Is there a REST API to get subfolders of the workspace in Tosca? - tosca

I am trying to build a UI based in Angular to retrieve all existing execution lists of Tosca. However, I could not find a REST API that can give the list of folders within a workspace in Tosca. Has anyone tried this route?

You can use the Search task on the projectto find all ExecutionLists.
as a post request with the xml payload:
<Parameters xmlns:i="">
<Type i:nil="true"/>
This will give you a list of object ids of the ExecustionLists contained in the Execution folder of the project. You can fetch the objects one by one with this request afterwards:
Credits for this solution go to the development team of ToscaCommander - they provided it.
P.S.: as an answer for your comment:
Yes, there is a json equivalent of the body - but you do not need it. Anyway, here is the equivalent:
If you want to get a json response (regardless of the request's payload's format) make sure your web.config sets AutomaticFormatSelectionEnabled to true (which should be the case). Then, in your requests, set the accept header accordingly:
Accept: application/json


BizTalk json encoder not using the correct type

I'm trying to send a quite simple JSON message from BizTalk.
"Value": 1
I set the type of the "Value" field to xs:int in my xml schema
<xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Value" type="xs:int" />
But it keeps generating the wrong JSON message.
"Value": "1"
Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Does anybody have some tips?
There can be multiple issues at work here.
Your XML payload is not going through a XML Dissasembler or Assembler before reaching the JSON Encoder, and hence the Message Type isn't set correctly, in which case it is not using the schema to determine the correct date types.
You have another earlier element in your schema with the same name but a different type. It will use the type from the first one for all elements with the same name. This was a bug in BizTalk 2013 R2, and I think it was still there in BizTalk 2016 and could cause some strange errors, especially if you had a Records (complex types) and Element (simple types) with the same name. e.g FIX: JSON encoder unable to handle XML schema with the same name for record and one of its elements in CU 7
Biztalk Embedded JSON Encoder has the ability to recognize schema of XML processed and should recognize xs:int value from schema and encoded without quotes.
But sometimes (as Sandro Pereira indicates even often) this encoder throws the error:
Reason: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
That was my case. I had to use a custom JSON Encoder that recognizes XML datatype somehow.
My solution was:
Use this build of Newtonsoft.Json library that uses json:Type argument as indicator of XML tag datatype.
Create a custom JSON Encoder that uses the previous library
Create custom Complex Type in separate schema with targetNamespace = ""
Note that attribute Type need to be Qualified
Import above schema in Your target schema using prefix json
Use this type as Data Structure Type and rename Your parameter.
Map this checking logical existance, to avoid putting argument without value or custom xslt tranform
Usefull sites:
Adding name to attribute

How to set the format of a reply to a REST service in BW6

I'm new to BW6 (v.6.3.1) and I'm playing around with it's REST features.
Currently I'm building a very simple echo service to figure out how it processes parameters etc.
One of the things I've noticed is that I can specify multiple Reply Client Formats, namely XML & JSON. But I can't find how I can specify what output to use in the actual reply.
Currently I've setup the following Resource Service Path:
I want to use the format parameter to drive the output I'll be getting. So
would result in
<messageBody>printme</messageBody> (or something to that extent)
would result in
I've tried several approaches, splitting the flow based on the contents of "format" but to no avail. If I have JSON checked as the Reply Client Format it will reply with JSON. Only if XML is the only Reply Client Format checked the reply will output XML. BW handles the rendering of either JSON or XML transparently.
So, how can I tell BW to output in either XML or JSON when both are selected as a Reply Client Format?
Using the swagger UI I figured out how I can drive this behavior. By specifying the following header:
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/xml" "http://localhost:8080/echo"
As per the documentation
Select the Invoke REST API pallette, you can choose the type(either request or response) as shown below:
If you click on it, there are three options JSON, XML and Custom. If you want to choose other than json and xml then choose Custom.
Custom(For RequestType) : Custom: to override the Content-Type value in the Input tab, select CUSTOM and provide the value in the Input tab.
Custom(For ResponseType): to override the Accept header value in the Input tab, select CUSTOM and provide the value in the Input tab.
Below is the Input tab where you can override when type is Custom:

I have a requirement to make calls to two different end points in a sequence on a given call

I am trying to achieve the functionality where i have to call two different backends / target endpoints that have completely different interface in a sequence. Output of one call becomes input to the second one upon an error condition from the first call.
I would like to know how to implement this. I am new to Apigee so details will help me.
It sounds like you need to do a ServiceCallout in the request flow.
Set up your Target as whatever the second server is that you need to talk to in the normal flow. Then create a policy to callout to your first target:
<ServiceCallout name="myPolicy">
<Request clearPayload="false" variable="myRequest"/>
Note the Response block puts the headers and payload from the response into an object that you can then extract variables from using "myResponse" as the <Source> in the ExtractVariables policy.
Then you can build a new request for your target with the variables you set in the ExtractVariables by using an AssignMessage policy
Service Callout

How do I filter with OData based on an inner array?

