R script that generates pdf in SSIS - r

I have SSIS package that gets data into database and then executes R Script. R script creates new folder (names it based on the current date) and generate some pdf files into this folder. I have deployed this package on server and created Job that executes it every night. The problem is that each morning I am finding only empty folders (with correct date name) without any pdf files. However, If I execute that package manually in Visual Studio it works fine and pdfs are there. Am I missing something here? I appreciate every answer.
When I execute manually it is directly on the server
Package looks like this
and here is my R script
dir.create(file.path(output.path, date))
conn <- odbcConnect("Azure", uid = "aaaaa", pwd = "aaaaa")
etldata <- sqlFetch(conn,"dbo.EtlLogsData", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pdf(paste('ETL_Duration_For_Effective_Date_', date,'.pdf',sep = ""),
width = 12,
height = 8,
paper = 'special')
par(mar = c(5, 17, 5, 3))
plot(c(min(etldata_day$st_sec), max(etldata_day$et_sec)),
c(sn[1], sn[1]),
ylim = c(0, n),
yaxt = 'n',
xaxt = 'n',
ylab = '',
xlab = 'Time',
main = paste('ETL Duration With Effective Date ', date, sep = ""))
abline(h = sn, untf = FALSE, col = "gray90")
for (i in 1:n){
lines(c(etldata_day$st_sec[i], etldata_day$et_sec[i]),
c(sn[i], sn[i]),
type = "l", lwd = 2)
arrows(etldata_day$st_sec[i], sn[i],
etldata_day$et_sec[i], sn[i],
length = 0.025, angle = 90, lwd = 2)
arrows(etldata_day$et_sec[i], sn[i],
etldata_day$st_sec[i], sn[i],
length = 0.025, angle = 90, lwd = 2)
# Print y axis labels
axis(2, at = sn, labels = etldata_day$TaskName, las = 1, cex.axis = 1)
# Print x axis labels
xat <- seq(from = min(etldata_day$st_sec), to = max(etldata_day$et_sec), length.out = 10)
xlabels <- secondsToString(xat)
axis(1, at = xat, labels = substr(xlabels,1,8), cex.axis = 1)
After plot() I use some FOR cycles, and LINES(),


For-loop to dynamically change plot title

I have 5 variables which want to plot and export in one pdf. However, I have some trouble wiht the for-loop I am running,
parC <-list(unit = 100,labelx = "Time",labely = "Time",cols = "black",
pcex = .01, pch = 1,las = 1,
labax = seq(0,nrow(RP),100),
labay = seq(0,nrow(RP),100))
pdf("filename.pdf", onefile=TRUE)
for (i in RP_values){ # the values that are plotted
for (j in name) { # name is a list of names, so that the title changes dynamically
plotting(i, parC, j)
RP_values = list of values that is plotted
name = list of names to dynamically change the plotting title
plotting = an adjusted version from the plotRP() function of the crqa package. Here I added a main title to the plot.
The code for the plotting() function:
plotting <- function(RP, par, x){
if (exists("par") == FALSE){ # we use some defaults
## default values
unit = 2; labelx = "Time"; labely = "Time"
cols = "black"; pcex = .3; pch = 1; las = 0;
labax = seq(0, nrow(RP), unit); labay = seq(0, nrow(RP), unit);
} else { # we load the values that we desire
for (v in 1:length(par)) assign(names(par)[v], par[[v]])
xdim = nrow(RP)
ydim = ncol(RP)
RP = matrix(as.numeric(RP), nrow = xdim, ncol = ydim) # transform it for plotting
ind = which(RP == 1, arr.ind = T)
tstamp = seq(0, xdim, unit)
par(mar = c(5,5, 1, 3), font.axis = 2, cex.axis = 1,
font.lab = 2, cex.lab = 1.2)
plot(tstamp, tstamp, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", main = x)
matpoints(ind[,1], ind[,2], cex = pcex, col = cols, pch = pch)
mtext(labelx, at = mean(tstamp), side = 1, line = 2.2, cex = 1.2, font = 2)
mtext(labely, at = mean(tstamp), side = 2, line = 2.2, cex = 1.2, font = 2)
# if (is.numeric(labax)){ ## it means there is some default
# mtext(labax, at = seq(1, nrow(RP), nrow(RP)/10), side = 1, line = .5, cex = 1, font = 2)
# mtext(labay, at = seq(1, nrow(RP), nrow(RP)/10), side = 2, line = .5, cex = 1, font = 2)
# } else{
mtext(labax, at = tstamp, side = 1, line = .5, cex = .8, font = 2, las = las)
mtext(labay, at = tstamp, side = 2, line = .5, cex = .8, font = 2, las = las)
# }
My problem is instead of 5 plots I get 25, where each plot appears 5 times, but with a different title. If I do not include the "j" part everything works fine, but of course do not have any main title for each plot.
I appreciate any help.
From your description and comments, it appears you need an elementwise loop and not a nested loop. Consider retrieving all pairwise combinations of names and RP_values with expand.grid and iterate through them with mapply. Also, since parC depends on nrows of corresponding RP, have parC defined inside function for only two parameters (with more informative names like title instead of x):
plotting <- function(RP, title) {
parC <- list(unit=100, labelx="Time", labely="Time",
cols="black", pcex=.01, pch=1, las=1,
labax=seq(0, nrow(RP), 100),
labay=seq(0, nrow(RP), 100))
plot(tstamp, tstamp, type="n", xlab="", ylab="",
xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main=title)
params <- expand.grid(RP_values=RP_values, name=name)
out <- mapply(plotting, RP=params$RP_values, title=params$name)

