DynamoDB conflict resolution strategy - amazon-dynamodb

What is the conflict resolution strategy for DynamoDB ? The white paper on Dynamo talks about returning multiple versions by GetItem to be resolved by the client.
This SO Question says that Dynamo and DynamoDB are different and GetItem returns only one value. In that case, what is the conflict resolution strategy that DynamoDB employs ?

See this
"Conflicts can arise if applications update the same item in different regions at about the same time. To ensure eventual consistency, DynamoDB global tables use a “last writer wins” reconciliation between concurrent updates, where DynamoDB makes a best effort to determine the last writer. With this conflict resolution mechanism, all of the replicas will agree on the latest update, and converge toward a state in which they all have identical data."
So the latest write wins based on some for of consensus between the replicas.

As stated, your question is not very clear: "What is the conflict resolution strategy for DynamoDB" - what conflicts? Are you referring to potentially inconsistent reads?
DynamoDB, for GetItem queries, allows both eventual consistent and strongly consistent reads, configurable with a parameter on the request (as described in the docs here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/HowItWorks.ReadConsistency.html). For strongly consistent reads the value returned is the most recent value at the time the query was executed. For eventual consistent reads it is possible to read a slightly out of date version of an item but there is no "conflict resolution" per se.
You may be thinking about conditional updates which allow for requests to fail if an expected condition is not met at the time the query is executed.


Does DynamoDB expose an API to query or detect when there is conflict in merging item data

DynamoDB is an AP system based on the original dynamo paper.
Is there any API to detect when a merge conflict has happened or resolved?
Is there any API to provide a strategy to resolve a conflict if it happens.
Your question is based on a wrong premise. Although DynamoDB shares the name, and some goals and implementation details, with the original "Dynamo" paper, it is not very close, and the data model in particular is completely different.
Whereas in the Dynamo paper multiple clients could store multiple different values for an item concurrently - and later readers need to resolve the conflict - DynamoDB does things very differently:
If two clients replace an item, DynamoDB offers a "last write wins" - one of these writes will win, you don't know or care which.
If two clients modify different attributes in the same item concurrently, both changes will be merged. I never found this explicitly promised, but it appears to work this way.
You also have a powerful conditional update feature, which can do a modification to a single item based on some condition on the old value of this item. These conditional updates are guaranteed to be isolated, so they can be used to ensure safe concurrent modification. For example, a conditional update can be used to implement so-called optimistic locking: An item has a version attribute among other attributes, a client reads the old item, decides what to change it to, and then does the write - with the condition that the version still hasn't changed. If the condition fails (because some other client raced us), the write fails and the client tries the whole process again (read again, apply a change, and write back).
DynamoDB also has a new feature of full (multi-item) transactions. This feature did not exist in Dynamo at all.

Does a FeedResponse contain results from a single logical partition?

I've been using Azure SDK for .NET (with core 3.1) client to query collections by calling GetItemQueryIterator() on a container.
I’ve observed that the FeedResponses returned by the FeedIterator returned by GetItemQueryIterator correspond to physical partitions, but I haven’t found any confirmation of this in the docs.
Can someone confirm that:
If a partition key value isn’t specified in the query, the FeedIterator will return a FeedResponse for each physical partition in the collection?
And that if a partition key value is specified, the FeedIterator will return only one FeedResponse with results from the physical partition holding the specified logical partition?
If the above statements aren't true, are there any guarantees or not about the relationship between partitions (logical and/or physical) and FeedIterators and FeedResponses?
TL;DR - It is a safe bet that if you don't specify a partition key, your results will be a aggregate of the results from a given range of partitions.
It's important to remember that, for the most part, the logical to physical partition mapping is treated as an implementation detail, though in practice that's a grey zone (a grey zone most folks can safely ignore). Additionally, how query mechanically works changes a good bit overtime (though functionally it should not change) as improvements are made, but the code is open source from the SDK side of things, so I can at least describe the point in time as you could see from any of the SDK implementations.
If you provide a partition key, the answer is easy - your results will come from a single physical partition at a time. It might be different each time (though in practice, it will be the same range), because partitions can split between queries. Your query might also be served by a different replica each time. The above is true for all flavors of single partition targeting queries.
Cross partition queries get more interesting. By and large, cross partition queries go through a pipeline which merges results depending on the query plan. So order by queries will go from physical partition to physical partition grabbing pages until they have enough to be assured ordering is maintained. Aggregates do similar things/etc. This of course comes with the overhead of having to talk to multiple partitions before you can serve results and more overhead on the resources the client consumes to serve the request, so we don't recommend heavy cross partition queries being in hot path code (save it as a materialized view, etc). There are a few cases where it skips this pipeline and each response corresponds to a page served over the network, but usually just plain where clauses.