So I created a controller using the mvc4 web api where the url (Get) “/api/things” return the following data:
<Description>The Thing Desc</Description>
<Description>The Other Thing Desc</Description>
*note that thing and categories has a many to many relationship
I know that if a need one “Thing” resource I should use a controller that matches the following route url (Get) “/api/things/{id}”.
But what if I want to get a subset of the data returned by the url (Get) “/api/things”. I tested the OData protocol modifying the controller to return an IQueryable and it work fine if I wanted to $filter on the properties of “Thing” like the Id or the Description. Unfortunately, I didn’t work out when I wanted to filter base on the Category, I believe is because Categories is an inner array.
So, what should I do to filter based on categories?
OData V3 supports Any/All operations, which you can filter by a collection property. For example, to filter things which contains Category(1), using following syntax:
/api/things/?$filter=Categories/any(category: category/Id eq 1)
If you are using Web Api RTM bits, you can use odata package to support any/all. For more examples, you can check the queryable sample code:

Designing proper REST URIs

I have a Java component which scans through a set of folders (input/processing/output) and returns the list of files in JSON format.
The REST URL for the same is:
GET http://<baseurl>/files/<foldername>
Now, I need to perform certain actions on each of the files, like validate, process, delete, etc. I'm not sure of the best way to design the REST URLs for these actions.
Since its a direct file manipulation, I don't have any unique identifier for the files, except their paths. So I'm not sure if the following is a good URL:
POST http://<baseurl>/file/validate?path=<filepath>
Edit: I would have ideally liked to use something like /file/fileId/validate. But the only unique id for files is its path, and I don't think I can use that as part of the URL itself.
And finally, I'm not sure which HTTP verb to use for such custom actions like validate.
Thanks in advance!
When you implement a route like http:///file/validate?path you encode the action in your resource that's not a desired effect when modelling a resource service.
You could do the following for read operations
GET will return all files as URL reference such as
GET will return validation results for the file (I'm using JSON for readability)
name : first,
valid : true
That was the simple read only part. Now to the write operations:
DELETE will of course delete the file
Modelling the file processing is the hard part. But you could model that as top level resource. So that:
POST will create a virtual file processing resource and execute the operation given by the URL parameter 'operation'. Modelling these file operations as resources gives you the possibility to perform the operations asynchronous and return a result that gives additional information about the process of the operation and so on.
You can take a look at Amazon S3 REST API for additional examples and inspiration on how to model resources. I can highly recommend to read RESTful Web Services
Now, I need to perform certain actions on each of the files, like validate, process, delete, etc. I'm not sure of the best way to design the REST URLs for these actions. Since its a direct file manipulation, I don't have any unique identified for the files, except their paths. So I'm not sure if the following is a good URL: POST http:///file/validate?path=
It's not. /file/validate doesn't describe a resource, it describes an action. That means it is functional, not RESTful.
Edit: I would have ideally liked to use something like /file/fileId/validate. But the only unique id for files is its path, and I don't think I can use that as part of the URL itself.
Oh yes you can! And you should do exactly that. Except for that final validate part; that is not a resource in any way, and so should not be part of the path. Instead, clients should POST a message to the file resource asking it to validate itself. Luckily, POST allows you to send a message to the file as well as receive one back; it's ideal for this sort of thing (unless there's an existing verb to use instead, whether in standard HTTP or one of the extensions such as WebDAV).
And finally, I'm not sure which HTTP verb to use for such custom actions like validate.
POST, with the action to perform determined by the content of the message that was POSTed to the resource. Custom “do something non-standard” actions are always mapped to POST when they can't be mapped to GET, PUT or DELETE. (Alas, a clever POST is not hugely discoverable and so causes problems for the HATEOAS principle, but that's still better than violating basic REST principles.)
REST requires a uniform interface, which in HTTP means limiting yourself to GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, etc.
One way you can check on each file's validity in a RESTful way is to think of the validity check not as an action to perform on the file, but as a resource in its own right:
GET /file/{file-id}/validity
This could return a simple True/False, or perhaps a list of the specific constraint violations. The file-id could be a file name, an integer file number, a URL-encoded path, or perhaps an unencoded path like:
GET /file/bob/dir1/dir2/somefile/validity
Another approach would be to ask for a list of the invalid files:
GET /file/invalid
And still another would be to prevent invalid files from being added to your service in the first place, ie, when your service processes a PUT request with bad data:
PUT /file/{file-id}
it rejects it with an HTTP 400 (Bad Request). The body of the 400 response could contain information on the specific error.
Update: To delete a file you would of course use the standard HTTP REST verb:
DELETE /file/{file-id}
To 'process' a file, does this create a new file (resource) from one that was uploaded? For example Flickr creates several different image files from each one you upload, each with a different size. In this case you could PUT an input file and then trigger the processing by GET-ing the corresponding output file:
PUT /file/input/{file-id}
GET /file/output/{file-id}
If the processing isn't near-instantaneous, you could generate the output files asynchronously: every time a new input file is PUT into the web service, the web service starts up an asynchronous activity that eventually results in the output file being created.
