StackDriver User Quotas - stackdriver

I'm using the Java client library's MetricServiceClient for getting StackDriver timeseries. I am authenticating using a user oauth token (this user has access to multiple projects), but there seems to be some kind of global quota across multiple projects because when I fetch only one or two projects at a time I have no throttling, but when I fetch four or five different projects at a time, I start getting throttled with errors like the following:
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Insufficient tokens for quota 'DefaultGroup' and limit 'USER-100s' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:764086051850'.
I have confirmed this by alternating which projects are being fetched so that I can say it is not any single project -- they all start to get rate limited. Another strange thing is, that project_number in the error message doesn't correspond to any project I am fetching, or even have access to -- it is meaningless to me.
This appears to be the quota for # of requests per 100 seconds, but I have that set to 10,000 on all projects and I'm not doing nearly that many requests, as the quota historical chart in the web console confirms.
Is there really some global quota that applies across multiple projects and if so, is there some way to work around it? It is much simpler to me to have a single user with access to multiple projects instead of having to make service account tokens for them all.

The token quota you're hitting is for users using Application Default Credentials (which uses a shared gcloud project for billing), while it exists to get users up and run quickly but it's not recommended for actual production use. Therefore using a proper service account bound to the user's project is highly recommended and the solution to the issue.


Is there a Google API answering about Firestore database either Metrics or Health Checks or Current Active Connectios or Exceptions or Performance

Context: I am total Google Cloud begginer and I have just convinced my company headers to use Firestore Realtime Database for pushing transaction status to our mobile application. We have around 4 millions users that will use significantly our application for small money transfers. Now-a-days we use the concept of polling from Android/IOS to our Microservice endpoints and it will replaced by Firebase SDK imported to our Mobile app which will listen/observe to our Firestore Collection following few Firestore Rules. Since all money transfer will be confirmed/denied in short time (from few seconds to 1 or 2 minutes) the idea of replacing polling by a real reactive approach straigh from Firestore sounded and is already ongoing coding.
The issue: Firstly I don't what to compare solutions. It is just my reality: the prodution support operators must look after our internal Dashboard. Isn't allowed to them look at Google Dashboard Console (please accept this for this question). I need get on demand metrics of our FIrestore. It is nothing to do with Google pricing. It is just our demand: they want to see metrics like:
how many users listening at the same time now
how many users took some exception during connection
is there any user holding connection for more than X minute
when was the connection pick this morning
any exception of any type surrounding our Firestore database
I read Code Samples carefully follow the sample step-by-step trying to figure out some idea if there is some API providing the answers I am looking for.
So, my straight question is: is there such type of Google API providing metrics about my Firestore Database? Maybe following the same idea we found in Performance Monitor which works on Mobile side also some similar aproach on Firestore side.
*** Edited
Future readers may find worth read also about a way to get Firestore metrics info striagh from curl/postman
A couple of things: You mentioned both Firestore and Realtime Database; just wanted to make sure that you are aware that those are two different databases offered under the Firebase umbrella.
how many users listening at the same time now
is there any user holding connection for more than X minute
Yes, there's a dashboard: Including lots of options, like users active in the last 30 mins.
how many users took some exception during connection
any exception of any type surrounding our Firestore database
Yes, you can track errors and other logging via Stack Driver logging. These can give you reports on your cloud functions.
Where can I find Stackdriver in Firebase console?
when was the connection pick this morning
For this one, I'm not sure if you mean A. when did somebody log on in the morning, or B. what was the time that there was the peak \ most usage. If B see 1. If A,
Real-time database has the concept of presence, which lets you know if a user is currently logged in or not. See examples here from the official documentation:
and this post
How to make user presence mechanism using Firebase?
Also applies to your
is there any user holding connection for more than X minute
Edit in response to comments: I believe you are experiencing the XY problem where you are focused on a particular solution, even though your problem has other solutions. User metrics, database events, and errors are all accessible through both dashboards and cloud functions. You can cURL cloud functions if you wish, or set up cron functions to auto report, or set up database trigger functions to log errors. So, while the exact way you want this to work may not exist, you just need to connect existing tools to get the result you want.

Best strategy to develop back end of an app with large userbase, taking into account limitations of bandwidth, concurrent connections etc.?

