Alfresco data export and import - alfresco

we have to export alfresco data and import into another repository, and not necessarily backup/restore process. we are aiming for script which can be run and extract data on some conditions, set of files, with all its metedata.
i have got below link, which talks about same, but it is old , and things cant be done like versions of the file, condition based extract.
i would like to know any approaches available for extract and import of the alfresco data into other repositories..

There is nothing out-of-the-box that will do this. The replication sub-system is not suitable for frequent replication of more than a small handful of nodes.
So, you will have to write a custom solution or look at third-party solutions that can do this. Simflofy is one example. Another example is the Parashift Alfstream module.
If you would like to develop this yourself, I suggest you do something like:
Write code to export one or more files to the file system. This should be storage that is shared between the source and all target repositories.
Alongside each file, write a "manifest" file that descries the file's metadata, including custom properties and property values. You should use the same format that the Bulk File System Import Tool expects when doing an import.
Add a message to a queue that describes where the exported data is sitting and where it needs to be imported.
In the target repository, write a listener that is subscribe to the queue.
When the listener gets a message it can initiate a Bulk File System Import in the target system. The BFSIT will import the files and set the metadata as described in the manifest file you generated in Step 2.
Optionally, the target system can place another message on the queue acknowledging that the import has been performed, which the source repo can then pick up to complete the task.
Some people have been successful using Apache Camel for this, but it is not strictly necessary.


Database backup Azure Resource Manager

Is there a way in Azure Resource manager to take a copy of an existing database? Currently I know there is a database import option, which points to a bacpac file in Blob Storage and creates a new database from that file, but the process to create the file is a manual one at this point. With that, what is the current process to create bacpacs and put them in Blob storage in an automated way through ARM?
There is a way to specify the createMode of your database in the ARM template. This is very undocumented stuff but I found this in the REST api documentation and then just tried in the ARM template.
You can specify the properties "createMode" and "sourceDatabaseId".
I am not using this functionality because the sourceDatabaseId needs to be in the same subscription which was not the case with me. So i export the bacpac manually and then use an ARM template to import the bacpac (which also is undocumented but I commented the ARM template used here:

Can I run code at Alfresco startup?

I have an Alfresco module that I would like to have do some cleanup when a new version of it is installed.
In the current situation, an older version of the module created a folder node with custom properties at the root of the repository. We've since decided to have multiple such nodes, and none of them at that location. I'd like to put into the next version of the module code that would run at Alfresco startup, check for the existence of the old node, copy its properties into the appropriate new nodes, and delete the old node.
Is such a thing possible? I've looked at the Bootstrap configuration file, but that appears to only allow one to add things to the repository, not modify or delete them.
My suggestion is that you write a patch. That is a class that implements
Then you can do pretty much anything you want on bootstrap (except executing searches against solr since it wont be available).
Add some spring configuration, take a look at the file patch-services-context.xml for inspiration.
Yes you can do that, probably you missed the correct place in the documentation about that:
If you open Import Strategy you'll find a section Per BootstrapView, you should be using something like REPLACE_EXISTING or UPDATE_EXISTING for your ACP packaged content (if you're using ACPs as your bootstrap importing strategy).
Here is a more detailed description of the UUID Bindings values.
Hope that helps.
You can use patches.
When alfresco server starts it applies patches and executes database updates etc.
Definition :
A patch is a piece of Java code that executes once when Alfresco
Content Services starts. Custom patches can be implemented.
Documentation Link

