Is there a better way to achieve the result below?
I'm commonly using this sort of coding approach for operating on many columns (imagine v2 had 20 + columns, so I need a dynamic way to build new columns)
dt <- data.table(m = 1:10, v1 = rnorm(10, 1), v2 = rnorm(10, 1), v3 = rnorm(10, 1))
run_across <- function(x, y = "m", z = c("v1")) {
# browser()
x[,c(paste0(y, ".", z), paste0(y, ".div.", z)) := list(get(y) * get(z), get(y) / get(z))]
# works fine for an individual case:
# Error: param z returns the values of column v1:
dt[, lapply(X=.SD, FUN = run_across, x = dt, y = "m"), .SDcols = paste0("v", 1:3)]
# This has desired result, but is there a more elegant approach?
invisible(lapply(paste0("v", 1:3), run_across, x = dt, y = "m"))
First of all, "elegance" is a very subjective term that is not really helpful in evaluating code, from my point of view.
Second, the approach the OP offered themself is not bad at all, using a sinlge lapply-call.
Third, the best I can think of to making this a more "elegant" (in the sense of R-like or simple) operation, is to convert your data to long format before running your custom function:
dt <- melt(dt, id.vars = "m")
run_across(dt, y = "m", z = "value")
That means, you can do it in a single call to run_across without looping.
If you need to convert to wide-format afterwards, you can use dcast:
dcast(dt, m ~ variable, value.var = c("value","m.value", "m.div.value"))
I want to substract a vector from multiple columns from my data.table by name. I use an approach with dot-dot and I cannot seem to wrap my head around why the last assignment does not work, because both expressions work just fine when evaluated alone. I have attached a reproducible example that should make the issue clear.
dt <- data.table("a_x" = rnorm(10),
"b_x" = rnorm(10),
"a_y" = rnorm(10),
"b_y" = rnorm(10),
"d" = rnorm(10)
XIND <- names(dt) %like% "_x"
MAT <- matrix(dt[,d], nrow = dim(dt[,..XIND])[1], ncol = dim(dt[,..XIND])[2])
dt[,..XIND] <- dt[,..XIND] - MAT
Here is another option which feels more idiomatic to me:
dt <- data.table("a_x" = 1:10, "b_x" = 2:11, "d" = 1:10)
XIND <- grep("_x$", names(dt))
dt[, (XIND) := .SD - d, .SDcols=XIND]
I used str_subset as a workaround, which is, however, not ideal in my opinion.
dt[,(str_subset(names(dt),"_x"))] <- dt[,..XIND] - MAT
df1 <- data.frame(X = c(0:9), Y = c(10:19))
df2 <- data.frame(X = c(0:9), Y = c(10:19))
df3 <- data.frame(X = c(0:9), Y = c(10:19))
list_of_df <- list(A = df1, B = df2, C = df3)
I'm trying to apply the rollmean function from zoo to every 'Y' column in this list of dataframes.
I've tried lapply with no success, It seems no matter which way i spin it, there is no way to get around specifying the dataframe you want to apply to at some point.
This does one of the dataframes
roll_mean <- rollmean(list_of_df$A, 2)
obviously this doesn't work:
roll_mean1 <- rollmean(list_of_df, 2)
I also tried this:
subset(may not be necessary)
Sub1 <- lapply(list_of_df, "[", 2)
roll_mean1 <- rollmean(Sub1, 2)
there doesn't seem to be a way to do it without having to
specify the particular dataframe in the rollmean function
lapply(list_of_df), function(x) rollmean(list_of_df, 2))
for loop? also no success
For (i in list_of_df) {roll_mean1 <- rollmean(Sub1, 2)
Stating the obvious but I'm very new to coding in general and would appreciate some pointers.
It has occurred to me that even if it did work, the column that has been averaged would be one value longer than the rest of the dataframe; how would I get around that?
The question at one point says that it wants to perform the rollmean only on Y and at another point says that this works roll_mean <- rollmean(list_of_df$A, 2) but that does all columns.
1) Assuming that you want to apply rollmean to all columns:
Use lapply like this:
lapply(list_of_df, rollmean, 2)
This also works:
for(i in seq_along(list_of_df)) list_of_df[[i]] <- rollmean(list_of_df[[i]], 2)
2) If you only want to apply it to the Y column:
lapply(list_of_df, transform, Y = rollmean(Y, 2, fill = NA))
for(i in seq_along(list_of_df)) {
list_of_df[[i]]$Y <- rollmean(list_of_df[[i]]$Y, 2, fill = NA)
I wrote some code to performed oversampling, meaning that I replicate my observations in a data.frame and add noise to the replicates, so they are not exactly the same anymore. I'm quite happy that it works now as intended, is too slow. I'm just learning dplyr and have no clue about data.table, but I hope there is a way to improve my function. I'm running this code in a function for 100s of data.frames which may contain about 10,000 columns and 400 rows.
