Aggregation using 'by' and secondary indicies in data table - r

Looking through the 4th data.table vignette here (secondary indices and auto indexing) it looks like example 2f. returns the wrong month label.
flights <- read.csv(url(""))
The example gives:
> head(flights["JFK", max(dep_delay), keyby = month, on = "origin"])
month V1
1: 1 881
2: 1 1014
3: 1 920
4: 1 1241
5: 1 853
6: 1 798
But replicating this without using secondary indices gives:
> head(flights[origin == "JFK", max(dep_delay), keyby = month])
month V1
1: 1 881
2: 2 1014
3: 3 920
4: 4 1241
5: 5 853
6: 6 798
The error can be seen by looking for the row with dep_delay == 1014
> flights[month =="1" & dep_delay == 1014]
Empty data.table (0 rows) of 17 cols: year,month,day,dep_time,dep_delay,arr_time...
> flights[month =="2" & dep_delay == 1014]
year month day dep_time dep_delay arr_time arr_delay cancelled carrier tailnum flight origin dest air_time distance hour min
1: 2014 2 21 844 1014 1151 1007 0 DL N983DL 2459 JFK MCO 139 944 8 44
Is this an error in the example code, or a data.table flaw?


Efficient data.table method to generate additional rows given random numbers

I have a large data.table that I want to generate a random number (using two columns) and perform a calculation. Then I want to perform this step 1,000 times. I am looking for a way to do this efficiently with out a loop.
Example data:
> dt <- data.table(Group=c(rep("A",3),rep("B",3)),
> dt
Group Year N Count Pop
1: A 2020 300 25 1234
2: A 2021 350 30 1543
3: A 2022 400 35 1754
4: B 2020 123 3 2500
5: B 2021 175 6 2600
6: B 2022 156 8 2400
> dt[, rate := rpois(.N, lambda=Count)/Pop*100000]
> dt[, value := N*(rate/100000)]
> dt
Group Year N Count Pop rate value
1: A 2020 300 25 1234 1944.8947 5.8346840
2: A 2021 350 30 1543 2009.0732 7.0317563
3: A 2022 400 35 1754 1938.4265 7.7537058
4: B 2020 123 3 2500 120.0000 0.1476000
5: B 2021 175 6 2600 115.3846 0.2019231
6: B 2022 156 8 2400 416.6667 0.6500000
I want to be able to do this calculation for value 1,000 times, and keep all instances (with an indicator column for 1-1,000 indicating which run) without using a loop. Any suggestions?
Maybe you can try replicate like below
n <- 1000
dt[, paste0(c("rate", "value"), rep(1:n, each = 2)) := replicate(n, list(u <- rpois(.N, lambda = Count) / Pop * 100000, N * (u / 100000)))]

Reshaping data in R with multiple variable levels - "aggregate function missing" warning

I'm trying to use dcast in reshape2 to transform a data frame from long to wide format. The data is hospital visit dates and a list of diagnoses. (Dx.num lists the sequence of diagnoses in a single visit. If the same patient returns, this variable starts over and the primary diagnosis for the new visit starts at 1.) I would like there to be one row per individual (id). The data structure is:
id bill.num dx.code FY Dx.num
1 1/2/12 203 1234 409 2012 1
1 3/4/12 506 4567 512 2013 1
2 5/6/18 222 3452 488 2018 1
2 5/6/18 222 3452 122 2018 2
3 2/9/14 567 6798 923 2014 1
I'm imagining I would end up with columns like this:
id, date_visit1, date_visit2, visit.id_visit1, visit.id_visit2, bill.num_visit1, bill.num_visit2, dx.code_visit1_dx1, dx.code_visit1_dx2 dx.code_visit2_dx1, FY_visit1_dx1, FY_visit1_dx2, FY_visit2_dx1
Originally, I tried creating a visit_dx column like this one:
v1dx1 (visit 1, dx 1)
v2dx1 (visit 2, dx 1)
v1dx1 (...)
And used the following code, omitting "Dx.num" from the DF, as it's accounted for in "visit.dx":
wide <-
id + + + bill.num ~ visit.dx,
value.var = c(
When I run this, I get the warning "Aggregate function missing, defaulting to 'length'" and new dataframe full of 0's and 1's. There are no duplicate rows in the dataframe, however. I'm beginning to think I should go about this completely differently.
Any help would be much appreciated.
The data.table package extended dcast with rowid and allowing multiple value.var, so...
dcast(setDT(DF), id ~ rowid(id), value.var=setdiff(names(DF), "id"))
id visit.date_1 visit.date_2 visit.id_1 visit.id_2 bill.num_1 bill.num_2 dx.code_1 dx.code_2 FY_1 FY_2 Dx.num_1 Dx.num_2
1: 1 1/2/12 3/4/12 203 506 1234 4567 409 512 2012 2013 1 1
2: 2 5/6/18 5/6/18 222 222 3452 3452 488 122 2018 2018 1 2
3: 3 2/9/14 <NA> 567 NA 6798 NA 923 NA 2014 NA 1 NA

