Invert singular matrices in R - r

I am trying to grasp the basic concept of invertible and non-invertible matrices.
I created a random non-singular square matrix
S <- matrix(rnorm(100, 0, 1), ncol = 10, nrow = 10)
I know that this matrix is positive definite (thus invertible) because when I decompose the matrix S into its eigenvalues, their product is positive.
eig_S <- eigen(S)
[1] 3.0883683+0.000000i -2.0577317+1.558181i -2.0577317-1.558181i 1.6884120+1.353997i 1.6884120-1.353997i
[6] -2.1295086+0.000000i 0.1805059+1.942696i 0.1805059-1.942696i -0.8874465+0.000000i 0.8528495+0.000000i
According to this paper, we can compute the inverse of a non-singular matrix by its SVD too.
(where U and V are eigenvectors and D eigenvalues, please do correct me if I am wrong).
The inverse then is, .
Indeed, I can run the formula in R:
s <- svd(S)
Which produces exactly the same result as solve(S).
My first question is:
1) Are s$d indeed represent the eigenvalues of S? Because s$d and eig_S$values are quite different.
Now the second part,
If I create a singular matrix
I <- matrix(rnorm(100, 0, 1), ncol = 5, nrow = 20)
I <- I%*%t(I)
eig_I <- eigen(I)
[1] 3.750029e+01 2.489995e+01 1.554184e+01 1.120580e+01 8.674039e+00 3.082593e-15 5.529794e-16 3.227684e-16
[9] 2.834454e-16 5.876634e-17 -1.139421e-18 -2.304783e-17 -6.636508e-17 -7.309336e-17 -1.744084e-16 -2.561197e-16
[17] -3.075499e-16 -4.150320e-16 -7.164553e-16 -3.727682e-15
The solve function will produce an error
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number =
So, again according to the same paper we can use the SVD
i <- svd(I)
solve(i$u %*% diag(i$d) %*% t(i$v))
which produces the same error.
Then I tried to use the Cholesky decomposition for matrix inversion
and again I get the same error.
Could someone please explain where am I using the equations wrong?
I know that for matrix I%*%Conj(t(I)), the determinant of the eigenvalue matrix is positive but the matrix is not a full rank due to the initial multiplication that I did.
j <- eigen(I%*%Conj(t(I)))
[1] 3.17708e-196
qr(I %*% Conj(t(I)))$rank
[1] 5
UPDATE 1: Following the comments bellow, and after going through the paper/Wikipedia page again. I used these two codes, which they produce some results but I am not sure about their validity. The first example seems more believable. The SVD solution
and the Cholesky
I am not sure if I interpreted the two sources correctly though.


Multiplicating a matrix with a vector results in a matrix

I have a document-term matrix:
document_term_matrix <- as.matrix(DocumentTermMatrix(corpus, control = list(stemming = FALSE, stopwords=FALSE, minWordLength=3, removeNumbers=TRUE, removePunctuation=TRUE )))
For this document-term matrix, I've calculated the local term- and global term weighing as follows:
lw_tf <- lw_tf(document_term_matrix)
gw_idf <- gw_idf(document_term_matrix)
lw_tf is a matrix with the same dimensionality as the document-term-matrix (nxm) and gw_idf is a vector of size n. However, when I run:
tf_idf <- lw_tf * gw_idf
The dimensionality of tf_idf is again nxm.
Originally, I would not expect this multiplication to work, as the dimensionalities are not conformable. However, given this output I now expect the dimensionality of gw_idf to be mxm. Is this indeed the case? And if so: what happened to the gw_idf vector of size n?
Matrix multiplication is done in R by using %*%, not * (the latter is just element-wise multiplication). Your reasoning is partially correct, you were just using the wrong symbols.
About the matrix multiplication, a matrix multiplication is only possible if the second dimension of the first matrix is the same as the first dimensions of the second matrix. The resulting dimensions is the dim1 of first matrix by the dim2 of the second matrix.
In your case, you're telling us you have a 1 x n matrix multiplied by a n x m matrix, which should result in a 1 x m matrix. You can check such case in this example:
a <- matrix(runif(100, 0 , 1), nrow = 1, ncol = 100)
b <- matrix(runif(100 * 200, 0, 1), nrow = 100, ncol = 200)
c <- a %*% b
[1] 1 200
Now, about your specific case, I don't really have this package that makes term-documents (would be nice of you to provide an easily reproducible example!), but if you're multiplying a nxm matrix element-wise (you're using *, like I said in the beginning) by a nx1 array, the result does not make sense. Either your variable gw_idf is not an array at all (maybe it's just a scalar) or you're simply making a wrong conclusion.

