Steam Web API Integration with ASP.NET site -

I've been designing a website in ASP.NET, and I have been researching many ways to integrate the Steam Web API into my site. Whenever I try a method, it seems promising, but there is always a problem that I can't seem to overcome. Most of the methods online are using PHP, but I have not found a way to integrate this into my ASP.NET site either. I want users to be able to sign in through Steam, and to display inventories of certain users on the page. Any way of retrieving this data would be a huge step forward at this point.
The website is currently located at Kritz.TF. It's in a VERY early stage, I have been limited to what I can do before I do get this thing sorted out.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Generate ASP Web API help documentation at design time

Hi I came across this link which will give us a way to browse web api documentation. But, I need it to be available without running the server. Does anyone here have an idea on how to make the API documentation generated during run time be available at design time? Thanks.

ASP.NET - Pages that allow multiple users to interact with each other

I want to be able to have users on a new site be able to interact with each other. I thought searching for sample code for async controllers would help, but I can't really seem to find much.
I guess I am trying to replicate Node.js/Meteor like interactions where an action one user performs can be shown to other users. I assume this would work using async controllers and ajax, but I have found very little documentation and examples. I'm starting to think this isn't something that can happen in ASP.NET.
Sorry this is such a general question.
Watch Building Real-time Web Apps with ASP.NET SignalR, this video is by the creators of SignalR.
I think this will give you an idea of how SignalR might be the framework you want to use for your idea to build an application where multiple users can interact within a single page.

When does one use Web Parts vs. Full blown ASP.NET application in SharePoint?

I'm still struggling with this question as I'm trying to get up to speed with SharePoint, coming from ASP.NET Web Forms. We're looking to use SharePoint exclusively for several reasons; one of the main selling points is to consolidate our development efforts. So for example, today we have several one-off websites with anywhere from 1-5 pages (smallish) on several servers, IIS installs, etc. and seem to be a bit fragmented.
Let's say I have a requirement for a smallish site (1-5) pages. What is the SharePoint way to handle this situation? Do I create several Web Parts, then create the pages in SharePoint and plug them in or do I simply create an ASP.NET Web Forms application and provide a link within SharePoint to it?
I'm going with neither. Based on feedback and additional research it seems that Application pages are what I'm looking for. Here's a good article:
You use SharePoint web parts when you want non-technical users to be able to compose pages through the SharePoint UI - creating new pages in a site, selecting which parts they want for the page, configuring them, and arranging them on the page. They can use audience targeting to only show the desired web parts to certain users.
You get all of that pretty much out of the box with SharePoint. Even if you don't need all of it right away, it's not much more effort than building normal ASP.NET applications - except getting over the initial learning curve.
What kind of user experience are you looking for? Sometimes it makes sense to have a static page, and sometimes it's much better to allow users the ability to move things around and create their own page. Creating a web part isn't too bad, but I saw somewhere that you are in a time crunch, it might take you a little while to get over the initial learning hump.
It's tough for me to estimate the learning curve because Visual Studio 2010 does make things a lot easier to do than anything that was available when I was new to SharePoint.
Don't create an web application to interact with Sharepoint too quickly, there is much out of the box that you can accomplich with sharepoint.
If that is not enough you can easily program Sharepoint 2010. You can create Application pages that are equivalent to ASP.NET web forms. Look into that first before creating 2 disperate systems.
What are the pages supposed to do?
Here's what we did... we moved all our existing applications on to a dedicated application site. The idea is that this will enable us to roll out SharePoint faster. We developed a custom Web Part with security-trimmed links to all our department apps on the new application site. Only other deployed solution was for customizations.
The idea is that we can move forward and port existing application over only if there is a real reason to do so. All new collaboration-based apps can be developed on SharePoint from scratch as needed.
You could create application pages but familiarize yourself with the difference between application pages and site pages:

