Add Post Meta Fields via WP API v2 - wordpress

I'm trying to play with the WP API v2 and insert posts from Postman.
If I post this raw request, it creates a post just fine:
"title": "Test Title",
"content": "Test Content",
However, I'm trying to add some custom field values to this as well, and I can't seem to get them to work. This request creates a post, but doesn't add any meta fields:
"title": "Test Title",
"content": "Test Content",
"meta": {
"foo": "bar",
"foo2": "bar2"
How do I POST the meta fields foo and foo2 with the values bar and bar2 through the API endpoint
Edit: It also appears custom fields don't get pulled natively in GET requests. I put this code in a mu-plugin:
add_filter( 'rest_prepare_post', 'xhynk_api_post_meta', 10, 3 );
function xhynk_api_post_meta( $data, $post, $context ){
$meta = get_post_custom( $post->ID );
if( $meta ) {
$data->data['meta'] = $meta;
return $data;
Which at least lets me view it on a GET request. However I still can't seem to get it to POST via Postman. Even adding "status": "publish" will cause the new post to publish instead of being a draft like it is by default. Are there any hooks or filters I can use on API POST requests to make sure the custom fields are added?

to handle metas on insertion and update, you can do it with action rest_insert_ + post type
add_action("rest_insert_page", function (\WP_Post $post, $request, $creating) {
$metas = $request->get_param("meta");
if (is_array($metas)) {
foreach ($metas as $name => $value) {
update_post_meta($post->ID, $name, $value);
}, 10, 3);


How to display post and custom post type count by published by author in wordpress

I need to display the total post count published by the author this code is displayed the total number of post
Please Check both the code and screenshot and give me a solution on how can I display the total number of posts by the author.
// Post Type - Post
function postcode( $atts )
return (count_user_posts(get_the_author_meta('ID'),'post') );
add_shortcode( 'codepost', 'postcode');
// Custom Post Type
function tourcode( $atts )
return (count_user_posts(get_the_author_meta('ID'),'tourism') );
add_shortcode( 'codetour', 'tourcode');
Easy just put all the post_types into an array like below:
// All post types
function my_get_author_post_count( $atts )
return count_user_posts(get_the_author_meta('ID'), ['post', 'tourism']);
add_shortcode( 'get_author_post_count', 'my_get_author_post_count');

Is there any method to generate auto title inside wordpress post when publishing

I have a custom post type where i can create post and publish.The title
can be any random string.
Is there any method to auto modify post title when a post is published?
If you want to set a title when a post is created on the back end, you have to use the title_save_pre filter. It works on creating a new post or updating an existing post without change.
add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data' , 'modify_your_post_title' , '99', 1 );
function modify_your_post_title( $data )
if($data['post_type'] == 'rating') { /
$id = get_the_ID();
$title = 'Post Title for ' . $id;
$data['post_title'] = $title ; //Updates the post title to your new title.
return $data; // Returns the modified data.

Add Heartbeat API's filter in plugin - Wordpress

I would like to receive a custom value from a request made by WordPress Heartbeat API.
The problem is that the filter only work in functions.php and not from plugin constructor as I always do.
I have plenty others hooks which perfectly work. The syntax is correct. Can I misunderstand the loading sequence ?
In plugin constructor (don't work):
add_filter( 'heartbeat_received', array( $this, 'test_heartbeat_received' ), 10, 2 );
function test_heartbeat_received( $response, $data ) {
$response['test'] = 'test';
return $response;
In functions.php (work):
add_filter( 'heartbeat_received', 'test_heartbeat_received', 10, 2 );
function test_heartbeat_received( $response, $data ) {
$response['test'] = 'test';
return $response;
I expect this JSON response : { test: "test", "wp-auth-check": true, server_time: 1546856046 },
but only get { "wp-auth-check": true, server_time: 1546856046 }.
Thank you for your help !
I have managed to make it work by putting the filter outside the main class, the problem could be in relation with POO but I don't understand the process...
add_filter( 'heartbeat_received', array( new Test, 'test_heartbeat_received' ), 10, 2 );
My class, related to front page, was instantiated with the conditionnal tag !is_admin() so all AJAX actions were not triggered. Without this condition it works !

WP REST-API create posts with custom fields generated by CPT

I used the CPT to create a post type UserQuestion with a few fields, such as ip_data. I want to be able to create one of this posts through API. So I looked into WP REST API .
However, the API offers /v2/user_question:
"title" : "test2",
"slug": "user_question",
"status": "publish",
"post_type": "user_question",
"meta": {
"ip" : "1111",
"question": "test question",
"answer": "yes, the answer"
The post is created, but it's not updating the customized fields data.
How should I make the request?
add_action("rest_insert_user_question", function (\WP_Post $post, $request, $creating)
$metas = $request->get_param("meta");
if (is_array($metas)) {
foreach ($metas as $name => $value) {
//update_post_meta($post->ID, $name, $value);
update_field($name, $value, $post->ID);
}, 10, 3);
In your functions.php (or in your plugin) add the above add_action and function. Change the 'user_question' in the add_action to match your post type, for example "rest_insert_portfolio" for a portfolio post type. Use update_field if you're using Advanced Custom Fields or update_post_meta if you're using regular custom fields.

How add a new property to Post entity in "WP REST API" plugin of WordPress?

I'm trying to add a new property to the Post entity of "WP REST API" plugin. The new property is "views". It means the numbers of times that a post has been viewed. The data come from the plugin "Post Views Counter" how is on the WordPress table wp_post_views.
What's is the easiest form to do it?
Thanks in advance,
This is a very simple answer, using a wordpress plugin:
function get_viewed_count_post( $data, $post, $context ) {
// We only want to modify the 'view' context, for reading posts
if ( $context !== 'view' || is_wp_error( $data ) ) {
return $data;
//Eliminate unused variables
$viewed = db_select($data['ID']);
if (!empty( $viewed )) {
$data['post_viewed'] = $viewed;
return $data;
function db_select($id) {
global $wpdb;
$px_table_name = $wpdb->prefix.'post_views';
$sql = "SELECT count FROM $px_table_name WHERE ID='$id' AND type = 4";
return intval($wpdb->get_var($sql));
add_filter( 'json_prepare_post', 'get_viewed_count_post', 13, 3 );
