Does anyone know how to have a restlet run as a different role? (e.g. similar to how Suitelets can be configured to run as the Administrator role)
Any tricks to make this possible?
There is no configuration of role on the Restlet script itself.
The role is defined when you send a request to the Restlet.
The header of the request contains the role that the restlet will execute as.
If you are using NLAuth to authenticate then one of the parameters is the role id. So if you want to execute it as admin, send "3" as the role id.
If you are using token authentication, then when you are creating the token, one of the steps is to choose the role.
In this case, you can not execute as admin, you will have to define a role that will correspond to your needs.
That's my question. I am using Hasura, and defining 'user' permissions.
Users are of course allowed to modify their own information, and not allowed to insert new records into my users table.
But when they signup, they should be allowed to insert themselves. So how can I define this permission?
To make my scenario more clear:
I have a React app, that uses an external OpenID provider. So a new user signs up there, and the provider returns a JWT to my app, containing a user I've never seen before.
My app does not know that, it just uses the access token to send to the Hasura backend to retrieve further info about this user, using the 'user' role. But it uses a query which will automatically insert the user if not found.
There's really not a safe way to allow sign-ups without involving a backend service. It is a very bad idea to allow anonymous inserts into your user table, even if you added a unique constraint against a user ID or email address.
If you have the option of using NextJS, see the Hasura example for configuring NextAuth. This works by configuring your app with a protected API route that uses your Hasura app's ADMIN_SECRET to insert new users who have authenticated with a third-party.
If NextJS isn't an option, Hasura's Auth0 example similarly uses a callback method to insert an authenticated user if they don't exist.
In the user table, for the user role, you need to add a permission with custom check. And the check should be user_id equals x-hasura-user-id.
For non-logged-in users, leverage the anonymous role by setting the permissions that make sense for your use case:
Edit after the comment:
Ah, I see. When the user comes to your app, your app goes and retrieves some data that it expects every user should have (for example perhaps the user info store on the user table). But since it's a new user, this info is not there.
At this point, your React app knows that:
there's someone with a legitimately signed JWT cookie (use a library to verify the signature) and
there's no user info from the backend. Therefore, the React app shows
a "Welcome new user, wait while we're setting up your account".
the React app makes a mutation to a signup Hasura action you'll
prepare. Once that returns, you proceed as usually (redirect the user to their home page).
use hasura action handler instead. Inside your handler, do a check if the user already exists or not. If not then insert a new row.
What exactly do you have to do to authenticate users against an external source while accessing pages on a CQ publish instance?
From what I have read, a custom AuthenticationHandler can be used for this. The AuthenticationHandler can be configured to be called against the paths requiring authentication and inside the extractCredentials() method, the users will be authenticated against the external source and an AuthenticationInfo object will be returned.
If the supplied credentials are invalid, null would be returned from this method to indicate the same. The SlingAuthenticator will then call requestCredentials() where the user can be redirected to the login page.
Is this understanding correct? If so, what does SlingAuthenticator do with the AuthenticationInfo object returned from extractCredentials()?
In some places, having a custom LoginModule (by overriding AbstractLoginModule) is also suggested for the same purpose. Are these 2 different approaches (custom AuthenticationHandler and Loginmodule) for having custom authentication or are they used together somehow? If so, how do they interact?
And also, the concept of CUG (Closed User Group) can be used to redirect users to the login page if they don't have access to a page. Can CUG still be used with a custom auth mechanism or it only works if the users are present in CQ repository?
Any light shed on this would be much appreciated :)
Your understanding is correct. The AuthenticationInfo object ultimately contains a JCR user id -- but rather than having to use the JCR password for the user, a 3rd party service basically says "this user has authenticated successfully and can access the repository as X".
Example: you're using OpenID or SAML to verify a user is X. user X is then mapped to a user Y in the repository.
I haven't used LoginModule but from what I'm reading, that's just extending login processing for the JackRabbit repo. So, rather than using AuthenticationHandler to redirect a user to some other place and processing the response, you're plugging further down into the chain where there's already AuthenticationInfo (or something like that) being given to JackRabbit to verify and return a session for a user.
So, let's say you did successfully authenticate with OpenID but the user you're mapped to doesn't exist. You could write a login module to create the user in this case (and assign user to a default group). For instance, if user came in with a gmail id, the JCR user could be gmail_$id. And the login module, seeing the name starts with gmail, will know it's ok to create that user automatically.
As far as CUG, yes, all the above can be used in conjunction with it. Basically, if a request doesn't have access to a resource and the request hasn't been authenticated, the authentication handling system kicks in. If a user has authenticated but still doesn't have access to the resource (e.g. not part of a group that can read it), a 403 will be generated.
I need to call the following functions on some other portal through web service (SOAP). This functions will be called whenever a user is created/updated, change password, enroll for a course.
Following Method needs to be called.
Parameters: FirstName,LoginName,Password,Email
Parameters: UserID,LoginName,FirstName,Password,ConfirmPassword,Email
My questions?
1. How do I pass unecrypted user password on event like user registration
2. Is there any module that will help me consume(call) SOAP based web services using Rules Module. Basically the moment a new user is registered or password is change these web services will be called to create or update the user on third party non-drupal based site.
I'm trying to create a custom login for my flex web app with spring-security.
I have an working version where we use the channelset.login with blazeds.
The problem i have is that i would like to split the authentication and the authorization.
I would like to ask the user to make some choices after the authentication to determine its roles.
Since the roles the user is authorized to are determined by this choices.
This means the user has to be authenticated and then the client needs to do a service call to the service and then the authorization process needs to take place.
Does anyone know if this is possible and have some tips of how this can be done?
Thanks in advance,
Yes, that doesn't sound too far-fetched.
You can store the user roles in the database, make each role for new users something like SIGNUP which will only allow the user to signup, once his new role is determined, simply update that role and restrict the new role from being able to update the role again, unless you're admin.
You can also override the authentication process to do whatever you want to do:
The session object might need to be refreshed if you're using some form of ORM.
Hi i like to design a application(app1) where we can create role and actions. here action is such as create student details and delete student details... this both actions comes underneath to a role1.. so, the application will have some roles with set of actions. This roles and action will be used later in another applications(app2 and app3).
i have designed app1 with single sign on for all the application(app2,app3). when a user enter into app2, he/she will be redirected login page which resides in app1. There user validation will take place. once validated, authentication ticket will be send back to requested application(app2).
Once app2 receive the ticket, it will make another request app1 to get the roles and action belongs to singed user. the app2 should behave based the actions belongs to role.
*A user can have more roles.
how to control the user activities based on the actions?
Is there any framework to achieve this model?
Can you provide me any guidance for achieve my idea?
You should investigate the use of a RoleProvider which is built into the .NET Framework.
In addition to the role provider you can use the Authorization Manager to create Operations, Tasks, and Roles. You can then link Operations to specific function in you application and map roles in a variety of ways.
How To: Use Authorization Manager (AzMan) with ASP.NET 2.0