Transform nested array into new dimension - julia

Given an array as follows:
A = Array{Array{Int}}(2,2)
A[1,1] = [1,2]
A[1,2] = [3,4]
A[2,1] = [5,6]
A[2,2] = [7,8]
We then have that A is a 2x2 array with elements of type Array{Int}:
2×2 Array{Array{Int64,N} where N,2}:
[1, 2] [3, 4]
[5, 6] [7, 8]
It is possible to access the entries with e.g. A[1,2] but A[1,2,2] would not work since the third dimension is not present in A. However, A[1,2][2] works, since A[1,2] returns an array of length 2.
The question is then, what is a nice way to convert A into a 3-dimensional array, B, so that B[i,j,k] refers the the i,j-th array and the k-th element in that array. E.g. B[2,1,2] = 6.
There is a straightforward way to do this using 3 nested loops and reconstructing the array, element-by-element, but I'm hoping there is a nicer construction. (Some application of cat perhaps?)

You can construct a 3-d array from A using an array comprehension
julia> B = [ A[i,j][k] for i=1:2, j=:1:2, k=1:2 ]
2×2×2 Array{Int64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
1 3
5 7
[:, :, 2] =
2 4
6 8
julia> B[2,1,2]
However a more general solution would be to overload the getindex function for arrays with the same type of A. This is more efficient since there is no need to copy the original data.
julia> import Base.getindex
julia> getindex(A::Array{Array{Int}}, i::Int, j::Int, k::Int) = A[i,j][k]
getindex (generic function with 179 methods)
julia> A[2,1,2]

With thanks to Dan Getz's comments, I think the following works well and is succinct:
cat(3,(getindex.(A,i) for i=1:2)...)
where 2 is the length of the nested array. It would also work for higher dimensions.

permutedims(reshape(collect(Base.Iterators.flatten(A)), (2,2,2)), (2,3,1))
also does the job and appears to be faster than the accepted cat() answer for me.
EDIT: I'm sorry, I just saw that this has already been suggested in the comments.


Compare array values with a value in Julia

I have an array a = [1, 2, 3, 4];. I want to compare each element of array a with a number and return a new array contains True/False elements in Julia as few steps as possible. I try result = a < 2 and expected array is result = [True, False, False, False] but it's not working. Hope your help
You need to vectorize (broadcast) the comparison operator so it operates on Vectors.
You can do this by adding a dot . to your code.
julia> a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
4-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> a .<= 2
4-element BitVector:
Read more about broadcasting here.
Note that Python's numpy will do this for you automatically, but there are cases where an operation might be ambiguous - do you want it to be element wise or a matrix multiplication? So Julia solves this by explicitly broadcasting any operation with the . command.

How to convert a multidimensional array to/from vector of vector of ... vector in julia

Is there a method in julia to convert a multidimensional array to a vector of vector and so on, and vice versa? It is OK to define a method for a fix number of dimensions. But how about a method for arbitrary dims?
julia> s = (1,2,3)
julia> a = reshape(1:prod(s), s)
1×2×3 Base.ReshapedArray{Int64,3,UnitRange{Int64},Tuple{}}:
[:, :, 1] =
1 2
[:, :, 2] =
3 4
[:, :, 3] =
5 6
julia> b = [[[a[i,j,k] for i=1:s[1]] for j=1:s[2]] for k=1:s[3]]
3-element Array{Array{Array{Int64,1},1},1}:
Array{Int64,1}[[1], [2]]
Array{Int64,1}[[3], [4]]
Array{Int64,1}[[5], [6]]
julia> unstack(a) == b
ERROR: UndefVarError: unstack not defined
RecursiveArrayTools.jl can help with this kind of work.
recs = [rand(8) for i in 1:10]
A = VectorOfArray(recs)
A[i] # Returns the ith array in the vector of arrays
A[j,i] # Returns the jth component in the ith array
A[j1,...,jN,i] # Returns the (j1,...,jN) component of the ith array
So it acts like the matrix without ever building the matrix, which is a good way to save allocations if you tend to act on the columns (which are the separate arrays). It also has a fast conversion to a contiguous array via the indexing fallback (honestly, I tried to create a faster one but the fallback worked better than I could make it):
arr = convert(Array,A)
Converting back would require allocating of course
VA = VectorOfArray([A[:,i] for i in size(A,2)])

