I frequently get the following warning message when using Plots.jl:
WARNING: No strict ticks found
What does this mean?
MWE: plot(x->1/x,0,1)
I'm trying to run this code to stretch the axes after creating a matrix based on calculated Euclidean distances:
ds_newA <- sqrt((new[1] -A[1]ˆ2 + (3*(new[2]-A[2]))ˆ2)
However, I'm getting an input error in the R console:
Error: unexpected input in "ds_newA <- sqrt((new[1] -A[1])ˆ"
Error: unexpected input in "ds_newB <- sqrt((new[1] -B[1])ˆ"
How should the code for formatted?
As noticed in the SO thread Error: unexpected symbol/input/string constant/numeric constant/SPECIAL in my code :
These errors mean that the R code you are trying to run or source is not syntactically correct. That is, you have a typo.
To fix the problem, read the error message carefully. The code provided in the error message shows where R thinks that the problem is. Find that line in your original code, and look for the typo.
Most probably, here this is due to the symbol ˆ you are using, which is not the appropriate one for an exponent ^:
# correct symbol ^:
> 2^2
[1] 4
# wrong symbol you seem to use ˆ :
> 2ˆ2
Error: unexpected input in "2ˆ"
Change it to the correct one ^ and you will be fine.
glm(So0i1l~Infe0t+1ge+OS,family=binomial(link = logit))
Error: unexpected symbol in "glm(So0i1l~Infe0t+1ge"
glm(So0i1l~Infe0t+1ge+OS) family=binomial(link = logit))
Error: unexpected symbol in "glm(So0i1l~Infe0t+1ge"
I have gone through this code multiple times and anytime I try to do this analysis i get the same error. I've tried formatting in multiple ways but I haven't found any answers to my problem anywhere.
In my code, I get the error message saying that there is an unexpected "=". I have tried running the line without certain "=", but that only causes other error messages, like "unused arguments". This is supposed to help, along with the rest of the code, with making a plot easier to read.
Here is the line of code:
Tricep.peaks <- data.frame (findpeaks(Tricep_falt, npeaks=8, minpeaksheight=.01, minpeaksdistance=freq=5))
Here is the error message:
Error: unexpected '=' in "Tricep.peaks <- data.frame (findpeaks(Tricep_falt, npeaks=8, minpeaksheight=.01, minpeaksdistance=freq="
Packages running are, signal, zoo, matlab, ggplot2, pracma, purrr, dplyr
As the error message shows, the error is caused by minpeaksdistance=freq=5 which looks like a typo to me.
According to https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/pracma/versions/1.9.9/topics/findpeaks, the parameter is called minpeakdistance but not minpeaksdistance.
The OP probably meant minpeakdistance=5 or minpeakdistance=freq.
I doing an exerise on RStudio [https://www.slideshare.net/thoi_gian/iris-data-analysis-with-r][1]
tried below command im getting Error: unexpected symbol in "Scatter plot"
Scatter plot plot(iris, col=iris$Species) legend(7,4.3,unique(iris$Species),col=1:length(iris$Species),p ch=1) Lattice library Ggplot2 library
You have copied too much text from the slideshare slide, and as a result you are getting the error because that is not proper syntax. The following should work:
plot(iris, col=iris$Species)
Hi im a real self teaching R newbie:
I'm following a GWR tutorial here
but already on first page my code fails at
colours = c(“dark blue”, “blue”, “red”, “dark red”)
Creates a colour palette and at spplot
spplot(map, “Nocars”, cuts=quantile(Nocars), col.regions=colours)
Error: unexpected input in "colours = c(�"
and the same for spplot
Error: unexpected input in "spplot(Nocars, �"
Could you please help, im sure its something silly.