How to highlight lines in Atom Editor? - atom-editor

I'm aware of the different abilities to highlight based on filetype, but what I'm looking for is something similar to how in a typical text editor you can highlight a line (not just change the color text).
Is this possible to do in the Atom editor? If so, how do you do it? Is there a plugin for this?
The reason I want to do this is for organizational purposes, and sometimes the files I am working in our custom files that are not necessarily code but documentation (usually both are together in the same file), and the documentation part is where I want to add these highlights.

The only Atom package I know of that has a somewhat similar functionality is the bookmarks package.
It is an Atom core package, so you most likely have it installed already.
It might not be exactly what you were looking for, since it only allows setting bookmarks on lines of your open files.
As soon as you close a file, the bookmarks are lost.
But while working on several opened files, it can be very useful to quickly navigate through these bookmarks.
The reason why no package like you asked for exists, probably is that it would be really hard or at least impractical to implement.
Imagine you set dozends of highlights on a file which is under version control (git, svn, etc.) and then pull in a newer version of this file where several lines were added, removed, changed, shifted ...
To still be able to show the highlights on the correct lines, the information of such highlights would need to be under the same version control. Essentially you would need to store this highlight on the line itself, which would mean everybody had the same highlights, which is probably not what you want. Because if you wanted that, you could just format your documentation with markdown or similar in the first place ;)


wxWidgets, show what is in directory

I doing a project using a wxWidgets, and we are doing a sample project of copying 1 or many files (if possible) between 2 folders.
I wish that when I choose a folder (using dirdialog or so) and choose the folder, the contents of it shows in a box at the top of the program (Have the image attached)
Our 2 problems are these.
1) I was planning in using a wxBoxSizer or a wxGridSizer. Are they most fitting
The biggest problem though is this:
How can we make the FILES of a folder (for example everything inside the C:) as selectible icons simliar to the Windows Explorer. The DirDialog only gave us the option to choose the folder, but how to get its contents we wish to know.
If it is not possible, then it's a shame but we do wish to implement since, we if possible we'll implement a filter as well (the one on the RHS)
Down below is the direct link to how our GUI is currently looking
That blank GREY space should end up where the show file contents should be.
There is no wrapper for SHGetImageList() in wxWidgets currently, which is really the function you should use under Windows.
But you can use wxMimeTypesManager::GetFileTypeFromExtension() and then wxFileType::GetIcon to approximate it -- and this is the best thing you can do for the other platforms anyhow, to the best of my knowledge.

How do I stop Sublime Text converting Sass variables on pressing tab?

Does anyone know of a way to prevent Sublime Text 3 converting sass variables on pressing tab?
For example, I might type $variable-name and then press tab, intending to insert the : and space, which would be the normal CSS behaviour. Within doc type sass, I get 1variable-name:; instead.
It's rather annoying to have to correct every time, and I'm sure others get irritated with the same. I have the Sass and Emmet packages installed.
Many thanks. Your help is much appreciated.
Too long for a comment...
So I did a little digging last night, and from what I can tell this behavior is hard-coded into Sublime. The command that's executed when Tab is pressed right after a variable is expand_abbreviation_by_tab. Many times, Sublime commands are implemented in .py files, and can so be edited to suit your needs. Unfortunately, I was unable to find any mention of this command anywhere, leading me to believe that it's hard-coded. I suppose a workaround would be to enter a space before hitting Tab, if your end goal is to have the colons : aligned with each other. Another option would be to use the Alignment plugin, available through Package Control. It's very configurable, and I highly recommend it.

ASP Source Code Map? Is there an easy way to generate this?

The company I work for, we have a number of web systems that are built in Classic ASP and ASP.NET 2.0.
I'm trying to tidy up the scripts folder as they are all sitting in the same place, and I've found some that are not even in use.
So, do any of you know if there is an easy way to generate something like a source code map? So I can easily see which one are not being referenced by any other script to make it easier to clean?
Also if I can generate this map, it would be great to start documenting this. As the previous developer was against documenting (believe it or not), and this is giving me lots of headaches.
Don't know if such tool exists but you could write a script that walks all files and searches in the contents of the sourcefiles if it is being loaded and not commented out (the last being the most difficult).
An easier way that i myself use is to load the different pages that are used in the webapp in Firefox with the Firebug add-on installed and activated (or a equivalent browser with the same functionality or plugin). On the Net tab of Firebug you see all the files that are loaded by a page and you can compare these with the folderstucture and contents.
If many pages need to be checked you can copy all url's with Ctrl-All , Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V it in an editor that is capable of sorting and removing duplicates so that you have a nice list of files being used a,nd can do your folder cleanup in one move.