eigenvalues of the matrix - polynomial

I calculate the eigenvalues of the matrix. I want to write a program that will help me (step by step). I know the eigen function, but I'd like to see a polynomial (like here) a link
and then calculate the polynomial elements.
I can enter a matrix, but I do not know how to enter a new matrix after subtracting "a" from the main diagonal, let alone determine the function that the polynomial (matrix determinant) will give me.
I am asking for directions
Can you do the same as "charpoly (B, x)" and solve (polyB) in R
Use charpoly and roots from the pracma package:
m <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,4,6,0,6,5), 3, byrow = TRUE)
cp <- charpoly(m)
## [1] 1 -10 -11 36
## [1] 10.71311 -2.22404 1.51093
# same (except for order)
## [1] 10.71311 1.51093 -2.22404

Computing eigenvectors given shrinkage eigenvalues

I used the function linshrink of the nlshrink package to have a shrinkage estimation of the eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix M. Unfortunately the function does not return the eigenvectors, which I also need. How can I manually compute them? I thought about applying the definition and use (M − λI)x = 0 for every eigenvalue λ, but I'm not sure how to properly do it, since computing the matrix A = M − λI and using it as an input in solve(A,b) with b=rep(0,nrow(M)) obviously returns a vector of zero. Can anybody help me? Here are a few lines to provide a working example:
M <- matrix(1:16,4)
M[lower.tri(M)] = t(M)[lower.tri(M)]
M <- M/16.1
shrinkval <- linshrink(M) #eigenvalues

A function for calculating the eigenvalues of a matrix in R

I want to write a function like eigen() to calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an arbitary matrix. I wrote the following codes for calculation of eigenvalues and I need a function or method to solve the resulted linear equation.
eig <- function(x){
if(nrow(x)!=ncol(x)) stop("dimension error")
ff <- function(lambda){
for(i in 1:nrow(x)) x[i,i] <- x[i,i] - lambda
I need to solve det(x)=0 that is a polynomial linear equation to find the values of lambda. Is there any way?
Here is one solution using uniroot.all:
myeig <- function(mat){
myeig1 <- function(lambda) {
y = mat
diag(y) = diag(mat) - lambda
myeig2 <- function(lambda){
sapply(lambda, myeig1)
uniroot.all(myeig2, c(-10, 10))
R > x <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3)
R > eigen(x)$values
[1] -1.77461906 -1.21589769 -0.01010515
R > myeig(x)
[1] -1.77462211 -1.21589767 -0.01009019
Computing determinant is such a bad idea as it is not numerically stable. You can easily get Inf etc even for a moderately big matrix. I suggest reading the following answers (read them otherwise you have no idea what my code is doing):
Are eigenvectors returned by R function eigen() wrong?
eigenvectors when A-lx is singular with no solution
then use either of the following
NullSpace(A - diag(lambda, nrow(A)))
nullspace(A - diag(lambda, nrow(A)))
The solution from #liuminzhao won't work if there is two repeated eigenvalues. The function will fail to find the roots, because the characteristic polynomial of the matrix will not change sign (it is zero and does not cross the zero line), which is what rootSolve::uniroot.all() is doing when looking for roots. So you need another way to find a local minima (like optim()). Moreover, it will failed to determine the number of repeated eigenvalues.
A better way is to find the characteristic equation with, which is easily done with pracma::charpoly() and then using polyroot().
par <- pracma::charpoly(M) # find parameters of the CP of matrix M
par <- par[length(par):1] # reverse order for polyroot()
roots <- Re(polyroot(par)) # keep real part of the polyroot()
The pracma::charpoly() is not too complicated in itself, see its source code, starting at line a1 <- a.

sparse-QR more rows than original matrix

I did a sparse qr decomposition with "Matrix" package in R like
a <- Matrix(runif(20), nrow = 5, sparse = T)
a[3:5,] <- 0 #now **a** is a 5X4 matrix
b <- qr.R(qr(a), complete = T) #but now **b** is a 7X4 matrix!
anyone knows why? Note that if I keep a dense, then the bug(?) does not appear.
I'll assume you did not see the warning, otherwise you would have mentioned it, right?
Warning message:
In qr.R(qr(a), complete = T) :
qr.R(< sparse >) may differ from qr.R(< dense >) because of permutations
Now if you are asking what those permutations mean, it's a different story...
The help("sparseQR-class") page may have more info on the issue:
However, because the matrix Q is not uniquely defined, the results of qr.qy and qr.qty do not necessarily match those from the corresponding dense matrix calculations.
Maybe it is the same with qr.R?
Finally, further down on the same help page:
qr.R --- signature(qr = "sparseQR"): compute the upper triangular R matrix of the QR decomposition. Note that this currently warns because of possible permutation mismatch with the classical qr.R() result, and you can suppress these warnings by setting options() either "Matrix.quiet.qr.R" or (the more general) either "Matrix.quiet" to TRUE.
