Why has the author used the following matrices for the following standardisation? - r

Can somebody tell me why this author has used the following code in their normalisation.
The first line appears fine to me they have standardised the training set by the following formula;
(x - mean(x)) / std(x)
However the second line and third line (validation and test) they have used the train mean (trainme) and train standard deviation (trainstd). Should they not have used the validation mean (validationme) and validation standard deviation (validationstd) along with the test mean and test standard deviation?
You can also view the page from the book at the following link (page 173)

What the authors are doing is reasonable and it's what is conventionally done. The idea is that the same normalization is applied to all inputs. This is essentially allocating some new parameters (offset and scale) and estimating them from the training data. In that scheme, if the value 100 is input, then the normalized value is (100 - offset)/scale, no matter where (training, testing, whatever) that 100 came from.
I guess one can also make an argument that the offset and scale should be context dependent in the sense that if you are given a set of data and for some reason the offset and scale are very different from the original training data, maybe what's important is how big each value is relative to the others in the same data set. E.g. maybe you should treat 200 the same as 100, if the scale is twice as big in the data set containing 200.
Whether that data-dependent scaling is reasonable would have to be decided case by case. I don't remember ever having seen it, but it's plausible that it could be the right thing to do in some cases.
By the way, you'll get more interest in general statistical questions at stats.stackexchange.com and/or datascience.stackexchange.com.


Error: Required number of iterations = 1087633109 exceeds iterMax = 1e+06 ; either increase iterMax, dx, dt or reduce sigma

I am getting this error and this post telling me that I should decrease the sigma but here is the thing this code was working fine a couple of months ago. Nothing change based on the data and the code. I was wondering why this error out of blue.
And the second point, when I lower the sigma such as 13.1, it looks running (but I have been waiting for an hour).
A22den=density(Lnetwork,sigma,distance="path",continuous=TRUE,dimyx=dimyx1) #
About Lnetwork
Point pattern on linear network
69436 points
Linear network with 8417 vertices and 8563 lines
Enclosing window: rectangle = [143516.42, 213981.05] x [3353367, 3399153] units
Error: Required number of iterations = 1087633109 exceeds iterMax = 1e+06 ; either increase iterMax, dx, dt or reduce sigma
This is a question about the spatstat package.
The code for handling data on a linear network is still under active development. It has changed in recent public releases of spatstat, and has changed again in the development version. You need to specify exactly which version you are using.
The error report says that the required number of iterations of the algorithm is too large. This occurs because either the smoothing bandwidth sigma is too large, or the spacing dx between sample points along the network is too small. The number of iterations is proportional to (sigma/dx)^2 in most cases.
First, check that the value of sigma is physically reasonable.
Normally you shouldn't have to worry about the algorithm parameter dx because it is determined automatically by default. However, it's possible that your data are causing the code to choose a very small value of dx.
The internal code which automatically determines the spacing dx of sample points along the network has been changed recently, in order to fix several bugs.
I suggest that you specify the algorithm parameters manually. See the help file for densityHeat for information on how to control the spacings. Setting the parameters manually will also ensure greater consistency of the results between different versions of the software.
The quickest solution is to set finespacing=FALSE. This is not the best solution because it still uses some of the automatic rules which may be giving problems. Please read the help file to understand what that does.
Did you update spatstat since this last worked? Probably the internal code for determining spacing on the network etc. changed a bit. The actual computations are done by the function densityHeat(), and you can see how to manually set spacing etc. in its help file.

what if the FD steps varied w.r.t output/input

I am using the finite difference scheme to find gradients.
Lets say i have 2 outputs (y1,y2) and 1 input (x) in a single component. And in advance I know that the sensitivity of y1 with respect to x is not same as the sensitivity of y2 to x. And thus i could potentially have two different steps for those as in ;
self.declare_partials(of=y1, wrt=x, method='fd',step=0.01, form='central')
self.declare_partials(of=y2, wrt=x, method='fd',step=0.05, form='central')
There is nothing that stops me (algorithmically) but it is not clear what would openmdao gradient calculation exactly do in this case?
does it exchange information from the case where the steps are different by looking at the steps ratios or simply treating them independently and therefore doubling computational time ?
I just tested this, and it does the finite difference twice with the two different step sizes, and only saves the requested outputs for each step. I don't think we could do anything with the ratios as you suggested, as the reason for using different stepsizes to resolve individual outputs is because you don't trust the accuracy of the outputs at the smaller (or large) stepsize.
This is a fair question about the effect of the API. In typical FD applications you would get only 1 function call per design variable for forward and backward difference and 2 function calls for central difference.
However in this case, you have asked for two different step sizes for two different outputs, both with central difference. So here, you'll end up with 4 function calls to compute all the derivatives. dy1_dx will be computed using the step size of .01 and dy2_dx will be computed with a step size of .05.
There is no crosstalk between the two different FD calls, and you do end up with more function calls than you would have if you just specified a single step size via:
self.declare_partials(of='*', wrt=x, method='fd',step=0.05, form='central')
If the cost is something you can bear, and you get improved accuracy, then you could use this method to get different step sizes for different outputs.