Elastic Cache vs DynamoDb DAX

I have use case where I write data in Dynamo db in two table say t1 and t2 in transaction.My app needs to read data from these tables lot of times (1 write, at least 4 reads). I am considering DAX vs Elastic Cache. Anyone has any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
ElastiCache is not intended for use with DynamoDB.
DAX is good for read-heavy apps, like yours. But be aware that DAX is only good for eventually consistent reads, so don't use it with banking apps, etc. where the info always needs to be perfectly up to date. Without further info it's hard to tell more, these are just two general points to consider.
Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) is a fully managed, highly available, in-memory cache that can reduce Amazon DynamoDB response times from milliseconds to microseconds, even at millions of requests per second. While DynamoDB offers consistent single-digit millisecond latency, DynamoDB with DAX takes performance to the next level with response times in microseconds for millions of requests per second for read-heavy workloads. With DAX, your applications remain fast and responsive, even when a popular event or news story drives unprecedented request volumes your way. No tuning required. https://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/dax/
AWS recommends that you use **DAX as solution for this requirement.
Elastic Cache is an old method and it is used to store the session states in addition to the cache data.
DAX is extensively used for intensive reads through eventual consistent reads and for latency sensitive applications. Also DAX stores cache using these parameters:-
Item cache - populated with items with based on GetItem results.
Query cache - based on parameters used while using query or scan method
I'd recommend to use DAX with DynamoDB, provided you're having more read calls using item level API (and NOT query level API), such as GetItem API.
Why? DAX has one weird behavior as follows. From, AWS,
"Every write to DAX alters the state of the item cache. However, writes to the item cache don't affect the query cache. (The DAX item cache and query cache serve different purposes, and operate independently from one another.)"
Hence, If I elaborate, If your query operation is cached, and thereafter if you've write operation that affect's result of previously cached query and if same is not yet expired, in that case your query cache result would be outdated.
This out of sync issue, is also discussed here.
I find DAX useful only for cached queries, put item and get item. In general very difficult to find a use case for it.
DAX separates queries, scans from CRUD for individual items. That means, if you update an item and then do a query/scan, it will not reflect changes.
You can't invalidate cache, it only invalidates when ttl is reached or nodes memory is full and it is dropping old items.
Take Aways:
doing puts/updates and then queries - two seperate caches so out of sync
looking for single item - you are left only with primary key and default index and getItem request (no query and limit 1). You can't use any indexes for gets/updates/deletes.
Using ConsistentRead option when using query to get latest data - it works, but only for primary index.
Writing through DAX is slower than writing directly to Dynamodb since you have a hop in the middle.
XRay does not work with DAX
Use Case
You have queries that you don't really care they are not up to date
You are doing few putItem/updateItem and a lot of getItem

