Is A* algorithm suitable in starting and ending positions composed of multiple neighbouring cells - path-finding

Can the A* algorithm be efficiently applied to a NxM rectangular grid with varying travel cost involved while moving to any cell and starting location is not a single cell but is composed of multiple closed cells; say a cluster of neighbouring cells where a neighbour of a cell is any of the eight cells surrounding it? (The ending cell is similar to that.)
If so, then can anyone please show the way and if not what can be a good procedure to tackle the problem?

Can the A* algorithm be efficiently applied to a NxM rectangular grid with varying travel cost [...]
Yes, A* works on Graphs of any type as long as edge costs are positive. Instead of phrasing the graph as a grid with regular neighbours, construct it so that grid cells which are connected have edges between them.
Edge costs can also be arbitrary as long as they are non-negative (positive or zero).
Make sure that your heuristic remains admissible.
and starting location is not a single cell but is composed of multiple closed cells;
Yes, this should be possible.
Decide on an initial cost for each of the cells. Zero as costs for all of them would be easiest.
Instead of adding just the single start vertex into the priority queue, add all the multiple cells into the priority queue.
say a cluster of neighbouring cells where a neighbour of a cell is any of the eight cells surrounding it? (The ending cell is similar to that.)
The goal can also be composed of multiple cells.
Just make it such that reaching any of the goal cells terminates the search.
Make sure you to compute the heuristic as the minimum of the individual heuristics to each goal cell. (I.e. compute heuristic for each goal cell, then take minimal value.)


Best data structure & packages to represent geometric units on a grid

I want to write a program with 'geometry automata'. I'd like it to be a companion to a book on artistic designs. There will be different units, like the 'four petal unit' and 'six petal unit' shown below, and users and choose rulesets to draw unique patterns onto the units:
I don't know what the best data structure to use for this project is. I also don't know if similar things have been done and if so, using what packages or languages. I'm willing to learn anything.
All I know right now is 2D arrays to represent a grid of units. I'm also having trouble mathematically partitioning the 'subunits'. I can see myself just overlapping a bunch of unit circle formulas and shrinking the x/y domains (cartesian system). I can also see myself representing the curve from one unit to another (radians).
Any help would be appreciated.
I can't guarantee that this is the most efficient solution, but it is a solution so should get you started.
It seems that a graph (vertices with edges) is a natural way to encode this grid. Each node has 4 or 6 neighbours (the number of neighbours matches the number of petals). Each node has 8 or 12 edges, two for each neighbour.
Each vertex has an (x,y) co-ordinate, for example the first row in in the left image, starting from the left is at location (1,0), the next node to its right is (3,0). The first node on the second row is (0,1). This can let you make sure they get plotted correctly, but otherwise the co-ordinate doesn't have much to do with it.
The trouble comes from having two different edges to each neighbour, each aligned with a different circle. You could identify them with the centres of their circles, or you could just call one "upper" and the other "lower".
This structure lets you follow edges easily, and can be stored sparsely if necessary in a hash set (keyed by co-ordinate), or linked list.
Data structure:
The vertices can naturally be stored as a 2-dimensional array (row, column), with the special characteristic that every second column has a horizontal offset.
Each vertex has a set of possible connections to those vertices to its right (upper-right, right, or lower right). The set of possible connections depends on the grid. Whether a connection should be displayed as a thin or a thick line can be represented as a single bit, so all possible connections for the vertex could be packed into a single byte (more compact than a boolean array). For your 4-petal variant, only 4 bits need storing; for the 6-petal variant you need to store 6 bits.
That means your data structure should be a 2-dimensional array of bytes.
Anything you like that allows drawing and mouse/touch interaction. Drawing the connections is pretty straightforward; you could either draw arcs with SVG or you could even use a set of PNG sprites for different connection bit-patterns (the sprites having partial transparency so as not to obscure other connections).

