add styling to and you can then to implement conditions just use different strings to import different css styling.
If you are here you most likely are trying to condition a CSS or SCSS import, probably to make some light/dark mode theme or something. The accepted answer works just on mount, after the second css is loaded they are both loaded and you dont have a way to unload them, or actually you have, keep reading...
The use of React lazy and suspense is awesome but in this case we need to help our selves from webpack, because is actually the guy that bundles stuff and can also unbundle stuff, which is what you need, a toggle of css imports basically
Adding webpack lazyStyleTag
Go to your webpack config file and add the following rules
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/i,
// Probly you already have this rule, add this line
exclude: /\.lazy\.css$/i,
use: ["style-loader", "css-loader"],
// And add this rule
test: /\.lazy\.css$/i,
use: [
{ loader: "style-loader", options: { injectType: "lazyStyleTag" } },
Now take your CSS files and change their name to the lazy named convention
You probably have this
// or
Now will be this:
Then create your React theme Provider in a simple React context, this context will wrap your App so it will load the conditioned CSS everytime the context state changes. This context state is going to be availabe anywhere inside your app as well as the setter via a custom hook we will export from the same file, check this out:
import React, {
useEffect, createContext, useState, useContext,
} from 'react';
import { Nullable } from 'types';
// Import both files here like this:
// Import of CSS file number 1
import LightMode from './theme/styles.lazy.css';
// Import of CSS file number 2
import DarkMode from './theme/styles.lazy.css';
interface IContext {
theme: Nullable<string>
toggleTheme: () => void
const Context = createContext<IContext>({
theme: null,
toggleTheme: () => { },
// Your Provider component that returns the Context.Provider
// Let's also play with the sessionStorage, so this state doesn't
// brake with browser refresh or logouts
const ThemeProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
// Im initialazing here the state with any existing value in the
//sessionStorage, or not...
const [theme, setTheme] = useState<Nullable<string>>(sessionStorage.getItem('themeMode') || 'dark');
// this setter Fn we can pass down to anywhere
const toggleTheme = () => {
const newThemeValue = theme === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark';
sessionStorage.setItem('themeMode', newThemeValue);
// Now the magic, this lazy css files you can use or unuse
// This is exactly what you need, import the CSS but also unimport
// the one you had imported before. An actual toggle of import in a
// dynamic way.. brought to you by webpack
useEffect(() => {
if (theme === 'light') {
} else if (theme == 'dark') {
}, [theme]);
return (
<Context.Provider value={{ theme, toggleTheme }}>
export default ThemeProvider;
// This useTheme hook will give you the context anywhere to set the state of // theme and this will toggle the styles imported
export const useTheme = () => useContext(Context);
Remember to put this state on the sessionStorage like in this example so your user has the state available every time it comes back or refreshes the page
Don't forget to wrap the friking App with the Provider:
import ThemeProvider from './ThemeProvider'
const App = () => {
return (
<App />
Now just toggle the CSS imports of your application using your cool useTheme hook
import { useTheme } from './yourContextFile';
// inside your component
const AnyComponentDownTheTree = () => {
const { theme, toggleTheme } = useTheme()
// use the toggleTheme function to toggle and the theme actual value
// for your components, you might need disable something or set active a
// switch, etc, etc
Other solution does not work for me. After one day of the search, I obtain bellow solution. In my issue, I have two CSS files for RTL or LTR like app.rtl.css or app.ltr.css
Create a functional component Style like this:
import React, { useState } from "react";
export default function Style(props) {
const [stylePath, setStylePath] = useState(props.path);
return (
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href={stylePath} />
And then you can call it, for example in App.js:
function App() {
return (
<Style path={`/css/app.${direction}.css`} />
direction param contains rtl or ltr and determine which file should be loaded.
I tested some alternatives available in some tutorials and the best for me was to use only classes in css.
One of the problems I encountered when using
require: did not override on some occasions
import: delay generated to load css
The best way for me was to actually put a class switch
.default-sidebar {
--side-text-icon:rgba(255,255,255,.9) !important;
--side-text-section: rgb(255,255,255,.8) !important;
--side-separator-section:#ff944d !important;
.dark-sidebar {
--side-text-icon:rgba(255,255,255,.9) !important;
--side-text-section: rgb(255,255,255,.8) !important;
--side-separator-section:#262626 !important;
<div className={`root-sidebar ${condition?'default-sidebar':'dark-sidebar'}`}></div>

Add multiple style properties to a single theme property with Styled Components

I'm using styled components for a new project, and want to use the theming features of the library. I'm struggling to figure out if there is a good or best practice way of adding multiple style properties to one object (i.e., create a kind of inheritance). What is want is:
// in the theme, define a group of styles for a given component
// e.g. all fonts have a font-family, weight, size, etc
const theme = {
fonts: {
font-family: ...,
font-weight: ...,
font-size: ...,
// then in my styled component,
// define the multi-line theme, along with component specific styles
// or even override the theme styles
const Header = styled.span`
${props => props.theme.fonts};
text-decoration: underline;
Right now, it's only apparent to me that you would need to pass the theme property to each style on the component. Is there a pattern that can help reduce some of the repeated code seen in my above example?
What I usually do is to define the theme styles in a separate files, for example
styles.js //<-- Custom styles for component
spacing.js // <-- Common styles for all components
Inside spacing.js I would have something like this:
const verticalPaddingSmall = {
paddingTop: 5,
paddingBottom: 5,
const verticalPaddingMedium = {
paddingTop: 10,
paddingBottom: 10,
export default function spacing(size, direction, isPadding) {
// some logic to return the correct object based on the params,
// screen size (tablets vs phones), etc...
return verticalPaddingSmall;
Obviously, that code is automatically generated based on some configurations I define for different screen sizes and so on, but the end result is something similar to that.
Then in my custom component I import the common styles, apply them to the styles and overwrite if needed it, something like this on styles.js:
import spacing from 'themes/spacing';
import fonts from 'themes/fonts';
const verticalPaddingSmall = StyleSheet.create({
main: {
...spacing('small', 'vertical', true),
title: {
...spacing('xsmall', 'horizontal', false),
fontSize: 25, //<--- overwrite default values from title
I rarely overwrite styles on components, because my common styles handle different styles for tables and phones, kinda like media queries on the web.