Basis provided by Ns() in R Epi package

As I was working out how Epi generates the basis for its spline functions (via the function Ns), I was a little confused by how it handles the detrend argument.
When detrend=T I would have expected that Epi::Ns(...) would more or less project the basis given by splines::ns(...) onto the orthogonal complement of the column space of [1 t] and finally extract the set of linearly independent columns (so that we have a basis).
However, this doesn’t appear to be the exactly the case; I tried
x=seq(-0.75, 0.75, length.out=5)
Ns(x, knots=c(-0.5,0,0.5), Boundary.knots=c(-1,1), detrend=T)
detrend(ns(x, knots=c(-0.5,0,0.5), Boundary.knots=c(-1,1)), x)
The matrices produced by the above code are not the same, however, they do have the same column space (in this example) suggesting that if plugged in to a linear model, the fitted coefficients will be different but the fit (itself) will be the same.
The first question I had was; is this true in general?
The second question is why are the two different?
Regarding the second question - when detrend is specified, Epi::Ns gives a warning that fixsl is ignored.
Diving into Epi github NS.r ... in the construction of the basis, in the call to Epi::Ns above with detrend=T, the worker ns.ld() is called (a function almost identical to the guts of splines::ns()), which passes c(NA,NA) along to splines::spline.des as the derivs argument in determining a matrix const;
const <- splines::spline.des( Aknots, Boundary.knots, 4, c(2-fixsl[1],2-fixsl[2]))$design
This is the difference between what happens in Ns(detrend=T) and the call to ns() above which passes c(2,2) to splineDesign as the derivs argument.
So that explains how they are different, but not why? Does anyone have an explanation for why fixsl=c(NA,NA) is used instead of fixsl=c(F,F) in Epi::Ns()?
And does anyone have a proof/or an answer to the first question?
I think the orthogonal complement of const's column space is used so that second (or desired) derivatives are zero at the boundary (via projection of the general spline basis) - but I'm not sure about this step as I haven't dug into the mathematics, I'm just going by my 'feel' for it. Perhaps if I understood this better, the reason that the differences in the result for const from the call to splineDesign/spline.des (in ns() and Ns() respectively) would explain why the two matrices from the start are not the same, yet yield the same fit.
The fixsl=c(NA,NA) was a bug that has been fixed since a while. See the commits on the CRAN Github mirror.
I have still sent an email to the maintainer to ask if the fix could be made a little bit more consistent with the condition, but in principle this could be closed.

Cost function of Convolutional Neural Networ not serving intended purpose

So I have built a CNN and now I am trying to get the training of my network to work effectively despite my lack of a formal education on the topic. I have decided to use stochastic gradient descent with a standard mean squared error cost function. As stated in the title, the problem seems to lie within the cost function.
When I use a couple of training examples, I calculate the mean squared error for each, and get the mean, and use that as the full error. There are two output neurons, one for face, and one for not a face; which ever is higher is the class that is yielded. Essentially, if a training example yields the wrong classification, I calculate the error (with the desired value being the value of the class that was yielded).
Input an image of a face--->>>
Face: 500
Not face: 1000
So in this case, the network says that the image isn't a face, when in fact it is. The error comes out to:
500 - 1000 = -500
-500^2 = 250000 <<--error
(correct me if i'm doing anything wrong)
As you can see the desired value is set to the value of the incorrect class that was selected.
Now this is all good (from what I can tell), but here is my issue:
As I perform b-prop on the network multiple times, the mean cost of the entire training set falls to 0, but this is only because all of the weights in the network are becoming 0, so all classes always become 0.
After training:
Input not face->
Face: 0
Not face: 0
--note that if the classes are the same, the first one is selected
(0-0)^0 = 0 <<--error
So the error is being minimized to 0 (which is good I guess), but obviously not the way we want.
So my question is this:
How do I minimize the space between the classes when the class is wrong, but also get it to overshoot the incorrect class so that the correct class is yielded.
Had this: (for input of face)
Face: 100
Not face: 200
Got this:
Face: 0
Notface: 0
Want this: (or something similar)
Face: 300
Not face: 100
I hope this question wasn't too vague...
But any help would be much appreciated!!!
The way you're computing the error doesn't correspond to the standard 'mean squared error'. But, even if you were to fix it, it makes more sense to use a different type of outputs and error that are specifically designed for classification problems.
One option is to use a single output unit with a sigmoid activation function. This neuron would output the probability that the input image is a face. The probability that it's not a face is given by 1 minus this value. This approach will work for binary classification problems. Softmax outputs are another option. You'd have two output units: the first outputs the probability that the input image is a face, and the second outputs the probability that it's not a face. This approach will also work for multi-class problems, with one output unit for each class.
In either case, use the cross entropy loss (also called log loss). Here, you have a target value (face or no face), which is the true class of the input image. The error is the negative log probability that the network assigns to the target.
Most neural nets that perform classification work this way. You can find many good tutorials here, and read this online book.

