Openstack Not able to connect to using rest api - openstack

I have a local install on openstack on my virtual box. I am trying to use the lib cloud api to connnect and get a list of images,flavours etc.
Below is the code that I am trying to execute
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
# Authentication information so you can authenticate to DreamCompute
# copy the details from the OpenStack RC file
auth_username = 'admin'
auth_password = 'f882e2f4eaad434c'
TENANT_NAME = 'admin'
project_name = 'admin'
auth_url = ''
region_name = 'RegionOne'
provider = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
conn = provider(auth_username,
# Get the image that we want to use by its id
# NOTE: the image_id may change. See the documentation to find
# all the images available to your user
image_id = '4525d442-e9f4-4d19-889f-49ab03be93df'
image = conn.get_image(image_id)
# Get the flavor that we want to use by its id
flavor_id = '100'
flavor = conn.ex_get_size(flavor_id)
# Create the node with the name “PracticeInstance”
# and the size and image we chose above
instance = conn.create_node(name='PracticeInstance', image=image, size=flavor)
When I run the above code I am getting below error:
C:\Python dev\website\music\openstack>python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 30, in <module>
image = conn.get_image(image_id)
File "C:\Users\C5265680\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\libcloud\compute\drivers\", line 2028, in get_image
'/images/%s' % (image_id,)).object['image'])
File "C:\Users\C5265680\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\libcloud\common\", line 223, in request
File "C:\Users\C5265680\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\libcloud\common\", line 536, in request
action = self.morph_action_hook(action)
File "C:\Users\C5265680\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\libcloud\common\", line 290, in morph_action_hook
File "C:\Users\C5265680\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\libcloud\common\", line 324, in _populate_hosts_and_request_paths
osa = osa.authenticate(**kwargs) # may throw InvalidCreds
File "C:\Users\C5265680\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\libcloud\common\", line 855, in authenticate
return self._authenticate_2_0_with_password()
File "C:\Users\C5265680\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\libcloud\common\", line 880, in _authenticate_2_0_with_password
return self._authenticate_2_0_with_body(reqbody)
File "C:\Users\C5265680\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\libcloud\common\", line 885, in _authenticate_2_0_with_body
File "C:\Users\C5265680\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\libcloud\common\", line 637, in request
response = responseCls(**kwargs)
File "C:\Users\C5265680\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\libcloud\common\", line 157, in __init__
libcloud.common.exceptions.BaseHTTPError: {"error": {"message": "The resource could not be found.", "code": 404, "title": "Not Found"}}
I have checked the logs in my server at /var/log/keystone and it does not give any error so I am guessing that I am able to login.
Also there are many examples which show that after the above steps I should be able to get list of images/flavors/servers.
Not sure why i am not able to connect. Can someone please help me with this.

I think you should modify the auth_url and provider arguments.
As following argument set is worked at my environment.
auth_username = 'admin'
auth_password = 'f882e2f4eaad434c'
TENANT_NAME = 'admin'
project_name = 'admin'
auth_url = ''
region_name = 'RegionOne'
provider = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
conn = provider(auth_username,
Updated 2017.11.16
#user8040338 Your error message is the first clue,
The resource could not be found. and status code 404, the most cause of its message and status code is wrong rest api url format.
Firstly, you need to check keystone v2.0 rest api format.
At the same time, you check again Libcloud reference.
For instance, the argument ex_force_auth_version had been specified the api version 2.0_password (v2), but auth_url variable formed the url including the version resource /v3, it was wrong version and usage of API with the libcloud API argument you specified. auth_url should be a base URL from API usage.
The similar processes about each argument of API should be conducted repeatedly until solving issues.


user id not found even when user exists

I have been trying to retrieve the data from instagram using instagramy but i get on getting the errors like profile doesnt exist but actually the profile username is copied from instagram itself.
from instagramy.plugins.analysis import analyze_users_popularity
import pandas as pd
session_id = "58094758320%3AcPGOQQFP3YK2sq%3A0%3AAYeC7jQGmpaEYf2il0Evg60SXDeJarTsjUjc5TG7RQ"
# Instagram user_id of ipl teams
teams = ["chennaiipl", "mumbaiindians",
"royalchallengersbangalore", "kkriders",
"delhicapitals", "sunrisershyd",
data = analyze_users_popularity(teams ,session_id)
df= pd.DataFrame(data)
and i keep on getting this error -------
HTTPError: The HTTP server returned a redirect error that would lead to an infinite loop.
The last 30x error message was:
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\siddh\OneDrive\Desktop\instagram", line 17, in <module>
data = analyze_users_popularity(teams ,session_id)
File "C:\Users\siddh\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\instagramy\plugins\", line 16, in analyze_users_popularity
user = InstagramUser(username, sessionid)
File "C:\Users\siddh\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\instagramy\", line 61, in __init__
data = self.get_json()
File "C:\Users\siddh\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\instagramy\", line 83, in get_json
raise UsernameNotFound(self.url.split("/")[-2])
UsernameNotFound: InstagramUser('chennaiipl') not Found

airflow EmailOperator throws "smtplib.SMTPNotSupportedError: STARTTLS extension not supported by server"?

