GitBash icon not showing correctly in taskbar [WIN10] - icons

This is not a big problem but it's bothering me. I've installed it in Program Files (x86), already found many old solutions which didn't work for me. I can't install it in another location. I've tried to change the ico to a different one located in a path without spaces, but it didn't work.
Git CMD icon works fine (but I don't like this terminal), the problem persists only with GitBash icon
Can someone help?

Sometimes it could be purely because of the shortcut referring to a previous installation which no longer exists. Check properties by right-clicking on git bash terminal's taskbar icon.
If that's the case
Delete the shortcut or
Replace the path with the current installation directory.

The icon was missing in older versions (2.10: see issue 870)
In your case, make sure to install the latest 64-bits version (in Program Files, not Program Files (x86))
That would be: Git-2.15.0-64-bit.exe.
Update Oct. 2022: this is still working correctly.


Mac OS 11.2.1 Big sur- git version control Rstudio path -unable to edit . Not able to link

I am new to Version control and this is my first attempt. I am also a novice in R. just did an online course. I have installed Git and was trying to add the Version control through Rstudio Global options. The Git executable file path shows "user/bin/git" But when I go to create a Project>version control>Git- I get an error "Git was not detected on the path" I dug deeper and ran cmd in the mac terminal- which git and got the location as "/usr/local/bin/git", I also did a $ git --exec-path and got the location as "/usr/local/Cellar/git/2.30.0/libexec/git-core" I understand the executable path is somewhere else. I understand that I need to change the path but Rstudio is not allowing the changing of the path, and I am unable to edit the path to "/usr/local/Cellar/git/2.30.0/libexec/git-core" from "user/bin/git". I tried manually entering but that doesnt work, I browsed through the file s and sub folders and selected the executable file location , but it still doesnt change. Please help.
Welcome to stackoverflow: You can find a step by step support on the official support site of rstudio. Here you get detailed instructions on how to use version control with RStudio:

Can open fontawesomefx-glyphsbrowser- windows batch file

Can someone tell how to open font awesome font browser (linked below)- windows batch file.
when I double click, command is opening but it shows an exception and closing.
How can I know whats wrong even a documentation link would be very helpful?
thank you
I just fixed it by dragging and dropping the fontawesomefx-glyphsbrowser.file into cmd and hitting enter that showed the error which showed that my JAVA_HOME is not set up correctly.
Try this 1.0 version, the 1.3.0 version can't open.
I faced the same problem too but solved it by updating java, I used javacpl.exe (you'll find it in the C:\Program Files\Java\jre\bin or the location you installed your java in(the jre/bin folder) )
Then i updated my JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME path in environment variables with the updated jdk and jre folder location.
I then opened cmd and ran "java -version " to confirm that java was in path.
lastly i executed the "fontawesomefx-glyphsbrowser.bat" file and it worked.
Hi Well i had this issue too and i fixed you go to the java Folder/ bin folder and search for jvm.dll (in my case i found jvm1.dll ) so you copy it and create a folder name it Server if you found it before just copy the jvm.dll in it if you find it jvm1.dll just rename it and magic happen ! hope that i helped you

'geckodriver' executable needs to be in PATH on Mac with Eclipse RED

I've been trying to automate some basic stuff with Robotframework. Here is my configuration.
Python - 2.7.10
MAC High Sierra 10.13.2
Eclipse Oxygen with RED Editor
I've downloaded Geckodriver executable and put in under several places including usr/local/bin, folder on desktop
Here is what i've tried
Setup FFDriver Set Environment Variable webdriver.gecko.driver Users/[my username]/Desktop/geckodriver
Setup FFDriver Set Environment Variable webdriver.gecko.driver usr/local/bin/geckodriver
and my test
open browser firefox
I've added usr/local/bin in PATH as well and still getting "geckodriver executable needs to be in PATH" error. The same happens with Chromedriver too. I am sure I must be missing something trivial here, can someone help me out please?
Launching the eclipse from command prompt, has fixed this issue. Yes, the PATH is not being inherited when launched from desktop icon.
when you use Python. the best shortcut you can do is, put you 'geckodriver.exe' file in pythons script folder. and set the Script folder path in you system path. this will resolve your problem.

