Faster way to enter Markdown in IJulia Notebook - julia

To enter Markdown in IJulia Notebook, I am currently using Esc to get to Command Mode and then Alt Gr and M to change the cell to Markdown. This feels cumbersome. Is there a faster way? I am using Ubuntu 16.04.

It should be sufficient to just do Esc M.


Bug in sage in yupyter notebook, in defining matrix-valued function

I enter the following code
f(y) = matrix([y])
both in yupyter notebook, and then in sage cell, and it seems there is a bug with defining matrix function in yupyter notebook.
code in yupyter notebook, does not work well
While the same code is entered in sage cell, everything works perfect.
How to resolve the issue in the yupyter notebook?
Thank you.
code in sage cell, works properly
SageMathCell is running SageMath 9.5, the newest version. Your Jupyter notebook is running version 9.3. Version 9.5 introduces new functionality for SageMath symbolic expressions relating to matrices and vectors, see here for more:
To solve your problem, you need to update your Jupyter notebooks kernel to SageMath 9.5

Is there a way to write down chemical equations in jupyter notebook by using external packages for Mathjax?

I can't seem to figure out how to write down chemical equations in Jupyter notebook. How do we install mhchem for Mathjax to use inside Jupyter notebook?
Add the following code on top of your jupyter notebook:
here you can find the detailed explanation on how to use and write chemical equations in jupyter notebook
and without any extension's you can do as well
from IPython.display import display, Math, Latex
display(Math(r'F(k) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) e^{2\pi i k} dx'))
try these in jupyter

Julia analog to ipython (not a notebook e.g. IJulia)?

ipython provides a shell around the python REPL with line numbering, history, and magics. The julia REPL has a lot of great features like help and shell, but there are still some features I miss like magics, history and line numbering. Can I get these in Julia?
not looking for notebooks, e.g. Jupyter
OhMyRepl.jl is a Julia REPL enhancement library.

How to create Julia notebook in Juno similar to IJulia or R Notebook

Is it possible to create a Julia notebook in Atom/Juno similar to IJulia (Jupyter Notebook) or R Notebook (RStudio IDE)?
What I am looking for is a format that can save the code input together with the calculated ouput and the output printed in the console in one chunk. I also would like to mix in Markdown between code chunks.
The reason for me not wanting to use IJulia is that I don't want to save my Julia code in JSON format. I want it to be as pure as possible.
Have a look at Weave.jl, which promises:
Current features
Noweb, markdown or script syntax for input documents.
Execute code as terminal or "script" chunks.
Capture Plots, Gadfly and PyPlot figures.
Supports LaTex, Pandoc, Github markdown, MultiMarkdown, Asciidoc and
reStructuredText output
Publish markdown directly to html and
pdf using Julia or Pandoc markdown.
Simple caching of results
Convert to and from IJulia notebooks

Automate RStudio processed RMarkdown?

I have an RMarkdown file that I use to generate a nice HTML report.
The problem is, I want to be able to automate it so that it can run on a headless server. As such there will be nobody there to start Rstudio and press the 'knithtml' button and it seems that Rstudio is doing a LOT of additional magic like having it's own version of pandoc, running all the necessary commands, applying css styles etc.
How can I take this report and generate the same thing Rstudio is generating when I press the 'knithtml' button, but by just running an R script?
Try using
rmarkdown::render("/PATH/TO/YOUR.Rmd", output_file="/PATH/TO/YOUR/OUTPUT.html")
instead. This assumes you've got the rmarkdown library loaded on your headless box. It will use the system pandoc, but make sure it's 1.12 or higher.
Here's what knit2html does (via the "R Markdown" tab near "Console"):
Here's a side-by-side. Left is clicking the button, right is running the command:
I had the same issue. After a lot of brute force, I got the same result as RStudio with this command line:
"path\to\Rscript.exe" -e "rmarkdown::find_pandoc(dir='path/to/RStudio/bin/pandoc'); rmarkdown::render('file.Rmd')"