Trying to use airflow's EmailOperator to send an email on trigger_rule.ONE_FAILED and seeing error:
[2019-10-14 13:31:50,604] {} WARNING - section/key [smtp/smtp_user] not found in config
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/bin/airflow", line 27, in <module>
[ args.func(args)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/bin/", line 392, in run
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 50, in wrapper
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/", line 1493, in _run_raw_task
result = task_copy.execute(context=context)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/operators/", line 64, in execute
send_email(, self.subject, self.html_content, files=self.files,, bcc=self.bcc, mime_subtype=self.mime_subtype)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 44, in send_email
return backend(to, subject, html_content, files=files, dryrun=dryrun, cc=cc, bcc=bcc, mime_subtype=mime_subtype)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 87, in send_email_smtp
send_MIME_email(SMTP_MAIL_FROM, recipients, msg, dryrun)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 109, in send_MIME_email
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 643, in starttls
raise SMTPException("STARTTLS extension not supported by server.")
smtplib.SMTPException: STARTTLS
Have not changed the default airflow.cfg (other than for basic password authentication to access the webserver) and the email portion looks like
email_backend =
# If you want airflow to send emails on retries, failure, and you want to use
# the function, you have to configure an
# smtp server here
smtp_host = localhost
smtp_starttls = True
smtp_ssl = False
# Uncomment and set the user/pass settings if you want to use SMTP AUTH
# smtp_user = airflow
# smtp_password = airflow
smtp_port = 25
smtp_mail_from =
Checking the port in the cfg file, it seems to be open and listening...
[rvillanueva#mapr001 queensetl_airflow]$ netstat -plnt | grep ':25'
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
tcp6 0 0 ::1:25 :::* LISTEN -
... and I am able to use the linux sendmail bash command for other process that run on this same machine (CentOS 7).
Anyone know what could be going on here or any further debugging tips?
After help from the airflow users mailing list and from the error trace shown above, the thing that fixed this problem was just setting smtp_starttls = False.
Testing with a script like...
# Import smtplib for the actual sending function
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
send_to = ''
msg = MIMEText('Hello World')
msg['Subject'] = 'Test Airflow Email'
msg['From'] = ''
msg['To'] = send_to
# SMTP Send
s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
s.starttls() # Try commenting out this line and see if you get a different error
s.sendmail(me, [send_to], msg.as_string())
saw the same error and was able to get rid of it by commenting out the s.starttls() line. So now my airflow.cfg file looks like...
# If you want airflow to send emails on retries, failure, and you want to use
# the function, you have to configure an
# smtp server here
smtp_host = localhost
#smtp_starttls = True
smtp_starttls = False
smtp_ssl = False
# Uncomment and set the user/pass settings if you want to use SMTP AUTH
# smtp_user = airflow
# smtp_password = airflow
smtp_port = 25
smtp_mail_from =
and email alerts appear to be working fine.

