map hostname to directoy nginx and accessable through http - wordpress

I have wordpress installed on:
My IP points to wordpress1/DocumentRoot, but id like http://IP/wordpress2 to point to /home/kusanagi/wordpress2/DocumentRoot.
So far ive tried adding to /etc/nginx/conf.d/_http.conf:
location ~ /wordpress2 {
root /home/kusanagi/wordpress2/DocumentRoot/;
but i get a 502/404 or nothing. Any help would be appreciated.

point your ip by default to "/home/kusanagi" this path and restart your apache.
then you can access both url by using


How to rewrite URL in NGINX with location parameter?

i have a Application (Openproject) on a Webserver.
this is Reachable under
Behind my users and the Webserver is a NGinx on which i need to publish under a specific URL:
so i made the following changes in my Nginx Configuaion (in this NGINX instance multiple Websites are published with the "location" settings):
location /openproject/ {
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/proxy.conf;
But when i open the page through the Reverseproxy, the Webbrowser displays only a White Page.
In the Webbrowser Debugger i see, that some paths are wrong, so the browser couldn´t load it. Example:
(/openproject/ is missing in the URL)
Correct would be:
So can somebody please tell me, which configuration is needed, so i can Openproject under the URL successfully?
Thank you very much.
When you proxy_pass you proxy the entire HTTP request meaning that you are actually requesting GET /openproject on rather than just GET /
You can add this line before the proxy_pass to fix this and remove the /openproject prefix :
rewrite /openproject/(.*) /$1 break;
This changes the requested URL from /openproject/... to /...

Redirect default (80) port to 5000 - Flask + NGINX + Ubuntu

I'm successfully able to run a flask app on my IP:5000 path. A simple Hello World program that shows the output on my browser.
Now, what I would like to do is to configure NGINX with a proxy so that if I access only IP which apparently runs on a default port 80, it should navigate to port 5000 and show output of my application.
In other words...
This is working : IP:5000 -> Output = Hello world
This isn't working: IP -> This site can’t be reached
The server settings that I want to add would be something like this.
server {
listen 80;
server_name MY_IP;
location / {
However, I'm not sure where to add this? Should it be inside http block inside /etc/nginx/nginx.conf?
Updates: Based on the answers given below, I've managed to do the following.
I did restart nginx after this. However, I'm still facing the same issue. App works on IP:5000 but does not work on IP
The configuration you have mentioned should be in a separate file, assume under /etc/nginx/conf.d. You can put all the configuration in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and it'll work, it's just that for readability we create separate configuration files which would be auto included when you add it inside conf.d.
Ok, the problem is fixed. As #senaps and #Mukanahallipatna had mentioned, I created the new configuration file under conf.d.
However, the most imp step that I was missing was this part mentioned in the below link.
It is recommended that you enable the most restrictive profile that will still allow the traffic you've configured. Since we haven't configured SSL for our server yet, in this guide, we will only need to allow traffic on port 80.
Reference Link
sudo ufw allow 'Nginx HTTP'
Now, everything is working fine.
Put the working blocks in a file with any_name.conf inside the folder named /etc/nginx/conf.d and it will be loaded automatically.
You will need to restart your nginx.
What are you using to serve flask? if you are using uwsgi, then you should use configurations like this:
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:path_to_your.sock;
Other options for uwsgi_pass are:
uwsgi_pass localhost:9000; #normal
uwsgi_pass uwsgi://localhost:9000;
uwsgi_pass suwsgi://[2001:db8::1]:9090; #uwsgi over ssl
If you are using gunicorn to serve your flask app, then your current configs should be fine, check if your app is running and if you can get your index page or not using 5000 port, then check for other problems. your configs looks good, maybe it's a problem on flask not being run?

Varnish + Nginx proxy configuration on plesk

I followed the official tuto for the Varnish via Docker configuration on plesk.
i have a VPS Ubuntu with plesk and many domains.
I followed all steps :
I created a domain
I use the Docker image million12/varnish
On the Docker container setting, the mapping redirect the 80 port to the 32780
On plesk for the hosting parameters, the option “SSL/TLS support” and “Permanent SEO-safe 301 redirect from HTTP to HTTPS” are deactivated
I deactived also the security mod for this domain
On the proxy rules of the docker container (/etc/varnish/default.vcl), i put fo the .host and .port 7080
On the function sub vcl_deliver, i put :
if (obj.hits > 0) {
set resp.http.X-Cache = "HIT";
} else {
set resp.http.X-Cache = "MISS";
I still have a 503 page with a MISS on the header for the page on
I can't understand where is the problem. I tried to put on the .host the serveur IP and with a link to another domain of the server. I think it's a problem with a setting but i don't know where.
Thanks in advance
A 503 error response from Varnish means that your Docker container is not configured properly. You should check whether the container and Varnish within the container are running properly. Additionally, the configuration file must have valid syntax and the correct port and IP address of the server have to be set in the configuration file.
Without knowing what you've entered, I cannot give you a better advice! If you follow the tutorial completely, it will work. I've created over 10 working instances while I wrote the text!
PS: Please use the official Plesk forum with more information (also add your configuration file) if you still cannot solve your problem -
Have success!

how to make '' url accessible

I have a abcService.svc already created and ready to be accessed. But I want it available on a specific port in my case 1110. How do I achieve this? I have nginx and glassfish server up and running. Which of the two will be a better choice?
This config will help you:
server {
listen 1110;
root /path/to/abcService.svc;
.... Your directives
After adding this to your conf file you have to reload nginx.

is my nginx config correct?

hi im trying to run my Ruby on rails app in nginx using
passenger start -e production
but it is missing the cache: [HEAD /] miss
im guessing this i dont have actualy a file in public sorry for this question this may be to easy to answer and when i route to it renders a live page in the internet :(
server {
listen 80;
passenger_enabled on;
root /home/led/Aptana\ Studio\ 3\ Workspace/djors/public;
Where ever you point the webserver, nginx in this case, you need your DNS to match the location. If this is your production server, then you need DNS records to point to your server.
If this is your development or local machine, you probably don't want to name your server something that will overwrite the public DNS records. For example, I name all of my apps in my local nginx config like the following:
server_name my_app_name.local
Once you've given it a name, you'll need to add "my_app_name.local" to your hosts file (your local DNS records). Your hosts file should now have entries like below. localhost my_app_name.local
Restart nginx, and you can now goto my_app_name.local in your browser.
You can get rid of passenger and nginx conf all together, as it looks like you are doing this locally and if you want named links (as opposed to just running bundle exec rails server; use Pow to facilitate this. Personally, i'm a rails server guy, but ymmv.
