basic firebase rules and search - firebase

Hi i'm trying to make a simple recipe react native app for school.
I am quit new to react native and noSQL. So how do i query in react native to my firebase?
what i want to do is to search for a specific product and to get all the recipes with this product in them. And the next thing i want to do is to be able to
add another product and find a recipe that has both of them and so on.
I have this setup for my firebase:
enter image description here

Note: For more complex queries I recommend using cloud functions.
On your question: With your data structured like that, it is impossible to achieve what you want using queries provided by firebase sdk. The problem is that your recipes have those ingredient1: 5505, ingredient2: 4404 ... change those to 5505: true, 4404: true. Then use the sdk like this:
const getRecipesForProduct = async (productName) => {
const product = await firebase.database().ref('products').orderByChild("name").equalTo(productName).once('value').then(snap => {...snap.val(), uid: snap.key()})
const recipes = await firebase.database().ref('recipe').orderByChild(product.uid).equalTo(true).once('value').then(snap => snap.val())
// do something with recipes


Firebase Stripe Extension: Need help checking the current user's premium plan

I am working on a membership program and everything works fine until I am trying to check for the stripe role and show them content based if they are a paying member or not.
I need help with this code and here is an example of what I have got.
Can somebody please lead me in the right direction with this. I am using Reac, NEXTJS and firebase.
let premiumUser = collection(db, `users/currentUser.uid/subscriptions`)
const q = query(premiumUser, where("status", "==", ["trailing", "active"]))
onSnapshot(q, async (snapshot) => {
const doc =
I have tried different youtube tutorials, forums and such forth. I am at a standstill when it comes to this.

Sanity Groq function - array of unique values

I need some help regarding fetching some data.
I'm building blog with Nuxt3 and Sanity and I use module.
I need query to get all the unique tags from _type article so I can have filter by tags in my blog.
I wrote this query and It gives result back in my Sanity Vision.
array::unique(*[_type == "article" ].tag.value)
However When I run it in project I get data null. Here is how I try.
const query = groq`array::unique(*[_type == "article" ].tag.value)`
const { fetch } = useSanity()
const { data } = await useAsyncData("article tags", () => fetch(query))
I guess I'm doing something wrong with using Sanity Groq Functions.
It was problem with different versions of Sanity API.
When using #nuxtjs/sanity module the API version by default is 1.
Inside my Sanity studio vision I was testing query with newer version therefor it worked.
I updated sanity configuration inside my nuxt.config and now everything works.

Linking images from Firebase Storage to Firestore document and displaying them in React Native

I'm trying to upload images to firebase storage manually (using the upload file button in the web page), however I have no clue how to later link them to a firestore document. What I have come up with (I'm unsure if it works) is copying the url for the image in the storage bucket and adding it to a string type field in the document called profilePicture. The reason I'm unable to get this to work is that I'm really new to React Native and I don't know how to properly require the images other than typing in the specific local route. Mind you also, the way I'm requiring user data such as a profile name is after logging in with email/password auth I pass the data as a param to react navigation and require it as extraData.
What I have tried
Once I've copied the image url and pasted it in the firestore document I'm doing this:
const profilePicture = props.extraData.profilePicture;
<Image source={require({profilePicture})}/>
I have also tried using backticks but that isn't working either. The error message I'm getting is:
TransformError src\screens\Profile\ProfileScreen.js: src\screens\Profile\ProfileScreen.js:Invalid call at line 27: require({
profilePicture: profilePicture
Note: this is an expo managed project.
Is the problem in the code or in the way I'm linking both images? Maybe both? Should I require the document rather than relying on the data passed previously?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Edit 1:
I'm trying to get all info from the current user signed in, after a little research I've come to know about requiring images in this manner:
const ref ='path/to/image.jpg');
const url = await ref.getDownloadURL();
and then I'd require the image as in <Image source={{uri: url}}/>
I get that this could be useful for something static, but I don't get how to update the ref for every single different user.
Edit 2:
Tried using the method mentioned in Edit 1, just to see what would happen, however It doesn't seem to work, the image just does not show up.
Maybe because my component is a function component rather than a class component (?
I understand that your goal is to generate, for each image that is uploaded to Cloud Storage, a Firestore document which contains a download URL.
If this is correct, one way is to use a Cloud Function that is triggered each time a new file is added to Cloud Storage. The following Cloud Function code does exactly that. You may adapt it to your exact requirements.
exports.generateFileURL = object => {
try {
const bucket =;
const file = bucket.file(;
// You can check that the file is an image
const signedURLconfig = { action: 'read', expires: '08-12-2025' }; // Adapt as follows
const signedURLArray = await file.getSignedUrl(signedURLconfig);
const url = signedURLArray[0];
await admin.firestore().collection('profilePictures').add({ fileName:, signedURL: url }) // Adapt the fields list as desired
return null;
} catch (error) {
return null;
More info on the getSignedUrl() method of the Admin SDK here.
Also note that you could assign the Firestore document ID yourself, instead of having Firestore generating it as shown in the above code (with the add() method). For example, you can add to the image metadata the uid of the user and, in the Cloud Function,get this value and use this value as the Document ID.
Another possibility is to name the profile image with the user's uid.