DynamoDB atomic counter for account balance

In DynamoDB an Atomic Counter is a number that avoids race conditions
What makes a number atomic, and can I add/subtract from a float in non-unit values?
Currently I am doing: "SET balance = balance + :change"
(long version) I'm trying to use DynamoDB for user balances, so accuracy is paramount. The balance can be updated from multiple sources simultaneously. There is no need to pre-fetch the balance, we will never deny a transaction, I just care that when all the operations are finished we are left with the right balance. The operations can also be applied in any order, as long as the final result is correct.
From what I understand, this should be fine, but I haven't seen any atomic increment examples that do changes of values other than "1"
My hesitation arises because questions like Amazon DynamoDB Conditional Writes and Atomic Counters suggest using conditional writes for similar situation, which sounds like a terrible idea. If I fetch balance, change and do a conditional write, the write could fail if the value has changed in the meantime. However, balance is the definition of business critical, and I'm always nervous when ignoring documentation
-Additional Info-
All writes will originate from a Lambda function, and I expect pretty much 100% success rates in writes. However, I also maintain a history of all changes, and in the event the balance is in an "unknown" state (eg network timeout), could lock the table and recalculate the correct balance from history.
This I think gives the best "normal" operation. 99.999% of the time, all updates will work with a single write. Failure could be very costly, as we would need to scan a clients entire history to recreate the balance, but in terms of trade-off that seems a pretty safe bet.
The documentation for atomic counter is pretty clear and in my opinion it will be not safe for your use case.
The problem you are solving is pretty common, AWS recommends using optimistic locking in such scenarios.
Please refer to the following AWS documentation,
It appears that this concept is workable, from a AWS staff reply
Often application writers will use a combination of both approaches,
where you can have an atomic counter for real-time counting, and an
audit table for perfect accounting later on.
There is also confirmation that the update will be atomic and any update operation will be consistent
All non batch requests you send to DynamoDB gets processed atomically
- there is no interleaving involved of any sort between requests. Write requests are also consistent, so any write request will update
the latest version of the item at the time the request is received.
In fact, every write to a given item is strongly consistent
in DynamoDB, all operations against a given item are serialized.

DynamoDB: Conditional writes vs. the CAP theorem

Using DynamoDB, two independent clients trying to write to the same item at the same time, using conditional writes, and trying to change the value that the condition is referencing. Obviously, one of these writes is doomed to fail with the condition check; that's ok.
Suppose during the write operation, something bad happens, and some of the various DynamoDB nodes fail or lose connectivity to each other. What happens to my write operations?
Will they both block or fail (sacrifice of "A" in the CAP theorem)? Will they both appear to succeed and only later it turns out that one of them actually was ignored (sacrifice of "C")? Or will they somehow both work correctly due to some magic (consistent hashing?) going on in the DynamoDB system?
It just seems like a really hard problem, but I can't find anything discussing the possibility of availability issues with conditional writes (unlike with, for instance, consistent reads, where the possibility of availability reduction is explicit).
There is a lack of clear information in this area but we can make some pretty strong inferences. Many people assume that DynamoDB implements all of the ideas from its predecessor "Dynamo", but that doesn't seem to be the case and it is important to keep the two separated in your mind. The original Dynamo system was carefully described by Amazon in the Dynamo Paper. In thinking about these, it is also helpful if you are familiar with the distributed databases based on the Dynamo ideas, like Riak and Cassandra. In particular, Apache Cassandra which provides a full range of trade-offs with respect to CAP.
By comparing DynamoDB which is clearly distributed to the options available in Cassandra I think we can see where it is placed in the CAP space. According to Amazon "DynamoDB maintains multiple copies of each item to ensure durability. When you receive an 'operation successful' response to your write request, DynamoDB ensures that the write is durable on multiple servers. However, it takes time for the update to propagate to all copies." (Data Read and Consistency Considerations). Also, DynamoDB does not require the application to do conflict resolution the way Dynamo does. Assuming they want to provide as much availability as possible, since they say they are writing to multiple servers, writes in DyanmoDB are equivalent to Cassandra QUORUM level. Also, it would seem DynamoDB does not support hinted handoff, because that can lead to situations requiring conflict resolution. For maximum availability, an inconsistent read would only have to be at the equivalent of Cassandras's ONE level. However, to get a consistent read given the quorum writes would require a QUORUM level read (following the R + W > N for consistency). For more information on levels in Cassandra see About Data Consistency in Cassandra.
In summary, I conclude that:
Writes are "Quorum", so a majority of the nodes the row is replicated to must be available for the write to succeed
Inconsistent Reads are "One", so only a single node with the row need be available, but the data returned may be out of date
Consistent Reads are "Quorum", so a majority of the nodes the row is replicated to must be available for the read to succeed
So writes have the same availability as a consistent read.
To specifically address your question about two simultaneous conditional writes, one or both will fail depending on how many nodes are down. However, there will never be an inconsistency. The availability of the writes really has nothing to do with whether they are conditional or not I think.
