I'm trying to use the circlize package to create a circos plot in which the outer track has unique sector names (10 names), and within each unique sector, there are 2 categories of file types. The two categories are the same for each of the 10 names (end-goal is to show, through directional links, which files were combined when converting file types).
Here is a simplified version of my code so far, which produces the larger track along with an inner track that shows what I am trying to do (but the "FileType1" and "FileType2" should be in two separate sectors to allow links to and from each).
fileFrom <- paste0("Category", LETTERS[1:10])
f1 = factor(fileFrom)
circos.initialize(factors = f1, xlim = c(0,1))
# create main track (10 categories)
circos.track(ylim = c(0,1),
panel.fun = function(x, y) {
sector.index = get.cell.meta.data("sector.index")
xcenter = get.cell.meta.data("xcenter")
ycenter = get.cell.meta.data("ycenter")
circos.text(xcenter, ycenter,
niceFacing = TRUE,
cex = 1.3,
facing = "bending.inside")
# create ICARTT/netCDF track
f2 <- factor(rep(c("ICARTT","netCDF"), 5)) # list of labels
circos.track(ylim = c(0, 1), factors = f1, track.height=0.1,
panel.fun = function(x, y) {
name = "FileType1 FileType2"
xcenter = get.cell.meta.data("xcenter")
ycenter = get.cell.meta.data("ycenter")
circos.text(xcenter, ycenter,
niceFacing = TRUE,
facing = bending.inside)}
The second track only accepts factors that already exist, so I tried initializing the plot with all 12 categories and only calling the ones relevant to each track, but that left holes in the plot.
I am not sure whether there can be "true" sectors for more than one track, so I tried making either the outer of the inner track a "highlight" (based on this question), but it seems the identical factor names are tripping me up (ending up with a plot of only two sectors).
I also considered combining two separate plots, mentioned in section 6.3 of the circlize book, but I still wouldn't know how to create separate sectors with the same name. I am also not sure how to specify the link sources and destinations (sector.numeric.index maybe?)
Thanks in advance for any help.
I am conducting a test with two factorial parameters (x, y) in an image processing program, which has produced a number of test images as pngs of the same dimensions. For example, in the mtcars dataset, they could represent one illustrative car image for each of the cyl/carb combinations.
I would like to import these images into R and plot them in a facet grid with the respective parameter values on the axes (e.g. cyl and carb).
What's the best way to a) import the images into a tibble/df, b) plotting them as per above?
(If necessary, I'd be happy to update the question with example code once I know what package to use).
If you have the images as png, you don't actually need to convert them to data frames. You can use geom_image from ggimage, which only requires the file path. Suppose I have two categories - "animal" and "color", with an image representing the conjunction of each unique "color" and "animal".
I need only do:
df <- data.frame(animal = rep(c("cat", "dog"), each = 3),
color = rep(c("red", "green", "blue"), 2),
img = path.expand(
c("~/redcat.png", "~/greencat.png", "~/bluecat.png",
"~/reddog.png", "~/greendog.png", "~/bluedog.png")))
ggplot(df) +
geom_image(aes(x = 1, y = 1, image = img), size = 1) +
facet_grid(color~animal, scales = "free")
I created an object of class cca in vegan and now I am trying to tidy up the triplot. However, I seemingly can't use the select argument to only show specified items.
My code looks like this:
ord <- cca(varespec ~ Al+S, varechem)
plot(ord, type = "n")
text(ord, display = "sites", select = c("18", "21"))
I want only the two specified sites (18 and 21) to appear in the plot, but when I run the code nothing happens. I do not even get an error meassage.
I'm really stuck, but I am fairly certain that this bit of code is correct. Can someone help me?
I can't recall now, but I don't think the intention was to allow "names" to select which rows of the scores should be selected. The documentation speaks of select being a logical vector, or indices of the scores to be selected. By indices it was meant numeric indices, not rownames.
The example fails because select is also used to subset the labels character vector of values to be plotted in text(), and this labels character vector is not named. Using a character vector to subset another vector requires that the other vector be named.
Your example works if you do:
ord <- cca(varespec ~ Al + S, varechem)
plot(ord, type = "n")
take <- which(rownames(varechem) %in% c("18", "21"))
# or
# take <- rownames(varechem) %in% c("18", "21")
text(ord, display = "sites", select = take)
I'll have a think about whether it will be simple to support the use case of your example.
