Arduino LED Controller hanging at startup - arduino
I'm trying to code an LED controller that controls the intensity via PWM. However, my issue is that I can't even get to the loop portion, it seems to hang at when I declare my class. I've tried checking to see if any of my functions in my class are causing the issues, but since I can't even get to loop, there must be something wrong within the class. I've written the class and placed it into a library called LED.
The code is somewhat long, but here it is:
#ifndef LED_H
#define LED_H
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Button.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <PWM.h>
class LED
int read_encoder(); //Reads rotary encoder
void clearLCD();
void setAllLed();
void printLCD();
void setOneLed(int);
int setLed(int, // current time in minutes
int, // pin for this channel of LEDs
int, // start time for this channel of LEDs
int, // photoperiod for this channel of LEDs
int, // fade duration for this channel of LEDs
int, // max value for this channel
bool // true if the channel is inverted
void menuWizard();
int subMenuWizard(int, int, bool, bool);
void displayMainMenu();
void printMins(int, bool);
void printHMS(byte,byte,byte);
long EEPROMReadlong(long);
void EEPROMWritelong(int, long);
bool pressSelect();
bool pressBack();
void rotateCheck(int&, int, int);
//variables for the LED channels
int minCounter = 0; // counter that resets at midnight.
int oldMinCounter = 0; // counter that resets at midnight.
int ledPins[5]={2,3,5,6,7};
int ledVal[5]={0,0,0,0,0};
// Variables making use of EEPROM memory:
int variablesList[20];
bool invertedLEDs[5]={false,false,false,false,false};
//Backlight Variables
unsigned long backlightIdleMs = 0;
#endif // LED_H
And here is the .cpp file:
#define LCD_RS 35 // RS pin
#define LCD_ENABLE 34 // enable pin
#define LCD_DATA4 33 // d4 pin
#define LCD_DATA5 32 // d5 pin
#define LCD_DATA6 31 // d6 pin
#define LCD_DATA7 30 // d7 pin
#define LCD_BACKLIGHT 9 // backlight pin
// Backlight config
#define BACKLIGHT_DIM 10 // PWM value for backlight at idle
#define BACKLIGHT_ON 70 // PWM value for backlight when on
#define BACKLIGHT_IDLE_MS 10000 // Backlight idle delay
#define ENC_A 14
#define ENC_B 15
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Button.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <PWM.h>
#include "LED.h"
Button goBack=Button(12, PULLDOWN);
Button select=Button(13, PULLDOWN);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
digitalWrite(LCD_BACKLIGHT, HIGH);
lcd.print("sEx LED, V1");
if (variablesList[0] > 1440 || variablesList[0] < 0) {
variablesList[0] = 720; // minute to start this channel.
variablesList[1] = 400; // photoperiod in minutes for this channel.
variablesList[2] = 100; // max intensity for this channel, as a percentage
variablesList[3] = 100; // duration of the fade on and off for sunrise and sunset for
// this channel.
variablesList[4] = 720;
variablesList[5] = 400;
variablesList[6] = 100;
variablesList[7] = 100;
variablesList[8] = 720;
variablesList[9] = 400;
variablesList[10] = 100;
variablesList[11] = 100;
variablesList[12] = 720;
variablesList[13] = 400;
variablesList[14] = 100;
variablesList[15] = 100;
variablesList[16] = 720;
variablesList[17] = 400;
variablesList[18] = 100;
variablesList[19] = 100;
else {
variablesList[0] = EEPROMReadlong(0); // minute to start this channel.
variablesList[1] = EEPROMReadlong(4); // photoperiod in minutes for this channel.
variablesList[2] = EEPROMReadlong(8); // max intensity for this channel, as a percentage
variablesList[3] = EEPROMReadlong(12); // duration of the fade on and off for sunrise and sunset for
// this channel.
