I recently submitted a package to rOpenSci, and they prefer the use of message() rather than cat() for user-side console output. When I made the switch for my package, I noticed a disconcerting change in the formatting of the rendered vignettes. I have reproduced the problem in the following R Markdown report.
title: "MWE"
author: "Will Landau"
date: "11/20/2017"
output: html_document
```{r testcat}
for(x in LETTERS[1:3]){
cat(x, "\n")
```{r testmessage}
for(x in LETTERS[1:3]){
```{r testmessage2}
for(x in LETTERS[1:3]){
message(x, "\n", appendLF = FALSE)
For the first code chunk, I get the desired output: all three lines string together in a single gray box.
## A
## B
## C
But for the second and third chunks, each line is given its own separate gray box.
## A
## B
## C
How do I keep using message() without chopping up the knitr output like this?
I think I solved it: knitr has a collapse chunk option. All I needed was to put this chunk before any of the other chunks.
```{r setup}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE)
The output is more condensed than I expected, but after some touching up, the formatting actually looks much better now.
You can try and build the string and put the message function outside the loop, like this:
```{r testmessage}
single_message <- c()
for(x in LETTERS[1:3]){
single_message <- paste(single_message , x, sep = "\n")
message(single_message )
Note that this example does add a newline at the start, you can prevent this with an extra if, or use the first element outside the loop to initialize single_message.
I have some R code in a package. I don't want to copy that code, but I want to display it in a pretty way in Word with syntax highlighting without any manual steps.
I looked at styler::style_text in combination of capture.output and that looks nice in the browser, but all the formatting is lost when knitting to Word. Is there some way to preserve it? I'm thinking the best thing would be to have Word native styling but the next best (acceptable) thing would be to somehow render the output to an image and include that. Has anyone done these things to document their code in a report?
show_code = function (fun) {
out = capture.output(fun)
n = length(out)
without_bytecode_and_env_lines = -1*c(n-1, n)
code = paste(out[without_bytecode_and_env_lines], collapse = "\n")
I believe you are trying to use syntax highlighting on the output of show_code and to do that, you simply need to use the options comment="" and class.output="r" and syntax highlighting will apply to the output.
title: "Source Code highlighting"
highlight: kate
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown
```{r echo=FALSE}
show_code = function (fun) {
out = capture.output(fun)
n = length(out)
without_bytecode_and_env_lines = c(n-1, n)
code = paste0(out[-without_bytecode_and_env_lines], collapse = "\n")
### The source code for `lm`
```{r comment='', echo=FALSE, class.output = "r"}
I am wanting to get more into using R markdown to perform analyses and generate output. Maybe I'm missing something simple, but I just want to be able to set the number of decimal places to show either 2 or 3 digits, depending on the output (e.g. t-statistic vs p-value).
I have previously used r options(digits=2), which works until the last digit you want to include is 0. I have gotten around this with the sprintf function, but having to specify for each number.
Is there a way to set a 'global' sprintf option so that for all numbers following, the same number of decimal places are shown?
Thank you,
Defining a format for inline code output is feasible with a knitr inline hook (hooks are the hidden gems of knitr).
Example #1
With this Rmd file, the number of decimals is controlled without using sprintf() in all inline codes:
title: "Use an inline hook"
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# Register an inline hook:
knitr::knit_hooks$set(inline = function(x) {
x <- sprintf("%1.2f", x)
paste(x, collapse = ", ")
Now, get 3.14 with just writing `r pi`.
Example #2
Want to change the inline output format in some part of the report?
This Rmd file does the job:
title: "Use a closure and an inline hook"
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# Register an inline hook
knitr::knit_hooks$set(inline = function(x) {
paste(custom_print(x), collapse = ", ")
# Define a function factory (from #eipi10 answer)
op <- function(d = 2) {
function(x) sprintf(paste0("%1.", d, "f"), x)
# Use a closure
custom_print <- op()
Now, get 3.14 with `r pi`...
```{r three-decimals, include=FALSE}
custom_print <- op(d = 3)
...and now 3.142 with `r pi`.
```{r more-decimals, include=FALSE}
custom_print <- op(d = 10)
Finally, get 3.1415926536 with `r pi`.
Example #3
Want to display different formats for t-statistic and p-value?