Summing a dataframe based on another dataframe

I have daily data of rainfall from 10 locations across 10 years
df <- data.frame( = rep(1:10, each = 10*365),years = rep(rep(2001:2010,each = 365),times = 10),
day = rep(rep(1:365,times = 10),times = 10), rain = runif(min = 0 , max = 35, 10*10*365))
I have a separate data frame that has certain days using which I want to sum the rainfall in df
df.ref <- data.frame( = rep(1:10, each = 10),
years = rep(2001:2010,times = 10),
index1 = rep(250,times = 10*10),
index2 = sample(260:270, size = 10*10,replace = T),
index3 = sample(280:290, size = 10*10,replace = T),
index4 = sample(291:300, size= 10*10,replace = T))
df.ref years index1 index2 index3 index4
1: 1 2001 250 264 280 296
2: 1 2002 250 269 284 298
3: 1 2003 250 268 289 293
4: 1 2004 250 266 281 295
5: 1 2005 250 260 289 293
What I want to is for row in in df.ref, use the index values in df.ref and
sum the rainfall in df between index1 to index2, index1 to index3 and index1 to index4. For example:
Using df.ref, for = 1 and year == 2001, sum the rainfall in df from 250 to 264, 250 to 280, 250 to 296 (as shown in df.ref)
Similarly, for year 2002, for = 1, sum the rainfall from 250 to 269, 250 to 284, 250 to 298.
I did this:
ptm <- proc.time()
dat <- df.ref %>% left_join(df) <- dat %>% group_by(,years) %>% filter(day >= index1 & day <= index2) %>% summarise(sum.rain1 = sum(rain)) <- dat %>% group_by(,years) %>% filter(day >= index1 & day <= index3) %>% summarise(sum.rain2 = sum(rain)) <- dat %>% group_by(,years) %>% filter(day >= index1 & day <= index4) %>% summarise(sum.rain3 = sum(rain))
all.index <- %>% left_join( %>% left_join(
proc.time() - ptm
user system elapsed
2.36 0.64 3.06
I am looking to make my code faster since my actual df.ref is quite large. Could anyone advise me how to make this quicker.
Non-equi join from data.table package can be both faster and more memory efficient than dplyr::left_join (slide | video)
For each value in df, find all the rain values in df.ref that have day in between index 1 and index 2. Then calculate the summation of rain based on and years.
df1 <- unique(df[df.ref
, .(rain)
, on = .(, years, day >= index1, day <= index2)
, by = .EACHI][
, c("sum_1") := .(sum(rain)), by = .(, years)][
# remove all redundant columns
, day := NULL][
, day := NULL][
, rain := NULL])
df2 <- unique(df[df.ref
, .(rain)
, on = .(, years, day >= index1, day <= index3)
, by = .EACHI][
, c("sum_2") := .(sum(rain)), by = .(, years)][
, day := NULL][
, day := NULL][
, rain := NULL])
df3 <- unique(df[df.ref
, .(rain)
, on = .(, years, day >= index1, day <= index4)
, by = .EACHI][
, c("sum_3") := .(sum(rain)), by = .(, years)][
, day := NULL][
, day := NULL][
, rain := NULL])
Merge all three data.tables together
df1[df2, on = .(, years)][
df3, on = .(, years)] years sum_1 sum_2 sum_3
1: 1 1950 104159.11 222345.4 271587.1
2: 1 1951 118689.90 257450.2 347624.3
3: 1 1952 99262.27 212923.7 280877.6
4: 1 1953 72435.50 192072.7 251593.6
5: 1 1954 104021.19 242525.3 326463.4
6: 1 1955 93436.32 232653.1 304921.4
7: 1 1956 89122.79 190424.4 255535.0
8: 1 1957 135658.11 262918.7 346361.4
9: 1 1958 80064.18 220454.8 292966.4
10: 1 1959 114231.19 273181.0 349489.2
11: 2 1950 94360.69 238296.8 301751.8
12: 2 1951 93845.50 195273.7 289686.0
13: 2 1952 107692.53 245019.4 308093.7
14: 2 1953 86650.14 257225.1 332674.1
15: 2 1954 104085.83 238859.4 286350.7
16: 2 1955 101602.16 223107.3 300958.4
17: 2 1956 73912.77 198087.2 276590.1
18: 2 1957 117780.86 228299.8 305348.5
19: 2 1958 98625.45 220902.6 291583.7
20: 2 1959 109851.38 266745.2 324246.8
[ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 81 rows ]
Compare processing time and memory used
> time_dplyr; time_datatable
user system elapsed
2.17 0.27 2.61
user system elapsed
0.45 0.00 0.69
rowname Class MB
1 dat data.frame 508
2 df3 data.table 26
3 df2 data.table 20
4 df1 data.table 9
When testing for about 100 years of data, dplyr used more than 50 GB of memory while data.table consumed only 5 GB. dplyr also took about 4 times longer to finish.
'data.frame': 3650000 obs. of 4 variables:
$ int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ years : int 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 ...
$ day : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ rain : num 10.1 27.6 14.3 30.9 32.9 ...
'data.frame': 3650000 obs. of 6 variables:
$ int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ years : int 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 ...
$ index1: num 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 ...
$ index2: int 270 265 262 267 266 265 262 268 260 268 ...
$ index3: int 290 287 286 289 281 285 286 285 284 283 ...
$ index4: int 298 297 296 295 298 294 296 298 298 300 ...
> time_dplyr; time_datatable
user system elapsed
95.010 33.704 128.722
user system elapsed
26.175 3.147 29.312
rowname Class MB
1 dat data.frame 50821
2 df3 data.table 2588
3 df2 data.table 2004
4 df1 data.table 888
5 df.ref data.table 97
6 df data.table 70
If I increased the number of years to 150, dplyr broke even on a HPC cluster node with 256 GB RAM
Error in left_join_impl(x, y, by_x, by_y, aux_x, aux_y, na_matches) :
negative length vectors are not allowed
Calls: %>% ... left_join -> left_join.tbl_df -> left_join_impl -> .Call
Execution halted
Here's a starting point that will be much faster. Should be trivial figuring out the rest.
df[df.ref, on = .(, years, day >= index1, day <= index2), sum(rain), by = .EACHI]