Number of triangles with N points inside

Given some points in plane (upto 500 points), no 3 collinear. We have to determine the number of triangles whose vertices are from the given points and that contain exactly N points inside them. How to efficiently solve this problem? The naive O(n^4) algorithm is too slow. Any better approach?
You could try thinking of the triangle as the intersection of three half-spaces. To find the number of points inside a triangle A, B, C first consider the set of points on one side of the infinite line in direction AB. Let these sets L(AB) and R(AB) for points of the left and right. Similarly you the same with other two edges and build sets L(AC) and R(AC) and sets L(BC) and R(BC).
So the number of points in ABC will be the number of points in the intersection of L(AB), L(AC) and L(BC). (You might want to consider R(AB) instead depending on the orientation of the triangle).
Now if we want to consider the full set of 500 points. First take all pairs of points AB and construct the sets L(AB) and R(AB). This will take O(n^3) operations.
Next we test all triangles and find the intersections of the three sets. If we use some hash table structure for the sets then to find the intersection points is like a hashtable lookups. If L(AB) has l elements, L(AC) has m elements and L(BC) n elements. Say l > m > n. For each point in L(BC) we need to do a lookup in L(AC) and L(BC) so thats a maximum of 2n hashtable lookups.
It might be faster to consider a geometric lookup table.
Divide your whole domain into a coarse grid say a 10 by 10 grid. We can then put each point into a set G(i,j). We can then split the sets L(AB) into each grid cell. Say call these sets L(AB,i,j) and R(AB,i,j). In testing for intersections first workout which grid cells lie in the intersection. This dramatically reduces the search space and as each set L(AB,i,j) contain fewer members there will be fewer hashtable lookups.
Actually I happened to encounter similar problem recently but the only difference was that there were around 300 pts and I solved it using bitset (C++ STL). For every pair of points, say (x[i],y[i]) and (x[j],y[j]), I formed a bitset<302>B[i][j] and B[i][j][k] stores 1 if k-th point is above line segment from point i to point j else I would store 0.
Now in a brute force manner I get three points so as to form a triangle, lets say (x[i],y[i]), (x[j],y[j]) and (x[k],y[k]), then a point,say z-th point ,would be inside triangle if B[i][j][z]==B[i][j][k] && B[j][k][z]==B[j][k][i] && B[k][i][z]==B[k][i][j] because a point inside triangle would show similar sign w.r.t. a side of triangle as the third point of triangle(one which is not on this side).
So i get three bitset variables P=B[i][j], Q=B[j][k] and R=B[k][i] and there taking there bitwise AND then applying count() function to give me the active number of bits and hence the number of points within the triangle. But make sure you change variable P such that it gives B[i][j][k]=1 if not then take bitwise not (~) of this variable.
Though the above solution is problem specific, i hope it helps. This is the problem link:

How to test of 2 sets of planes (each defining a volume in 3d space) overlap?

To take a simple example, say there is 2 bounding boxes (not necessarily axis aligned), each defined by 6 planes.
Is there a good way to determine if the volumes defined by each set of planes overlap?
(Only true/false, no need for the intersecting volume).
A solution to this problem, if its general should be able to scale up to many sets of planes too.
So far the solutions I've come up with basically rely on converting each set of planes into geometry - (vertices & polygons), then performing the intersection as you would if you have to intersect any 2 regular meshes. However I was wondering if there was a more elegant method that doesn't rely on this.
The intersection volume (if any) is the set of all points on the right side of all planes (combined, from both volumes). So, if you can select 3 planes whose intersection is on the right side of all the remaining planes, then the two volumes have an intersection.
This is a linear programming problem. In your case, you only need to find if there is a feasible solution or not; there are standard techniques for doing this.
You can determine the vertices of one of your bodies by mutually intersecting all possible triples that its planes form, and then check whether each of the resulting vertices lies on the good side of the planes defining the second body. When each of the second body's planes is given as base vertex p and normal v, this involves checking whether (x-p).v>=0 .
Assume that your planes are each given as base vertices (p,q,r) and normals (u,v,w) respectively, where the normals form the columns of a matrix M, the intersection is x = inv(M).(p.u, q.v, r.w).
Depending on how regular your two bodies are (e.g. parallelepipeds), many of the dot products and matrix inverses can be precomputed and reused. Perhaps you can share some of your prerequisites.
Posting this answer since this is one possible solution (just from thinking about the problem).
first calculate a point on each plane set (using 3 planes), and simply check if either of these points is inside the other plane-set.This covers cases where one volume is completely inside another, but won't work for partially overlapping volumes of course.
The following method can check for partial intersections.
for one of the sets, calculate the ray defined by each plane-plane pair.
clip the each of these rays by the other planes in the set, (storing a minimum and maximum value per ray).
discard any rays that have a minimum value greater then their maximum.The resulting rays represent all 'edges' for the volume.
So far all these calculations have been done on a single set of planes, so this information can be calculated once and stored for re-use.
Now continue clipping the rays but this time use the other set of planes, (again, discarding rays with a min greater then the maximum).
If there are one or more rays remaining, then there is an intersection.
Note 0): This isn't going to be efficient for any number of planes, (too many On^2 checks going on). In that case converting to polygons and then using more typical geometry tree structures makes more sense.
Note 1): Discarding rays can be done as the plane-pairs are iterated over to avoid first having to store all possible edges, only to discard many.
Note 2): Before clipping all rays with the second set of planes, a quick check could be made by doing a point-inside test between the plane-sets (the point can be calculated using a ray and its min/max). This will work if one shape is inside another, however clipping the rays is still needed for a final result.

