If there are n (e.g. 100) measurement points on a circle:
Now I try to compute potential offsets.
There is an expected value and a measured value. Expected value - measured value = offset.
But in a circle with 100 measurement points,
20 to 25 has the same offset as 97 to 2.
What is the known formula that goes like this:
Expected value [1] - Measured value [99] = offset[2]?
[Edit by Spektre (moved from invalid "answer")]
Circumference! Circle. You can set n points on that. In [mm] in [cm] ... And eg. point 2 is 2 cm apart from 4 and 22 is 2 apart from 24. Easy. But 99 is also 2 cm apart from 1.
Minimal circular distance for circle length n and positions a and b is
dist = Min((a - b + n) % n, (b - a + n) % n)
dist = Abs(a - b)
if dist > n/2
dist = n - dist
For n binary digits with base x, the maximum value will be:
x^(n-1) + x^(n-2) + ... + x^1 + x^0
By using geometric progression,
Using formula for sum of n finite numbers i get:
(x^n - 1) / (x - 1).
But my answer should have been x^n - 1.(formula: M= x^n - 1)
You are correct that the sum of the geometric series x0 + x1 + x2 + ... + xn-1 is indeed (xn - 1) / (x - 1). For example, if we pick x = 10 (base 10) and n = 3 (a three-digit base 10 number), we get back
1 + 10 + 100 = (1000 - 1) / 9 = 999 / 9 = 111.
However, the largest three-digit number is 999. And by looking at the above sum, you might get a sense of why we're off by a factor of 9. When writing out numbers in base 10, we'd maximize our number by having each digit be 9, not 1. And more generally, in base x, we'd maximize our value by having each digit be x - 1. That means that the maximum value is
(x - 1)(x0 + x1 + x2 + ... + xn-1) = (x - 1)(xn - 1)/(x - 1) = xn - 1.
Here's another, easier way to see this. What is the smallest number you can make with n+1 digits? That would be xn. Since that's the smallest (n+1)-digit number, the largest n-digit number must be that minus one, giving xn - 1 without needing to discuss geometric series.
I am trying to determine if a point lies between two bearings from a central point.
The diagram below attempts to explain things
I have a central point labelled A
I have two points (labelled B & C) which provide the boundaries of the search area (based on bearing only - there is no distance element required).
I'm trying to determine if point D is within the sector formed by A-B and A-C
I've calculated the bearings from A to each B & C
In my real scenario the angle created between the bearings can be anything from 0 to 360.
There are some similar questions & answers
however in my case I'm not interested in restricting my search to the radius of a circle. And there seems to be some implementation issues around angle size and the location of the points in terms of clockwise vs counter-clockwise
It seems so simple in theory but my maths is clearly not up to scratch :(
Any advice or pseudo-code would be greatly appreciated.
Here would be my approach:
calculate first bearing angle X
calculate second bearing angle Y
calculate angle Z towards point D
if X < Z < Y, return true; otherwise, return false
In your example it looks like you'd calculate Z ~ 90deg and find 45 < 90 < 135 (is your picture wrong? is says 315).
You can use something like the "atan2" function in whatever language you're using. This is an extension of the basic arctangent function which takes not just the slope but both the rise and run and instead of returning an angle from only a 180-degree range, it returns the true angle from a 360-degree range. So
Z = atan2(Dy, Dx)
Should give you the angle (possibly in radians; be careful) that you can compare to your bearings to tell whether you're inside the search. Note that the order of X and Y matter since the order is what defines which of the two sections is in the search area (X to Y gives ~90 deg in your picture, but Y to X gives ~270 deg).