variablesList[4] = EEPROMReadlong(16);
variablesList[5] = EEPROMReadlong(20);
variablesList[6] = EEPROMReadlong(24);
variablesList[7] = EEPROMReadlong(28);
variablesList[8] = EEPROMReadlong(32);
variablesList[9] = EEPROMReadlong(36);
variablesList[10] = EEPROMReadlong(40);
variablesList[11] = EEPROMReadlong(44);
variablesList[12] = EEPROMReadlong(48);
variablesList[13] = EEPROMReadlong(52);
variablesList[14] = EEPROMReadlong(56);
variablesList[15] = EEPROMReadlong(60);
variablesList[16] = EEPROMReadlong(64);
variablesList[17] = EEPROMReadlong(68);
variablesList[18] = EEPROMReadlong(72);
variablesList[19] = EEPROMReadlong(76);
void LED::printLCD(){lcd.print("test");clearLCD();delay(2000);lcd.print("testing");clearLCD();}
bool LED::pressSelect(){
if (select.uniquePress()){return 1;}
else {return 0;}
bool LED::pressBack(){
if (goBack.uniquePress()){return 1;}
else {return 0;}
void LED::clearLCD(){
void LED::displayMainMenu(){
oldMinCounter = minCounter;
minCounter = hour() * 60 + minute();
for (int i=0;i<17;i=i+4){
if (variablesList[i+3] > variablesList[i+1] / 2 && variablesList[i+1] > 0) {
variablesList[i+3] = variablesList[i+1] / 2;
if (variablesList[i+3] < 1) {
variablesList[i+3] = 1;
//check & set any time functions
if (minCounter > oldMinCounter) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
printHMS(hour(), minute(), second());
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.setCursor(4, 1);
lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
int LED::read_encoder()
static int enc_states[] = {0,-1,1,0,1,0,0,-1,-1,0,0,1,0,1,-1,0};
static int old_AB = 0;
old_AB <<= 2; //remember previous state
old_AB |= ( ENC_PORT & 0x03 ); //add current state
return ( enc_states[( old_AB & 0x0f )]);
int LED::setLed(int mins, // current time in minutes
int ledPin, // pin for this channel of LEDs
int start, // start time for this channel of LEDs
int period, // photoperiod for this channel of LEDs
int fade, // fade duration for this channel of LEDs
int ledMax, // max value for this channel
bool inverted // true if the channel is inverted
) {
int val = 0;
//fade up
if (mins > start || mins <= start + fade) {
val = map(mins - start, 0, fade, 0, ledMax);
//fade down
if (mins > start + period - fade && mins <= start + period) {
val = map(mins - (start + period - fade), 0, fade, ledMax, 0);
//off or post-midnight run.
if (mins <= start || mins > start + period) {
if ((start + period) % 1440 < start && (start + period) % 1440 > mins )
val = map((start + period - mins) % 1440, 0, fade, 0, ledMax);
val = 0;
if (val > ledMax) {
val = ledMax;
if (val < 0) {
val = 0;
if (inverted) {
pwmWrite(ledPin, map(val, 0, 100, 255, 0));
else {
pwmWrite(ledPin, map(val, 0, 100, 0, 255));
return val;
void LED::printMins(int mins, //time in minutes to print
bool ampm //print am/pm?
) {
int hr = (mins % 1440) / 60;
int mn = mins % 60;
if (hr < 10) {
lcd.print(" ");
if (mn < 10) {
void LED::printHMS (byte hr,
byte mn,
byte sec //time to print
if (hr < 10) {
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.print(hr, DEC);
if (mn < 10) {
lcd.print(mn, DEC);
if (sec < 10) {
lcd.print(sec, DEC);
//EEPROM write functions
long LED::EEPROMReadlong(long address)
//Read the 4 bytes from the eeprom memory.
long four =;
long three = + 1);
long two = + 2);
long one = + 3);
//Return the recomposed long by using bitshift.
return ((four << 0) & 0xFF) + ((three << 8) & 0xFFFF) + ((two << 16) & 0xFFFFFF) + ((one << 24) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
void LED::EEPROMWritelong(int address, long value)
//Decomposition from a long to 4 bytes by using bitshift.
//One = Most significant -> Four = Least significant byte
byte four = (value & 0xFF);
byte three = ((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
byte two = ((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
byte one = ((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
//Write the 4 bytes into the eeprom memory.