Combine two "dbl" columns in a dataframe into a new column with unite()::tidyr return "chr"

I am working with flights data from nycflights13 package in R.
I tried to convert dep_time and sched_dep_time column to convert them to a more convenient representation of time. This should be simple, but I am struggling with it.
First I used Modular arithmetic and remainder inside the transmute::dplyr to break integers (dep_time and sched_dep_time) up into pieces than used unite::tidyr . Like this:
flights %>%
hour = dep_time %/% 100,
minute = dep_time %% 100,
hour2 = sched_dep_time %/% 100,
minute2 = sched_dep_time %% 100)%>%
unite(New_dep_time , hour,minute , sep =":") %>%
unite(New_sched_dep_time , hour2,minute2 , sep =":")
My code returning result like this (return news columns New_dep_time and and New_sched_dep as chr):
# A tibble: 336,776 x 4
dep_time New_dep_time sched_dep_time New_sched_dep_time
* <int> <chr> <int> <chr>
1 517 5:17 515 5:15
2 533 5:33 529 5:29
3 542 5:42 540 5:40
4 544 5:44 545 5:45
5 554 5:54 600 6:0
6 554 5:54 558 5:58
7 555 5:55 600 6:0
8 557 5:57 600 6:0
9 557 5:57 600 6:0
10 558 5:58 600 6:0
# ... with 336,766 more rows
I am wondering why unite function paste together two "dbl" columns (ex: hour and minute) into one column as "chr" (New_dep_time). Is there any way to implement hm() from lubridate inside unite to return New_dep_time and and New_sched_dep column as a time format?