This is some toy data:
train_set1 <- rep(0, 300)
train_set2 <- rep("Factor1", 300)
train_set3 <- data.frame(replicate(1000, sample(0:1, 300, rep = TRUE)))
train_set <- cbind(train_set1, train_set2, train_set3)
row.names(train_set) <- c(paste("Sample", c(1:nrow(train_set)), sep = "_"))
This is the code to replicate each row a given number of times and a function to determine whether the added noise later will be positive or negative:
# replicate each row twice, added row.names contain a "."
train_oversampled <- train_set[rep(seq_len(nrow(train_set)), each = 3), ]
# create a flip function
flip <- function() {
sample(c(-1,1), 1)
In the relevant "too slow" piece of code, I'm subsetting the row.names for the added "." to filter for the replicates. Than I select only the numeric columns. I go through those columns row by row and leave the values untouched if they are 0. If not, a certain amount is added (here +- 1 %). Later on, I combine this data set with the original data set and have my oversampled data.frame.
# add percentage of noise to non-zero values in numerical columns
noised_copies <- train_oversampled %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "rowname") %>%
filter(grepl("\\.", row.names(train_oversampled))) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate_if(~ is.numeric(.), ~ if_else(. == 0, 0,. + (. * flip() * 0.01 ))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "rowname")
# combine original and oversampled, noised data set
train_noised <- rbind(noised_copies, train_set)
I assume there are faster ways using e.g. data.table, but it was already tough work to get this code running and I have no idea how to improve its performance.
The solution is working perfectly fine with fixed values, but called within a for loop I receive "Error in paste(Sample, n, sep = ".") : object 'Sample' not found"
Code to replicate:
train_set <- data.frame(
x = c(rep(0, 10)),
y = c(0:9),
z = c(rep("Factor1", 10)))
# changing the row name to avoid confusion with "Sample"
row.names(train_set) <- c(paste("Observation", c(1:nrow(train_set)), sep = "_"))
train_list <- list(aa = train_set, bb = train_set, cc = train_set)
for(current_table in train_list) {
setDT(current_table, keep.rownames="Sample")
cols <- names(current_table)[sapply(current_table, is.numeric)]
noised_copies <- lapply(c(1,2), function(n) {
c("Sample", cols) := c(.(paste(Sample, n, sep=".")),
.SD * sample(c(-1.01, 1.01), .N*ncol(.SD), TRUE)),
train_noised <- rbindlist(c(noised_copies, list(train_set)), use.names=FALSE)
# As this is an example, I did not write anything to actually
# store the results, so I have to remove the object
Any ideas why the column Sample can't be found now?
Here is a more vectorized approach using data.table:
setDT(train_set, keep.rownames="Sample")
cols <- names(train_set)[sapply(train_set, is.numeric)]
noised_copies <- lapply(c(1,2), function(n) {
c("Sample", cols) := c(.(paste(Sample, n, sep=".")),
.SD * sample(c(-1.01, 1.01), .N*ncol(.SD), TRUE)),
train_noised <- rbindlist(c(noised_copies, list(train_set)), use.names=FALSE)
With data.table version >= 1.12.9, you can pass is.numeric directly to .SDcols argument and maybe a shorter way (e.g. (.SD) or names(.SD)) to pass to the left hand side of :=
address OP's updated post:
The issue is that although each data.frame within the list is converted to a data.table, the train_list is not updated. You can update the list with a left bind before the for loop:
train_set <- data.frame(
x = c(rep(0, 10)),
y = c(0:9),
z = c(rep("Factor1", 10)))
# changing the row name to avoid confusion with "Sample"
row.names(train_set) <- c(paste("Observation", c(1:nrow(train_set)), sep = "_"))
train_list <- list(aa = train_set, bb = copy(train_set), cc = copy(train_set))
train_list <- lapply(train_list, setDT, keep.rownames="Sample")
for(current_table in train_list) {
cols <- names(current_table)[sapply(current_table, is.numeric)]
noised_copies <- lapply(c(1,2), function(n) {
c("Sample", cols) := c(.(paste(Sample, n, sep=".")),
.SD * sample(c(-1.01, 1.01), .N*ncol(.SD), TRUE)),
train_noised <- rbindlist(c(noised_copies, train_list), use.names=FALSE)
# As this is an example, I did not write anything to actually
# store the results, so I have to remove the object
This question is about efficient use of data.table in R.