Cannot Create User Profile in Firebase

First off, thanks for taking the time; this is my first question posted!
I'm in the middle of coding my first mobile application in React Native: a stats managing App for my fraternity. Right now, I would like an admin user to be able to add other users to the app and set their initial profile information (first name, last name, position, dues paid etc).
Once they submit the details, the code below tells firebase to create a new user using the provided email and password, then adds their other profile information under the user parent in the Realtime Database.
firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then(() => {
firebase.database().ref('/ChapterName/users/' + key)
.set({ firstName, lastName, rank, position, goodStanding, dues, communityService, chapters, mixers, brotherhoods });
The JSON tree created can be seen here: Firebase Tree
My problem is that when the new user logs in, I cannot find a way to access their profile information...ideally, I would set the key of each child under 'user' to the user's email: that way they could login and I could match their email to the key of their profile info and fetch it that way. Unfortunately, keys must be UTF-8 encoded and don't allow for me to include '# or .'
Does anyone know a way around this? I feel as if the firebase Admin API could be a solution but I can't seem to wrap my head around it.
Inside react-native with firebase, if they user already login and you already integrate firebase with redux, you can access the current user information inside redux using this line
as per my suggestion, I think it's best for to integrate
react-native app + react-native-firebase + react-redux-firebase
thus, you dont have to use web firebase function as it's already exist in props.
if you need to update the profile after user already created you can use something like this
this.props.firebase.auth().createUserAndRetrieveDataWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).then((user) => {
name: 'Hazim',
age: 24,
mode: 'Rampage'
}).catch((error) => {
//Error value
and inside any component, you can get current user info with connect function like this.
class Home extends Component {
export default compose(
connect( state => {
profile: state.firebase.profile

Firebase Full-Text Search using Algolia

I configured different firebase functions by following this
. Now in this, there is firebase full-text search. I tried to follow it but it seems to be incomplete. I have searched and somehow got success in deploying. But it is still not creating index in Algolia. Can someone tell me the steps to correctly perform this?
I created the blog-posts and search nodes in my firebase project but problem is still there.
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Authenticate to Algolia Database.
// TODO: Make sure you configure the `algolia.app_id` and `algolia.api_key` Google Cloud environment variables.
const algoliasearch = require('algoliasearch');
const client = algoliasearch(functions.config().algolia.app_id, functions.config().algolia.api_key);
// Name fo the algolia index for Blog posts content.
const ALGOLIA_POSTS_INDEX_NAME = 'blogposts';
// Updates the search index when new blog entries are created or updated.
exports.indexentry = functions.database.ref('/blog-posts/{blogid}/text').onWrite(event => {
const index = client.initIndex(ALGOLIA_POSTS_INDEX_NAME);
const firebaseObject = {
objectID: event.params.blogid
return index.saveObject(firebaseObject).then(
() =>'last_index_timestamp').set(
// Starts a search query whenever a query is requested (by adding one to the `/search/queries`
// element. Search results are then written under `/search/results`.
exports.searchentry = functions.database.ref('/search/queries/{queryid}').onWrite(event => {
const index = client.initIndex(ALGOLIA_POSTS_INDEX_NAME);
const query =;
const key =;
return => {
const updates = {
'/search/last_query_timestamp': Date.parse(event.timestamp)
updates[`/search/results/${key}`] = content;
return admin.database().ref().update(updates);
Open Image
Your help will be appreciated. Thanks
So I used the sample code provided here and placed it into a Firebase cloud function. Writing to '/blog-posts/{blogid}/text' inside the database should index whatever value is under text to Algolia.
There are a few things that might be going wrong here:
Check that your function is correctly placed into Firebase. You can do this from the console by clicking functions on the left side. You should see two functions named indexentry and searchentry. If you do not see those functions then you haven't correctly pushed your code to the Firebase cloud.
If you code is in Firebase cloud then I recommend adding console.log("write on blog-posts fired"); to your searchentry function. Then write some more data to your database under '/blog-posts/{blogid}/text'. You can check the function log in the Firebase console. I have noticed a slight delay in log records displaying some times, so be patient if you don't see it right away. I'd write a few pieces of data to '/blog-posts/{blogid}/text' then after a couple minutes I'd check the log. If the log has "write on blog-posts fired" in it then you know the function is being activated when you write to the database.
If all the above is operating correctly and you still don't have any data in Algolia then make sure you set your API keys. You can do this using the code firebase functions:config:set algolia.app_id="myAlgoliaAppId" algolia.api_key="myAlgoliaApiKey". You run this command in a terminal window inside the directory where you have your Firebase cloud functions. You can get you API keys by signing into your account. Remember not to share your API key with anyone.