I am developing an Android app which basically does this: On the landing(home) page it shows a couple of words. These words need to be updated on daily basis. Secondly, there is an 'experiences' tab in which a list of user experiences (around 500) shows up with their profile pic, description,etc.
This basic app is expected to get around 1 million users daily who will open the app daily at least once to see those couple of words. Many may occasionally open up the experiences section.
Thirdly, the app needs to have a push notification feature.
I am planning to purchase a managed wordpress hosting, set up a website, and add a post each day with those couple of words, use the JSON-API to extract those words and display them on app's home page. Similarly for the experiences, I will add each as a wordpress post and extract them from the Wordpress database. The reason I am choosing wordpress is that it has ready made interfaces for data entry which will save my time and effort.
But I am stuck on this: will the wordpress DB be able to handle such large amount of queries ? With such a large userbase and spiky traffic, I suspect I might cross the max. concurrent connections limit.
What's the best strategy in my case ? Should I use WP, or use firebase or any other service ? I need to make sure the scheme is cost effective also.
My app is basically very similar to this one:
For push notifications, I am planning to use third party services.
Kindly suggest the best strategy I should go with for designing the back end of this app.
Thanks to everyone out there in advance who are willing to help me in this.
I have never used Wordpress, so I don't know if or how it could handle that load.
You can still use WP for data entry, and write a scheduled function that would use WP's JSON API to copy that data into Firebase.
RTDB-vs-Firestore scalability states that RTDB can handle 200 thousand concurrent connections and Firestore 1 million concurrent connections.
However, if I get it right, your app doesn't need connections to be active (i.e. receive real-time updates). You can get your data once, then close the connection.
For RTDB, Enabling Offline Capabilities on Android states that
On Android, Firebase automatically manages connection state to reduce bandwidth and battery usage. When a client has no active listeners, no pending write or onDisconnect operations, and is not explicitly disconnected by the goOffline method, Firebase closes the connection after 60 seconds of inactivity.
So the connection should close by itself after 1 minute, if you remove your listeners, or you can force close it earlier using goOffline.
For Firestore, I don't know if it happens automatically, but you can do it manually.
In Firebase Pricing you can see that 100K Firestore document reads is $0.06. 1M reads (for the two words) should cost $0.6 plus some network traffic. In RTDB, the cost has to do with data bulk, so it requires some calculations, but it shouldn't be much. I am not familiar with the pricing small details, so you should do some more research.
In the app you mentioned, the experiences don't seem to change very often. You might want to try to build your own caching manually, and add the required versioning info in the daily data.
It would possibly be more efficient and less costly if you used Firebase Hosting, instead of RTDB/Firestore directly. See Serve dynamic content and host microservices with Cloud Functions and Manage cache behavior.
In short, you create a HTTP function that reads your database and returns the data you need. You configure hosting to call that function, and configure the cache such that subsequent requests are served the cached result via hosting (without extra function invocations).

Audit logging CosmosDB

Wanting to validate my ARM template was deployed ok and to get an understanding of the telemetry options...
Under what circumstances do the following get logged to Log Analytics?
From what I can tell arduously in the last few days connecting in different ways.
DataPlaneRequests are logged for:
SQL API calls
Table API calls even when the account was setup for SQL API
Graph API calls against an account setup for Graph API
Table API calls against an account setup for Table API
MongoRequests are logged for:
Mongo requests even when the account was setup for SQL API
However I haven't been able to see anything for QueryRuntimeStastics (even when turning on PopulateQueryMetrics) nor have I seen any AzureMetrics appear?
Thanks Alex for spending time and trying out different options of logging for Azure Cosmos DB.
There are primarily two types of monitoring paths for Azure Cosmos DB.
Metrics: These are low latency (<5 min) and aggregated metrics which are exposed on Azure Monitor API for consumption. THese metrics are primarily used for diagnosis of the app for any live site issues.
Logs: These are raw request logs coming at 2hours+ latency and are used for customer for primarily audit scenarios to understand who accessed the data.
Depending on your need you can choose either of the approaches.
DataPlaneRequests by default shows all the requests across all the API's and Mongo Requests only show Mongo specific calls. Please note Mongo requests would also be seen in Data Plane requests.
Metrics would not be see in Log Analytics due to a knowwn which our partner team is fixing.
Let me know if you have any further questions here.