Julia : Multidimensional Array indexing by a predicate

I have a multidimensional array 69 x 4 in JULIA. I would like to filter the rows using a condition on one of the columns of the frame.
updown[updown[:,4] .> .5]
does not seem to work.
You could pass something for the second axis, basically saying "all columns":
julia> updown = randn(69, 4);
julia> updown[updown[:, 4] .> 1.5, :]
4×4 Array{Float64,2}:
1.76637 -0.307257 -0.125816 1.89179
0.0858598 -0.812886 -0.030113 1.66113
-0.144546 0.374371 -0.731996 1.56694
0.330211 0.108665 0.98783 1.71425

how to add complex number to an array?

First time looking at Julia
julia> x=[1 2 3];
julia> x[2]=3+5im
ERROR: InexactError()
in convert at complex.jl:18
in setindex! at array.jl:346
I am sure this is because julia typing system is different.
How would one do this below in Julia?
x=[1 2 3];
x =
1.0000 + 0.0000i 3.0000 + 5.0000i 3.0000 + 0.0000i
You can make x a complex array:
x=[1 2 3];
Now you can perform this operation:
This results in x containing:
This outputs:
1+0im 3+5im 3+0im
As desired.
You probably want x to be complex. In which case, you can do this:
x = Complex{Float64}[1, 2, 3]
Which allows you to do what you want. You can also change Float64 to something else like Int or Int64.
Also, you should put commas after entries to get 1-dimensional arrays instead of 2-dimensional arrays, which is what yours are. To find the type do this
which gives
1x3 Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
1.0+0.0im 2.0+0.0im 3.0+0.0im
The 1 at the end indicates that this is a 1-dimensional array.

Nested list comprehensions in Julia

In python I can do nested list comprehensions, for instance I can flatten the following array thus:
a = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
[i for arr in a for i in arr]
to get [1,2,3,4,5,6]
If I try this syntax in Julia I get:
julia> a
julia> [i for arr in a for i in arr]
ERROR: syntax: expected ]
Are nested list comprehensions in Julia possible?
This feature has been added in julia v0.5:
julia> a = ([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9])
julia> [i for arr in a for i in arr]
9-element Array{Int64,1}:
List comprehensions work a bit differently in Julia:
> [(x,y) for x=1:2, y=3:4]
2x2 Array{(Int64,Int64),2}:
(1,3) (1,4)
(2,3) (2,4)
If a=[[1 2],[3 4],[5 6]] was a multidimensional array, vec would flatten it:
> vec(a)
6-element Array{Int64,1}:
Since a contains tuples, this is a bit more complicated in Julia. This works, but likely isn't the best way to handle it:
function flatten(x, y)
state = start(x)
if state==false
push!(y, x)
while !done(x, state)
(item, state) = next(x, state)
flatten(item, y)
flatten(x)=flatten(x,Array(Any, 0))
Then, we can run:
> flatten([(1,2),(3,4)])
4-element Array{Any,1}:
You can get some mileage out of using the splat operator with the array constructor here (transposing to save space)
julia> a = ([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9])
julia> [a...]'
1x9 Array{Int64,2}:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Any reason why you're using a tuple of vectors? It's much simpler with arrays, as Ben has already shown with vec. But you can also use comprehensions pretty simply in either case:
julia> a = ([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]);
julia> [i for i in hcat(a...)]
9-element Array{Any,1}:
The expression hcat(a...) "splats" your tuple and concatenates it into an array. But remember that, unlike Python, Julia uses column-major array semantics. You have three column vectors in your tuple; is that what you intend? (If they were row vectors — delimited by spaces — you could just use [a...] to do the concatenation). Arrays are iterated through all elements, regardless of their dimensionality.
Don't have enough reputation for comment so posting a modification #ben-hammer. Thanks for the example of flatten(), it was helpful to me.
But it did break if the tuples/arrays contained strings. Since strings are iterables the function would further break them down to characters. I had to insert condition to check for ASCIIString to fix that. The code is below
function flatten(x, y)
state = start(x)
if state==false
push!(y, x)
if typeof(x) <: String
push!(y, x)
while (!done(x, state))
(item, state) = next(x, state)
flatten(item, y)
flatten(x)=flatten(x,Array(Any, 0))
