I'm trying to force myself to employ functional programming in Kotlin, and wherever possible, avoid using mutable vars. Ordinarily, for an ad hoc test for a unit-returning function, I'd just println() something inside the function to see if it's working right. But for this test, I need to accumulate a string and then ultimately use assertEquals(...).
As usual, I found myself declaring a var in the enclosing scope and using += to accumulate into it. Is there a more functional way to do this by passing/chaining a function and eliminating the mutable var? Here's some simplified but illustrative code:
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.forEachFrom(beg:Int, act:(T)->Unit) {
var i=0; if (beg>=0) for (e in this) if (i++ >= beg) act(e)
fun main(args:Array<String>) {
val l = listOf("zero", "one", "two", "three", "four")
// print-to-screen test
l.forEachFrom(2){print("$it-")}; println()
// output: two-three-four-
// accumulate-in-var test
var s = ""
l.forEachFrom(2){s += "$it-"}; println(s)
// output: two-three-four-
// Is there a purely functional way, without declaring a mutable var?
// val s = l.forEachFrom(2){accumulator???("$it-")}
// - OR -
// val s = l.forEachFrom(2).accumulator???("$it-")
// println(s)
A way to do the same with only kotlin-stdlib and retain the semantics of the code (i.e. iterate only once) is to convert the Iterable<T> to Sequence<T> and use the .drop(n) extension:
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.forEachFrom(beg: Int, act: (T) -> Unit) =
if (beg >= 0)
asSequence().drop(beg).forEach(act) else
UPD: After discussing the overall question, we came up with another approach.
When you have a custom higher-order function that iterates over the items and only accepts a callback but does not return anything, you can wrap that custom iteration logic into a Sequence<T> by using buildSequence { ... } and passing yield(it) as the callback:
val sequenceFromCustomFunction = buildSequence {
l.forEachFrom(2) { yield(it) }
This allows you to work with this sequence in functional style and, in particular, fold the sequence:
val s = sequenceFromCustomFunction.fold("") { acc, it -> acc + it + "-" }
There are similar questions here but they are attached to a particular programming language and I am looking for an answer on the conceptual level.
As I understand, Functors are essentially immutable containers that expose map() API which derives another functor. Which addition makes it possible to call a particular functor a monad?
As I understand, every monad is a functor but not every functor is a monad.
Let me explain my understanding without going into category theory:
Functors and monads both provide some tool to wrapped input, returning a wrapped output.
Functor = unit + map (i.e. the tool)
unit = something which takes raw input and wraps it inside a small context.
map = the tool which takes a function as input, applies it to raw value in wrapper, and returns wrapped result.
Example: Let us define a function which doubles an integer
// doubleMe :: Int a -> Int b
const doubleMe = a => 2 * a;
Maybe(2).map(doubleMe) // Maybe(4)
Monad = unit + flatMap (or bind or chain)
flatMap = the tool which flattens the map, as its name implies. It will be clear soon with the example below.
Example: Let us say we have a curried function which appends two strings only if both are not blank.
Let me define one as below:
append :: (string a,string b) -> Maybe(string c)
Let's now see the problem with map (the tool that comes with Functor),
Maybe("a").map(append("b")) // Maybe(Maybe("ab"))
How come there are two Maybes here?
Well, that's what map does; it applies the provided function to the wrapped value and wraps the result.
Let's break this into steps,
Apply the mapped function to the wrapped value
; here the mapped function is append("b") and the wrapped value is "a", which results in Maybe("ab").
Wrap the result, which returns Maybe(Maybe("ab")).
Now the value we are interested in is wrapped twice. Here comes flatMap to the rescue.
Maybe("a").flatMap(append("b")) // Maybe("ab")
Of course, functors and monads have to follow some other laws too, but I believe this is not in the scope of what is asked.
Swift Functor, Applicative, Monad
Functor, Applicative, Monad:
solve the same problem - working with a wrapped value into context(class)
using closure[About]
return a new instance of context(class)
The difference is in parameters of closure
class SomeClass<T> {
var wrappedValue: T //wrappedValue: - wrapped value
func foo<U>(function: ???) -> Functor<U> { //function: - function/closure
where ???
function: (T) -> U == Functor
function: SomeClass< (T) -> U > == Applicative
function: (T) -> SomeClass<U> == Monad
Functor applies a function to a wrapped value
class Functor<T> {
var value: T
func map<U>(function: (T) -> U) -> Functor<U> {
return Functor(value: function(value)) //<- apply a function to value
Applicative or applicative functor
Applicative applies wrapped function to a wrapped value.
