Does querying by key in Firestore have performance issues? - firebase

I'd like to retrieve a result set of all documents in a collection that contain a particular key. The structure of the collection is:
conversations {
conversationId1 {
uid1: true
uid2: true
conversationId2 {
uid3: true
uid4: true
so my query for all conversations with uid1 as a participant would look like:
conversations.whereField('uid1', isEqualTo: true)
While this returns a correct dataset (only conversations with field uid1 existing) I assume that, since the collection is not indexed by field names, there would be a performance issue once the collection size grows. Is that the case?


firebase what is the best way/structure to retrieve by unique child key

I have a firebase database like this structure:
---groupname: 'group1'
---grouptype: 'sometype'
---groupname: 'group2'
---grouptype: 'someothertype'
Now, I am trying to pull groups of authenticated user. For example for uid1, it should return me group1id and group2id, and for example uid3 it should just return group2id.
I tried to do that with this code:
database().ref('groups/').orderByChild('groupMembers/' + auth().currentUser.uid).equalTo('true').on('value' , function(snapshot) {
console.log('GROUPS SNAPSHOT >> ' + JSON.stringify(snapshot))
but this returns null. if I remove "equalTo" and go it returns all childs under 'groups'.
Do you know any solution or better database structure suggestion for this situation ?
Your current structure makes it easy to retrieve the users for a group. It does not however make it easy to retrieve the groups for a user.
To also allow easy reading of the groups for a user, you'll want to add an additional data structure:
userGroups: {
uid1: {
group1id: true,
group2id: true
uid2: {
group1id: true,
group2id: true
uid3: {
group2id: true
uid3: {
group2id: true
Now of course you'll need to update both /userGroups and /groups when you add a user to (or remove them from) a group. This is quite common when modeling data in NoSQL databases: you may have to modify your data structure for the use-cases that your app supports.
Also see:
Firebase query if child of child contains a value
NoSQL data modeling
Many to Many relationship in Firebase

How can I get the uids of all groups a member uid is found in, in firebase database in react native [duplicate]

The structure of the table is:
--> randomId
-->--> participants
-->-->--> 0: 'name1'
-->-->--> 1: 'name2'
-->--> chatItems
What I am trying to do is query the chats table to find all the chats that hold a participant by a passed in username string.
Here is what I have so far:
subscribeChats(username: string) {
return'chats', {
query: {
orderByChild: 'participants',
equalTo: username, // How to check if participants contain username
Your current data structure is great to look up the participants of a specific chat. It is however not a very good structure for looking up the inverse: the chats that a user participates in.
A few problems here:
you're storing a set as an array
you can only index on fixed paths
Set vs array
A chat can have multiple participants, so you modelled this as an array. But this actually is not the ideal data structure. Likely each participant can only be in the chat once. But by using an array, I could have:
participants: ["puf", "puf"]
That is clearly not what you have in mind, but the data structure allows it. You can try to secure this in code and security rules, but it would be easier if you start with a data structure that implicitly matches your model better.
My rule of thumb: if you find yourself writing array.contains(), you should be using a set.
A set is a structure where each child can be present at most once, so it naturally protects against duplicates. In Firebase you'd model a set as:
participants: {
"puf": true
The true here is really just a dummy value: the important thing is that we've moved the name to the key. Now if I'd try to join this chat again, it would be a noop:
participants: {
"puf": true
And when you'd join:
participants: {
"john": true,
"puf": true
This is the most direct representation of your requirement: a collection that can only contain each participant once.
You can only index known properties
With the above structure, you could query for chats that you are in with:
The problem is that this requires you to define an index on `participants/john":
"rules": {
"chats": {
"$chatid": {
"participants": {
".indexOn": ["john", "puf"]
This will work and perform great. But now each time someone new joins the chat app, you'll need to add another index. That's clearly not a scaleable model. We'll need to change our data structure to allow the query you want.
Invert the index - pull categories up, flattening the tree
Second rule of thumb: model your data to reflect what you show in your app.
Since you are looking to show a list of chat rooms for a user, store the chat rooms for each user:
userChatrooms: {
john: {
chatRoom1: true,
chatRoom2: true
puf: {
chatRoom1: true,
chatRoom3: true
Now you can simply determine your list of chat rooms with:
And then loop over the keys to get each room.
You'll like have two relevant lists in your app:
the list of chat rooms for a specific user
the list of participants in a specific chat room
In that case you'll also have both lists in the database.
user1: true
user2: true
user1: true
user3: true
chatroom1: true
chatroom2: true
chatroom1: true
chatroom2: true
I've pulled both lists to the top-level of the tree, since Firebase recommends against nesting data.
Having both lists is completely normal in NoSQL solutions. In the example above we'd refer to userChatrooms as the inverted index of chatroomsUsers.
Cloud Firestore
This is one of the cases where Cloud Firestore has better support for this type of query. Its array-contains operator allows filter documents that have a certain value in an array, while arrayRemove allows you to treat an array as a set. For more on this, see Better Arrays in Cloud Firestore.