EEPROM.write(address, four);
EEPROM.write(address + 1, three);
EEPROM.write(address + 2, two);
EEPROM.write(address + 3, one);
void LED::setAllLed(){
int j=0;
for (int i=0;i<17;i=i+4){
int a=i;int b=i+1;int c=i+2;int d=i+3;
ledVal[j] = setLed(minCounter, ledPins[j], variablesList[a], variablesList[b], variablesList[c], variablesList[d], invertedLEDs[j]);
void LED::setOneLed(int channel){
int j=channel;
int i=0;
int a=i;int b=i+1;int c=i+2;int d=i+3;
ledVal[j] = setLed(minCounter, ledPins[j], variablesList[a], variablesList[b], variablesList[c], variablesList[d], invertedLEDs[j]);
void LED::rotateCheck(int& menuCount, int minMenu, int maxMenu){
while (menuCount!=0){
int rotateCount;
if (rotateCount) {
if (menuCount<minMenu){menuCount==maxMenu;}
if (menuCount>maxMenu){menuCount==minMenu;}
void LED::menuWizard(){
int menuCount=1;
String menuList[6]={"Time","LED Max","LED Start","LED End","Fade Length","Ch Override"};
String channelList[5]={"1","2","3","4","5"};
while (menuCount!=0){
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
if (goBack.isPressed()){
if (pressSelect() && menuCount!=0){
int timeMode=1;
int channelCount=0;
bool goBack=0;
while (goBack!=1){
if (menuCount==1){
if (pressSelect()){
if (timeMode>2){timeMode=1;}
int timeAdjDetect=read_encoder();
if (timeMode==1){
if (timeAdjDetect){
if (timeAdjDetect>0){adjustTime(SECS_PER_HOUR);}
if (timeAdjDetect<0) {adjustTime(-SECS_PER_HOUR);}
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Set Time: Hrs");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
printHMS(hour(), minute(), second());
if (timeAdjDetect){
if (timeAdjDetect>0){adjustTime(SECS_PER_MIN);}
if (timeAdjDetect<0) {adjustTime(-SECS_PER_MIN);}
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Set Time: Mins");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
printHMS(hour(), minute(), second());
lcd.print("Select Channel");
if (pressSelect()){
if (menuCount==2){
if (menuCount==3){
if (menuCount==4){
if (menuCount==5){
if (pressBack()){goBack=1;}
for (int i=0;i<20;i++){
int j=0;
EEPROMWritelong(j, variablesList[i]);
int LED::subMenuWizard(int i, int channel, bool time, bool truetime){
if (channel==1){i=i+4;}
if (channel==2){i=i+8;}
if (channel==3){i=i+12;}
if (channel==4){i=i+16;}
while (!pressBack()){
if (time==0){
if (truetime){
printMins(variablesList[i] + variablesList[i-1], true);
else {
printMins(variablesList[i], true);
and finally, the .ino file:
#define LCD_BACKLIGHT 9 // backlight pin
#define BACKLIGHT_DIM 10 // PWM value for backlight at idle
#define BACKLIGHT_ON 70 // PWM value for backlight when on
#define BACKLIGHT_IDLE_MS 10000 // Backlight idle delay
#include <LED.h>
//Initialize buttons
int buttonCount = 1;
LED main;
void setup() {
void loop() {
/* main.setAllLed();
//turn the backlight off and reset the menu if the idle time has elapsed
if (main.backlightIdleMs + BACKLIGHT_IDLE_MS < millis() && main.backlightIdleMs > 0 ) {
main.backlightIdleMs = 0;
if (buttonCount == 1) {
if (buttonCount == 2) {
buttonCount = 1;
Also, in the loop portion, I've commented the part of code that is intended to run, and I'm running a function that tests to see if I've successfully entered the loop by printing "test" on screen.
I'm using a Mega for this.
lcd.begin(16, 2);
digitalWrite(LCD_BACKLIGHT, HIGH);
lcd.print("sEx LED, V1");
You have to understand that this constructor is running when the object is created and that is probably before init() is run from main. So the hardware isn't ready at that point and pinMode and digitalWrite and stuff isn't going to work. The lcd code can't really work there and I bet that is the part that is hanging things.
A constructor should only do things like initialize variables. Any code that relies on the hardware should go into a begin() or init() or whatever method that you can call from setup once it is safe to do those things. The Serial object is a great example of another class that has to do this.