One can use S3 objects and an inline hook as in this Rmd file:
title: "Use S3 methods and an inline hook"
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# Register an inline hook
knitr::knit_hooks$set(inline = function(x) {
paste(custom_print(x), collapse = ", ")
# Define a generic
custom_print <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("custom_print", x)
# Define a method for p-values
custom_print.p.value <- function(x, ...) paste(sprintf("%1.2f", x), collapse = ", ")
# Define a method for t-statistics
custom_print.t.stat <- function(x, ...) paste(sprintf("%1.1f", x), collapse = ", ")
Estimate models...
```{r fake-results, include=FALSE}
t <- c(2.581, -1.897)
class(t) <- "t.stat"
p <- c(0.025, 0.745)
class(p) <- "p.value"
Want to show T-stats: `r t` (get 2.6, -1.9).
And p-values: `r p` (get 0.03, 0.74).
Who said knitr is a wonderful package?
I don't know of a way to set a global option (though there may be one). But you can write a convenience output function to reduce the amount of typing. For example, put this function at the beginning of your document:
op = function(x, d=2) sprintf(paste0("%1.",d,"f"), x)
Then, later in your document, when you want to output numbers, you can, for example, do:
Or if you want 3 digits instead of the default 2, you can do:
op(mtcars$mpg, 3)
As found in the tutorial here by Yihui, this is how I've successfully implemented it in my Rmd file.
{r setup, include=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
options(scipen = 1, digits = 2) #set to two decimal
I'd like to show parameter values and not params$... in R Markdown output. For example, the first code chunk below displays params$file in the output, but I'd like to replace that with samples.txt. I tried adding a second chunk with message, but that outputs a white code chunk and I'd like a gray background like all other R code blocks.
output: html_document
file: samples.txt
```{r read, message=FALSE, collapse=TRUE, comment=""}
x <- read_tsv(params$file)
This just needs a gray background
```{r print, echo=2, collapse=TRUE, comment=""}
message('x <- read_tsv("', params$file, '")')
You could modify the source hook. A solution tailored to your need follows immediately. For a more general approach, that replaces all elements in params, scroll down.
pdf_document: default
html_document: default
file: samples.txt
```{r, include=FALSE}
default_source_hook <- knit_hooks$get('source')
knit_hooks$set(source = function(x, options) {
x <- str_replace_all(x, pattern = 'params\\$file', paste0("'",params$file,"'"))
default_source_hook(x, options)
```{r print, echo=T, comment="", eval = T}
First we save the default hook that would be used depending on the output file type (render_html or render_latex etc.). Then we change the source hook: we replace all occurrences of params$file with its value and then throw the source code back into the default hook we saved before.
In this case this results in:
This magic works, because we only modify the source code that will be printed, not the one being evaluated!
Update: A more general Approach
I played a bit with your example and created a more general hook. It should replace all elements of the form params$... in your code chunks. It even checks for the type of value and adds quotes if it is a character value.
Check the following MRE:
pdf_document: default
html_document: default
file: samples.csv
age: 28
awesome: true
34: badname
_x: badname
```{r, include=FALSE}
default_source_hook <- knit_hooks$get('source')
knit_hooks$set(source = function(x, options) {
x <- gsubfn(x = x, pattern = "params\\$`?([\\w_]+)`?", function(y) {
y <- get(y, params)
ifelse(is.character(y), paste0("'", y, "'"), y)
default_source_hook(x, options)
```{r print, echo=T, comment="", eval = T}
file <- params$file
age <- params$age
awsm <- params$awesome
# dont name your variables like that! works though...
badexmpls <- c(params$`34`, params$`_x`)
We make use of gsubfn(). This function allows us to use a function for the replacement attribute (not possible in common gsub). This function takes on the elements found, but, thanks to regex only the part after the $. So in this chunk, y equals file, age and awesome.
I am knitting a .Rmd file and want to have two outputs: the html and a purl'ed R script each time I run knit. This can be done with the following Rmd file:
title: "Purl MWE"
output: html_document
## This chunk automatically generates a text .R version of this script when running within knitr.
input = knitr::current_input() # filename of input document
output = paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(input), 'R', sep = '.')
If you do not name the chunk, it works fine and you get html and .R output each time you run knit() (or click knit in RStudio).
However, if you name the chunk it fails. For example:
title: "Purl MWE"
output: html_document
## This chunk automatically generates a text .R version of this script when running within knitr.
input = knitr::current_input() # filename of input document
output = paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(input), 'R', sep = '.')
```{r test}
It fails with:
Quitting from lines 7-14 (Purl.Rmd)
Error in parse_block(g[-1], g[1], params.src) : duplicate label 'test'
Calls: <Anonymous> ... process_file -> split_file -> lapply -> FUN -> parse_block
Execution halted
If you comment out the purl() call, it will work with the named chunk. So there is something about how the purl() call is also naming chunks which causes knit() to think there are duplicate chunk names even when there are no duplicates.