The following code probably gives the result you want to achieve:
First, create an object to store the blank CCA1-CCA2 plot
p1 = plot(ord, type = "n")
Find and then save the coordinates of the sites 18 and 21
p1$p1$sites[c("18", "21"),]
#18 0.3496725 -1.334061
#21 -0.8617759 -1.588855
site18 = p1$sites["18",]
site21 = p1$sites["21",]
Overlay the blank CCA1-CCA2 plot with the points of site 18 and 21. Setting different colors to different points might be a good idea.
points(p1$sites[c("18", "21"),], pch = 19, col = c("blue", "red"))
Showing labels might be informative.
text(x = site18[1], y = site18[2] + 0.3, labels = "site 18")
text(x = site21[1], y = site21[2] + 0.3, labels = "site 21")
Here is the resulted plot.
I'm using Chord Diagrams in R (via the Circlize/Circos packages) to visual name associations in a dataset. I was able to generate the Chord Diagram (as shown below):
However, I don't know how to sort each sector (or each name) based on its respective width (e.g.: In the lower half of the Chord Diagram, I would like to arrange the sectors in descending order like this: N/A would be placed first, followed by Dean, Aaron, Malcolm, ... Jay). Is there a specific circos function that would allow me to do this?
Here's my code:
data <- read.table('./r_test.txt',header = FALSE,sep = '\t')
chordDiagram(data,annotationTrack="grid",grid.col =
"aquamarine","khaki"),preAllocateTracks=list(track.height = link.sort =
TRUE,link.decreasing = TRUE)
circos.trackPlotRegion(track.index = 1, panel.fun = function(x, y) {
xlim = get.cell.meta.data("xlim")
xplot = get.cell.meta.data("xplot")
ylim = get.cell.meta.data("ylim")
sector.name = get.cell.meta.data("sector.index")
circos.text(mean(xlim), ylim[1], sector.name, facing = " niceFacing = TRUE,
adj = c(0, .75),cex=2)
},bg.border = NA)
The data file is a tab-delineated .txt file with names in the first 2 columns (there are 10 names in each column along with "Other" and "N/A" in the columns; the third column is a frequency count).
Depends on the order of the data you inputted.
Do data[order,] and do the same thing, where order = a vector of the names in the order that you'd like.
Here is a very useful resource that I have used: https://jokergoo.github.io/circlize_book/book/the-chorddiagram-function.html
Good luck!
I´m recently trying to analyse my data and want to make the graphs a little nicer but I´m failing at this.
So I have a data set with 144 sites and 5 environmental variables. It´s basically about the substrate composition around an island and the fish abundance. On this island there is supposed to be a difference in the substrate composition between the north and the southside. Right now I am doing a pca and with the biplot function it works quite fine, but I would like to change the plot a bit.
I need one where the sites are just points and not numbered, arrows point to the different variable and the sites are colored according to their location (north or southside). So I tried everything i could find.
Most examples where with the dune data and suggested something like this:
mod <- rda(dune, scale = TRUE)
biplot(mod, scaling = 3, type = c("text", "points"))
So according to this I would just need to say text and points and R would label the variables and just make points for the sites. When i do this, however I get the Error:
Error in plot.default(x, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = col[1L], :
formal argument "type" matched by multiple actual arguments
No idea how to get around this.
So next strategy I found, is to make a plot manually like this:
data(dune, dune.env)
mod <- rda(dune, scale = TRUE)
scl <- 3 ## scaling == 3
colvec <- c("red2", "green4", "mediumblue")
plot(mod, type = "n", scaling = scl)
with(dune.env, points(mod, display = "sites", col = colvec[Use],
scaling = scl, pch = 21, bg = colvec[Use]))
text(mod,display="species", scaling = scl, cex = 0.8, col = "darkcyan")
with(dune.env, legend("bottomright", legend = levels(Use), bty = "n",
col = colvec, pch = 21, pt.bg = colvec))
This works fine so far as well, I get different colors and points, but now the arrows are missing. So I found that this should be corrected easy, if i just put "display="bp"" in the text line. But this doesn´t work either. Everytime I put "bp" R says:
Error in match.arg(display) :
argument "display" is missing, with no default
So I´m kind of desperate now. I looked through all the answers here and I don´t understand why display="bp" and type=c("text","points") is not working for me.
If anyone has an idea i would be super grateful.
This is the link to my dropbox folder. It contains my R-script and the csv files. The one named environmentalvariables_Kon1 also contains the data about north and southside.
So yeah...if anyone could help me. That would be awesome. I really don´t know what to do anymore.
Best regards,
You can add arrows with arrows(). See the code for vegan:::biplot.rda to see how it works in the original function.