Creating an efficient function to fit a dataset

Basically I have a large (could get as large as 100,000-150,000 values) data set of 4-byte inputs and their corresponding 4-byte outputs. The inputs aren't guaranteed to be unique (which isn't really a problem because I figure I can generate pseudo-random numbers to add or xor the inputs with so that they do become unique), but the outputs aren't guaranteed to be unique either (so two different sets of inputs might have the same output).
I'm trying to create a function that effectively models the values in my data-set. I don't need it to interpolate efficiently, or even at all (by this I mean that I'm never going to feed it an input that isn't contained in this static data-set). However it does need to be as efficient as possible. I've looked into interpolation and found that it doesn't really fit what I'm looking for. For example, the large number of values means that spline interpolation won't do since it creates a polynomial per interval.
Also, from my understanding polynomial interpolation would be way too computationally expensive (n values means that the polynomial could include terms as high as pow(x,n-1). For x= a 4-byte number and n=100,000 it's just not feasible). I've tried looking online for a while now, but I'm not very strong with math and must not know the right terms to search with because I haven't come across anything similar so far.
I can see that this is not completely (to put it mildly) a programming question and I apologize in advance. I'm not looking for the exact solution or even a complete answer. I just need pointers on the topics that I would need to read up on so I can solve this problem on my own. Thanks!
TL;DR - I need a variant of interpolation that only needs to fit the initially given data-points, but which is computationally efficient.
Some clarification - I do need the output to be exact and not an approximation. This is sort of an optimization of some research work I'm currently doing and I need to have this look-up implemented without the actual bytes of the outputs being present in my program. I can't really say a whole lot about it at the moment, but I will say that for the purposes of my work, encryption (or compression or any other other form of obfuscation) is not an option to hide the table. I need a mathematical function that can recreate the output so long as it has access to the input. I hope that clears things up a bit.
Here is one idea. Make your function be the sum (mod 232) of a linear function over all 4-byte integers, a piecewise linear function whose pieces depend on the value of the first bit, another piecewise linear function whose pieces depend on the value of the first two bits, and so on.
The actual output values appear nowhere, you have to add together linear terms to get them. There is also no direct record of which input values you have. (Someone could conclude something about those input values, but not their actual values.)
The various coefficients you need can be stored in a hash. Any lookups you do which are not found in the hash are assumed to be 0.
If you add a certain amount of random "noise" to your dataset before starting to encode it fairly efficiently, it would be hard to tell what your input values are, and very hard to tell what the outputs are even approximately without knowing the inputs.
Since you didn't impose any restriction on the function (continuous, smooth, etc), you could simply do a piece-wise constant interpolation:
or a linear interpolation:
I assume you can figure out how to construct such a function without too much trouble.
EDIT: In light of your additional requirement that such a function should "hide" the data points...
For a piece-wise constant interpolation, the constant intervals should be randomized so as to not reveal where the data point is. So for example in the picture, the intervals are centered about the data point it's interpolating. Instead, you might want to do something like:
[0 , 0.3) -> 0
[0.3 , 1.9) -> 0.8
[1.9 , 2.1) -> 0.9
[2.1 , 3.5) -> 0.2
Of course, this only hides the x-coordinate. To hide the y-coordinate as well, you can use a linear interpolation.
Simply make it so that the "pointy" part isn't where the data point is. Pick random x-values such that every adjacent data point has one of these x-values in between. Then interpolate such that the "pointy" part is at these x-values.
I suggest a huge Lookup Table full of unused entries. It's the brute-force approach, having an ordered table of outputs, ordered by every possible value of the input (not just the data set, but also all other possible 4-byte value).
Though all of your data would be there, you could fill the non-used inputs with random, arbitrary, or stochastic (random whithin potentially complex constraints) data. If you make it convincing, no one could pick your real data out of it. If a "real" function interpolated all your data, it would also "contain" all the information of your real data, and anyone with access to it could use it to generate an LUT as described above.
LUTs are lightning-fast, but very memory hungry. Your case is on the edge of feasibility, requiring (2^32)*32= 16 Gigabytes of RAM, which requires a 64-bit machine to run. That is just for the data, not the program, the Operating System, or other data. It's better to have 24, just to be sure. If you can afford it, they are the way to go.
