How do I prevent the images from being requested on Shift+F5? - http

I have a website with a page containing a lot of images. Those images will never change on the server (if they change, the URI on the page referencing them will have a different version parameter, in an URI such as
The images are served with Cache-Control: max-stale=31536000, public header as advised in an answer on StackOverflow.
ETag header is disabled, as recommended in another answer.
When I press F5 in Chrome, everything works as expected: the page reloads, and there are no requests for images. However, when I press Ctrl+F5, the browser does the requests to the server.
I want it to behave as for the favicon: do a request to the server only when explicitly asked (that is a Ctrl+F5 on the specific image), and avoid a roundtrip to the server when I do Ctrl+F5 on a page containing the images.
Is it possible?
If yes, what headers should I put in the response?
The developer console remains closed during the tests.
The content is directly served from a server; no reverse proxies.
When the image is requested after I press Ctrl+F5 on a page, the request contains Cache-Control: no-cache, making it impossible to respond with HTTP 304.


What could cause a browser to not respect set-cookie response headers?

I have a web server which returns 200 OK with a bunch of set-cookies, and an HTML page which loads a bunch of scripts from the same server.
However, the subsequent loads that was spawned from that HTML page submits a different cookie on their HTTP request headers.
What could be causing that? Surely there's some policy I'm missing out on, but I don't see why it works on some pages and not others?
I'm using chrome as the browser, but this behavior also happened from iOS, so I'm guessing it's not browser specific.
So after a lot more reading and troubleshooting, it turns out that when you don't set a cookie path, it'll default to whatever path the original request set-cookie was sent to. And because my resource paths had a different path, the cookie was not sent.
Adding Path=/ fixed it for my issue. Of course, if you don't want your cookie to be accessible to all pages this is bad, but my web-server requires requests to come with cookies because they are sensitive data (for security reasons).

Pragma: no-cache in server response is affecting the behaviour of browser history in HTTPS

Ok, so I get the rule that browsers should not confuse history store and web cache: Clicking back should not send a request to the server. I also get that browsers manufacturers have the poetic licence to break this rule.
What I don't get is the following (please stay with me here)...
OK: Browsing our web site in HTTP, the history buttons did not send requests to server. Great! Behaviour as expected.
NOK: Browsing history on the same site in HTTPS mode, Chrome faired well but IE9/10 and FF did not. They would send the request for the HTML page to the server and then correctly use the store for the static files. Why the difference?
So after a little head scratching and testing, I found that the presence of the Pragma:no-cache header in the responses we were sending was responsible for this behaviour. After removing the header, that should never have been there in the first place, IE and FF faired well when using history buttons in HTTPS - no more sent requests.
Now, how can the presence of a header which should be ignored by modern browsers and only used in requests, be causing this strange issue in browser history navigation?

Chrome & Expires Header - Image Caching

I have a web application that contains a few hundred small images, and is performing quite badly on load.
To combat this, I would like to cache static files in the browser.
Using a servlet filter on Tomcat 7, I now set the expires header correctly on static files, and can see that this is returned to Chrome:
Date:Sat, 14 Apr 2012 09:37:04 GMT
**Expires:Sat, 14 Apr 2012 10:37:05 GMT**
Last-Modified:Mon, 09 Apr 2012 09:46:54 GMT
However, I notice that Chrome is still doing a round trip to the server for each static resource on reloads, sending an if-modified header and getting a correct 304 Not Modified response from Tomcat.
Is there any way to make Chrome avoid these 100+ requests to the server until the expiry has genuinely passed?
There are 3 ways of loading a page -
Putting the url in the address bar and pressing enter which is equivalent to navigating from a hyper link (Default browsing behaviour). This will honour the Expires headers and will first check the cache of the static content to be valid and then if the Expires header time is in future it will load it directly from the cache. In this case the browser will make no request at all to the server. In case the cached content is in-valid it will make a request to the server.
Pressing f5 to refresh the page. This would basically send a if-modified header to the server and verify if the content has changed. If it has changed you would get a 200 response else if not then a 304 response. In both cases the image is not loaded on the page until a response is received from the server.
Pressing ctrl+f5 which would forcefully clear all the cache and reload all the images. It will not spend time in verifying if the images have changed or not using the headers.
I guess the behaviour you are expecting is the first kind. The only thing that you should be looking at is the way you are loading the page. Normally people are not going to press f5 or ctrl+f5 thus your static content will not be re-validated every time. It will forcefully clear the cache and reload every static item on the page.
In short just remember - reload the page by pressing enter in the address bar instead. The browser will honour the headers that you have provided. This is not specific to chrome, its a W3C standard.
Be carefull when you are testing. I noticed that in Chrome version 20 if I hit F5 to reload the page then in the network panel I see new requests.
Hoewer if I place the cursor to the title bar, after the current page url, and hit enter, I get resources from cache, whitch header was set to cache.
Also a good reading:
Assuming you have ruled out the various gotchas that have already been suggested, I found that Google Chrome can ignore the Cache-Control directive unless it includes public, and that it has to be first. For example:
Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600
In my experiments I also removed ETags from the server response, so that could be a factor, but I didn't go back and check.

How do you cache a file client-side such that the browser stops even bothering to request it again?

I send back an image with the following HTTP response header:
Cache-Control: private,max-age=86400
My understanding is that the browser should not even ask for this file for 24 hours (86,400 = 60s * 60m * 24h).
What I'm seeing on subsequent requests is that it still asks for the file, but gets back a "304 Not Modified." This is good, but I want to remove even that request/response.
What header is required to prevent the browser from even bothering to ask for the file, and just have it blindly use the file it has in local cache, until that file expires?
It all really depends on how you're testing this. On Firefox 3.6 and IE8, clicking on a link and then on a link that move you back to the first page will use the cache correctly with max-age. Hitting the Return key again in the URL field will show the same behavior.
However, hitting F5 will ask again for the file but allows 304 responses.
Hitting Ctrl+F5 will always ask again for the file, with Cache-Control and Pragma set to no-cache, forcing a 200 response.
This simply can't be done reliably in HTML < 5.
You could use client side storage in HTML5 or use a browser extension such as Gears to provide this functionality.

Far future expire header and HTTP 304

I'm trying to optimize the loading time of a website. One of the things I've done is set a far-futures expires header for static content so that they are cached (as described by Yahoo). However, even though they are cached, the browser still sends a request and gets back a 304 (Not Modified) response for that resource.
I realize the 304 response is very small and probably has minimal performance effect, but is there a way to make it such that the browser will no longer send the request at all and just always use the cache for that resource?
You may want to try turning off ETags if you are sending both etags and expires. Some people suggest turning off eTags, especially if you have a load balancer.
Also, note, when you press reload on your page, Firefox WILL recheck all the resources. These will come back with 304's. If you press shift-reload, it will re-request all the resources without etags. So don't use the refresh/reload button to test your last-modifed/etag settings.