Firestore Match Rules for looking up data in a document that is in another collection

I am having an issue with Firestore rules when the permission is stored in another document in another collection. I haven't been able to find any examples of this, but I have read that it can be done.
I want to do it this way to avoid having to do a lot of writes when a student shares his homework list with many other students. Yes, I know this counts as another read.
I have 3 collections, users, permissions, and homework along with some sample data.
id: fK3ddutEpD2qQqRMXNW,
name: "Steven Smith"
id: YI2Fx656kkkk25,
name: "Becky Kinsley"
id: CAFDSDFR244bb,
name: "Tonya Benz"
id: fK3ddutEpD2qQqRMXNW,
followers: [YI2Fx656kkkk25,CAFDSDFR244bb]
id: adfsajkfsk4444,
owner: fK3ddutEpD2qQqRMXNW,
name: "Math Homework",
isDone: false
The start of my firestore rules:
service cloud.firestore {
//lock down the entire firestore then open rules up.
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if false;
match /homework/{ } {
allow get: if isSignedIn()
// helper functions
function isSignedIn() {
return request.auth != null;
function isUser(userId) {
return request.auth.uid == userId;
function isOwner(userId) {
return request.auth.uid ==;
Use case:
Steven Smith Shared his homework list with Tonya Benz.
Tonya Benz is logged into the app to view her friend Steven's homework. The app runs this query to get the homework list of Steven Smith.
var homeworkRef = db.collection("homework");
var query = homeworkRef.where("owner", "==", "fK3ddutEpD2qQqRMXNW");
What is the proper Firestore match rule that takes the "owner" field from the homework collection to look up it up as the id in the permissions collection when the user Tonya Benz is signed in so this query can run.
With your current query and database structure, you won't be able to achieve your goal using security rules.
Firstly, it sounds like you're expecting to be able to filter the results of the query based on the contents of another document. Security rules can't act as query filters. All the documents matched by the query must be granted read access by security rules, or the entire query is denied. You will need to come up with a query that is specific about which documents should be allowed access. Unfortunately, there is no single query that can do this with your current structure, because that would require a sort of "join" between permissions and homework. But Firestore (like all NoSQL databases), do not support joins.
You will need to model your data in such a way that is compatible with rules. You have one option that I can think of.
You could store the list users who should have read have access to a particular document in homework, within that same document, represented as a list field. The query could specify a filter based on the user's uid presence in that list field. And the rule could specify that read access only be granted to users whose IDs are present in that list.
id: adfsajkfsk4444,
owner: fK3ddutEpD2qQqRMXNW,
name: "Math Homework",
isDone: false,
readers: [ 'list', 'of', 'userids' ] // filter against this list field
The bottom line here is that you'll need to satisfy these two requirements:
Your query needs to be specific about exactly which documents that it expects to be readable. You can't use a rule to filter the results.
Your rule needs a way to determine, using nothing more complicated than the fields of the document itself, or a get() on other known documents, what the access should be for the current uid.

firebase retrieve data by using equalTo() [duplicate]