Web App architecture questions

I am an intermediate web app developer working on the .Net Platform. Most of my work has been defined pretty well for me by my peers or superiors and I have no problem following instructions and getting the job done.
The task at hand:
I was recently asked by an old friend to redo his web app from scratch. His app is extremely antiquated and he is getting overwhelmed by it breaking all the time. The app in question is an inventory / CRM application and currently each customer requires a new install of the app (usually accomplished by deploying it on a different domain on the same server and pointing to a new database).
Currently if any client wants any modifications to the forms such as additional fields, new features, etc my friend goes in and manually adds those fields to the forms, scripts, database etc. As a result all installs of this application are unique. There is no one singular source repository and no one single version of this app. Generally new features are overtime rolled into the other sites, but still this is done on an individual site by site basis.
I will be approaching this on a very modular basis. Initially I will be coding a module that will query an external web service for some data, display and store it, and periodically update it automatically. The next module will likely be for storing and displaying inventory data. This way I want to over time duplicate the current feature set of his app 100% but do it incrementally.
The Million Dollar Questions
I want to make the app have user
configurable form fields. The user
should be able to go to an admin
page, create a new forms page of a
certain category, and then specify
what fields he wants in there. He
could say 'create a new text field
called Item # and make it a
requirement" and that will get
stored somewhere. All forms will be
dynamically rendered to screen based
on what the user has configured. Is
this a good way to go about the
problem of having no idea what a
customer could want in a form? and
thus be able to store and display
form data of any sort ? What sort of
design pattern should I follow here?
I am familiar with and
the .net framework in general and
have decent knowledge of javascript,
html, silverlight, jquery, c# etc
etc. I can work my way around web
apps in a good way, but I am not
sure what sort of framework or tech
I should use to accomplish this
task. Would 3.5 webforms be
the way to go? or should I look into
ASP.NET MVC? Do I use jquery and ajax for
complete decoupling of frontend and
backend ? or will a normal
page with some spattering of ajax
thrown in working with a codebehind
be the order of the day?
Just looking for general advice before I start.
I am currently thinking of using ASP.NET 3.5 webforms, jquery for clientside animation, ui, manipulation and data validation, and sqlserver + a .net or wcf webservice for backend.
Your advice is much appreciated as always.
I've recently implemented a white-label ecommerce system for an insurance company that allowed each partner to choose their own set of input fields, screens, and order the flow of the application to suit their individual needs.
Although it wasn't rocket science, it added complexity and increased development time.
Consider the user configuration aspect very carefully In hindsight both my client and their clients in turn, would have been happy with a more rigid system.
As for the tech side of your question, I developed my project in VS2005, using webforms and webservices with a SQLserver back end, so the stack that you're looking at is definitely capable of delivering a working product. MVC will almost certainly help as far as testability goes.
The biggest thing I would change now if I was going to start again would be to replace the intermediate webservices with message based services using nServiceBus, MassTransit or the like. While the webservices worked fine, message based communication should be quicker and more reliable.
Finally, before you start to code, make sure that you understand the current system's functionality inside and out. If the new system doesn't do something that the old system did, it will be pretty obvious to the end users straight away.

Framework /starting point for social networking site in .NET?

I did do some googling and searching on this site but did not find exactly what I was looking for.
I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction here. I'm an ASP.NET/SQL Server developer and would like to develop a (intially) basic social networking site (gasp). Before I start from scratch with a blank solution in ASP.NET, I'm wondering if there are any frameworks out there ASP.NET specific that would serve as a good starting point. I'm already thinking of using the Google Maps jquery control for my Google Maps integration, as well as the 'sharethis' control for my social networking website sharing integration. Captcha for human authentication... But other than that I'm not sure what I can leverage... Nothing on Google jumped out at me on my search terms.
I'm also wondering if anyone else has done something similar and could share their post mortem/war stories with me.
I'm also open to learning a new platform/language if it would mean saving time - my experience is mostly in ASP.NET, so that is what I plan on using if it makes the most sense. My initial requirements are basic and realistic - profile setup (images, information, etc.), 'group' creation, Google Map integration, calendar controls shared by groups, SMS support, discussion forums among groups, searching for groups, OpenID integration most likely, etc. I am not going to try to build the entire site and then release it, but take baby steps and release pieces of functionality at a time.
Any advice is greatly appreciated for a broad question such as this. Thanks again.
I've found DotNetOpenAuth which seems to be a nice API for handling OpenID for ASP.NET web forms. They also have an ASP.NET MVC version
I also found MS Web Platform. This looks like some good stuff. Anyone ever use it and think it would do well for this sort of app?
I found a library for DotNetNuke called ActiveSocial. It's priced right ($500) and has more than the features I need but lacks some. I wonder if anyone here has ever used AS before. Is DNN easy to extend so I can add Google Maps functionality and such? It doesn't say anywhere on snowcovered (the vendor that sells AS) if AS comes with the source. If it didn't, then I might be screwed because I wouldn't be able to integrate the functionality I want.
I went through this exercise about 15 months ago when I built a SNS for a client. Hoping to find some basic framework for Friends, Chat, Profiles etc I was pretty disappointed.
That said, in retrospect I wish rather than building one that we would have purchased a solution like Community Server. As with most projects I looked at the problem scope with beer, no strike that, ambitious goggles on and the level of work to cover all the edge cases was more than I imagined.
Tread careful my friend, tread careful.
I think this is what you're looking for. Kigg is an open source ASP.NET MVC app that would be a good starting point for what you want. Here is the url:
You can also find a site that is using this here:
At the very least you will learn the ASP.NET MVC framework which is fantastic.
While not exactly intended to be used for social networking sites, both of these frameworks can help you so you don't have to start from scratch:
Also, for an out of the box solution (no code involved) you could always try this:
Good luck!
