HTTP API Authentification in R via 0auth - r

I got some problems accessing tracking API via 0auth;
I have sign key, secret and Authorization_key.
Sign key and secret should form a sig file as I understand and authorization_key that should be added as header.
The code:
auth_info <-
encoding = 'UTF-8',
stringsAsFactors = F)
express <-
oauth_app("express", key = 'Ur1475', secret = auth_info$sign_key)
sig <- sign_oauth1.0(express)
order <-
authenticate("Ur1475", auth_info$sign_key),
add_headers(Authorization = auth_info$auth_key),
order_info <- content(order)
Returns me auth error;
Official api documentation tells that should be formed md5(client key . URL . GET params . POST params . sign key).
Also I've looked at 0auth function code it does not use http.
Could it cause the problem?
Could you please comment on how to get data from API via R?
API doc (in russian)):

The major of API's (Google, Twitter, Facebook) need a token that you must to obtain from an oauth authentication. Depending from the API's you must to use the functions GETor POST. And you must to provide your key encoded in base64. So what I think you need is:
First: Authenticate.
#Create your own appication key
consumer_key <- "your consumer key" #needed
consumer_secret <- "your consumer secret" #some api's don't need.
#Use basic auth
secret <- jsonlite::base64_enc(paste(consumer_key, consumer_secret, sep = ":"))
req <- httr::POST("https://url.of.your.api/oauth/token", #"oauth" and "token" are not parameters, they are fixed.
"Authorization" = paste("Basic", gsub("\n", "", secret)),
"Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"
body = "grant_type=client_credentials"
#Extract the access token
token <- paste("Bearer", httr::content(req)$access_token)
Next: Make a request.
req <- httr::POST(url, httr::add_headers("Authorization" = token))
json <- httr::content(req)
As I said, some API's need GETand others POST, try both.


Authenticating OAuth2.0 with R using httr

I'm trying to create authenticate into the Letterboxd API using R and the httr package. The Letterboxd docs give instructions, but I am not sure how to put everything together into a URL.
I know the url is:
url <- ""
And then they want my username and password, presumably as JSON, but what I'll write as a named list since I'm doing this in R:
login_info <- list(
grant_type = "password",
username = "",
password = "extremelysecurepassword"
I've tried various calls, using GET(), oauth2.0_token(), oauth_endpoint() functions from the httr package.
I feel like I have all the necessary information and am circling around a solution, but I can't quite nail it.
The docs contain this information:
When generating or refreshing an access token, make a form request to the /auth/token endpoint with Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded and Accept: application/json headers
(Full text is linked to above)
And I'm not sure how to add that information; in working with APIs through R, I'm used to just sending URLs with UTM parameters, but the inputs they want don't work here using ? and &.
I'm aware of this related post, but it looks like it relies on having a secret token already. And I don't seem to be able to generate a secret token inside of the GUI of, which is again what I'm used to doing with authentication. I think I need to feed it those sources of information above in login_info to the url, but I don't quite know how to connect the dots.
How do I authenticate to the Letterboxd API using R?
This runs for me but I get a 401 Unauthorized since you correctly did not supply valid credentials. It looks like there is a python library for this API if you need hints how to make subsequent requests.
sign_request() is mimicking python library's
sign_request <- function(apisecret, url, method, body = "") {
signing_bytes <- as.raw(c(charToRaw(method), 0, charToRaw(url), 0, charToRaw(body)))
digest::hmac(key = apisecret, object = signing_bytes, algo = "sha256", serialize = FALSE)
url <- ""
login_info <- list(
grant_type = "password",
username = "",
password = "extremelysecurepassword"
apikey <- "mytopsecretapikey"
apisecret <- "YOUR_API_SECRET"
method <- "POST"
params <- list(
apikey = apikey,
nonce = uuid::UUIDgenerate(),
timestamp = round(as.numeric(Sys.time()))
# now we need to sign the request
body <- paste(names(login_info), login_info, sep = "=", collapse = "&")
body <- URLencode(body)
body <- gsub("#","%40", body) # something URLencode doesn't do but post does
destination <- httr::parse_url(url)
destination$query <- params
post_url_with_params <- httr::build_url(destination)
signature <- sign_request(apikey, post_url_with_params, method, body)
token_request <- httr::POST(url, httr::add_headers(
"Accept" = "application/json",
"Authorization" = paste0("Signature ", signature)
query = params,
body = login_info, encode = "form", httr::verbose()
token_body <- httr::content(token_request, type = "application/json")
# look for the value of"access_token"

