Is bing-search freshness for finnish-market broken? - bing-search

Bing web search freshness does not seem to work properly in all markets.
It works for major markets, and for swedish market. For example if you do:
"Kvinna hittad död"
and change between day, weem, month, undefined.. it brings different results and it does seem to work.
But for finnish markets:
"kiinan uudet johtajat"
It always returns the same responses no matter what freshness is.
Am I missing something or is there a bug?

I checked again for fi-fi market and now response changes based on freshness parameter. I checked this behavior here:
I had checked this a few days back and it was not working then, so it seems this is fixed recently.


Linking to product page gives "Not Available for bots to index" error on screen instead of the old style App Details
Linking to my app product page gives "Not Available for bots to index"
What is the proper syntax to place a href link to the product so that users online can view it as html?
I don't have a final solution, just a workaround.
We've been seeing the same issue with our own app for the past few days and we've started seeing reports of people encountering this with all kinds of apps, including even Microsoft's own AppInstaller. It seems to be a server-side rate-limiting/caching issue at Microsoft as changing anything in the URL fixes the problem temporarily -- only to get back to the same issue a few hours later. We also found that VPN-ing to some locations (mostly to the US) helped as well, and this throttling seems to be specific to an app & an availability region (when it got blocked, it blocked across all Europe, but not in US for example). It seems to come & go as we have not seen a big drop in new install counts.
As a temporary solution we ended up adding a random string to the end of the URL. We used GCLID as we found it to be the least offensive way -- it could just as well be a legitimate tracking ID we pass over. So now the URL we link to looks like this:[APPNAME]/[APPID]?gclid=f-3579a28842a7bcac7ba630d698829e9b
Where the "f-xxxx" value is generated using the md5() of the timestamp -- but it could be any ever-changing value, even a random number.
We've reached out to our MS contact about this but we haven't heard back yet.
I encountered the same issue half an hour ago, but it seems recovered now.
If you own an app, you can confirm Product identity in Partner Center:
You can share the direct link and Store ID to help customers find your app in the Store:
Store ID: 12CharsAppId
Store protocol link: ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=12CharsAppId
The above address would be recommended but the URL should also work.
I work on I can confirm that there was an issue on our end that appeared on August 23. This issue has been resolved.
And the proper link, of course, is this:[your product id here]

Bing Search with market return strange result

I have a strange behaviour with Bing Web Search.
I have a search query "hawkers" OR "hawkersco" OR "#hawkersco" OR "#hawkers" OR "" with market = 'es-ES', safeSearch = Strict and responseFilter = webPages.
So, I expect, that result will contain at least one of these words and it will be Spanish posts. In fact I get more of posts in English and its not contain these keywords...
If I try search one by one these keywords, without OR operator, I had expected Spanish posts.
Please, explain why it is? How to use search query for get expected results?..
Check the specification for Bing Web Search API. Possibly this might be as simple as changing market to mkt(since you listed all the other parameters as used). And that means you should have a value for setLang as well.
You're not getting Spanish posts at all?
In that case, see here.
Bing results are based on relevance. Regardless of Market or Language.
If the result is deemed relevant. It will rank higher compared to the
selected language, and appear in the results.
Freshness affects the results, in that you need relevant(popular)
sites in your language. For them to attain sufficient relevance in the
selected time period.
You cannot rely on Bing returning a single language exclusively, with
the settings as they are.

Google Analytics suddenly started Sampling Data, 3k sessions for property over time period

We are using the free level of GA and have been creating reports using Custom Dimensions and Metrics since last summer.
We also use the Google Sheets Analytics add-on to post process data pulled from the API.
Overnight on 16-17 May (UK Time), our reports suddenly started showing as being sampled. Prior to that we had no sampling at all, as our reports are scheduled so I can look back through the revision history to see changes made when the scheduled reports run.
This sampling is occurring in custom reports viewed in the GA platform and in GA sheets. I've done some analysis and it appears to only occur at the point that more than one Custom Dimension is added to a report, or when the GA dimensions ga:hour or ga:dateHour are used (ga:date does not trigger sampling).
All our Custom Dimensions and Custom Metrics are set at Hit level (I've read a post where it was claimed to be due to mixing scopes on Dimensions & Metrics, but we are not doing this).
If I reduce the date range of a query (suggested as a solution on many blogs), the sampling level actually gets worse rather than better.
For the month of May we didn't even hit 4k sessions at property level. I can't find any reference anywhere to any changes being made to GA that would cause sampling to apply to our reports (change documentation, Google Blogs etc).
Is anyone else experiencing this or can anyone shed any light on why this might be happening? Given how we use GA if we can't resolve this then it's a year of work down the drain, so I'm really keen to at least know why this has suddenly happened even if ultimately nothing can be done about it.

Google Anlytics wrong visits

When I select a short period (1 week) I get a correct visits number, however when I select a big period like (1 month and +) I get less than 50% of results, this problem is started from 17 january.
Even though you are not mentioning it in your question, I assume the "issue" is related to data-sampling that occurs if your report include data from more than 500,000 visits.
See this page on Google Analytics Help that explains everything.
Also, check out this related question that might help you to get un-sampled data.
Yes, that's right it's data-sampling but in addition this problem is du to an other parameter that's hostname condition was based on visit filter I set it to user filter and that's work fine now. Thank you all for your responses.

Technical problems when tracking Google Analytics

We've been tracking visitors to our site for over a year now, and when comparing last year to this year, site visitation, unique visitors, etc. have all been cut in half (roughly, not exactly half).
There isn't really a marketplace explanation for the decrease, and we're wondering if there are any technical problems we may have had to cause this to happen. We had another developer working on the site last year (who is no longer with us), and we're wondering if maybe the tracking code had been placed improperly. Our current developer looked back at the code during this time period and said that is not the issue.
Any other ideas as to why our analytics might be so off kilter?
Some of the reasons why this could happen are:
Some of the pages were removed.
Some code was removed (you say that this is not the case.)
there was some problem specific to your site (like large number of international users etc)