You can calculate and compare the cross products of the vectors (AB X BD), and (AC X CD).
if (AB X BD) > 0, you have a counter clock wise turn
if (AC X CD) < 0, you have a clock wise turn
If both above tests are true, then the point D is in the sector BAC
This allows you to completely avoid using expensive trig functions.
class Point:
"""small class for point arithmetic convenience
def __init__(self, x: float = 0, y: float = 0) -> None:
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __sub__(self, other: 'Point') -> 'Vector':
return Vector(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)
class Vector:
"""small class for vector arithmetic convenience
def __init__(self, x: float = 0, y: float = 0) -> None:
self.x = x
self.y = y
def cross(self, other: 'Vector') -> float:
return (self.x * other.y) - (self.y * other.x)
def in_sector(A: Point, B: Point, C: Point, D: Point) -> bool:
# construct vectors:
ab = B - A
bd = D - B
ac = C - A
cd = D - C
print(f'ab x bc = {ab.cross(bd)}, ac x cd = {ac.cross(cd)}')
return ab.cross(bd) > 0 and ac.cross(cd) < 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
A = Point(0, 0)
B = Point(1, 1)
C = Point(-1, 1)
D = Point(0, 1)
print(f'D in sector ABC: {in_sector(A, B, C, D)}', end='\n\n')
print(f'D in sector ACB: {in_sector(A, C, B, D)}') # inverting the sector definition so D is now outside
ab x bc = 1, ac x cd = -1
D in sector ABC: True
ab x bc = -1, ac x cd = 1
D in sector ACB: False
I need to write some code that can calculate a variable which shows the preference of a consumer to buy a component for his laptop. The preference changes by the tax (T) and the importance of prices on people's purchases (PriceI). I need to include both T and PriceI to find the person's willingness (W) for purchasing a laptop. Tax changes in a slider ranging from 50 Cent to $6 . I want to keep the variable W in a range from 1 to 2, where 1 is when the tax is on its default, minimum values which is 50 cent.
So There are 2 variables that have influence on W:
0.6 < PriceI < 9
Since I want 1<W<2, I thought it should work if I first normalize all the data by dividing them by their max, then in order to find a fraction to be between 1 and 2, I made the numerator to be less than 4 and the denominator to be less than 2, hoping to have the result between 1 to 2 :
to setup-WCalculator
ask consumers [
set PP ((PriceI / 9) * 2)
set TT ((T / 600) * 4)
set W TT / PP
However, Netlogo makes both PP and TT zero while they should be a small value like 0.15! Does the logic for finding W make sense?
Normalization is normally done with a formula such as
TT = (T - Tmin) / (Tmax - Tmin)
or here
TT = (T - 50) / (600 - 50)
That gives a normalized value between 0 and 1 as T ranges between 50 and 600. If you want TTT to range between 1 and x, where x is > 1, then you can set
TTT = 1.0 + TT * (x - 1.0)
TTT = 1.0 + TT * (4.0 - 1.0) = 1.0 + TT * 3.0
will give you a value between 1 and 4.
Given a pyramid like:
1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8 9
and given the index of the pyramid i where i represents the ith number of the pyramid, is there a way to find the index of the row to which the ith element belongs? (e.g. if i = 6,7,8,9, it is in the 3rd row, starting from row 0)
There's a connection between the row numbers and the triangular numbers. The nth triangular number, denoted Tn, is given by Tn = n(n-1)/2. The first couple triangular numbers are 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, etc., and if you'll notice, the starts of each row are given by the nth triangular number (the fact that they come from this triangle is where this name comes from.)
So really, the goal here is to determine the largest n such that Tn ≤ i. Without doing any clever math, you could solve this in time O(√n) by just computing T0, T1, T2, etc. until you find something bigger than i. Even better, you could binary search for it in time O(log n) by computing T1, T2, T4, T8, etc. until you overshoot, then binary searching on the range you found.
Alternatively, we could try to solve for this directly. Suppose we want to find the choice of n such that
n(n + 1) / 2 = i
Expanding, we get
n2 / 2 + n / 2 = i.
n2 / 2 + n / 2 - i = 0,
or, more easily:
n2 + n - 2i = 0.
Now we use the quadratic formula:
n = (-1 ± √(1 + 8i)) / 2
The negative root we can ignore, so the value of n we want is
n = (-1 + √(1 + 8i)) / 2.
This number won't necessarily be an integer, so to find the row you want, we just round down:
row = ⌊(-1 + √(1 + 8i)) / 2⌋.
