Nginx Locations and Connection Permissions - nginx

I'm suffering a brute force attack, I need to look the access log and get the routes to block:
location /foo/{ deny all;}
location /foo2/{deny all;}
Since there are infinite routes I would need to spend a good time looking all the access log to block connections at those specific routes.
Instead of denying specific routes could I configure nginx to block connections on all other routes that don't exists in my application?

Make a list of first level folders and then you can block access to all not of them with a access required
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
map $request_uri $allowed_routes {
~^/(css|assets|js)/ "off";
/ "off";
default "Not allowed";
server {
auth_basic $allowed_routes;
auth_basic_user_file /var/www/html/.htpasswd;
location / {
echo "You can reach API $uri and $args, $arg_hash_folder";
You might consider other approaches also, but this one works well for me


How to bypass nginx proxy a list of IPS

I have an Nginx config with the redirect to holding pages:
location / {
if ($setholdingpage = 'True') {
rewrite (^.*$) /holding-page last;
proxy_pass $backend;
Also, I have a list of IPs that should be whitelisted and not redirected to holding pages. How it's possible to do?
You can use the Nginx geo module to create a variable based upon client IP address, you can specify individual IP addresses or CIDR ranges:
geo $bypassip {
default 0; 1; 1;
Then override your variable if the IP matches one in your list:
if ($bypassip = 1){
set $setholdingpage False;
I use a similar setup to block certain geographic regions but still allow Google crawlers to access my site.
You can make use of the allow deny directives.
If I get you correct the whitelist will be your $setholdingpage variable in some sort?
try this
server {
error_page 403=#holding;
location / {
deny all;
proxy_pass http://backend;
location /#holding {
root /path/to/your/holding/html;
index holdingv1.html;
This will send the non-whitelisted IPs to the error-page you specified. The error_page can be in the location as well.
Not tested but this should do the trick.

How to drop path in rewrite and proxy pass the args in nginx

Example request - http://localhost/iframe?ip=
I want to proxy pass the request to the value of IP and remove the path and args after localhost/ .
Ideally the proxy_pass should point to and the URL should be http://localhost/.
localhost /iframe {
rewrite ^/(iframe/.*)$ http://localhost/ permanent;
proxy_pass $arg_ip;
I'm not sure whether rewrite is the proper way to address this problem.
I would use the argument ip and a rewrite to remove the iframe location
server {
listen 8085;
location /iframe {
rewrite ^/iframe(.*)$ /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://$arg_ip;
server {
listen 8080;
location / { return 200 "$host$uri"; }
Security Notice
I just have a feeling you should whilelist the upstream servers accepted as arguments. If not this will be a wildcard proxy to every single http-server reachable in the network. This is a easy to use SSRF attack vector. So please add some extra layer of security.
SSRF Explained:
Let's say we use this configuration without any further security. Given the folowing NGINX config:
server {
listen 8085;
location /iframe {
rewrite ^/iframe(.*)$ /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://$arg_ip;
# Server for iframe service
server {
listen 8080;
root /usr/share/nginx/;
location / { return 200 "$host$uri\n"; }
# Private Server Section here!
server {
listen 8086;
deny all;
location / {
index welcome.html;
Trying to reach the secret server directly
curl -v EXTERNALIP:8086
will fail with HTTP 403.
The NGINX will just allow connections form localhost/ as defined in the allow/deny directives.
But lets try the iframe with the ip argument.
$# curl localhost:8085/iframe?ip=
Welcome to our very secure server! Internals only!
It prints the content of the secret server. Whitlisting a proxy-pass like this is never a good idea regardless its working or not.