CSS Highlighting in Vim Breaks if I Open a Second Tab

I've been re-writing my resume from scratch (good way to start the new year, I think,) and I'm doing it as a webpage. Naturally I want all the HTML, CSS & Javascript in one file, so it'll be portable.
While working on it in Vim, I have the CSS, HTML, & Javascript sections of the document open in separate tabs. But as soon as I open a second tab, the syntax highlighting for the CSS turns off. The HTML and Javascript continue to be highlighted properly.
I'm not a Vim expert by any means, so I apologize if this is too basic a question, but I couldn't find any documentation (or existing posts on Stackoverflow) that address this issue.
Thanks in advance for any insight.
Because vim doesn't start looking for highlighting at the "top" of the file, but rather a few hundred lines up from the current on-screen view, you can sometimes get the highlighting to work by scrolling around a little.
If this works, you can tweak the syntax highlighting controls so that you don't have to waste your time scrolling around; for full details, see :help syn-sync. There's several options:
Forcing vim to start recognizing syntax from the very start of the file every time. This might lead to significant performance problems on huge files but that might also be an indication that your source could be better split apart.
:syntax sync fromstart
Increase the number of lines that are parsed. This reduces the chances of bad syntax recognition without necessarily incurring the expense of reparsing the entire file from the start each time.
:syntax sync minlines=200
Pick a number that is large enough to work almost all the time without significant performance penalties. This is probably the best approach to take, even 500 lines ought to be alright on most computers from the last decade.
If you're editing C-style code, vim can easily resynchronize using C-style comments. (Note, not the // newfangled variety but /* the original style */.) Probably not the best choice for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, but perhaps your code makes it more feasible:
:syntax sync ccomment
The fourth method uses "sync patterns", similar to the C-style comments, but more applicable to other environments. It has enough extra complications that I don't think describing it here is worth the effort -- :help syn-sync-fourth has all the details for the curious.
Any of these configuration options can be added to your ~/.vimrc file:
syntax sync fromstart
You can change the behavior based on what kind of files you're editing. Just leave off the leading : when adding lines to the file. Use autocmd to define it for types like this:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.html syntax sync fromstart
These may become relevant to provide an answer
what version of vim are you using? I'm assuming you're using Vim 7.3 (if not, you should - most linux distors have it, and there's an exe for Windows and MacVim for osx). It could be that your installation is old or broken.
Any plugins? A simple check will be to temporarily remove all your plugins, restart vim and see if this still happens.
Anything special in your .vimrc? If you customized it yourself then there are probably not too many surprises, but if you borrowed from someone else, you can do the same thing you did with the plugins folder (empty or bare-minimum file).
Hope this helps - good luck!

wysiwyg user help authoring tool to work with qthelp?

We need to compile to QtHelp (.qch and .qhc). I'm wondering what tool/toolchain would be easiest for this? We'd like a WYSIWYG help authoring tool as our starting point, then run the output from that through whatever we have to to get QtHelp.
We have used Help & Manual in the past, and that's the kind of WYSIWYG interface we're looking for in a help authoring tool. But we need the toolchain to produce simple html pages (one per help topic) that we can use with qhelpgenerator or qcollectiongenerator, as well as create the .qhp's (at least the table of contents and the keywords sections) and .qhcp to generate the .qch's and .qhc. I'm not seeing how Help & Manual can fit into this.
We've looked briefly at Sphynx, but it seems it has extremely limited options for text formatting. For example, it doesn't look like there's any way to change the font, font size, font color, etc. for a section of text. It appears to be actually impossible to have text that is both bold and italic. Looks great for developer documentation, but seems to be missing basic stuff for authoring a user help file. Please correct me if I somehow missed the basic text formatting features!
So, what WYSIWYG help authoring tool do you recommend, and what is the path from that tool to .qch's and a .qhc?
Looks like Help and Manual will work after all! Here's the sequence we're looking at now. If please comment if you see any problems or improvements that can be made.
In Help & Manual (tested with version 5.5.1 Build 1296 professional license), in the Project Explorer, in the Configuration section:
Go HTML Page Templates\Default. In the HTML Source Code tab, comment out the section.
Go to Publishing Options\Web Help.
In Layout, select No frames, no scripts.
In Navigation, we don't need anything checked - although if there is a way to control the format of the value of KEYWORD_INDEX so we could copy and paste directly into our .qhp, that would be great! I haven't found a way to do that, so we plan to maintain keywords directly in the .qhp.
Similarly, Table of Contents is also irrelevant, unless we can control the format we'll have to maintain the toc directly in the .qhp.
In Popup Topics, we are set to HTML encoded topics. Not sure if this is necessary.
That's all the settings we have to change. Create help content in H&M as normal, then to publish Webhelp. This creates a separate .htm file for each topic.
In the same folder as the .htm's, we create our .qhp and .qhcp files, and run qcollectiongenerator to produce our .qhc, which we then display with Qt Assistant. See for help with the Qt side of this toolchain.
Again, it would be great if we could find a way to set up H&M to create the toc and the keywords in the format required for the .qhp and we could just paste them into the .qhp (or for that matter, maintain the .qhp in that template also). Another option would be to write a script to convert from what H&M creates for toc and keywords to what the .qhp requires. If you do that and don't mind sharing, please post the code!
Some benefits we find using H&M to solve this problem:
multiple documenters can work simultaneously, and source is stored as text files in Subversion, so it is versionable and you can compare changes.
easy WYSIWYG creation of help topics
can handle all kinds of text formatting and links. For example, in an end-to-end test of features to see what features of H&M would work in our end product (.qhc viewed in Qt Assistant), I was surprised to see Qt Assistant even handling hotspots in an image linking to other topics/anchors.
the .qhc is integrated into Qt so you have good control of your help from within your Qt app.
Again, if anyone has a better solution or improvements to this one, please post!
use Helpinator 3 Professional it's generat chm qt javahelp word pdf files easly ..
You might consider the HelpNDoc help authoring tool which has a WYSIWYG editor and can generate Qt Help files out of the box. Generated source files can optionally be kept for manual editing and manual compilation.