How to find total number of minimum spanning trees in a graph?

I don't want to find all the minimum spanning trees but I want to know how many of them are there, here is the method I considered:
Find one minimum spanning tree using prim's or kruskal's algorithm and then find the weights of all the spanning trees and increment the running counter when it is equal to the weight of minimum spanning tree.
I couldn't find any method to find the weights of all the spanning trees and also the number of spanning trees might be very large, so this method might not be suitable for the problem.
As the number of minimum spanning trees is exponential, counting them up wont be a good idea.
All the weights will be positive.
We may also assume that no weight will appear more than three times in the graph.
The number of vertices will be less than or equal to 40,000.
The number of edges will be less than or equal to 100,000.
There is only one minimum spanning tree in the graph where the weights of vertices are different. I think the best way of finding the number of minimum spanning tree must be something using this property.
I found a solution to this problem, but I am not sure, why it works. Can anyone please explain it.
Solution: The problem of finding the length of a minimal spanning tree is fairly well-known; two simplest algorithms for finding a minimum spanning tree are Prim's algorithm and Kruskal's algorithm. Of these two, Kruskal's algorithm processes edges in increasing order of their weights. There is an important key point of Kruskal's algorithm to consider, though: when considering a list of edges sorted by weight, edges can be greedily added into the spanning tree (as long as they do not connect two vertices that are already connected in some way).
Now consider a partially-formed spanning tree using Kruskal's algorithm. We have inserted some number of edges with lengths less than N, and now have to choose several edges of length N. The algorithm states that we must insert these edges, if possible, before any edges with length greater than N. However, we can insert these edges in any order that we want. Also note that, no matter which edges we insert, it does not change the connectivity of the graph at all. (Let us consider two possible graphs, one with an edge from vertex A to vertex B and one without. The second graph must have A and B as part of the same connected component; otherwise the edge from A to B would have been inserted at one point.)
These two facts together imply that our answer will be the product of the number of ways, using Kruskal's algorithm, to insert the edges of length K (for each possible value of K). Since there are at most three edges of any length, the different cases can be brute-forced, and the connected components can be determined after each step as they would be normally.
Looking at Prim's algorithm, it says to repeatedly add the edge with the lowest weight. What happens if there is more than one edge with the lowest weight that can be added? Possibly choosing one may yield a different tree than when choosing another.
If you use prim's algorithm, and run it for every edge as a starting edge, and also exercise all ties you encounter. Then you'll have a Forest containing all minimum spanning trees Prim's algorithm is able to find. I don't know if that equals the forest containing all possible minimum spanning trees.
This does still come down to finding all minimum spanning trees, but I can see no simple way to determine whether a different choice would yield the same tree or not.
MST and their count in a graph are well-studied. See for instance:

Computing the area of a complex (self-intersecting) polygon

I'm making a program that selects an area within a canvas by clicking a sequence of points. The points clicked are linked by some lines this way: every new point is linked with the first and the last ones. I'm looking for an algorithm that computes the area of the resulting polygon.
Intersections are allowed, and here is the complexity, so the algorithm must manage this case by finding the polygon according to the ordered sequence of points clicked and calculating its area.
After many searches, the best I've found is this, but I would need something easier to implement in Processing.js.
First cut the line segments where they intersect. If the input set is small, you can simply check every pair. Otherwise use an R-Tree. Then compute a constrained (Delaunay) Triangulation. Then determine the inner triangles using rayshooting and sum up their areas.