With your plot, add
g <- scores(mod, display = "species")
len <- 1
arrows(0, 0, len * g[, 1], len * g[, 2], length = 0.05, col = "darkcyan")
You might want to adjust the value of len to make the arrows longer
Im learning how to create circular plots in R, similiar to CIRCOS
Im using the package circlize to draw links between origin and destination pairs based on if the flight was OB, Inbound and Return. The logic fo the data doesnt really matter, its just a toy example
I have gotten the plot to work based on the code below which works based on the following logic
Take my data, combine destination column with the flight type
Convert to a matrix and feed the origin and the new column into circlize
# Create Fake Flight Information in a table
orig = c("IE","GB","US","ES","FI","US","IE","IE","GB")
dest = c("FI","FI","ES","ES","US","US","FI","US","IE")
direc = c("IB","OB","RETURN","DOM","OB","DOM","IB","RETURN","IB")
mydf = data.frame(orig, dest, direc)
# Add a column that combines the dest and direction together
mydf <- mydf %>%
mutate(key = paste(dest,direc)) %>%
select (orig, key)
# Create a Binary Matrix Based on mydf
mymat <- data.matrix(as.data.frame.matrix(table(mydf)))
# create the objects you want to link from to in your diagram
from <- rownames(mymat)
to <- colnames(mymat)
# Create Diagram by suppling the matrix
par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
chordDiagram(mymat, order = sort(union(from, to)), directional = TRUE)
I like the plot a lot but would like to change it a little bit. For example FI (which is Finland) has 3 measurements on the diagram FI IB, FI OB and FI. I would like to combine them all under FI if possible and distinguish between the three Types of flights using either a colour scheme, Arrows or even adding an additional track which acts as an umbrella for IB OB and RETURN flights
So for Example,
FI OB would be placed in FI but have a one way arrow to GB to signify OB
FI IB would be placed in FI but have a one way arrow into FI
FI RETURN (if it exists) would have a double headed arrow
Can anyone help, Has anyone seen anything similiar been done before?
The end result should just have the countries on the plot once so that someone can see very quickly which countries have the most amount of flights
I have tried following other posts but am afraid im getting lost when they move to the more advanced stuff
Thank you very much for your time
First, I think there is a duplicated record (IE-FI-IB) in your data.
I will first attach the code and figure and then explain a little bit.
df = data.frame(orig, dest, direc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df = unique(df)
col = c("IB" = "red",
"OB" = "blue",
"RETURN" = "orange",
"DOM" = "green")
directional = c("IB" = -1,
"OB" = 1,
"RETURN" = 2,
"DOM" = 0)
diffHeight = c("IB" = -0.04,
"OB" = 0.04,
"RETURN" = 0,
"DOM" = 0)
chordDiagram(df[1:2], col = col[df[[3]]], directional = directional[df[[3]]],
direction.type = c("arrows+diffHeight"),
diffHeight = diffHeight[df[[3]]])
legend("bottomleft", pch = 15, legend = names(col), col = col)
First you need to use the development version of circlize for which
you can install it by
In this new version, chordDiagram() supports input variable as a data frame and drawing two-head arrows for the links (just after reading your post :)).
In above code, col, directional, direction.type and diffHeight can all be set as a vector which corresponds to rows in df.
When directional argument in chordDiagram() is set to 2, the corresponding link will have two directions. Then if direction.type contains arrows, there will be a two-head arrow.
Since diffHeight is a vector which correspond to rows in df, if you want to visualize the direction for a single link both by arrow and offset of the roots, you need to merge these two options as a single string as shown in the example code "arrows+diffHeight".
By default direction for links are from the first column to the second column. But in your case, IB means the reversed direction, so we need to set diffHeight to a negative value to reverse the default direction.
Finally, I observe you have links which start and end in a same sector (ES-ES-DOM and US-US-DOM), you can use self.link argument to control how to represent such self-link. self.link is set to 1 in following figure.
Do you need the arrows because the color coding in the graph is telling the From / To story already (FROM -> color edge FROM COUNTRY, TO is color of the FROM COUNTRY arriving at the TO COUNTRY, IF FROM == TO Its own color returns at its own base (see US or ES for example)).
# Create Fake Flight Information in a table
orig = c("IE","GB","US","ES","FI","US","IE","IE","GB")
dest = c("FI","FI","ES","ES","US","US","FI","US","IE")
mydf = data.frame(orig, dest)
# Create a Binary Matrix Based on mydf
mymat <- data.matrix(as.data.frame.matrix(table(mydf)))
# create the objects you want to link from to in your diagram
from <- rownames(mymat)
to <- colnames(mymat)
# Create Diagram by suppling the matrix
par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
chordDiagram(mymat, order = sort(union(from, to)), directional = TRUE)
BY the way -> there is also a OFFSET difference on the edge that tells if it is FROM (wider edge) or TO (smaller edge)