Arduino Uno low memory available
i'm trying to do a communication over ethernet using ENC28J60 and Arduino Uno and run 3 task . I have a little problem with my arduino code. My code is compiling but i get the following error : "Low memory available, stability problems may occur." and the led on the board is blinking very fast. I guess that the board is trying to alocate memory but he faild. Any idea what can i do ? #include <Arduino_FreeRTOS.h> #include "HX711.h" #include <PID_v1.h> #include <string.h> //#include <SPI.h> #include <UIPEthernet.h> #define configUSE_IDLE_HOOK 0 // FreeRTOS tasks void TaskPrimaryControlLoop(void *pvParameters); void TaskConcentrationControlLoop(void *pvParameters); void TaskIdle(void *pvParameters); /* Weigth Cells */ #define hx_pf_dout 3 #define hx_pf_clk 2 #define hx_c_dout 5 #define hx_c_clk 4 HX711 pf_scale(hx_pf_dout, hx_pf_clk); HX711 c_scale(hx_c_dout, hx_c_clk); float pf_factor = -236000; float c_factor = -203000; float p_weigth = 0; // (kg, 0.000) primary liquid weigth float p_l_weigth = 0; // (kg, 0.000) primary liquid last weigth float c_weigth = 0; // (kg, 0.000) concentrate liquid weigth float c_l_weight = 0; // (kg, 0.000) concentrate liquid last weigth /* h bridge config */ #define speed_p 9 #define forward_p 7 #define backward_p 8 #define speed_c 6 #define forward_c A0 #define backward_c A1 double p_pump = 0; // 0-255 pwm pump output double c_pump = 0; // 0-255 pwm pump output //// PID parameters // Primary Control Loop #define p_kp 250.0 #define p_ki 25.0 // Concentration Control Loop #define c_kp 250.0 #define c_ki 25.0 double p_pv = 0; // (%) primary flow value double c_pv = 0; // (%) concentration flow value double p_sp = 0; // (l/min) primary flow setpoint double c_sp_proc = 0; // % concentration double c_sp = 0; // (l/min) concentration setpoint PID pid_pcl(&p_pv, &p_pump, &p_sp, p_kp,p_ki,0.0, DIRECT); PID pid_ccl(&c_pv, &c_pump, &c_sp, c_kp,c_ki,0.0, DIRECT); /* Communication Ethernet */ #define MAX_STRING_LEN 32 const byte numChars = 32; char receivedChars[numChars]; boolean newData = false; byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED }; IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 2); IPAddress myDns(192,168,1, 1); IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 1, 1); IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); // telnet defaults to port 23 EthernetServer server(23); //EthernetClient client; boolean alreadyConnected = false; // whether or not the client was connected previously void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB, on LEONARDO, MICRO, YUN, and other 32u4 based boards. } pinMode(forward_p, OUTPUT); pinMode(backward_p, OUTPUT); pinMode(forward_c, OUTPUT); pinMode(backward_c, OUTPUT); pinMode(speed_p, OUTPUT); pinMode(speed_c, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(backward_p, HIGH); digitalWrite(backward_c, HIGH); digitalWrite(forward_p, LOW); digitalWrite(forward_c, LOW); pf_scale.set_scale(pf_factor); c_scale.set_scale(c_factor); //pf_scale.tare(); //c_scale.tare(); pid_ccl.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); pid_pcl.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); xTaskCreate( TaskPrimaryControlLoop , (const portCHAR *)"PrimaryControlLoop" // A name just for humans , 128 // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater , NULL , 2 // Priority, with 3 (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1) being the highest, and 0 being the lowest. , NULL ); xTaskCreate( TaskConcentrationControlLoop , (const portCHAR *)"ConcentrationControlLoop" // A name just for humans , 128 // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater , NULL , 2 // Priority, with 3 (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1) being the highest, and 0 being the lowest. , NULL ); xTaskCreate( TaskIdle , (const portCHAR *)"Idle" // A name just for humans , 512 // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater , NULL , 0 // Priority, with 3 (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1) being the highest, and 0 being the lowest. , NULL ); } void loop() { } void TaskPrimaryControlLoop(void *pvParameters) { //(void) pvParameters; for (;;) { p_weigth = pf_scale.get_units(1); p_pv = (p_l_weigth - p_weigth)*100; if(p_pv < 0) p_pv = 0; pid_pcl.Compute(); analogWrite(speed_p, p_pump); p_l_weigth = p_weigth; vTaskDelay(200 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // 200 ms sample time } } void TaskConcentrationControlLoop(void *pvParameters) { //(void) pvParameters; for (;;) { c_weigth = c_scale.get_units(1); c_pv = (c_l_weight - c_weigth)*100; if(c_pv < 0) c_pv = 0; c_sp = p_sp * (c_sp_proc/100); pid_ccl.Compute(); analogWrite(speed_c, c_pump); c_l_weight = c_weigth; vTaskDelay(200 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // 200 ms sample time } } void TaskIdle(void *pvParameters) { //(void) pvParameters; for(;;){ EthernetClient client = server.available(); // when the client sends the first byte, say hello: if (client) { if (!alreadyConnected) { client.flush(); //Serial.println("We have a new client"); //client.println("Hello, client!"); alreadyConnected = true; } } recvWithStartEndMarkers(); //showNewData(); if(receivedChars[0] == 's'){ p_sp = atof(subStr(receivedChars, ",", 2)); c_sp_proc = int(subStr(receivedChars, ",", 3)); newData = false; memset(receivedChars, 0, sizeof(receivedChars)); } // send process values to application if(receivedChars[0] == 'w'){ Serial.print(p_pv); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(p_sp); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(int(c_pump)); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(c_pv); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(c_sp); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(int(p_pump)); Serial.println(); newData = false; memset(receivedChars, 0, sizeof(receivedChars)); } /* // check commands while(Serial.available() > 7){ p_sp = Serial.parseFloat(); c_sp_proc = Serial.parseInt(); } newData = false; memset(receivedChars, 0, sizeof(receivedChars) */ newData = false; memset(receivedChars, 0, sizeof(receivedChars)); vTaskDelay(1); } } void recvWithStartEndMarkers() { static boolean recvInProgress = false; static byte ndx = 0; char startMarker = '<'; char endMarker = '>'; char rc; EthernetClient client = server.available(); while (client.available() > 0 && newData == false) { rc =; if (recvInProgress == true) { if (rc != endMarker) { receivedChars[ndx] = rc; ndx++; if (ndx >= numChars) { ndx = numChars - 1; } } else { receivedChars[ndx] = '\0'; // terminate the string recvInProgress = false; ndx = 0; newData = true; } } else if (rc == startMarker) { recvInProgress = true; } } } float mapfloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) { return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; } // Function to return a substring defined by a delimiter at an index char* subStr (char* str, char *delim, int index) { char *act, *sub, *ptr; static char copy[MAX_STRING_LEN]; int i; // Since strtok consumes the first arg, make a copy strcpy(copy, str); for (i = 1, act = copy; i <= index; i++, act = NULL) { //Serial.print("."); sub = strtok_r(act, delim, &ptr); if (sub == NULL) break; } return sub; }
First thing to do is try to increase the stack depth of your Tasks. You're currently using 128, 128 and 512. You can use "StackHighWaterMark" to get the info about the amount of stack space remaining. Try to use this information to "calibrate" the depth of your task. I recommend using at least 40% of free space.
In order to save space in the Arduino memory you can put all the Serial.print in the flash memory, try to use this syntax: Serial.print(F(",")); Basically you have to add an F in front of the string that you want to print, but you can't do that when you print a variable: Serial.print(int(c_pump)); // you can't do that here
Arduino hardware interrupt reliability issue
This may seem like a foolish problem and maybe its description is not the best I could have devised. I am making a velocity sensor that uses two IR beams to calculate velocity based on the time it takes to break both beams. I have two testing methods. My hand (5-10 m/s) A high speed cannon (30-60 m/s). I have ruled out that it's a problem with the signal from the IR beams with an oscilloscope, when the code fails/works the data is identical on the scope. My problem is that my code works when I use my hand, but still irregularly fails, while it fails more often at high speed. All the conditions are the same in both scenarios. What could be the issue? #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <LiquidCrystal.h> const int rs = 9, en = 8, d4 = 7, d5 = 6, d6 = 5, d7 = 4; LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7); File root; int fileNo = 0; String currentFileName; const int CS = 10; const byte interruptPinStart = 2; const byte interruptPinFinish = 3; volatile unsigned long int startTimeMillis = 0; volatile unsigned long int stopTimeMillis = 0; volatile unsigned long int startTimeMicros = 0; volatile unsigned long int stopTimeMicros = 0; volatile unsigned long int microsDifference = 0; volatile unsigned long int millisDifference = 0; int launchNo = 0; float currentVelocity = 0; volatile boolean started = false; String inputString = ""; boolean stringComplete = false; const int txLed1 = 14; const int statusLed1 = 15; const int statusLed2 = 16; volatile boolean triggerDone = false; float velocity = 0; String temp; unsigned long int lockout = 0; boolean lockedOut = false; boolean fileFail = false; int testNo = 0; void setup() { inputString.reserve(200); pinMode(statusLed1, OUTPUT); pinMode(statusLed2, OUTPUT); pinMode(txLed1, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) { ; } lcd.begin(16, 