The diff with Functor is wrapped function instead of function
class Applicative<T> {
var value: T
func apply<U>(function: Applicative< (T) -> U >) -> Applicative<U> {
return Applicative(value: unwrappedFunction(value))
Monad applies a function(which returns a wrapped value) to a wrapped value
class Monad<T> {
var value: T
func flatMap<U>(function: (T) -> Monad<U>) -> Monad<U> { //function which returns a wrapped value
return function(value) //applies the function to a wrapped value
Optional, Collection, Result is Functor and Monad
String is Functor
Optional as an example
enum CustomOptional<T> {
case none
case some(T)
public init(_ some: T) {
self = .some(some)
//CustomOptional is Functor
func map<U>(_ transform: (T) -> U) -> CustomOptional<U> {
switch self {
case .some(let value):
let transformResult: U = transform(value)
let result: CustomOptional<U> = CustomOptional<U>(transformResult)
return result
case .none:
return .none
//CustomOptional is Applicative
func apply<U>(transformOptional: CustomOptional<(T) -> U>) -> CustomOptional<U> {
switch transformOptional {
case .some(let transform):
return self.map(transform)
case .none:
return .none
//CustomOptional is Monad
func flatMap<U>(_ transform: (T) -> CustomOptional<U>) -> CustomOptional<U> {
switch self {
case .some(let value):
let transformResult: CustomOptional<U> = transform(value)
let result: CustomOptional<U> = transformResult
return result
case .none:
return .none
[Swift Optional map vs flatMap]
(Note that this will be a simplified explanation for category theory concepts)
A Functor is a function from a set of values a to another set of values: a -> b. For a programming language this could be a function that goes from String -> Integer:
function fn(text: string) : integer
Composition is when you use the value of one function as input to the value of the next: fa(fb(x)). For example:
A Monad allows to compose Functors that either are not composable otherwise, compose Functors by adding extra functionality in the composition, or both.
An example of the first is a Monad for a Functor String -> (String, Integer)
An example of the second is a Monad that counts the Number of functions called on a value
A Monad includes a Functor T that is responsible for the functionality you want plus two other functions:
input -> T(input)
T(T(input)) -> T(input)
The first function allows to transform your input values to a set of values that our Monad can compose. The second function allows for the composition.
So in conclusion, every Monad is not a Functor but uses a Functor to complete it's purpose.
I was playing around with some possible ways to extract several values at once from a Swift dictionary. The goal is to do something like this:
var dict = [1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three"]
dict.multiSubscript(2...4) // Should yield ["two", "three", nil]
or this:
dict.multiSubscript([1, 2]) // Should yield ["one", "two"]
In other words, it seems like it should be possible to implement multiSubscript() generically for any SequenceType-conformant subscript type.
However, Swift doesn’t seem to like the following implementation, and the error message isn’t very illuminating:
extension Dictionary {
func multiSubscript<S: SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == Key>(seq: S) -> [Value?] {
var result = [Value?]()
for seqElt in seq { // ERROR: Cannot convert the expression's type 'S' to type 'S'
result += self[seqElt]
return result
This seems like a relatively straightforward use of constraints on generics. Does anyone see what I’m doing wrong?
For bonus points, is there a way to implement this to allow the use of normal subscripting syntax? For example:
dict[2...4] // Should yield ["two", "three", nil]
I'm not entirely sure why for seqElt in seq doesn't work (I suspect a bug), but using SequenceOf<Key>(seq) in the for-in works:
func multiSubscript<S: SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == Key>(seq: S) -> [Value?] {
var result = [Value?]()
for seqElt in SequenceOf<Key>(seq) {
return result
Also note that result += self[seqElt] didn't work; I used result.append(self[seqElt]) instead.
In our current application we have a need to traverse down a tree and capture all operators on a specific device (and child devices). A device could have child devices with also specific operators on it.
As i am new to the use of recursion in Groovy i am wondering if i am doing things right..?
