Enforcing unique userIds in Firebase Firestore - firebase

I'm playing around with the new Firestore database from Firebase and was wondering if there was a more efficient way to enforce unique usernames (or unique child nodes).
I use email/password auth but allow users to create a unique handle, like Twitter.
With the Realtime database I was able to achieve this with transactions and a multiple node structure.
-username: ryan
-ryan: uid1234
I was thinking it may be possible to do this without the extra usernames node using documents as the username in Firestore.

You could do it probably do it in 2 ways. Check with a separate call before create user, if the user exist in an collection with usernames.
Also you could create a rule like:
match /users/{document=**} {
allow create: if !exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/usernames/$(request.resource.data.username));
In that case you get a error back if the username already exist on creating and that you can catch in the code.


Firebase security rules based on custom user field

I'm trying to set up security rules (use Firebase Cloud Firestore).
I changed the "users" table (added company_id field) and create "appointments" table (with company_id). I want to implement the following functionality (when a user requests appointments, he only receives appointments with his company id)
Wrote a rule:
match /appointments/{appointment} {
allow write;
allow read, update, delete: if resource.data.company_id == get(/databases/$(database)/documents/users/$(request.auth.uid)).data.company_id;
But my code throw error about permissions
const q = query(collection(db, 'appointments'), where("company_id", "==", company_id), orderBy("createdAt"));
Firestore doesn't magically know what documents have what company_id, so it tries to read all documents to return the documents that you want, but it can't, your security rules stop it.
Either get rid of the security rules, or find a way to structure your database so that you don't have this problem.
I don't know enough about your database to tell you a good structure, but what about something like this?
A collection called companies.
Each document in the collection is a company_id
A subcollection called users, where you put all users that belong to this company.
Another subcollection, called appointments, where you put all appointments for the company.
That way, you could write a security rule like so:
match /companies/{company}/appointments/{appointment} {
allow create: if true;
allow read, update, delete: if exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/companies/$(company)/users/$(request.auth.uid))
The problem with this approach is that, because we have divided all users and appointments into different collections, it will be impossible to query for all existing users or for all existing appointments.
It all depends on your use case.

How to avoid entering a repeated data in firebase documents?

My database is quite simple. A collection and inside, there are documents with user information, including their username.
(I am doing this in flutter and firestore).
What I want is to prevent two users from having the same username.
I am doing this to insert the data.
'username': 'username',
'desc': 'some bio',
'fieldone': 'aaa',
'fieldtwo': 'bbb',
// other user info
And to consult the data of a user (by their username).
FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users').where('username', isEqualTo: 'username').get();
At the moment I insert the data, what can I do to verify that said username is already in the database?
So if the username already exists, return an error and don't let insert it. And if it doesn't exist yet, it can be inserted.
What query can help me for this?
I am new to firebase. :(. Thanks.
What query can help me for this?
This can't be accomplished by a single query. You will have to take the steps you outlined already in your question. You will have to first query for documents with that username, then only insert a new one if there were none found.
However, you should be aware that there is a race condition here. If two people are trying at the same time to add the same username, it's possible that they both end up adding a document.
The only way to ensure uniqueness in Firestore is using the document ID. You might want to consider using the ID of the document to store the username (or some version of it, like a hash) so that a race condition can never occur, and that you only have one document with that username.
See also:
Firestore unique index or unique constraint?
Cloud Firestore: Enforcing Unique User Names
Unique field in Firestore database + Flutter
firebase rule for unique property in firestore
As you can see, your issue has already been thoroughly discussed on Stack Overflow.

How to enforce Uniqueness in a Property of a document field in Google Cloud Firestore

I have the following data as shown in the image.
I want to make sure that the username field is unique. How can I enforce that? Bear in mind that my document id is already unique and I don't want to use my username as the document ID
There is no way to enforce unique values of fields in Firestore. The only uniqueness you can guarantee is the document IDs within a collection, so the solution is to create a new collection where the user names are used as document IDs.
This has been discussed a few times before, so I recommend checking out:
Firestore security rule to check if character username already exists
Check a document field for a specific value in Cloud Firestore
I want to make unique usernames in firebase/firestore, which shows some of the relevant security rules.
Cloud Firestore: Enforcing Unique User Names
Firestore unique index or unique constraint?, a more complete write-up with code and rules samples.
Cloud Firestore: Enforcing Unique User Names

Trying to separate the data by user uid firebase?

I have this in my rules but it's not working, just started using firebase a few weeks ago
match /pets/{owner} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == owner
this is the code im using to get the data from the collection:
Stream<List<Pet>> get pets{
return petsCollection.where('owner', isEqualTo:
im using the print to see if i get the uid from the current user for that query, but it comes null. In a diffrent part of the code i already add the uid of the person that creates a document to the collection.
what im trying to say is that i need advice on how to only get the current user data.
You cannot use security rules to filter results
Once you secure your data and begin to write queries, keep in mind that security rules are not filters. You cannot write a query for all the documents in a collection and expect Cloud Firestore to return only the documents that the current client has permission to access.
Use filter to get current user related documents.

Custom Authentication in Google Firebase

I have a question regarding authentication using Google Firebase.
For an app, I want to build an authentication similar to the one Slack uses: first, the user provides the input as to which group they want to log in to. If there exists a group with the same name as provided in the input, the user is then taken to a login/signup screen.
I've thought about storing users in the realtime database as follows, but I think there must be a better way to do this (since I don't think I can use the firebase authentication in this case):
groups: {
"some_group_name": {
"users": [
"user1": {
.. user 1 information
"user2": {
.. user 2 information
"group_details": {
"name": ..,
"someGroupDetail": ..
"some_other_group_name": {
I haven't realized if there is an obvious answer yet, so I'm open to suggestions. How would you suggest I tackle this?
PS: I'm building the application using Nativescript and Angular, and (so far) there is no server or database involved other than Firebase.
Another suggestion that might work, is by using Firebase Auth Custom Claims. That way, you only need to store the group ID and group name in your realtime database, without worrying to keep changing the database each time user is added or removed.
This is one way you can do it:
Store database exactly like you have it, with it's group ID and name.
In your backend script (I recommend Cloud Function), each time a User is registering themselves, add custom claims in your user: Specifying what group is the User belong to.
Every time user authenticate, retrieve the group ID from custom claims. And there you get it!
Note: be careful not to put too much information in your custom claims as it cannot exceed 1000 bytes.
Read more about it here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/custom-claims
I would suggest you to implement Root-level collections.
Which is to create collections at the root level of your database to organize disparate data sets(as shown in the image below).
Advantages: As your lists grow, the size of the parent document doesn't change. You also get full query capabilities on
Possible use case: In the same chat app, for example, you
might create collections of users or messages within chat room
Based on the reference from the firebase cloud firestore
Choose a data structure tutorial (I know you are using Realtime database but structuring the database is the same since both are using the NoSQL Schema)
For your case:
Make 2 Collections: Users, Groups
Users: User info is stored in the form of document
Groups: In the Groups Collection, here comes the tricky part, you can either store all groups subcollection under 1 document or split into multiple documents (based on your preference)
In the group-subcollection, you can now store your group info as well as the user assigned where you can store user assigned in the form of array, therefore whenever a user access the group, query the user assigned first, if yes, then allow (assuming users can view all group)
You do the thinking now