How to use Swagger API with Bearer Auth in R

What is the syntax to use the Swagger API in R with the Bearer Auth?
(this is a question relating to the Cherwell API)
Prep: you will need a user id, password for the swagger server...
Then you'll need your public token
Then you'll need to generate the Bearer token...
I used swagger to do this via the browser tool.
Then this should set you right once you've replaced the 'xxx's with your prementioned creds.
usr = 'xxx'
pwd = 'xxx'
tkn = 'xxxx'
qry <- paste0("https://xxx/xxx/api/V1/getteams?api_key=",tkn)
bearer <- "Bearer xxx"
res <- GET(qry,
add_headers(Authorization = bearer)

Create own Google Translate API call

I try to call the Google Translate API but always get a 403 error that I didn't provide a valid API key.
I did create one, though, on my Google Cloud Platforms website here:
Here's what I'm doing:
my_text <- c("Hallo Mama", "Ja älskar dig")
my_key <- "MYKEY"
textbody <- toJSON(list(q = my_text,
target = "en"))
translated <- POST(url = paste0(""),
add_headers("key" = my_key),
body = textbody,
encode = "json")
But this returns said 403 error, i.e.:
[1] 403
[1] "The request is missing a valid API key."
message domain reason
1 The request is missing a valid API key. global forbidden
Note: the "MYKEY" used above I have of course replaced with my created true API key.
Any ideas what's going on?
Update: the following does work for v2 of the API (but not v3). I was missing te unboxing in the JSON body and I seem to have to put the APIkey into the URL:
textbody <- toJSON(list(q = my_text,
target = "en"),
auto_unbox = TRUE)
translated <- POST(url = paste0("", my_key),
body = textbody,
encode = "json")

Trying to access Indeed API using HTTR ( R Programming)

I am a API newbie trying to access a certain webpage on Indeed.Com website using it's API for my employer.I am not able to receive token once I am sending the CLIENT ID AND SECRET ID.Any help is appreciated.
The Indeed API documentation :
Indeed Employer API :
options("httr_oob_default" = T)
options("httr_oauth_cache"= T)
Sys.setenv("HTTR_SERVER_PORT" = "1410/")
#Token Request URL
request_url = ''
#Token Access URL
access_url = ''
#Authorization URL
authorization_url = '"Your client ID" &redirect_uri=http://localhost:1410/&response_type=code'
#Saving client ID and Secret ID
secret <- 'CLIENT SECRET ID'
#Sending OAUTH Request
myinapp = oauth_app(NULL, key, secret)
in_app = oauth_endpoint(request_url, authorization_url, access_url)
#Getting Token
token = oauth1.0_token(in_app, myinapp)
#Authenticating Token
mytoken = config(token = token)

API authentication in R - unable to pass auth token as header

I am looking to do a simple GET request (from the Aplos API) in R using the httr package. I'm able to obtain a temporary token by authenticating with an API key, but then I get a 401 "Token could not be located" once trying to use the token to make an actual GET request. Would appreciate any help! Thank you in advance.
AplosURL <- ""
AplosAPIkey <- "XYZ"
AplosAuth <- GET(paste0(AplosURL,AplosAPIkey))
AplosAuthContent <- content(AplosAuth, "parsed")
AplosAuthToken <- AplosAuthContent$data$token
#This is where the error occurs
add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer:", AplosAuthToken)))
This is a Python snippet provided by the API documentation:
def api_accounts_get(api_base_url, api_id, api_access_token):
# This should print a contact from Aplos.
# Lets show what we're doing.
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer: {}'.format(api_access_token)}
print 'geting URL: {}accounts'.format(api_base_url)
print 'With headers: {}'.format(headers)
# Actual request goes here.
r = requests.get('{}accounts'.format(api_base_url), headers=headers)
response = r.json()
print 'JSON response: {}'.format(response)
return (response)
In the python example, the return of the auth code block is the api_bearer_token which is base64 decoded and rsa decrypted (using your key) before it can be used.
api_token_encrypted = data['data']['token']
api_bearer_token = rsa.decrypt(base64.decodestring(api_token_encrypted), api_user_key)
That decoded token is then used in the api call to get the accounts.
The second issue I see is that your Authorization header does not match the example's header. Specifically, you are missing the space after "Bearer:"
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer: {}'.format(api_access_token)}
add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer:", AplosAuthToken)))
Likely after addressing both of these you should be able to proceed.