Is there a way to include a purl() command inside a .Rmd file so both outputs (html and R) are produced? Or is there a better way to do this? My ultimate goal is to use the new rmarkdown::render_site() to build a website that updates the HTML and R output each time the site is compiled.
You can allow duplicate labels by including options(knitr.duplicate.label = 'allow') within the file as follows:
title: "Purl MWE"
output: html_document
```{r GlobalOptions}
options(knitr.duplicate.label = 'allow')
## This chunk automatically generates a text .R version of this script when running within knitr.
input = knitr::current_input() # filename of input document
output = paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(input), 'R', sep = '.')
```{r test}
This code isn't documented on the knitr website, but you can keep track with the latest changes direct from Github: https://github.com/yihui/knitr/blob/master/NEWS.md
A related approach to #ruaridhw solution would be to wrap the knitr::purl() in callr::r(). See function below that saves the R chunks from a specified R markdown file to a temporary .R file:
# RMD to local R temp file
# inspiration: https://gist.github.com/noamross/a549ee50e8a4fd68b8b1
rmd_chunks_to_r_temp <- function(file){
temp <- tempfile(fileext=".R")
# needed callr so can use when knitting -- else can bump into "duplicate chunk
# label" errors when running when knitting
callr::r(function(file, temp){
knitr::purl(file, output = temp)
args = list(file, temp))
This function also exists in funspotr:::rmd_chunks_to_r_temp() at brshallo/funspotr.
You can avoid this error with a bash chunk that calls purl in a separate R session. That way there's no need to allow duplicate labels.
An example use case is an Rmd file where the code is run (and not echo'd) throughout the report and then all the code chunks are shown with chunks names and code comments in an Appendix. If you don't require that additional functionality then you would only need up until the bash chunk.
The idea is that report_end signifies where to stop purl such that the appendix code isn't considered "report code". Then read_chunk reads the entire R file into one code chunk which can then be echo'd with syntax highlighting if required.
title: "Purl MWE"
output: html_document
These code chunks are used in the background of the report however
their source is not shown until the Appendix.
```{r test1, echo=FALSE}
x <- 1
```{r test2, echo=FALSE}
x <- x + 1
```{r test3, echo=FALSE}
x <- x + 1
# Appendix
```{r, eval=TRUE}
report_end <- "^# Appendix"
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
Sys.setenv(PURL_IN = shQuote("this_file.Rmd"), # eg. knitr::current_input()
PURL_OUT = shQuote(temp),
PURL_END = shQuote(report_end))
```{bash, include=FALSE}
Rscript -e "lines <- readLines($PURL_IN, warn = FALSE)" \
-e "knitr::purl(text = lines[1:grep($PURL_END, lines)], output = $PURL_OUT, documentation = 1L)"
```{r, include=FALSE}
knitr::read_chunk(temp, labels = "appendix")
```{r appendix, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE}
When I use knitr to build an HTML document out of the following code:
Chunk Output
Outside a chunk.
```{r chunk1, results='asis'}
cat('Inside a chunk\n\n')
for (i in 1:3) {
cat('* Inside loop #', i, '\n')
cat('Outside a loop, but still inside the first chunk')
Between chunks.
```{r chunk2, results='asis'}
cat('Inside second chunk')
I get output where the code in chunk1 is interleaved with the output of the cat statements. Interestingly, the output within the for loop is output as a single block.
I would prefer to have all of the code from chunk1 to appear first, followed by all of the output from chunk1. Is there a way to ask Rmarkdown/knitr to avoid the more granular interweaving that it's currently doing?
Here is the solution I proposed
Chunk Output
Outside a chunk.
```{r chunk1, results='hide'}
cat('Inside a chunk\n\n')
for (i in 1:3) {
cat('* Inside loop #', i, '\n')
cat('Outside a loop, but still inside the first chunk')
```{r ref.label = 'chunk1', results = 'asis', echo = F}
In the latest version of knitr, #yihui has added a new chunk option results = "hold", which automatically holds printing of all output to the end. Accordingly, we can just write
Chunk Output
Outside a chunk.
```{r chunk1, results='hold'}
cat('Inside a chunk\n\n')
for (i in 1:3) {
cat('* Inside loop #', i, '\n')
cat('Outside a loop, but still inside the first chunk')