Any pointer to help me learn better ways of doing things?
def listOperators(device) {
// list with all operator id's
def results = []
// closure to traverse down the tree
def getAllOperators = { aDevice->
if(aDevice) {
aDevice.operators.each { it ->
results << it.id
if (aDevice?.children) {
aDevice.children.each { child ->
results << owner.call(child)
// call the closure with the given device
// return list with unique results
return results.unique()
A couple things to note:
Doing the recursive call through owner is not a good idea. The definition of owner changes if the call is nested within another closure. It's error prone and has no advantages over just using the name. When the closure is a local variable, split its up the declaration and definition of the closure so the name is in scope. E.g.:
def getAllOperators
getAllOperators = { ...
You are appending the operators to a result list outside the recursive closure. But you are also appending the result of each recursive call to the same list. Either append to the list or store the results from each recursive call, but not both.
Here's a simpler alternative:
def listOperators(device) {
def results = []
if (device) {
results += device.operators*.id
device.children?.each { child ->
results += listOperators(child)
(Really strugging to title this question, so if anyone has suggestions feel free.)
Say I wanted to do an operation like:
take an array [1,2,3]
multiply each element by 2 (map): [2,4,6]
add the elements together (reduce): 12
multiply the result by 10: 120
I can do this pretty cleanly in underscore using chaining, like so:
arr = [1,2,3]
map = (el) -> 2*el
reduce = (s,n) -> s+n
out = (r) -> 10*r
reduced = _.chain(arr).map(map).reduce(reduce).value()
result = out(reduced)
However, it would be even nicer if I could chain the 'out' method too, like this:
result = _.chain(arr).map(map).reduce(reduce).out(out).value()
Now this would be a fairly simple addition to a library like underscore. But my questions are:
Does this 'out' method have a name in functional programming?
Does this already exist in underscore (tap comes close, but not quite).
This question got me quite hooked. Here are some of my thoughts.
It feels like using underscore.js in 'chain() mode' breaks away from functional programming paradigm. Basically, instead of calling functions on functions, you're calling methods of an instance of a wrapper object in an OOP way.
I am using underscore's chain() myself here and there, but this question made me think. What if it's better to simply create more meaningful functions that can then be called in a sequence without having to use chain() at all. Your example would then look something like this:
arr = [1,2,3]
double = (arr) -> _.map(arr, (el) -> 2 * el)
sum = (arr) -> _.reduce(arr, (s, n) -> s + n)
out = (r) -> 10 * r
result = out sum double arr
# probably a less ambiguous way to do it would be
result = out(sum(double arr))
Looking at real functional programming languages (as in .. much more functional than JavaScript), it seems you could do exactly the same thing there in an even simpler manner. Here is the same program written in Standard ML. Notice how calling map with only one argument returns another function. There is no need to wrap this map in another function like we did in JavaScript.
val arr = [1,2,3];
val double = map (fn x => 2*x);
val sum = foldl (fn (a,b) => a+b) 0;
val out = fn r => 10*r;
val result = out(sum(double arr))
Standard ML also lets you create operators which means we can make a little 'chain' operator that can be used to call those functions in a more intuitive order.
infix 1 |>;
fun x |> f = f x;
val result = arr |> double |> sum |> out
I also think that this underscore.js chaining has something similar to monads in functional programming, but I don't know much about those. Though, I have feeling that this kind of data manipulation pipeline is not something you would typically use monads for.
I hope someone with more functional programming experience can chip in and correct me if I'm wrong on any of the points above.
Getting slightly off topic, but one way to creating partial functions could be the following:
// extend underscore with partialr function
partialr: function (fn, context) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
return function () {
return fn.apply(context, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).concat(args));
This function can now be used to create a partial function from any underscore function, because most of them take the input data as the first argument. For example, the sum function can now be created like
var sum = _.partialr(_.reduce, this, function (s, n) { return s + n; });
I still prefer arr |> double |> sum |> out over out(sum(double(arr))) though. Underscore's chain() is nice in that it reads in a more natural order.