2); pinMode(interruptPinStart, INPUT); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPinStart), startTrigger, RISING); pinMode(interruptPinFinish, INPUT); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPinFinish), stopTrigger, RISING); Serial.print("Initializing SD card..."); if (!SD.begin(CS)) { Serial.println("initialization failed!"); return; } Serial.println("initialization done."); root ="/"); newDirectory(root); Serial.println("done!"); lcd.clear(); lcd.print(currentFileName); tone(txLed1, 38000); } void loop() { int millsDiff = millis() - stopTimeMillis; if (triggerDone) { lockedOut = true; Serial.print("Micros Diffrence: "); Serial.println(microsDifference); Serial.print("Millis Difference: "); Serial.println(millisDifference); float millDiff = (float) millisDifference; float microDiff = (float) microsDifference; if (microDiff > 0) { velocity = (float) 0.09 / (microDiff/1000000); testNo++; temp = String(launchNo) + "%" + String(microsDifference) + "%" + String(velocity); if (velocity > 10.0) { root =, FILE_WRITE); if (root) { root.println(temp); root.close(); Serial.println(temp); launchNo++; } else { Serial.println("error opening file, " + currentFileName); fileFail = true; } } if (fileFail) { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("File Error"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Vel " + String(launchNo) + ": " + String(velocity) + " m/s"); fileFail = false; } else { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Test Number: " + String(testNo)); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Vel " + String(launchNo) + ": " + String(velocity) + " m/s"); } } triggerDone = false; Serial.println("Test Number: " + String(testNo)); } if (digitalRead(interruptPinStart) == LOW) { digitalWrite(statusLed1, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(statusLed1, LOW); } if (digitalRead(interruptPinFinish) == LOW) { digitalWrite(statusLed2, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(statusLed2, LOW); } } void startTrigger() { startTimeMicros = micros(); startTimeMillis = millis(); volatile int diff1 = startTimeMicros - startTimeMillis; volatile int diff2 = startTimeMillis - stopTimeMillis; if (diff2 > 200) { if (started == false || diff1 > 1000) { started = true; triggerDone = false; } } } void stopTrigger() { stopTimeMicros = micros(); stopTimeMillis = millis(); microsDifference = stopTimeMicros - startTimeMicros; millisDifference = stopTimeMillis - startTimeMillis; if ((millisDifference > 0 && millisDifference < 800) && started) { microsDifference = stopTimeMicros - startTimeMicros; millisDifference = stopTimeMillis - startTimeMillis; started = false; triggerDone = true; } }
Arduino - Adafruit 16-channel board, how to properly control all channels with less delay?
I am trying to control a few (8 for now) servo motors using this 16-channel board. I am running to some issues about accuracy, for example, when moving a couple of motors do draw a diagonal line, because of the delay between each servo, each motor will move in different timing resulting in incorrect drawings. I am not sure about how to drive the motors in the fastest way in therms of code. Where to set delays, the baud rate settings for this application, etc. I couldn't find a good example using all channels with minimum delay. In my case, messages are coming from serial, as explained in the code comment. Is this the right way to drive this board channels? I am using an arduino uno, but I would like to check if using a Teensy 3.2 results in best performances for this application. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. #include <Wire.h> #include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h> //#define SERVOMIN 150 //#define SERVOMAX 600 // temporary setting pins for 4 lights - it will be controlled by some decade counter... //#define L1 4 //#define L2 7 //#define L3 8 //#define L4 10 #define L1 9 #define L2 10 #define L3 11 #define L4 12 /* * a "pointer" device includes a light and 2 servos. Parameters from serial are: * index,light,servo1,servo2; <- parameters separated by ',' end of pointer is ';' * * example of how serial is coming containing instructions for 4 pointers; 0,0,180,180;1,0,0,0;2,0,180,180;3,0,0,0; 0,0,90,90;1,0,90,90;2,0,90,90;3,0,90,90; **most of the time these instructions doesn't come all for 4 pointers. ex: 1,0,12,12;4,255,100,100; **sometimes it comes only id and light parameter. 