turn off grid lines for R xyplot timeseries

I am plotting a time series with the timePlot function of the open air package of R. The graph has grey grid lines in the background that I would like to turn off but I do not find a way to do it. I would expect something simple such as grid = FALSE, but that is not the case. It appears to be rather complex, requiring the use of extra arguments which are passed to xyplot of the library lattice. I believe the answer lies some where in the par.settings function but all attempts have failed. Does anyone have any suggestions to this issue?
Here is by script:
timeozone <- import(i, date="date", date.format = "%m/%d/%Y", header=TRUE, na.strings="")
ROMO = timePlot(timeozone, pollutant = c("C7", "C9", "C10"), group = TRUE, stack = FALSE,y.relation = "same", date.breaks = 9, lty = c(1,2,3), lwd = c(2, 3, 3), fontsize = 15, cols = c("black", "black"), ylab = "Ozone (ppbv)")
panel = function(x, y) {
panel.grid(h = 0, v = 0)

How to change the color and width of lines with par function in R

I have a question about the par function in R.
I want to change the color and/or width of a line in a graph with par function. (I am using par function because the gaps.plot command below does not allow "col" option to be included. The gaps.plot command is used after the synth command).
So, I used the following command. But I noticed that the lines of the BOX are changed rather than the lines of the GRAPHS.
dataprep.out34 <- dataprep(foo = synth1, predictors = c("lncdsales", "md1", "md2","md3", "md4", "md5", "md6", "md7", "md8", "md9", "md10", "md11", "yd1", "yd2", "yd3", "yd4", "yd5", "yd6", "yd7", "yd8"), predictors.op = "mean", time.predictors.prior = -13:1, dependent = "lndigital", unit.variable = "artistalbumcode", time.variable = "release", treatment.identifier = 34, controls.identifier = c(1:33, 35:49), time.optimize.ssr = -13:1, time.plot = -13:25)
synth.out34 <- synth(data.prep.obj = dataprep.out34, method = "BFGS")
par(lwd = 2, col="#cccccc")
gaps.plot(synth.res = synth.out34, dataprep.res = dataprep.out34, Ylab = " Log Digital Sales ", Xlab = "Release", Ylim = c(-7, 7) , Main = NA)
Does anyone know how to fix this problem??
Thank you in advance for your willingness to help. I greatly appreciate it!
The col argument to par sets the default plotting colour (i.e. when col is not explicitly specified in plotting calls), but unfortunately col = "black" is hard-coded into the source of gaps.plot.
You can make a modified copy of the function by either (1) viewing the source (F2 in RStudio, or just executing gaps.plot), editing it and assigning it to a new object, or (2) doing something like the following:
gaps.plot2 <- eval(parse(text=gsub('col = "black"', 'col = "red"',
and then using gaps.plot2 as you would use gaps.plot:
gaps.plot2(synth.res = synth.out34, dataprep.res = dataprep.out34,
Ylab = " Log Digital Sales ", Xlab = "Release", Ylim = c(-7, 7) ,
Main = NA)
Alter the lwd similarly. For example to make lines red and have width of 3, use nested gsub calls like this:
gaps.plot2 <- eval(parse(text=gsub('lwd = 2', 'lwd = 3',
gsub('col = "black"', 'col = "red"',