Clarification on web2py apps sharing a single database

Sorry, I'm a little unclear on the web2py manual explanation.
as an example, given app1 and app2
I want to have app2 share the database I have built in app1
So do I change the app2/models/ file to show: db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',migrate='false') ?
and include all other files in app2/models directory as well?
if the database is in app1/databases/ how does app2 know how to find the correct database file?
This Thread begins to answer the question but I'm still unclear on how to define where the shared database lives.
Note, DAL(..., migrate=False) just sets the default value of migrate for each table -- it will not have any effect on the migration status of tables whose define_table() calls include their own explicit migrate argument. If you want to completely disable migrations for an entire db connection (regardless of the individual define_table() calls), instead use:
DAL(..., migrate_enabled=False)
Also, to share model definitions between applications, rather than simply copying the model files, you could put the definitions in functions or classes within modules and then import the modules. Another option is to use auto_import:
DAL(..., auto_import=True)
Note, auto_import will import the field names and types, but it will not include DAL-specific attributes, such as validators and defaults, so its usage is somewhat limited.
I can't test this right now but the answer should be:
you can override the folder in the DAL:
So both apps should point to the same file.
(see the docs and this thread).
db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',folder='path/to/app/databases')
yes, should need the model files in both apps too, otherwise the apps won't know how to access the db.

What is best way to export and import security permissions across environments?

We have large number of publications and currently we manually apply the CMS permissions across multiple environments (UAT and PROD mainly). This is tedious and often times error prone.
We are trying to export and import the CMS permissions across multiple environments, so this could be done once manually and ported to other environments using some sort of tool.
Environment: Tridion 2011 SP1 + IIS 7.5 + SQL Server 2008 r2
In Old PowerTools (VBScript) there used to be some tool to manage Access management which could be handy, still error prone. We are not interested to use the OLD powertools for obvious reasons and it is recurring operation function so DB option is ruled out as well.
We are considering to build a tool using Core Service, that could export and Import the permissions. We have the same Groups, Publications and Folder structure across these environments.
Has anyone tried this before? What are the experiences or practices that other fellow Tridioneers used in large implementations.?
Any view points are greatly appreciated.
I once wrote a tool that allowed you to describe your desired permissions settings as JSON, and apply them via the API. To be honest, if you were to write a DTAP-security tool, I'd follow a similar approach. Start by being able to express your desired settings in an open, text-based format, then write a tool that imports them. Once you have this, you can easily build a tool that exports them.
I created a security migration tool in Tridion 5.2 but the solution approach will still apply to current versions of Tridion
The solution used a set of simple vbscript export page templates to extract the security information as xml and store it in a set of components.
I then used Tridion Content Porter to move these security components, page templates and tbbs's to the target CMS's
Using set of simple import page templates to open the security xml components to apply the security setting to the target cms.
The tcmid's will be different in the target cms so the import functions must use webdav urls and build dictionaries of tcmid's for trustees etc
Export Security Groups
iterate selected Groups
append group xml
save xml in component
Export Publication Rights
iterate list of publications
get each publication xml
remove "//tcm:CategoriesXSD" node
appendChild publication xml
remove unwanted "//tcm:Trustee" nodes
save xml in component
Export Folder Permissions
recursively iterate folders
append Folder XML
remove trustee nodes that are inherited ("IsInheritanceRoot")
save xml in component
Export Structure Group Permissions
recursively iterate Structure groups
append structure group XML
remove metadata node "//tcm:Metadata"
filter out unwanted Trustees
save xml in component
Import Security Groups
load xml from security component
iterate group nodes
create groups if they don't already exist
Import Publication rights
load xml from security component
update xml tcmid's
iterate publications
load publication xml
build xml updategram
update publication xml
Import Folder Permissions
load xml from security component
update xml tcmid's
for each folder node
build updategram xml
open folder
update folder xml
Import Structure Group Permissions
load xml from security component
update xml tcmid's
for each structure group node
build updategram xml
open structure group
update structure group

How to write a webscript in Alfresco that returns a zip file

I need to write a webscript in alfresco that returns to the user a single zip file that contains several files, some of them created on the fly by the script and some of them stored on the server.
How can i do it?I know how to create different files on the server, i don't know how to zip them and how to include files that are stored on the server.
Well, you can develop a Java action that would do the zipping part.
Last time I was looking into this, I didn't find an out-of-the-box solution.
As for returning, you can specify that by specifying webscript format, ie:
<format default="html">any</format>
Only, there is a problem, you can't set a zip format, but alfresco wiki says how you can add more:
Edit: I just found this thread (while looking for a solution for another problem). In the thread a custom "unzip" action is described, maybe you can use that to add a zip/unzip action in your alfresco installation and use it.