Unable to open Atom

I am unable to open my Atom Editor. It was working fine until yesterday, but don't know why it won't open today. No windows update or anything on my computer. I tried deleting the 'Storage' folder as mentioned in some online forums, doesn't help. Any suggestions? I am using Atom version
If you're using MAC OS and have similar problem, try this:
Open Window tab
and then click Zoom.
Atom will sometime fail to open because of a bad configuration-file.
To better diagnose this on Windows (10), try running atom from a CMD window:
Open the task-manager and kill any instance of Atom that is listed there
Open a Command-window -
Ctrl+Esc > (type "command") > Enter
Go to where Atom is installed -
cd %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/atom/app-*
Run Atom -
If you see an error message at this point, it should help identify the problem.
If still not clear, you can try moving the main configuration-file,
which is in a different folder:
cd %USERPROFILE%/.atom/
rename config.cson config.SAVE.cson
Go to where Atom is installed (again) -
cd %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/atom/app-*
Run Atom -
Based on this answer on the Atom forum:
I experienced this issue when my Atom windows all suddenly resized to be so small I could not see or find them anywhere (some weird glitch with opening it from a full-screen window on an external display). I resolved it by command-tabbing (I think it's ctrl-tab on Windows, I forget) to my open atom application to bring up the application's menu bar, and then selecting Window > Zoom from the menu.
I am using Atom on Windows 10 64-bit, and had similar problems of installation and not running later.
You can do the following:
Empty Trash, and Temp and Prefetch folders.
Change the security and read only properties of the temp folder.
IMP > Disable antivirus and run atom it will work, later add the Atom app to exclusion list of your antivirus.
Open the task-manager and kill any instance of Atom that is listed there
Got to where Atom installed : Mine:> C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\Local\atom
See this Image
Go to Folder indicated in the picture and find atom.exe by scrolling through the folder and open it and make a shortcut to desktop and it will work.
I found that mv command is not builtin Windows cmd as suggested by Gonen. So following the idea of Gonen, a working solution can also be like:
In windows explorer type %USERPROFILE%/.atom/, or manually go to the path
(in my case): C:\Users\hussainazhar.atom. Of course, go to your drive path accordingly. Close Atom application if already opened.
Simply rename the config.cson to config.SAVE.cson
Open up the Atom and now you can go to the settings :)
All you simply need to do is go the main directly where the file is located and open the FIRST folder.
After opening it, there you will see atom file, double click on it and it will be opened successfully.
The atom Window is just minimized, it gives the impression of not openning, but it is actually opening, again is just minimized.
I was able to see the atom interface, by maximizing the window using the keyboard:
on windows, it normally is Alt+SpaceBar+x.

RStudio empty on startup - No windows, no menus, no rendering

When I start RStudio, none of the windows inside the main frame come up, and none of the menu options display menu options when clicked. It's just an blank page.
It feels like some kind of graphics rendering or window management problem.
I'm running Windows 7. I have the latest version of R, which is 3.1.1. I have the latest RStudio, which is 98.1062.
How to fix it?
Reset the RStudio state. Do this:
Close RStudio if open.
Go to this directory: %localappdata%\RStudio-Desktop
Rename that directory as a type of backup.
Start RStudio.
RStudio will see the configuration directory is missing and regenerate it with correct values.
Everything should work after that.
Other threads I found helpful here are:
Renaming the RStudio state by renaming %localappdata%\RStudio-Desktop did not work for me. However i made it work by renaming another config folder in %appdata% instead.
Close RStudio
Go to this directory: %appdata%\RStudio
Rename the folder
Restart RStudio
I faced the same issue when I downgraded my version of R.
I did try the above solutions. However, it didn't work for me.
After some googling, I found out that the issue was because now I had a different version of R installed. Here's how you can choose the version of R and rectify the issue.
Navigate to the RStudio installation folder. (C:\Program Files\RStudio\bin)
Press and hold Control Key
Double click on rstudio.exe
Choose a specific version of R (whichever you want to work with)
Click OK and RStudio should open without any issues.
NB: I use 64bit Windows 8.1.
I had the same issue and I almost gave up about solving it but then I found a suggestion that GitHub might be the problem. I am not sure how that is happening but the minute I uninstalled GitHub and re-launched Rstudio, it worked perfectly as nothing happened!? Here is the link for where I found the suggestion on Rstudio community page: (
I had the same problem and figured out that for some reason R was blocked on the step of loading my library from a website (I added it to Rprofile for auto-load). You can test the following:
1) Try to run just R console, not RStudio, and then click on blank space - normally some information should appear
2) Try to launch without network connection
On a Mac (Running Yosemite 10.10.3) this is what worked for me:
Move/Rename ~/.rstudio-desktop
(Many responses have mentioned this, but this by itself didn't help.)
Then I shutdown my Mac and restarted it. RStudio worked when I logged back in.
Before that, I tried every one of the steps mentioned here and in many other links, including re-downloading R and RStudio, but unfortunately none of those steps helped in my case.
Search this documentation for 'Blank GUI'.
This is what I found which worked for me:
In Windows Explorer, go to C:\Users\currentUser\AppData\Roaming\RStudio.
Delete the Desktop.ini file
This technique forces RStudio to refresh and default to open-source R as the engine
Same issue I faced so I unistalled the windows installer and downloaded zip version from this link
Unziped It and pasted it into c drive and created shortcut from Rstudio/bin/rstudio.exe file.
Working properly after that no issue. In windows installer checked that r session is not working due to an missing dll.
So try to install from ZIP
I had the same problem like Thomas
When I start RStudio, none on the windows inside the main frame come up, and none of the menu options display menu options when clicked. It's just an blank page.
My problem was, that i uninstalled R because is thought RStudio will work on its own.
So i uninstalled RStudio and deleting every existing file which was created by R or RStudio.
In the next step i installed RStudio again.
It was asking for a Version of R (which i dont had in this state). So i installed R again and everything is working fine now. I hope this helps
I had a slight variation of the problem that might be of interest. I had set up an aliases.cmd to run my cygwin bash shell automatically upon launch of a cmd terminal as per:
What RStudio was doing was launching a few cmd windows in the background to (I assume) populate each pane and the console.
This was triggering a bash shell which wasn't returning and was hanging RStudio.
If you have this issue you can just manually kill the sub bash terminals spawned by cmd via ProcessExplorer/TaskManager and RStudio will continue to launch normally.
If anyone else has set anything to launch automatically on init of a cmd terminal then this could interfere in the same way with RStudio.
The RStudio devs could probably fix this behind the scenes by changing the way they spawn cmd terminals in the gui.
I had a similar problem. After trying the options above with no luck, I uninstalled Rx64 3.5.0 and installed an older version, R x64 3.2.2.
Rstudio then worked perfect.
