How to add total sum to woocommerce cart section - wordpress

I customized the "checkout" page and added cart section to that page.(Just copy and paste cart table from "cart" to "checkout" page)
I'm using storefront child theme and custom "cart","checkout" page templates are in here.
What I want is to add the total sum section below cart table. Something like this.
How can I handle this one?

For the total part WooCommerce has another template called "cart-totals.php".
So you might need to add its content too.


Add continue shopping button at woocommerce store category

Help me I'm looking around, but I still don't find what I need, add another button on my woocomerce store page with the option to add to cart and continue shopping without leaving the page
Here's an example of what I need:

WooCommerce Add to Cart - Redirect to URL

I want to just show a simple add to cart button at the bottom of a page. I can do so by using shortcodes:
[add_to_cart id="99"] or [add_to_cart_url id="99"]
The problem is that I want to then go to another URL that is not related to WooCommerce. It has to be customized depending on the page we are on.
An example would be:
Intro Landing page (add to cart at bottom)
a. Action: adds product 99 to cart then redirects to #2.
Upsell page with 3 products on it
a. Action: adds one of the three products to the cart and redirects to #3.
Second Upsell page with 1 product on it
a. Action: adds the product to the cart and redirects to #4.
Checkout Page.
I was hoping there was a shortcode that I could use for Add to Cart and Redirect but can't find anything online. I have found a custom redirect option that woocommerce offers but it would set the redirect for all Add to Cart buttons.
I was thinking that there may be a way to create a function that expands the add to cart button shortcode so I can add a custom redirect URL to it.
For example: [add_to_cart id="99" redirect="../step2/"]
This can even be a URL that I can use in a link. I found that on this page under the section titled "URL: Add One Simple Product to Cart & Redirect to Any Page Afterwards" that says I should be able to just use:
It adds the product to the cart but then just redirects to the cart (I have AJAX add to cart buttons enabled).
Any ideas may help!
Using this works:
I just had to uncheck the box in WooCommerce Settings that says to go to cart when someone clicks add to cart and make sure AJAX links was checked

Woocommerce: Add own templates for single product pages?

I want to be able to add a template for a single product page in Woocommerce and then be able to choose which template i want for every product like you have on a normal page(look at the image below). Is something like this possible in Woocommerce?

can i embed a single product into another page on wordpress so that it has the add to cart and variable options?

I have a single product with variables but I need it to show on a user profile page. I can easily put a sidebar in with best products or popular products but that means it needs another click to get to the product page. So I need the product displayed on a certain page with all the variables showing and add to cart also showing.

from where add to cart code works

I am new for the wordpress and I am using woocommerce plugin to create an ecommerce website through it.
I want to know that from where the add to cart functionality is being taking place either by template or by some specific function invloved in attempting the add to cart functionality . I am searching for this as I have to add some custom fields other then provided by the woocommerce.
I have to add the field "material type and description" for the product which is being dynamically generated at the client end.and I have to add that dynamically generated values to the cart and also I have to add this to the Database table as well . so that it will be available through the checkout page.
Please hemp me to solve the Issue.
As I have search to display the cart "cart.php template "is available but it is not showing the code for add to cart.