labeling points on an archetype archmap

How might one add labels to an archmap from the archetypes package? Or alternatively, would it be possible to recreate the archmap output in ggplot?
Using code from the SportsAnalytics demo (I hope this isn't bad form)
dat <- subset(NBAPlayerStatistics0910,
select = c(Team, Name, Position,
TotalMinutesPlayed, FieldGoalsMade))
mat <- as.matrix(subset(dat, select = c(TotalMinutesPlayed, FieldGoalsMade)))
a3 <- archetypes(mat, 3)
I'd like the player names ( NBAPlayerStatistics0910$Name ) over the points on the chart. Something like below but more readable.
If you don't mind tweaking things a bit, you can start with the archmap() function base, toss in an extra parameter and add a text() call:
amap2 <- function (object, a.names, projection = simplex_projection, projection_args = list(),
rotate = 0, cex = 1.5, col = 1, pch = 1, xlab = "", ylab = "",
axes = FALSE, asp = TRUE, ...)
stopifnot("archetypes" %in% class(object))
k <- object$k
if (k < 3) {
stop("Need at least 3 archetypes.\n")
cmds <- do.call(projection, c(list(parameters(object)), projection_args))
if (rotate != 0) {
a <- pi * rotate/180
A <- matrix(c(cos(a), -sin(a), sin(a), cos(a)), ncol = 2)
cmds <- cmds %*% A
hmds <- chull(cmds)
active <- 1:k %in% hmds
plot(cmds, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, axes = axes,
asp = asp, ...)
points(coef(object) %*% cmds, col = col, pch = pch)
text(coef(object) %*% cmds, a.names, pos=4)
rad <- ceiling(log10(k)) + 1.5
polygon(cmds[hmds, ])
points(cmds[active, ], pch = 21, cex = rad * cex, bg = "grey")
text(cmds[active, ], labels = (1:k)[active], cex = cex)
if (any(!active)) {
points(cmds[!active, , drop = FALSE], pch = 21, cex = rad *
cex, bg = "white", fg = "grey")
text(cmds[!active, , drop = FALSE], labels = (1:k)[!active],
cex = cex, col = "grey20")
amap2(a3, dat$Name)
Obviously, my completely quick stab is not the end result you're looking for, but it should help you get on your way (if I read what you want to do correctly).

Problems saving several pdf files in R

I'm trying to save several xyplots created with a "for" loop in R and I'm not able to get complete pdf files (all files have the same size and I can't open them) if I execute the following loop:
for (i in 1:length(gases.names)) {
# Set ylim;
r_y <- round(range(ratio.cal[,i][ratio.cal[,i]<999], na.rm = T), digits = 1);
r_y <- c(r_y[1]-0.1, r_y[2]+0.1);
outputfile <- paste (path, "/cal_ratio_",gases.names[i], ".pdf", sep="");
xyplot(ratio.cal[,i] ~ data.GC.all$data.time, groups = data.vial, panel =
panel.superpose, xlab = "Date", ylab = gases.names[i], xaxt="n", ylim = r_y);
savePlot(filename = outputfile, type = 'pdf', device = dev.cur());
(a previous version was using trellis.device() instead of dev.new() + savePlot())
Do you know why I can't get good pdf files? If I do it "manually" it works... Any idea?
use pdf directly
for (i in seq_along(gases.names)) {
# Set ylim
r_y <- round(range(ratio.cal[,i][ratio.cal[,i]<999], na.rm = T), digits = 1)
r_y <- c(r_y[1]-0.1, r_y[2]+0.1)
outputfile <- paste (path, "/cal_ratio_",gases.names[i], ".pdf", sep="")
pdf(file = outputfile, width = 7, height = 7)
print(xyplot(ratio.cal[,i] ~ data.GC.all$data.time, groups = data.vial,
panel = panel.superpose, xlab = "Date", ylab = gases.names[i],
xaxt="n", ylim = r_y))
