Firebase account linking prompt - firebase

I understand how to link two Firebase accounts manually, by allowing a logged in user to select to link another account, and then using the `linkWithCredential' method.
However, is there a way to use Firebase's FirebaseAuthUserCollisionException to trigger a prompt to the user to link the auth method that they are trying to loggin in with, with that of the existing account?
After the research that I've done, I'm assuming not. However, any suggestions relating to this or similar approaches would be appreciated.


Firebase google auth won't let me choose the account to connect with

I have implemented Firebase Auth into my app to let my users connect with their Google accounts. So far so good, however once a user has chosen to connect with a specific account from the google account chooser popup, he won't be able to choose a different account the next time he logs in. The previously selected account will be automatically picked for the authentication.
I really don't find this behavior correct, so I am trying to fix it.
After some research I found that I can use setCustomParameters(prompt: "select_account") with the googleProvider, like so:
this.googleProvider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
prompt: "select_account",
More info here:
In my case, using the consent and select_account parameters don't seem to have any impact, the user does not get to choose which account to use.
Edit: It would seem that it works correctly with chrome, but not with firefox...
I have found the source of the issue, it is in fact not really an issue. The google account picker will only show up if you have other accounts registered onto the device/browser you are currently using. If you want to choose a different account that is not saved into your device/browser, you would first need to log into it via google.

Log in restriction using firebase auth

I've created a website using firebase authentication system. The website is intended for a specifik group of people which means i want to restrict sign up/log in for this group.
I've been looking around for a solution but haven't been able to find a good one. I got a tip about creating a "whitelist" for the allowed users and changing the security rules so that .read is true for these people. But would this restrict login?
So basically I'm wondering if anyone else has bumped into this problem? Or if anyone has a good solution?
What you can do is to set up FireBase Auth using the Email/Password signin provider.
Then, create a backend page/tool to pre-register the users and send them a verification email.
Details found in FireBase doc:

Having problems to access Firebase Overview/Features

I am having problems to access Firebase Page.
I have multi google accounts and they were all connected at same time.
I have the firebase only registered in one of them and everysingle time I try to access firebase the first account that shows up as current is one that I am not registered with and not even logged in anymore.
Then when I change to the right one I can't access the features. The overview is completely different like it was reset or I just created an account. And I can't access anything.
It looks like a problem with multi google account and firebase.
Does anyone have the same? Is there a way to fix it?
I already logged out all my other accounts.

Firebase: Basic Account / User Role (notifications only)

In the FireBase Console for my Android app, is it possible to give a user a role that enables him/her to send notifications to the devices, and nothing more?
I tried the current "project roles", and none seem to suffice, they give the user too many functions.
If I set the most basic role "Project -> Viewer" the user cannot edit anything, but can still delete the app.
There is currently no way to give collaborators access to only a subset of the feature in the Firebase Console.
Now you can. Firebase made it possible for you to add a user with a specific role. This option is currently in beta but it works. I tested it just now. Firebase roles are divided by categories and you can assign user as an admin or viewer for a specific category. For a more detailed explanation just check the attachment.

Meteor: Verifying user's twitter account, without logging in

Meteor can let a user authenticate that she controls a Twitter account without logging in:
Standalone OAuth client use
If you just want to authenticate to an Oauth service like Twitter,
Facebook, or Google without using Accounts – that is, if you don't
want to log the user in, you just want an OAuth token – you can use
the underlying service packages such as twitter, facebook, and google
But, I haven't been able to find any information on how to do this in the documentations. I tried reading the packages for twitter and oauth, but it seems you have to change the code to make a call to Twitter without creating an account.
There are some solutions to a similar problem, like using Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user), where you can hinder external services from making an account on your app. But, I want to let some twitter accounts create a normal account, and others to not be able to create one at all.
I tried adding a custom object to Twitter.requestCredential(options, callback) and to Meteor.loginWithTwitter(options, callback), but neither worked.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem of letting users verify their twitter accounts without creating an account (and without completely stopping people from creating an account with twitter)?