Find matching intervals in data frame by range of two column values

I have a data frame of time related events.
Here is an example:
Name Event Order Sequence start_event end_event duration Group
JOHN 1 A 0 19 19 ID1
JOHN 2 A 60 112 52 ID1
JOHN 3 A 392 429 37 ID1
JOHN 4 B 282 329 47 ID1
JOHN 5 C 147 226 79 ID1
JOHN 6 C 566 611 45 ID1
ADAM 1 A 19 75 56 ID2
ADAM 2 A 384 407 23 ID2
ADAM 3 B 0 79 79 ID2
ADAM 4 B 505 586 81 ID2
ADAM 5 C 140 205 65 ID2
ADAM 6 C 522 599 77 ID2
There are essentially two different groups, ID 1 & 2. For each of those groups, there are 18 different name's. Each of those people appear in 3 different sequences, A-C. They then have active time periods during those sequences, and I mark the start/end events and calculate the duration.
I'd like to isolate each person and find when they have matching time intervals with people in both the opposite and same group ID.
Using the example data above, I want to find when John and Adam appear during the same sequence, at the same time. I then want to compare John to the rest of the 17 names in ID1/ID2.
I do not need to match the exact amount of shared 'active' time, I just am hoping to isolate the rows that are common.
My comforts are in using dplyr, but I can't crack this yet. I looked around and saw some similar examples with adjacency matrices, but those are with precise and exact data points. I can't figure out the strategy with a range/interval.
Thank you!
Here is the example of the desired result
Name Event Order Sequence start_event end_event duration Group
JOHN 3 A 392 429 37 ID1
JOHN 5 C 147 226 79 ID1
JOHN 6 C 566 611 45 ID1
ADAM 2 A 384 407 23 ID2
ADAM 5 C 140 205 65 ID2
ADAM 6 C 522 599 77 ID2
I'm thinking you'd isolate each event row for John, mark the start/end time frame and then iterate through every name and event for the remainder of the data frame to find time points that fit first within the same sequence, and then secondly against the bench-marked start/end time frame of John.
As I understand it, you want to return any row where an event for John with a particular sequence number overlaps an event for anybody else with the same sequence value. To achieve this, you could use split-apply-combine to split by sequence, identify the overlapping rows, and then re-combine:
overlap <- function(start1, end1, start2, end2) pmin(end1, end2) > pmax(start2, start1), lapply(split(dat, dat$Sequence), function(x) {
jpos <- which(x$Name == "JOHN")
njpos <- which(x$Name != "JOHN")
over <- outer(jpos, njpos, function(a, b) {
overlap(x$start_event[a], x$end_event[a], x$start_event[b], x$end_event[b])
x[c(jpos[rowSums(over) > 0], njpos[colSums(over) > 0]),]
# Name EventOrder Sequence start_event end_event duration Group
# A.2 JOHN 2 A 60 112 52 ID1
# A.3 JOHN 3 A 392 429 37 ID1
# A.7 ADAM 1 A 19 75 56 ID2
# A.8 ADAM 2 A 384 407 23 ID2
# C.5 JOHN 5 C 147 226 79 ID1
# C.6 JOHN 6 C 566 611 45 ID1
# C.11 ADAM 5 C 140 205 65 ID2
# C.12 ADAM 6 C 522 599 77 ID2
Note that my output includes two additional rows that are not shown in the question -- sequence A for John from time range [60, 112], which overlaps sequence A for Adam from time range [19, 75].
This could be pretty easily mapped into dplyr language:
overlap <- function(start1, end1, start2, end2) pmin(end1, end2) > pmax(start2, start1)
sliceRows <- function(name, start, end) {
jpos <- which(name == "JOHN")
njpos <- which(name != "JOHN")
over <- outer(jpos, njpos, function(a, b) overlap(start[a], end[a], start[b], end[b]))
c(jpos[rowSums(over) > 0], njpos[colSums(over) > 0])
dat %>%
group_by(Sequence) %>%
slice(sliceRows(Name, start_event, end_event))
# Source: local data frame [8 x 7]
# Groups: Sequence [3]
# Name EventOrder Sequence start_event end_event duration Group
# (fctr) (int) (fctr) (int) (int) (int) (fctr)
# 1 JOHN 2 A 60 112 52 ID1
# 2 JOHN 3 A 392 429 37 ID1
# 3 ADAM 1 A 19 75 56 ID2
# 4 ADAM 2 A 384 407 23 ID2
# 5 JOHN 5 C 147 226 79 ID1
# 6 JOHN 6 C 566 611 45 ID1
# 7 ADAM 5 C 140 205 65 ID2
# 8 ADAM 6 C 522 599 77 ID2
If you wanted to be able to compute the overlaps for a specified pair of users, this could be done by wrapping the operation into a function that specifies the pair of users to be processed:
overlap <- function(start1, end1, start2, end2) pmin(end1, end2) > pmax(start2, start1)
pair.overlap <- function(dat, user1, user2) {
dat <- dat[dat$Name %in% c(user1, user2),], lapply(split(dat, dat$Sequence), function(x) {
jpos <- which(x$Name == user1)
njpos <- which(x$Name == user2)
over <- outer(jpos, njpos, function(a, b) {
overlap(x$start_event[a], x$end_event[a], x$start_event[b], x$end_event[b])
x[c(jpos[rowSums(over) > 0], njpos[colSums(over) > 0]),]
You could use pair.overlap(dat, "JOHN", "ADAM") to get the previous output. Generating the overlaps for every pair of users can now be done with combn and apply:
apply(combn(unique(as.character(dat$Name)), 2), 2, function(x) pair.overlap(dat, x[1], x[2]))