0,255;1,0; (instructions only to turn light on/off) */ //values for 8 servos: const uint8_t SERVOMIN[] = {150, 130, 150, 130, 150, 130, 150, 130}; const uint8_t SERVOMAX[] = {600, 500, 600, 500, 600, 500, 600, 500}; //boards (for now, only one board = 16 servos) Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm [] = { Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(0x40) }; uint8_t servonum = 0; uint8_t activeServos = 4; //not being used now char buf [4]; //maybe too long uint16_t currentPointer [4]; //index//light//servo1//servo2 byte lightPin [4] = {L1, L2, L3, L4}; uint8_t lightstatus [4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; //debug String inputString = ""; // a string to hold incoming data boolean stringComplete = false; // whether the string is complete boolean feedback = false; void setup() { //temporally as digital outputs pinMode(L1, OUTPUT); pinMode(L2, OUTPUT); pinMode(L3, OUTPUT); pinMode(L4, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200);//230400 //115200 //57600 //38400 ? for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(pwm); i++) { pwm[i].begin(); pwm[i].setPWMFreq(60); } } void loop() { reply(); } void reply() { if (stringComplete) { if (feedback) Serial.println(inputString); // clear the string: inputString = ""; stringComplete = false; for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); ++i ) buf[i] = (char)0; } } void serialEvent() { static byte ndx = 0; static int s = 0; while (Serial.available()) { char rc = (char); inputString += rc; //(2) setting pointer parameter if ( rc == ',') { setPointer(s); s++; for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); ++i ) buf[i] = (char)0; ndx = 0; } //(3) end of this pointer instruction else if (rc == ';') { setPointer(s); //executePointer(); //plan B ndx = 0; s = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); ++i ) buf[i] = (char)0; } //(4) end of command line else if (rc == '\n') { //p = 0; s = 0; stringComplete = true; } //(1) buffering else { buf[ndx] = rc; ndx++; } } } void setPointer(int s) { //index//light//servo1//servo2 int value; value = atoi(buf); //index if (s == 0) { if (feedback) { Serial.print("index:"); Serial.print(value); Serial.print(", buf:"); Serial.println(buf); } currentPointer[0] = value; } //light else if (s == 1) { int index = currentPointer[0]; currentPointer[s] = value; //Serial.println(index); digitalWrite(lightPin[index], (value > 0) ? HIGH : LOW); // analogWrite( lightPin[currentPointer[0]], currentPointer[1]); // implement later if (feedback) { Serial.print("light: "); Serial.println(value); } //servos } else { int index = currentPointer[0]; if (feedback) { Serial.print("servo "); Serial.print(index * 2 + s - 2); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(value); } uint16_t pulselen = map(value, 0, 180, SERVOMIN[index], SERVOMAX[index]); currentPointer[s] = pulselen; pwm[0].setPWM(index * 2 + (s - 2), 0, pulselen); //current pointer id * 2 + s (s is 2 or 3) //delay(20); } } // this was plan B - not using void executePointer() { int index = currentPointer[0]; analogWrite( lightPin[index], currentPointer[1]); pwm[0].setPWM(index * 2, 0, currentPointer[2]); pwm[0].setPWM(index * 2 + 1, 0, currentPointer[3]); delay(20); }
Storing the value read previously until new pulse
I'm currently doing a project on an Arduino Uno. The project is based on receiving an IR Signal from an IR Remote and then based on the signal received, perform other operations. The problem is that the signal gets reset every time. I want to store the value received from the IR Remote and then resets it if detects another pulse. Here is my code : int brojac = 0; int pinData = 10; unsigned long lengthHeader; unsigned long bit; int byteValue; int vrime = 1000 ; int storeValue = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(pinData, INPUT); } void loop() { lengthHeader = pulseIn(pinData, LOW); if (lengthHeader > 1500) { for (int i = 1; i <= 32; i++) { bit = pulseIn(pinData, HIGH); if (i > 16 && i <= 24) if (bit > 1000) byteValue = byteValue + (1 << (i - 17)); } } Serial.print("byteValue = "); Serial.println(byteValue); if(byteValue == 66){ digitalWrite(11,HIGH); } else{ digitalWrite(11,LOW); } delay(vrime); byteValue = 0; delay(250); }
I got the answer by storing the value in a variable until a new variable is detected. int pinData = 10; int led = 11; unsigned long lengthHeader; unsigned long bit; int byteValue; int storeValue = 0; int previousValue = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(pinData, INPUT); pinMode(led, LOW); } void loop() { lengthHeader = pulseIn(pinData, LOW); if (lengthHeader > 1500) { for (int i = 1; i <= 32; i++) { bit = pulseIn(pinData, HIGH); if (i > 16 && i <= 24) if (bit > 1000) byteValue = byteValue + (1 << (i - 17)); } } Serial.print("byteValue = "); Serial.println(byteValue); **storeValue = byteValue; if (storeValue != 0){ previousValue = storeValue; } Serial.print("Previous value = "); Serial.println(previousValue);** byteValue = 0; delay(500); }
1820 Dallas Temperture sensor, incorrect value returned
