shortcut keys not working for PyCharm - centos6

I have installed VirtualBox -> Centos6.8 -> PyCharm.
The shortcut keys like Ctrl+c or any other is not working for PyCharm. When i press Ctrl+s then Centos settings window in invoked.
How can i change the key mapping?

All I would like to say is that the solution is simple:
Turn off Vim Emulation in the Tools menu


Is it possible to save a console command as a favorite or a keyboard shortcut, so I can run it multiple times in a row quickly?

I have a script I need to run multiple times in a row, with a few seconds in between. However, I need to keep reopening the f12 menu after I switch to a new page that I need to run it on. Is there a way to program it as a favorite or a keyboard shortcut so I can just click that instead of f12 then up then enter?
As far as I know, the developer tools don't have this option to save the console command as a favorite or a keyboard shortcut.
Here are some DevTools Keyboard Shortcuts, you could try to copy the command to the clipboard, then using the keyboard shortcuts to open the console command, and paste the command and run it.
To open DevTools, press the following keyboard shortcuts while your cursor is focused on the browser viewport:
Open whatever panel you used last: F12 or Control+Shift+I
Open the Console panel: Control+Shift+J
More detail information about the keyboard shortcuts, please check these links:
Microsoft Edge DevTools Keyboard Shortcuts
Get Started With Running JavaScript In The Console

Is it possible to copy text to my Windows 10 clipboard from tmux on PuTTY using vim key bindings?

I have a tmux session running in PuTTY, and I have tmux configured to use vim keybindings. I want to be able to use the visual highlight mode that vim keybindings provide (shift+V I believe), highlight some text, and then copy it to my Windows 10 clipboard. Is this possible?
I assume you are running tmux remotely.
If so, then for this to work you need a terminal that supports OSC 52. From a quick look at the putty code it doesn't appear to, so you will not be able to do this with putty.
However, you could try a different terminal that does support it, like mintty - it looks like you just need to turn its AllowSetSelection option on. IIRC mintty defaults to TERM=xterm, so if your tmux is new enough and you turn this option on, it should just work.
If it doesn't work, you need to check that Ms is set in the terminal-overrides option for the TERM you have outside tmux, and that the tmux set-clipboard option is set to on or external.

How to start Jupyter notebook in background?

I have installed Jupiter notebook using Anaconda. I run it as using jupyter notebook --no-browser in command prompt in windows 10. I want to run it as the background so that I don't accidentally close the command prompt. The problem here is, many users of systems accidentally close the command prompt, which affects other users.
Open Anaconda navigator.
Launch the jupyter notebook from it. It will run as a background process. Even if you close the Anaconda navigator, it works. So when you close the anaconda navigator, it asks do you want to kill the background process, make sure you unselect the checkbox. Check below screenshot.
This method worked well.
You can use START /b, but that will terminate the program when command window is closed. You will need a VBScript to accomplish this. This post show a simple script to accomplish this:

R/RStudio set keyboard shortcuts using script/code

I'll now be working between a Mac and a PC using R/RStudio for the projects. I've got a series of keyboard shortcuts (pipe, assignment operator) for each machine using keys that are conveniently located. The two computers don't have the same keyboards.
I'd like to create a script that I can run that tells R/RStudio to change all keyboard shortcuts to x or y? My question is: Can keyboard shortcuts be set using code in scripts or the terminal?
According to the documentation :
The RStudio keybindings are saved as JSON files in the directory ~/.R/rstudio/keybindings/ -- you can find the bindings for the editor and RStudio itself at:
I think you can make a script that edit json then restart R

Jupyter notebook restart kernel with keyboard

I program with my laptop, and having to use the touchpad is just the worst. I <Esc>, 0, 0 to 'restart the kernel' per the keyboard shortcuts docs, but that gives me a dialog... when I hit <Return>, it selects, apparently, the "don't restart the kernel, actually" option. <Tab>, <Return> doesn't seem to work for selecting the 'restart' option in the dialog.
Please help me escape the evil clutches of my touchpad!
If you upgrade to a newer version of the notebook, you can define your own keyboard shortcuts and so could set you own shortcut for the "restart kernel" command which does not prompt you. Editing keyboard shortcuts was introduced in 5.0, and can be done via Help > Edit Keyboard Shortcuts
If you cannot upgrade the notebook for whatever reason, then it may just be your browser. I tested it in both Chrome and Firefox and it auto-selects the Restart option for me, and I can switch between the two options using Tab and Shift+Tab and press Enter to select them.