Openstack development using SDK - auth_url does not work

Getting into openstack dev using this link, and turns out my auth_url is of the form from the openstack RC yaml file. When I use it, as used in the link, I get the following error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 22, in <module>
images = conn.list_images()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libcloud/compute/drivers/", line 282, in list_images
self.connection.request('/images/detail').object, ex_only_active)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libcloud/common/", line 223, in request
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libcloud/common/", line 536, in request
action = self.morph_action_hook(action)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libcloud/common/", line 290, in morph_action_hook
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libcloud/common/", line 324, in _populate_hosts_and_request_paths
osa = osa.authenticate(**kwargs) # may throw InvalidCreds
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libcloud/common/", line 855, in authenticate
return self._authenticate_2_0_with_password()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libcloud/common/", line 880, in _authenticate_2_0_with_password
return self._authenticate_2_0_with_body(reqbody)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libcloud/common/", line 885, in _authenticate_2_0_with_body
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libcloud/common/", line 637, in request
response = responseCls(**kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libcloud/common/", line 157, in __init__
libcloud.common.exceptions.BaseHTTPError: {"error": {"message": "get_version_v3() got an unexpected keyword argument 'auth'", "code": 400, "title": "Bad Request"}}
I have tried changing the auth url to and also port 5000, but I get this error:
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=35357): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2.0/tokens (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fe06f7dff90>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))
Using devstack version 16.0.0
Python code:
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
auth_username = 'demo'
auth_password = 'password'
#auth_url = 'http://controller:5000'
auth_url = ''
#auth_url = ''
project_name = 'demo'
region_name = 'RegionOne'
provider = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
conn = provider(auth_username,
#print "hello"
images = conn.list_images()
for image in images:
It looks like you could specify v3 instead:
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
auth_username = 'demo'
auth_password = 'password'
auth_url = ''
project_name = 'demo'
region_name = 'RegionOne'
provider = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
conn = provider(auth_username,
#print "hello"
images = conn.list_images()
for image in images:
There aren't many examples using v3. A tenant would normally be associated with 2.0, so I'm not sure if the ex_tenant_name option is required.
Keystone versioning:
More information on libcloud:
Also, you can see if keystone is using v2.0:
If it is, then I would assume something like this would work:
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
auth_username = 'demo'
auth_password = 'password'
auth_url = ''
project_name = 'demo'
region_name = 'RegionOne'
provider = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
conn = provider(auth_username,
#print "hello"
images = conn.list_images()
for image in images:
If it still isn't working, verify that you are using the public keystone endpoint. Depending on your version, you may receive a different level of information:
openstack endpoint list --long
openstack endpoint list

why I got the errors PartitionOwnedError and ConsumerStoppedException when starting a few consumers

I use pykafka to fetch message from kafka topic, and then do some process and update to mongodb. As the pymongodb can update only one item every time, so I start 100 processes. But when starting, some processes occoured errors "PartitionOwnedError and ConsumerStoppedException". I don't know why.
Thank you.
kafka_cfg = conf['kafka']
kafka_client = KafkaClient(kafka_cfg['broker_list'])
topic = kafka_client.topics[topic_name]
balanced_consumer = topic.get_balanced_consumer(
zookeeper_connection_timeout_ms = kafka_cfg['zookeeper_conn_timeout_ms'],
consumer_timeout_ms = kafka_cfg['consumer_timeout_ms'],
for msg in balanced_consumer:
if msg is not None:
value = eval(msg.value)
id = long(value.pop("id"))
value["when_update"] =
query = {"_id": id}}
result = collection.update_one(query, {"$set": value}, True)
except Exception, e:
log.error("Fail to update: %s, msg: %s", e, msg.value)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 182, in <module>
File "", line 133, in run
for msg in self.balanced_consumer:
File "/data/share/python2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pykafka-2.5.0.dev1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pykafka/", line 745, in __iter__
message = self.consume(block=True)
File "/data/share/python2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pykafka-2.5.0.dev1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pykafka/", line 734, in consume
raise ConsumerStoppedException
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 182, in <module>
File "", line 133, in run
for msg in self.balanced_consumer:
File "/data/share/python2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pykafka-2.5.0.dev1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pykafka/", line 745, in __iter__
message = self.consume(block=True)
File "/data/share/python2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pykafka-2.5.0.dev1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pykafka/", line 726, in consume
File "/data/share/python2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pykafka-2.5.0.dev1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/pykafka/", line 271, in _raise_worker_exceptions
raise ex
PartitionOwnedError: check if there are some background process consuming in the same consumer_group, maybe there are not enough available partitions for starting another consumer.
ConsumerStoppedException: you can try upgrading your pykafka version (
I met the same problem like you. But, I confused about others' solutions like adding enough partitions for consumers or updating the version of pykafka.
In fact, mine satisfied those conditions above.
Here is the version of tools:
python 2.7.10
kafka 2.11-
zookeeper 3.4.8
pykafka 2.5.0
Here is my code:
class KafkaService(object):
def __init__(self, topic):
self.client_hosts = get_conf("kafka_conf", "client_host", "string")
self.topic = topic
self.con_group = topic
self.zk_connect = get_conf("kafka_conf", "zk_connect", "string")
def kafka_consumer(self):
"""kafka-consumer client, using pykafka
:return: {"id": 1, "url": "", "sitename": "baidu"}
from pykafka import KafkaClient
consumer = ""
kafka = KafkaClient(hosts=str(self.client_hosts))
topic = kafka.topics[self.topic]
consumer = topic.get_balanced_consumer(
except Exception as e:
while True:
message = consumer.consume(block=False)
if message:
print "message:", message.value
yield message.value
The two exceptions(ConsumerStoppedException and PartitionOwnedError), are raised by the function consum(block=True) of pykafka.balancedconsumer.
Of course, I recommend you to read the source code of that function.
There is a argument block=True, after altering it to False, the programme can not fall into the exceptions.
Then the kafka consumers work fine.
This behavior is affected by a longstanding bug that was recently discovered and is currently being fixed. The workaround we've used in production at is to run our consumers in an environment that handles automatically restarting them when they crash with these errors until all partitions are owned.

