Setting 86duino One COM1 port to other port - serial-port

I am using 86duino ONE board. Currently, COM1 is located at PORT 1 (GP12 & GP13 if i am not mistaken). How do i move this COM1 to PORT 8 (any GPIO)?
I need to do this on FDOS.
Thank you.


I can't receive data from Com Port

I connect com3 to com4 from my pc to another pc using Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port on both sides (using Rs232 female between both). I can send data to port from both computer successfully.
But I can't receive any data on both sides.
Ports config on both sides is the same.
When I monitor this connection, I see status of CTS,DSR,DCD,RI is Disable(Red) (just RTS,DTR is Enable(Green)).
I using "null modem" and tested cable.
Do you have a solution for receiving data?
You need to cross Rx/Tx signal lines, or use a "null modem" cable. The latter does not only cross the data lines (pins 2 and 3 on DB9 connector), but also the corresponding flow control signals.
A simpler test would connect pins 2 and 3 on a DB9 RS232 port, and use a terminal program with "local echo" set to off. This setup just receives anything you send out - veifying that the USB2UART adapter actually works.

how to set up a static ip for raspberi pi through the sd card

My school gave me a static IP address, sub/mask, DNS and alternate DNS in one of the outlets in my room.
What I want:
Set up through the SD card (windows explorer->sd->config something ip=)
Then I want to use putty to connect to it with the IP provided to me.
What I don't want is
To connect it to a monitor (I don't own one or a keyboard)
Can someone help me, I have no other way connecting to it.
You don't need a monitor to know the IP of Raspberry Pi.
Step 1: Connect it to ethernet.
Step 2: Find the IP of Raspberry Pi by a IP Scanner software or by accessing to the router (normally through address
Step 3: Access to Raspberry Pi with the IP through Putty
Step 4: Set the static IP for Raspberry Pi with this tutorial
what you want is a direct connection between your raspberry and computer via a cross-over ethernet cable (wiki-link). If you are going for this solution you need to set up a DHCP-Server on your computer to give the raspberry an ip-address. If you done this you will be able to connect via ssh to you raspberry pi.
This isn't a trivial way to connect to your raspberry, i recommend you to get a screen and a keyboard. If this is not a option, i wish you good luck.

How to connect 2 GSM Modems

I want to know how can i use 2 GSM Modems in one computer (using Windows) ?
Those modem have a usb connector but the system plug them as Mobile Modem in COM Port.
The probleme is how to use 2 Modems togeteher in different ports.
The modem reference is ls100 and it made by Lonsai i connected 2 modems in my computuer but in devices manager i found the COM Port of the first one that i put. did some one have an idea how to detect 2 COM Ports ?
Thank you.
If you are using serial port then that is not possible ofcourse. However, if you are using USB to connect the modem, you can use different COM ports. Here are some steps you can try and debug the issue:
Please refresh your device manager settings and see if you can find another COM port.
Plug in the modems one by one to see if the COM Port appears for both. Note what number has been assigned to each modem.
Try using different USB ports on your PC.
Try using a different terminal to see the COM Ports or multiple terminals for each modem

how to test serial port communication in windows with rxtx?

I am using RXTX with Java to connect to serial port. But now i have to test whether the communication is working properly or not? How to do this. Do i need modem or can we test any way in my local with out modem.
this is the program i want to test
On Windows you can use a 'null modem emulator' called com0com. This registers 2 dummy com ports onto the OS, which will communicate between each other.
So, you'd need to connect to it 'twice', one for each end of the serial connection.
com0com also has variants called com2tcp & hub4com, if that's more appropriate for you.
Uh, no you don't need a modem(?). You can use a null modem serial cable to do loopback testing from one COM port to another. You can do this on a single PC or two different computers. If you don't have enough COM ports, use a USB to serial converter.

Communicating Via serial port with GSM modem

I am using a EVB for siemens MC45 GSM modem. Itried to send At commands to it via serial port with Hyperterminal in windows (both Xp and 7). But the hyperterminal window is showing that I am connected but when I type something it doesnot show my writings. and no response from the GSM modem is received.
What Can I do ?
The problem is with your hyper terminal settings when you are connecting with the modem.
Use these settings: Baud rate:9600 data bits:8 stop bits:1 parity bits: none flow control:none Should work now. Also check whether you are communicating with the correct port
Have you configured the hyperterminal session properly? I think you will probably need to set it up as follows:
BaudRate 19200
Databit 8
No Parity
Stopbit 1
No Flow control