Firebase connection count with angular bindings?

I've read quite a few posts (including the website) on Firebase connections. The website says that one connection is equivalent to approximately 1400 visiting users per month. And this makes sense to me given a scenario where the client makes a quick connection to the Firebase server, pulls down some data, and then closes the connection. However, if I'm using angular bindings (via angularfire), wouldn't each client visit (in the event the user stays on the site for a period of time) be a connection? In this example having 100 users (each of which is making use of firebase angular bindings) connecting to the site at the same time would be 100 connections. If I opted not to use angular bindings, that number could be (in a theoretical sense) 0 if all the clients already made their requests for data and were just idling.
Do I understand this properly?
AngularFire is built on top of Firebase's regular JavaScript/Web SDK. The connection count is fundamentally the same between them: if a 100 users are using your application at the same time and you are synchronizing data for each of them, you will have 100 concurrent connections at that time.
The statement that one concurrent connection is the equivalent of about 1400 visits per month is based on the extensive experience that the Firebase people have with how long the average connection lasts. As Andrew Lee stated in this answer: most developers vastly over-estimate the number of concurrent connections they will have.
As said: AngularFire fundamentally behaves the same as Firebase's JavaScript API (because it is built on top of that). Both libraries keep an open connection for a user, so that they can synchronize any changes that occur between the connected users. You can manually drop such a connection by calling goOffLine and then re-instate it with goOnline. Whether that is a good approach is largely dependent on the type of application you're building.
Two examples:
There recently was someone who was building a word game. He used Firebase to store the final score for each game. In his case explicitly managing the connections makes sense, because the connection is only needed for a relatively short time when compared to the time the application is active.
The "hello world" for Firebase programming is a chat application. In such an application it doesn't make a lot of sense to manage the connections yourself. So briefly connect every 15 seconds and then disconnect again. If you do this, you're essentially reverting to polling for updates. Doing so will lose you one of the bigger benefits of using Firebase: it automatically synchronizes data to connected clients.
So only you can decide whether explicit connection management is best for you application. I'd recommend starting without it (it's simpler) and first testing your application on a smaller scale to see how actual usage holds up to your expectation.

Linkedin API throttle limit

Recently I was developing an application using Linkedin people-search API. Documentation says that a developer registration has 1 lac API calls per day, but when I have registered this API, and ran a python script, after some 300 calls it says throttle limit exceeds.
Did anyone face such kind of issue using Linkedin API, comments are appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
It's been a while but the stats suggest people still look at this and I'm experimenting with the LinkedIn API and can provide some more detail.
The typical throttles are stated as both a max (e.g. 100K) and a per-user-token number (e.g. 500). Those numbers together mean you can get up to a maximum of 100,000 calls per day to the API but even as a developer a single user token means a maximum of 500 per day.
I ran into this, and after setting up a barebones app and getting some users I can confirm a daily throttle of several thousands of API calls. [Deleted discussion of what was probably, upon further consideration, an accidental back door in the LinkedIn API.]
As per the Throttle Limits published by LinkedIn:
LinkedIn API keys are throttled by default. The throttles are designed
to ensure maximum performance for all developers and to protect the
user experience of all users on LinkedIn.
There are three types of throttles applied to all API keys:
Application throttles: These throttles limit the number of each API call your application can make using its API key.
User throttles: These throttles limit the number of calls for any individual user of your application. User-level throttles serve
several purposes, but in general are implemented where there is a
significant potential impact to the user experience for LinkedIn
Developer throttles: For people listed as developers on their API keys, they will see user throttles that are approximately four times
higher than the user throttles for most calls. This gives you extra
capacity to build and test your application. Be aware that the
developer throttles give you higher throttle limits as a developer of
your application. But your users will experience the User throttle
limits, which are lower. Take care to make sure that your application
functions correctly with the User throttle limits, not just for the
throttle limits for your usage as a developer.
Note: To view current API usage of your application and to ensure you haven't hit any throttle limits, visit and click on "Usage & Limits".
The throttle limit for individual users of People Search is 100, with 400 being the limit for the person that is associated with the Application as the developer:
When you run into a limit, view the api usage for the application on the application page to see which throttle you are hitting.