Suppose the following DataTable
DataTable <- data.table(Id = rep(1:10,5), Method = rep(c("M1","M2","M3","M4", "M5"), each = 10), Value = rnorm(100))
What I want to know is: for which Ids the maximum absolute difference in value between M1 and M3 is more than 2?
I thought about this code:
DataTable[,if( max(abs(.SD[Method == "M1", Value] - .SD[Method == "M3", Value] )) > 2) 1, by = "Id"]$Id
This gives the desired output, but it seems so unelegant and is also quite slow. Is there a better way to do this?
Here are 2 possible approaches:
1) Like what akrun suggested with Value[Method=="M1"]
DataTable[, Id[any(abs(Value[Method=="M1"] - Value[Method=="M3"]) > 2)], by=.(Id)]$V1
2) Cast into a wide format (might be slower with large dataset)
dcast(DataTable, Id ~ Method, sum, value.var="Value")[, Id[abs(M1 - M3) > 2]]
DataTable <- data.table(Id = rep(1:10, 5),
Method = rep(c("M1","M2","M3","M4", "M5"), each = 10),
Value = rnorm(50))
This is a follow up question from R: t-test over all columns
Suppose I have a huge data set, and then I created numerous subsets based on certain conditions. The subsets should have the same number of columns. Then I want to do t-test on two subsets at a time (outer loop) and then for each combination of subsets go through all columns one column at a time (inner loop).
Here is what I have come up with based on previous answer. This one stops with an error.
C <- c("c1","c1","c1","c1","c1",
X <- rnorm(n=50, mean = 10, sd = 5)
Y <- rnorm(n=50, mean = 15, sd = 6)
Z <- rnorm(n=50, mean = 20, sd = 5)
Data <- data.frame(C, X, Y, Z)
Data.c1 = subset(Data, C == "c1",select=X:Z)
Data.c2 = subset(Data, C == "c2",select=X:Z)
Data.c3 = subset(Data, C == "c3",select=X:Z)
Data.c4 = subset(Data, C == "c4",select=X:Z)
Data.c5 = subset(Data, C == "c5",select=X:Z)
Data.Subsets = c("Data.c1",
combo1 <- combn(length(Data.Subsets),1)
adply(combo1, 1, function(x) {
combo2 <- combn(ncol(Data.Subsets[x]),2)
adply(combo2, 2, function(y) {
test <- t.test( Data.Subsets[x][, y[1]], Data.Subsets[x][, y[2]], na.rm=TRUE)
out <- data.frame("Subset" = rownames(Data.Subsets[x]),
, "Row" = colnames(x)[y[1]]
, "Column" = colnames(x[y[2]])
, "t.value" = round(test$statistic,3)
, "df"= test$parameter
, "p.value" = round(test$p.value, 3)
} )
} )
First of all, you can more easily define you dataset using gl, and by avoiding creating individual variables for the columns.
Data <- data.frame(
C = gl(10, 5, labels = paste("c", 1:10, sep = "")),
X = rnorm(n = 50, mean = 10, sd = 5),
Y = rnorm(n = 50, mean = 15, sd = 6),
Z = rnorm(n = 50, mean = 20, sd = 5)
Convert this to "long" format using melt from the reshape package. (You can also use the base reshape function.)
longData <- melt(Data, id.vars = "C")
Now Use pairwise.t.test to compute t tests on all pairs of X/Y/Z for for each level of C.
with(longData, pairwise.t.test(value, interaction(C, variable)))
Note that it is important to use pairwise.t.test rather than just lots of individual calls to t.test because you need to adjust your p values if you run lots of tests. (See, e.g., xkcd for explanation.)
In general, pairwise t tests are inferior to a regression so be careful about their usage.
You can use get(Data.subset[x]) which will pick out the relevant data frame. But I don't think this should be necessary.
Explicitly subsetting that many times shoudn't be necessry either. You could create them using something like
conditions = c("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5")
dfs <- lapply(conditions, function(x){subset(Data, C==x, select=X:Z)})
That should (didn't test it) return a list of data frames each subseted on the various conditions you passed it.
However it would be a much better idea as #Richie Cotton points out, to reshape your data frame and use pairwise t tests.
I should point out that doing this many t-tests doesn't seem wise. Even after correction for multiple testing, be it FDR, permutation or otherwise. It would be better to try and figure out if you can use an anova of some sort as they are used for almost exactly this purpose.