The structure of the table is:
--> randomId
-->--> participants
-->-->--> 0: 'name1'
-->-->--> 1: 'name2'
-->--> chatItems
What I am trying to do is query the chats table to find all the chats that hold a participant by a passed in username string.
Here is what I have so far:
subscribeChats(username: string) {
return'chats', {
query: {
orderByChild: 'participants',
equalTo: username, // How to check if participants contain username
Your current data structure is great to look up the participants of a specific chat. It is however not a very good structure for looking up the inverse: the chats that a user participates in.
A few problems here:
you're storing a set as an array
you can only index on fixed paths
Set vs array
A chat can have multiple participants, so you modelled this as an array. But this actually is not the ideal data structure. Likely each participant can only be in the chat once. But by using an array, I could have:
participants: ["puf", "puf"]
That is clearly not what you have in mind, but the data structure allows it. You can try to secure this in code and security rules, but it would be easier if you start with a data structure that implicitly matches your model better.
My rule of thumb: if you find yourself writing array.contains(), you should be using a set.
A set is a structure where each child can be present at most once, so it naturally protects against duplicates. In Firebase you'd model a set as:
participants: {
"puf": true
The true here is really just a dummy value: the important thing is that we've moved the name to the key. Now if I'd try to join this chat again, it would be a noop:
participants: {
"puf": true
And when you'd join:
participants: {
"john": true,
"puf": true
This is the most direct representation of your requirement: a collection that can only contain each participant once.
You can only index known properties
With the above structure, you could query for chats that you are in with:
The problem is that this requires you to define an index on `participants/john":
"rules": {
"chats": {
"$chatid": {
"participants": {
".indexOn": ["john", "puf"]
This will work and perform great. But now each time someone new joins the chat app, you'll need to add another index. That's clearly not a scaleable model. We'll need to change our data structure to allow the query you want.
Invert the index - pull categories up, flattening the tree
Second rule of thumb: model your data to reflect what you show in your app.
Since you are looking to show a list of chat rooms for a user, store the chat rooms for each user:
userChatrooms: {
john: {
chatRoom1: true,
chatRoom2: true
puf: {
chatRoom1: true,
chatRoom3: true
Now you can simply determine your list of chat rooms with:
And then loop over the keys to get each room.
You'll like have two relevant lists in your app:
the list of chat rooms for a specific user
the list of participants in a specific chat room
In that case you'll also have both lists in the database.
user1: true
user2: true
user1: true
user3: true
chatroom1: true
chatroom2: true
chatroom1: true
chatroom2: true
I've pulled both lists to the top-level of the tree, since Firebase recommends against nesting data.
Having both lists is completely normal in NoSQL solutions. In the example above we'd refer to userChatrooms as the inverted index of chatroomsUsers.
Cloud Firestore
This is one of the cases where Cloud Firestore has better support for this type of query. Its array-contains operator allows filter documents that have a certain value in an array, while arrayRemove allows you to treat an array as a set. For more on this, see Better Arrays in Cloud Firestore.

Query a specific child node in all instances of a parent node in Firebase

I'm trying to figure out how, if possible, to query a specifically named child node in all instances of a parent node in Firebase. It can be assumed that all parent nodes queried have this specifically named child node in it.
In this example, uid is a unique identifier for each user and I'm trying to get a list of displayNames:
users: {
uid: {
displayName: "stringOfSomeKind"
uid2: {
displayName: "moreStrings"
uid3: {
displayName: "evenMoreStrings"
The purpose of this is so I can check to see if a displayName is currently taken. (I can't use the displayName as the primary key because when a user logs in, I'll only have the uid available.)
How can I efficiently check to see if one of these displayNames is already taken? Do I have to denormalize my data to do so efficiently? If so, how?
Firebase world is quite different!
When such scenarios come you have to think to redesign your database structure, In your case uid is unique identifier so is displayName- speaking technically.
You will have to maintain additional data like:
users: {
uid: {
displayName: "stringOfSomeKind"
uid2: {
displayName: "moreStrings"
uid3: {
displayName: "evenMoreStrings"
displayNames: {
"display_name": "uid",
"display_name2": "uid2",
"display_name3": "uid3"
Happy Helping!
When you load a node from Firebase, you also get all data under that node. Assuming that you have more data per user than just their display name, that can indeed lead to needlessly loaded data.
If you only want to load a list of display names, you should indeed store a list of display names.
displayNames: {
"stringOfSomeKind": "uid",
"moreStrings": "uid2",
"evenMoreStrings": "uid3"
If you come from a background of relational/SQL databases, this may seem unnatural at first. For me it helped to realize that these structures are indexes, same as the "index by displayName" that you might add to your relational database. The difference is that in NoSQL/Firebase it is your code that maintains the index, while in most RDBMSs such indexes are maintained by the system.