nginx deny not working with return

I am trying to deny all access on a certain server block.
server {
listen 8080;
server_name myserver;
root /srv/nkosl;
deny all;
location /mydistro {
return 302;
location /files {
autoindex on;
This denies access on files location (and successfully returns 403 forbidden message).
However I can still access myserver:8080/mydistro and it redirects me to ubuntu page.
How can I deny the /mydistro location as well?
this answer describes why allow/deny does not work with return/rewrite.
one way to work around it is indeed using ifs, however ifs can be tricky in nginx in certain cases and allow/deny can also take a network mask...
Try to completely remove the /mydistro location. Or, at least, comment the line return 302;.
To redirect selectively, try this:
location /mydistro {
if ($remote_addr != {
rewrite ^;

nginx as rate limiter based on http body

I'm evaluating nginx to act as rate limiter for a multi tenancy REST API system. I need to limit API calls by tenant-id.
For example i want to allow 100 r/s for tenant1 and only 50 r/s for tenant2.
It can be easily achived when there are differant urls like: "" and "" (with the location directive).
But, in my case the urls are the same for all tenants "" (I can't change this).
To find the tenant-id I need to extract a JSON attribute from the Body of the request, and then check the DB for the real tenant-id.
Is it possible to limit_req with my requirements?
Thank for the help!
I decided to build another service getTenant for parsing the body and extracting the Tenant from the DB. This service is called internally by Nginx.
I'm not sure if that is the best nginx (/openresty) solution, but this is what i came up with:
limit_req_zone t1Limit zone=t1Zone:10m rate=200r/s;
limit_req_zone t2Limit zone=t2Zone:10m rate=90r/s;
server {
location /api{
content_by_lua_block {
local reqBody = ngx.req.get_body_data()
local res = ngx.location.capture("/getTenant", {method=ngx.HTTP_POST,body=reqBody});
local tenantId= res.body;
if tenantId== "none" then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Tenant not found!");
ngx.req.set_header("x_myTenantId", tenantId)
local res2 = ngx.location.capture("/" .. tenantId .."/doApi", {method=ngx.HTTP_POST,body=reqBody});
if res2.status == ngx.HTTP_OK then
ngx.status = res2.status
location /getTenant {
internal; #this is not accessible from outside.
proxy_pass http://UpStream1/getCustomer;
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
location /tenant1/doApi {
internal; #this is not accessible from outside.
# Proxy all requests to the AReqUpStream server group
proxy_pass http://UpStream2/doApi;
limit_req zone=tenant1Zone burst=25;
limit_req_log_level notice;
location /tenant2/doApi {
internal; #this is not accessible from outside.
# Proxy all requests to the AReqUpStream server group
proxy_pass http://UpStream2/doApi;
limit_req zone=tenant2Zone burst=10 ;#nodelay;
limit_req_status 409;
limit_req_log_level notice;
Basically, when is called, a new subrequest is issued to service /getTenant. The response of that call is used to build another subrequest call to the /tenant[X]/doApi service. That way i can define locations per tenant and provide different rate_limis to each.
Comments on that are more than welcome!

How to disable logging images in nginx but still allow the get request?

I'm trying to log only java-script files request in the nginx access_log.
I tried using the following code i found on this site:
location ~* ^.+.(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|png|html|htm|ico|xml|svg)$ {
access_log off;
the problem is it doesn't allow the get request at all and i get a 404 error when trying to run the html file that executes the js file in the browse.
I want everything to work just the same but for the access log to log only request for js files.
How do i do that?
Put it in the server block and make sure that the "root" is correctly set up. It does work
Working example:
location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico)$ {
expires +60d;
access_log off;
I have this in the server block and not a location block.
Alternatively you can keep all requests within single location but use access_log with condidional if operator to disable images logging:
map $request_uri $is_loggable {
~* ^.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|png|html|htm|ico|xml|svg)$ 0;
default 1;
server {
location / {
access_log /path/to/log/file combined if=$is_loggable;
Here combined is a name of default log format.
You say that you want to log only java-script files, so actually you can use even simplier solution:
map $request_uri $is_loggable {
~* ^.+\.js$ 1;
default 0;