In terms of the name you are looking for, I think what you are trying to do is just a form of function application: you have an underscore object and you want to apply a function to its value. In underscore, you can define it like this:
app: function(v, f) { return f (v); }
then you can pretty much do what you asked for:
var arr = [1,2,3];
function m(el) { return 2*el; };
function r(s,n) { return s+n; };
function out(r) { return 10*r; };
console.log("result: " + _.chain(arr).map(m).reduce(r).app(out).value()));
Having said all that, I think using traditional typed functional languages like SML make this kind of think a lot slicker and give much lighter weight syntax for function composition. Underscore is doing a kind of jquery twist on functional programming that I'm not sure what I think of; but without static-type checking it is frustratingly easy to make errors!
Can I retrieve a Method via reflection, somehow combine it with a target object, and return it as something that looks like a function in Scala (i.e. you can call it using parenthesis)? The argument list is variable. It doesn't have to be a "first-class" function (I've updated the question), just a syntactic-looking function call, e.g. f(args).
My attempt so far looks something like this (which technically is pseudo-code, just to avoid cluttering up the post with additional definitions):
class method_ref(o: AnyRef, m: java.lang.reflect.Method) {
def apply(args: Any*): some_return_type = {
var oa: Array[Object] = args.toArray.map { _.asInstanceOf[Object] }
println("calling: " + m.toString + " with: " + oa.length)
m.invoke(o, oa: _*) match {
case x: some_return_type => x;
case u => throw new Exception("unknown result" + u);
With the above I was able to get past the compiler errors, but now I have a run-time exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
The example usage is something like:
var f = ... some expression returning method_ref ...;
var y = f(x) // looks like a function, doesn't it?
Changing the args:Any* to args:AnyRef* actually fixed my run-time problem, so the above approach (with the fix) works fine for what I was trying to accomplish. I think I ran into a more general issue with varargs here.
Sure. Here's some code I wrote that add an interface to a function. It's not exactly what you want, but I think it can be adapted with few changes. The most difficult change is on invoke, where you'll need to change the invoked method by the one obtained through reflection. Also, you'll have to take care that the received method you are processing is apply. Also, instead of f, you'd use the target object. It should probably look something like this:
def invoke(proxy: AnyRef, method: Method, args: Array[AnyRef]) = method match {
case m if /* m is apply */ => target.getClass().getMethod("name", /* parameter type */).invoke(target, args: _*)
case _ => /* ??? */
Anyway, here's the code:
import java.lang.reflect.{Proxy, InvocationHandler, Method}
class Handler[T, R](f: Function1[T, R])(implicit fm: Manifest[Function1[T, R]]) extends InvocationHandler {
def invoke(proxy: AnyRef, method: Method, args: Array[AnyRef]) = method.invoke(f, args: _*)
def withInterface[I](implicit m: Manifest[I]) = {
require(m <:< manifest[Function1[T, R]] && m.erasure.isInterface)
Proxy.newProxyInstance(m.erasure.getClassLoader(), Array(m.erasure), this).asInstanceOf[I]
object Handler {
def apply[T, R](f: Function1[T, R])(implicit fm: Manifest[Function1[T, R]]) = new Handler(f)
And use it like this:
trait CostFunction extends Function1[String, Int]
Handler { x: String => x.length } withInterface manifest[CostFunction]
The use of "manifest" there helps with syntax. You could write it like this:
Handler({ x: String => x.length }).withInterface[CostFunction] // or
Handler((_: String).length).withInterface[CostFunction]
One could also drop the manifest and use classOf instead with a few changes.
If you're not looking for a generic invoke that takes the method name--but rather, you want to capture a particular method on a particular object--and you don't want to get too deeply into manifests and such, I think the following is a decent solution:
class MethodFunc[T <: AnyRef](o: Object, m: reflect.Method, tc: Class[T]) {
def apply(oa: Any*): T = {
val result = m.invoke(o, oa.map(_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]): _*)
if (result.getClass == tc) result.asInstanceOf[T]
else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected result " + result)
Let's see it in action:
val s = "Hi there, friend"
val m = s.getClass.getMethods.find(m => {
m.getName == "substring" && m.getParameterTypes.length == 2
val mf = new MethodFunc(s,m,classOf[String])
scala> mf(3,8)
res10: String = there
The tricky part is getting the correct type for the return value. Here it's left up to you to supply it. For example,if you supply classOf[CharSequence] it will fail because it's not the right class. (Manifests are better for this, but you did ask for simple...though I think "simple to use" is generally better than "simple to code the functionality".)