When I run a piece of code that only gathers values from the temp sensor it returns the correct values. when I integrate this functionality into a larger piece of code it constantly returns -127 degrees. #include <OneWire.h> #include <DallasTemperature.h> #include <SPP.h> #include <LiquidCrystal.h> #define ONE_WIRE_BUS 9 OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); DallasTemperature TempSensor(&oneWire); USB Usb; // create usb BTD Btd(&Usb); // create bluetooth dongle instance SPP SerialBT(&Btd, "Arduino", "0000"); // set device name and pin LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2); // create lcd instance using declared pins int LightPin = A0; // pin connected to light sensor int LcdType = 0; // variable for lcd display int state; // variable for storing incoming data int LDRvalue = 0; // value from light sensor int totalLdr = 0; int totalLdrNums = 0; String output = ""; // output string for light sensor String output2 = ""; // output string for temp sensor int tempvalue = 0; // value from temp sensor int totalTemp = 0; int totalTempNums = 0; float celsius = 0; // temp in celsius void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Begin serial comms at speed 9600 if (Usb.Init() == -1) { // if usb hasn't been initilsed while(1); //wait } lcd.begin(16, 2); // set up lcd with 16 coloums and 2 rows pinMode(LightPin, INPUT); // declare light pin as input printStart(); // run printStart method LcdType = 1; // set lcd display type to 1 TempSensor.begin(); } void loop() { Usb.Task(); // polls connected devices for status if(SerialBT.connected) { // if BT connected if(SerialBT.available() > 0){ // and BT is available state = - '0'; // read incoming value and turn into regular int (0 - 9 in ascii is 48 - 57) if(state == 0){ // if value read is zero checkLightValue(); // run checkLightValue method SerialBT.write(output[0]); // send first value in string delay(50); // delay before sending next value SerialBT.write(output[1]); // send second value delay(50); // delay before sending next value SerialBT.write(output[2]); // send third value } if(state == 1){ // if value read is 1 checkTempValue(); SerialBT.write(output2[0]); // send first value delay(50); // delay before sending next value SerialBT.write(output2[1]); // send second value delay(50); // delay before sending next value SerialBT.write(output2[3]); // send third value delay(50); // delay before sending next value SerialBT.write(output2[5]); // send fourth value delay(50); // delay before sending next value } if(state == 2){ //Restart(); SerialBT.disconnect(); } if(state == 3){ LcdType = 1; } if(state == 4){ LcdType = 2; } if(state == 5){ LcdType = 3; } if(LcdType == 1){ // if lcd type variable = 1 printLcd();} // run printLcd method if (LcdType == 2){ printLcd2(); } if(LcdType == 3){ printLcd3(); } } } } //void (*resetFunc)(void) = 0; void checkLightValue(){ output = ""; // reset output string to nothing LDRvalue = analogRead(LightPin); // read in light value totalLdr = totalLdr + LDRvalue; totalLdrNums = totalLdrNums + 1; int LDR1 = LDRvalue / 100; // get int 1 from value int twod = LDRvalue - (LDR1 * 100); // get int 2 and 3 from value int LDR2 = twod / 10; // get int 2 from value int LDR3 = twod - (LDR2 * 10); // get int 3 from value output += LDR1; // output += LDR2; // output += LDR3; // appends values to string } void checkTempValue(){ output2 = ""; // reset output string to nothing TempSensor.requestTemperatures(); Serial.println(TempSensor.getTempCByIndex(0)); celsius = TempSensor.getTempCByIndex(0); totalTemp = totalTemp + celsius; totalTempNums = totalTempNums + 1; int c1 = celsius / 100; // get first int from value int twod = celsius - (c1 * 100); // int c2 = twod / 10; int c3 = twod - (c2 *10); output2 += c1; // output2 += c2; // output2 += c3; // add values to string to send } void printLcd(){ lcd.clear(); // clear lcd lcd.print("LDR : "); lcd.print(LDRvalue); // display current ldr value lcd.setCursor(0,1); // set cursor to second row lcd.print("Temp : "); lcd.print(celsius); // display current temp value on row 2 } void printLcd2(){ int Averagevalue = totalLdr / totalLdrNums; lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Average light :"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(Averagevalue); } void printLcd3(){ int Averagevalue = totalTemp / totalTempNums; lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Average temp :"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(Averagevalue); } void printStart(){ lcd.clear(); // clear lcd lcd.setCursor(1,1); // set cursor on second row lcd.print("Waiting for a Connection ?"); // print message for(int x=1; x<16; x++) { // do following 15 times lcd.setCursor(x,0); // set cursor to first row lcd.print("Arduino Started"); // print message // doing this as lcd scrolls means the top line (message) appears static while the bottom line (message) scrolls lcd.scrollDisplayLeft(); // scroll display left delay(250); // delay before moving again } }