OpenStack SDK - How to create image with Kernel id and Ramdisk parameters?

I've been trying to create an OpenStack image informing the Kernel Id and Ramdisk Id, using the OpenStack Unified SDK (, but without success. I know this is possible, because the OpenStack CLI have this parameters, as shown on this page (, where the CLI have the "--kernel-id" and "--ramdisk-id" parameters. I've used this parameter in the terminal and confirmed they work, but I need to use them in python.
I'm trying to use the upload_method, as described here but I can't get the attrs parameter right. Documentation only say it is suposed to be a dictionary. Here is the code I'm using
atrib = {
'properties': {
'kernel_id': 'd84e1f2b-8d8c-4a4a-8858-77a8d5a93cb1',
'ramdisk_id': 'cfef18e0-006e-477a-a098-593d43435a1e'
with open(file) as fimage:
image = image_service.upload_image(
And here is the error I'm getting:
File "", line 121, in main
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/openstack/image/v2/", line 51, in upload_image
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/openstack/", line 193, in _create
return res.create(self.session)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/openstack/", line 570, in create
json=request.body, headers=request.headers)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneauth1/", line 675, in post
return self.request(url, 'POST', **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/openstack/", line 52, in map_exceptions_wrapper
http_status=e.http_status, cause=e)
openstack.exceptions.HttpException: HttpException: Bad Request, 400 Bad Request
Provided object does not match schema 'image': {u'kernel_id': u'd84e1f2b-8d8c-4a4a-8858-77a8d5a93cb1', u'ramdisk_id': u'cfef18e0-006e-477a-a098-593d43435a1e'} is not of type 'string' Failed validating 'type' in schema['additionalProperties']: {'type': 'string'} On instance[u'properties']: {u'kernel_id': u'd84e1f2b-8d8c-4a4a-8858-77a8d5a93cb1', u'ramdisk_id': u'cfef18e0-006e-477a-a098-593d43435a1e'}
Already tried to use the update_image method, but without success, passing kernel id and ramdisk id as a strings creates the instance, but it does not boot.
Does anyone knows how to solve this?
what the version of the glance api you use?
I have read the code in openstackclient/image/v1/, openstackclient/v1/
## in
def do_image_create(gc, args):
fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None, vars(args).items()))
raw_properties = fields.pop('property')
fields['properties'] = {}
for datum in raw_properties:
key, value = datum.split('=', 1)
fields['properties'][key] = value
image = gc.images.create(**fields)
## in
def create(self, **kwargs):
for field in kwargs:
if field in CREATE_PARAMS:
fields[field] = kwargs[field]
elif field == 'return_req_id':
msg = 'create() got an unexpected keyword argument \'%s\''
raise TypeError(msg % field)
hdrs = self._image_meta_to_headers(fields)
resp, body ='/v1/images',
and openstackclient/v2/,openstackclient/image/ i have debuged this too)
## in
def do_image_create(gc, args):
raw_properties = fields.pop('property', [])
for datum in raw_properties:
key, value = datum.split('=', 1)
fields[key] = value
image = gc.images.create(**fields)
def create(self, **kwargs):
"""Create an image.""
url = '/v2/images'
image = self.model()
for (key, value) in kwargs.items():
setattr(image, key, value)
except warlock.InvalidOperation as e:
raise TypeError(utils.exception_to_str(e))
resp, body =, data=image)
it seems that, you can create a image use your way in version 1.0, but in version 2.0, you should use the kernel_id and ramdisk_id as below
atrib = {
'kernel_id': 'd84e1f2b-8d8c-4a4a-8858-77a8d5a93cb1',
'ramdisk_id': 'cfef18e0-006e-477a-a098-593d43435a1e'
but the OpenStack SDK seems it can't trans those two argments to the url (because there is no Body define in openstack/image/v2/ so you should modify the OpenStack SDK to support this.
BTW, the code of OpenStack is a little different from it's version, but many things are same.