In code:
int row = int((-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * i)) / 2);
Let's confirm that this works by testing it out a bit. Where does 9 go? Well, we have
(-1 + √(1 + 72)) / 2 = (-1 + √73) / 2 = 3.77
Rounding down, we see it goes in row 3 - which is correct!
Trying another one, where does 55 go? Well,
(-1 + √(1 + 440)) / 2 = (√441 - 1) / 2 = 10
So it should go in row 10. The tenth triangular number is T10 = 55, so in fact, 55 starts off that row. Looks like it works!
I get row = math.floor (√(2i + 0.25) - 0.5) where i is your number
Essentially the same as the guy above but I reduced n2 + n to (n + 0.5)2 - 0.25
I think ith element belongs nth row where n is number of n(n+1)/2 <= i < (n+1)(n+2)/2
For example, if i = 6, then n = 3 because n(n+1)/2 <= 6
and if i = 8, then n = 3 because n(n+1)/2 <= 8
Suppose there is number s=12 , now i want to make sequence with the element a1+a2+.....+an=12.
The criteria is as follows-
n must be minimum.
a1 and an must be 1;
ai can differs a(i-1) by only 1,0 and -1.
for s=12 the result is 6.
So how to find the minimum value of n.
Algorithm for finding n from given s:
1.Find q = FLOOR( SQRT(s-1) )
2.Find r = q^2 + q
3.If s <= r then n = 2q, else n = 2q + 1
Example: s = 12
q = FLOOR( SQRT(12-1) ) = FLOOR(SQRT(11) = 3
r = 3^2 + 3 = 12
12 <= 12, therefore n = 2*3 = 6
Example: s = 160
q = FLOOR( SQRT(160-1) ) = FLOOR(SQRT(159) = 12
r = 12^2 + 12 = 156
159 > 156, therefore n = 2*12 + 1 = 25
and the 25-numbers sequence for
159: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,9,10,10,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Here's a way to visualize the solution.
First, draw the smallest triangle (rows containing successful odd numbers of stars) that has a greater or equal number of stars to n. In this case, we draw a 16-star triangle.
Then we have to remove 16 - 12 = 4 more stars. We do this diagonally starting from the top.
The result is:
Finally, add up the column heights to get the final answer:
1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1.
There are two cases: s odd and s even. When s is odd, you have the sequence:
1, 2, 3, ..., (s-1)/2, (s-1)/2, (s-1)/2-1, (s-1)/2-2, ..., 1
when n is even you have:
1, 2, 3, ..., s/2, s/2-1, s/2-2, ..., 1
The maximum possible for any given series of length n is:
n is even => (n^2+2n)/4
n is odd => (n+1)^2/4
These two results are arrived at easily enough by looking at the simple arithmetic sum of series where in the case of n even it is twice the sum of the series 1...n/2. In the case of n odd it is twice the sum of the series 1...(n-1)/2 and add on n+1/2 (the middle element).
Clearly you can generate any positive number that is less than this max as long as n>3.
So the problem then becomes finding the smallest n with a max greater than your target.
Algorithmically I'd go for:
Find (sqrt(4*s)-1) and round up to the next odd number. Call this M. This is an easy to work out value and will represent the lowest odd n that will work.
Check M-1 to see if its max sum is greater than s. If so then that your n is M-1. Otherwise your n is M.
Thank all you answer me. I derived a simpler solution. The algorithm looks like-
First find what is the maximum sum that can be made using n element-
if n=1 -> 1 sum=1;
if n=2 -> 1,1 sum=2;
if n=3 -> 1,2,1 sum=4;
if n=4 -> 1,2,2,1 sum=6;
if n=5 -> 1,2,3,2,1 sum=9;
if n=6 -> 1,2,3,3,2,1 sum=12;
So from observation it is clear that form any number,n 9<n<=12 can be
made using 6 element, similarly number
6<n<=9 can be made at using 5 element.
So it require only a binary search to find the number of
element that make a particular number.